Huckabee Backs Denying Abortion To 10-Year-Old Raped By Stepfather

Would that not be considered woman's health?

Yes, it would. But they don't cover all aspects of woman's health. They do not do chemotherapy for breast, uterine, or ovarian cancer for example. Once something requires a specialist - that is where the woman needs to be. With whomever provides the best care for that situation.
Does it take a specialist to deliver a baby? I have delivered a baby and I am far from a specialist.
Would you recommend that women are sent to a clinic to deliver their baby that has no qualified or experienced staff?
I would prefer that to sending them to a place where they kill the baby.

If they want to get rid of an unwanted pregnancy, you going to tell them no? You going to tell a ten year old girl who was raped that she has to have the baby?

Even at five months presenting with stomach pains, the fetus could have been terminated as her body was too small. I'm glad she came through it with a c-section a few weeks early, but should not have had to go through it at all.

If the church does not believe the fetus has a soul till after the third month who do so many seem to hold to the idea that life begins at conception? Even the UN urged to allow the child to have an abortion at the time. Second young rape victim the pope said should give birth. The other had the abortion, this girl was not allowed to. And yet, the pope gave absolution to woman who had abortions during the holy year. How does this make sense?

There has a been outrage over this from around the world. Churches might have to reconsider their stand, especially for rape victims. If the bible permits and the church does not acknowledge a fetus having a soul till after the first trimester, why should there be an objection morally. Legally in the US, it is none of their damn business.

There are exceptions for ectopic pregnancy and for the health of the woman, why not for rape?

Why should the church or any religion be involved in the decision? They can offer guidance, if asked, but they should not be allowed to forbid abortions or any medical treatment or procedure.
^^^ Abortion is still the doing away of another life, no matter why that life is not wanted.

There are millions of children in need of safe secure homes out there. Care for them before bringing more unwanted children in to the world.
A women has a right in the bible and under the law to decide when they want to be a mother.
If people do not want pregnancy on their plate, they should learn not to spread certain things until their feelings are different. If they don't want the responsibility that comes with having sex, then don't have any until they want it.

Does it matter whether or not they were rape victims? The subject of the OP, who those here are a saying she should be forced to carry the child to term, is 10 yr old girl impregnated through sexual molestation.

Who has the right to tell a woman she must become a mother against her will? Does that same right include a right to tell her she must have an abortion against her will?
Where is it written that she has to keep the baby? Oh yeah, that's right! No where!

God bless you three always!!! :) :) :)

Are you planning on taking her baby by force? No one says she's has to keep the baby, but that is what most women do after they deliver a baby.
No, but if she doesn't want it, why does it have to be killed? Killing it would only make her go from a victim to a legalized murderer. Doing away with the child will not erase the rape from her past anyways, so why add another wrong doing to the picture?

If a woman, has no right to decide whether she is ready to be a mother - who then has that right?

Who has the right to tell a 10 yr old child, who was raped, she has no choice?
My question is how many females who have abortions done when they get pregnant were actually rape victims? My guess is not many, that the major of those who get abortions either were not ready to be a mom or did not want children at all period. To me, they need to learn the meaning of the word abstinence if they do not have the money to get their tubes tied up either.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. Yes there is a chance that every child who is put up for adoption may not ever get parents, but at least they will be alive in order to get a family of their own once they are old enough to get married. Also being alive means that they will have the ability to give something to the world. In my opinion, children who have been done away with could have grown up to be anything.

Bristol Palin knew the word "abstinence"

Do you seeing her getting rid of her babies? No.

God bless you and her and family always!!! :) :) :)


Right, 'cause THAT would be against her religious beliefs.

She doesn't abort them because she knows that doing so would only add to her list of wrong doings. Instead she takes responsibility for her premarital sex.

^^^ Abortion is still the doing away of another life, no matter why that life is not wanted.

There are millions of children in need of safe secure homes out there. Care for them before bringing more unwanted children in to the world.
A women has a right in the bible and under the law to decide when they want to be a mother.
If people do not want pregnancy on their plate, they should learn not to spread certain things until their feelings are different. If they don't want the responsibility that comes with having sex, then don't have any until they want it.
If a woman, has no right to decide whether she is ready to be a mother - who then has that right?

Who has the right to tell a 10 yr old child, who was raped, she has no choice?
My question is how many females who have abortions done when they get pregnant were actually rape victims? My guess is not many, that the major of those who get abortions either were not ready to be a mom or did not want children at all period. To me, they need to learn the meaning of the word abstinence if they do not have the money to get their tubes tied up either.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. Yes there is a chance that every child who is put up for adoption may not ever get parents, but at least they will be alive in order to get a family of their own once they are old enough to get married. Also being alive means that they will have the ability to give something to the world. In my opinion, children who have been done away with could have grown up to be anything.

Bristol Palin knew the word "abstinence"

Do you seeing her getting rid of her babies? No.

God bless you and her and family always!!! :) :) :)


Right, 'cause THAT would be against her religious beliefs.

Maybe she doesn't abort the kids because she knows that doing such a thing would add to her list of wrong doings. Instead she takes responsibility for her premarital sex.

Does it matter whether or not they were rape victims? The subject of the OP, who those here are a saying she should be forced to carry the child to term, is 10 yr old girl impregnated through sexual molestation.

Who has the right to tell a woman she must become a mother against her will? Does that same right include a right to tell her she must have an abortion against her will?
Where is it written that she has to keep the baby? Oh yeah, that's right! No where!

God bless you three always!!! :) :) :)

First comment is very arrogant. A rape or incest victim doesn't choose to have unprotected sex. Esp the poor girl in this story. If you want to make the argument that there should be no exception for simply an unplanned pregnancy the fine, but that argument doesn't fly for rape victims.
Why should the baby have to die no matter how it is created? Killing the baby only makes the rape victim go from a rape victim to a murderer. Killing the baby will not erase its conception from the past anyways. If anything, it just adds another wrong doing to the picture.

^^^ Abortion is still the doing away of another life, no matter why that life is not wanted.

There are millions of children in need of safe secure homes out there. Care for them before bringing more unwanted children in to the world.
A women has a right in the bible and under the law to decide when they want to be a mother.
If people do not want pregnancy on their plate, they should learn not to spread certain things until their feelings are different. If they don't want the responsibility that comes with having sex, then don't have any until they want it.

Does it matter whether or not they were rape victims? The subject of the OP, who those here are a saying she should be forced to carry the child to term, is 10 yr old girl impregnated through sexual molestation.

Who has the right to tell a woman she must become a mother against her will? Does that same right include a right to tell her she must have an abortion against her will?
Where is it written that she has to keep the baby? Oh yeah, that's right! No where!

God bless you three always!!! :) :) :)

Giving birth means becoming a mother - regardless of whether you keep the baby or not, you become a mother.

So, I'll ask again, the questions you DID NOT answer: Who has the right to tell a woman she must become a mother against her will? Does that same right include a right to tell her she must have an abortion against her will?
Even if no one has the right, one way or another abortion is just another form of murdering an innocent life no matter how you and your ilk try to say that it isn't.

God bless you three and the girl always!!!

Last edited:
Yes, it would. But they don't cover all aspects of woman's health. They do not do chemotherapy for breast, uterine, or ovarian cancer for example. Once something requires a specialist - that is where the woman needs to be. With whomever provides the best care for that situation.
Does it take a specialist to deliver a baby? I have delivered a baby and I am far from a specialist.
Would you recommend that women are sent to a clinic to deliver their baby that has no qualified or experienced staff?
I would prefer that to sending them to a place where they kill the baby.

If they want to get rid of an unwanted pregnancy, you going to tell them no? You going to tell a ten year old girl who was raped that she has to have the baby?

Even at five months presenting with stomach pains, the fetus could have been terminated as her body was too small. I'm glad she came through it with a c-section a few weeks early, but should not have had to go through it at all.

If the church does not believe the fetus has a soul till after the third month who do so many seem to hold to the idea that life begins at conception? Even the UN urged to allow the child to have an abortion at the time. Second young rape victim the pope said should give birth. The other had the abortion, this girl was not allowed to. And yet, the pope gave absolution to woman who had abortions during the holy year. How does this make sense?

There has a been outrage over this from around the world. Churches might have to reconsider their stand, especially for rape victims. If the bible permits and the church does not acknowledge a fetus having a soul till after the first trimester, why should there be an objection morally. Legally in the US, it is none of their damn business.

There are exceptions for ectopic pregnancy and for the health of the woman, why not for rape?

Why should the church or any religion be involved in the decision? They can offer guidance, if asked, but they should not be allowed to forbid abortions or any medical treatment or procedure.

I don't understand either. Why suddenly - life begins at conception? A woman who takes a morning after pill and flushes what is literally a few cells from her body is as much a murderer as a woman who has a late term abortion? It's ok to abort an ectopic pregnancy but not a pregnancy from rape? It's no one's business but the woman's - she bears the burden of any choice, she is the one who's life is changed dramatically, by either keeping the baby, giving it up, or having an abortion. She is the one who will drop out of school, lose her job, or possibly die. It isn't some far away group of people who don't give a damn about her once she has the child - the same group of people who are happy to condemn her for being a single mother, for having to go on welfare, for not keeping her legs closed. They are the same people who are cutting funds for women's health and prenatal programs, and early child intervention programs that might aid women who choose to keep their babies.
Does it take a specialist to deliver a baby? I have delivered a baby and I am far from a specialist.
Would you recommend that women are sent to a clinic to deliver their baby that has no qualified or experienced staff?
I would prefer that to sending them to a place where they kill the baby.

If they want to get rid of an unwanted pregnancy, you going to tell them no? You going to tell a ten year old girl who was raped that she has to have the baby?

Even at five months presenting with stomach pains, the fetus could have been terminated as her body was too small. I'm glad she came through it with a c-section a few weeks early, but should not have had to go through it at all.

If the church does not believe the fetus has a soul till after the third month who do so many seem to hold to the idea that life begins at conception? Even the UN urged to allow the child to have an abortion at the time. Second young rape victim the pope said should give birth. The other had the abortion, this girl was not allowed to. And yet, the pope gave absolution to woman who had abortions during the holy year. How does this make sense?

There has a been outrage over this from around the world. Churches might have to reconsider their stand, especially for rape victims. If the bible permits and the church does not acknowledge a fetus having a soul till after the first trimester, why should there be an objection morally. Legally in the US, it is none of their damn business.

There are exceptions for ectopic pregnancy and for the health of the woman, why not for rape?

Why should the church or any religion be involved in the decision? They can offer guidance, if asked, but they should not be allowed to forbid abortions or any medical treatment or procedure.

I don't understand either. Why suddenly - life begins at conception? A woman who takes a morning after pill and flushes what is literally a few cells from her body is as much a murderer as a woman who has a late term abortion? It's ok to abort an ectopic pregnancy but not a pregnancy from rape? It's no one's business but the woman's - she bears the burden of any choice, she is the one who's life is changed dramatically, by either keeping the baby, giving it up, or having an abortion. She is the one who will drop out of school, lose her job, or possibly die. It isn't some far away group of people who don't give a damn about her once she has the child - the same group of people who are happy to condemn her for being a single mother, for having to go on welfare, for not keeping her legs closed. They are the same people who are cutting funds for women's health and prenatal programs, and early child intervention programs that might aid women who choose to keep their babies.

Amen! Like George Carlin said about Conservatives: "If you're preborn, you're fine; if you're preschool, you're fucked".
^^^ Abortion is still the doing away of another life, no matter why that life is not wanted.

There are millions of children in need of safe secure homes out there. Care for them before bringing more unwanted children in to the world.
A women has a right in the bible and under the law to decide when they want to be a mother.
If people do not want pregnancy on their plate, they should learn not to spread certain things until their feelings are different. If they don't want the responsibility that comes with having sex, then don't have any until they want it.

Does it matter whether or not they were rape victims? The subject of the OP, who those here are a saying she should be forced to carry the child to term, is 10 yr old girl impregnated through sexual molestation.

Who has the right to tell a woman she must become a mother against her will? Does that same right include a right to tell her she must have an abortion against her will?
Where is it written that she has to keep the baby? Oh yeah, that's right! No where!

God bless you three always!!! :) :) :)

Are you planning on taking her baby by force? No one says she's has to keep the baby, but that is what most women do after they deliver a baby.
No, but if she doesn't want it, why does it have to be killed? Killing it would only make her go from a victim to a legalized murderer. Doing away with the child will not erase the rape from her past anyways, so why add another wrong doing to the picture?

If a woman, has no right to decide whether she is ready to be a mother - who then has that right?

Who has the right to tell a 10 yr old child, who was raped, she has no choice?
My question is how many females who have abortions done when they get pregnant were actually rape victims? My guess is not many, that the major of those who get abortions either were not ready to be a mom or did not want children at all period. To me, they need to learn the meaning of the word abstinence if they do not have the money to get their tubes tied up either.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. Yes there is a chance that every child who is put up for adoption may not ever get parents, but at least they will be alive in order to get a family of their own once they are old enough to get married. Also being alive means that they will have the ability to give something to the world. In my opinion, children who have been done away with could have grown up to be anything.

Bristol Palin knew the word "abstinence"

Do you seeing her getting rid of her babies? No.

God bless you and her and family always!!! :) :) :)


Right, 'cause THAT would be against her religious beliefs.

She doesn't abort them because she knows that doing so would only add to her list of wrong doings. Instead she takes responsibility for her premarital sex.

^^^ Abortion is still the doing away of another life, no matter why that life is not wanted.

There are millions of children in need of safe secure homes out there. Care for them before bringing more unwanted children in to the world.
A women has a right in the bible and under the law to decide when they want to be a mother.
If people do not want pregnancy on their plate, they should learn not to spread certain things until their feelings are different. If they don't want the responsibility that comes with having sex, then don't have any until they want it.
Bristol Palin knew the word "abstinence"

Do you seeing her getting rid of her babies? No.

God bless you and her and family always!!! :) :) :)


Right, 'cause THAT would be against her religious beliefs.

Maybe she doesn't abort the kids because she knows that doing such a thing would add to her list of wrong doings. Instead she takes responsibility for her premarital sex.

Does it matter whether or not they were rape victims? The subject of the OP, who those here are a saying she should be forced to carry the child to term, is 10 yr old girl impregnated through sexual molestation.

Who has the right to tell a woman she must become a mother against her will? Does that same right include a right to tell her she must have an abortion against her will?
Where is it written that she has to keep the baby? Oh yeah, that's right! No where!

God bless you three always!!! :) :) :)

First comment is very arrogant. A rape or incest victim doesn't choose to have unprotected sex. Esp the poor girl in this story. If you want to make the argument that there should be no exception for simply an unplanned pregnancy the fine, but that argument doesn't fly for rape victims.
Why should the baby have to die no matter how it is created? Killing the baby only makes the rape victim go from a rape victim to a murderer. Killing the baby will not erase its conception from the past anyways. If anything, it just adds another wrong doing to the picture.

^^^ Abortion is still the doing away of another life, no matter why that life is not wanted.

There are millions of children in need of safe secure homes out there. Care for them before bringing more unwanted children in to the world.
A women has a right in the bible and under the law to decide when they want to be a mother.
If people do not want pregnancy on their plate, they should learn not to spread certain things until their feelings are different. If they don't want the responsibility that comes with having sex, then don't have any until they want it.

Does it matter whether or not they were rape victims? The subject of the OP, who those here are a saying she should be forced to carry the child to term, is 10 yr old girl impregnated through sexual molestation.

Who has the right to tell a woman she must become a mother against her will? Does that same right include a right to tell her she must have an abortion against her will?
Where is it written that she has to keep the baby? Oh yeah, that's right! No where!

God bless you three always!!! :) :) :)

Giving birth means becoming a mother - regardless of whether you keep the baby or not, you become a mother.

So, I'll ask again, the questions you DID NOT answer: Who has the right to tell a woman she must become a mother against her will? Does that same right include a right to tell her she must have an abortion against her will?
Even if no one has the right, one way or another abortion is just another form of murdering an innocent life no matter how you and your ilk try to say that it isn't.

God bless you three and the girl always!!!


The deformity and pain of her body from the pregnancy makes it worse. The sooner the fetus is aborted, the sonner she can heal and rebuild her life.
There is no benefit to having an unwanted infant out there or an infant the victims knows exists with his DNA somewhere.

It is not just the rape but the whole nine months that she is reminded of the rape an unable to move beyond what happened to her. Nine months of reliving the violation of her body by the rapist. Nine month of not being able to forget. Nine months of not having her own life back.

Rape is not something you easily forget if ever, but no rape victim should have to but not rape victim should have to be reminded every moment of every day for nine months what she experienced. You don't think it was bad enough the first time? Nine months is cruel punishment for a victim to go through.
^^^ Abortion is still the doing away of another life, no matter why that life is not wanted.

There are millions of children in need of safe secure homes out there. Care for them before bringing more unwanted children in to the world.
A women has a right in the bible and under the law to decide when they want to be a mother.
If people do not want pregnancy on their plate, they should learn not to spread certain things until their feelings are different. If they don't want the responsibility that comes with having sex, then don't have any until they want it.

Does it matter whether or not they were rape victims? The subject of the OP, who those here are a saying she should be forced to carry the child to term, is 10 yr old girl impregnated through sexual molestation.

Who has the right to tell a woman she must become a mother against her will? Does that same right include a right to tell her she must have an abortion against her will?
Where is it written that she has to keep the baby? Oh yeah, that's right! No where!

God bless you three always!!! :) :) :)

Are you planning on taking her baby by force? No one says she's has to keep the baby, but that is what most women do after they deliver a baby.
No, but if she doesn't want it, why does it have to be killed? Killing it would only make her go from a victim to a legalized murderer. Doing away with the child will not erase the rape from her past anyways, so why add another wrong doing to the picture?

If a woman, has no right to decide whether she is ready to be a mother - who then has that right?

Who has the right to tell a 10 yr old child, who was raped, she has no choice?
My question is how many females who have abortions done when they get pregnant were actually rape victims? My guess is not many, that the major of those who get abortions either were not ready to be a mom or did not want children at all period. To me, they need to learn the meaning of the word abstinence if they do not have the money to get their tubes tied up either.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. Yes there is a chance that every child who is put up for adoption may not ever get parents, but at least they will be alive in order to get a family of their own once they are old enough to get married. Also being alive means that they will have the ability to give something to the world. In my opinion, children who have been done away with could have grown up to be anything.

Bristol Palin knew the word "abstinence"

Do you seeing her getting rid of her babies? No.

God bless you and her and family always!!! :) :) :)


Right, 'cause THAT would be against her religious beliefs.

She doesn't abort them because she knows that doing so would only add to her list of wrong doings. Instead she takes responsibility for her premarital sex.

^^^ Abortion is still the doing away of another life, no matter why that life is not wanted.

There are millions of children in need of safe secure homes out there. Care for them before bringing more unwanted children in to the world.
A women has a right in the bible and under the law to decide when they want to be a mother.
If people do not want pregnancy on their plate, they should learn not to spread certain things until their feelings are different. If they don't want the responsibility that comes with having sex, then don't have any until they want it.
Bristol Palin knew the word "abstinence"

Do you seeing her getting rid of her babies? No.

God bless you and her and family always!!! :) :) :)


Right, 'cause THAT would be against her religious beliefs.

Maybe she doesn't abort the kids because she knows that doing such a thing would add to her list of wrong doings. Instead she takes responsibility for her premarital sex.

Does it matter whether or not they were rape victims? The subject of the OP, who those here are a saying she should be forced to carry the child to term, is 10 yr old girl impregnated through sexual molestation.

Who has the right to tell a woman she must become a mother against her will? Does that same right include a right to tell her she must have an abortion against her will?
Where is it written that she has to keep the baby? Oh yeah, that's right! No where!

God bless you three always!!! :) :) :)

First comment is very arrogant. A rape or incest victim doesn't choose to have unprotected sex. Esp the poor girl in this story. If you want to make the argument that there should be no exception for simply an unplanned pregnancy the fine, but that argument doesn't fly for rape victims.
Why should the baby have to die no matter how it is created? Killing the baby only makes the rape victim go from a rape victim to a murderer. Killing the baby will not erase its conception from the past anyways. If anything, it just adds another wrong doing to the picture.

^^^ Abortion is still the doing away of another life, no matter why that life is not wanted.

There are millions of children in need of safe secure homes out there. Care for them before bringing more unwanted children in to the world.
A women has a right in the bible and under the law to decide when they want to be a mother.
If people do not want pregnancy on their plate, they should learn not to spread certain things until their feelings are different. If they don't want the responsibility that comes with having sex, then don't have any until they want it.

Does it matter whether or not they were rape victims? The subject of the OP, who those here are a saying she should be forced to carry the child to term, is 10 yr old girl impregnated through sexual molestation.

Who has the right to tell a woman she must become a mother against her will? Does that same right include a right to tell her she must have an abortion against her will?
Where is it written that she has to keep the baby? Oh yeah, that's right! No where!

God bless you three always!!! :) :) :)

Giving birth means becoming a mother - regardless of whether you keep the baby or not, you become a mother.

So, I'll ask again, the questions you DID NOT answer: Who has the right to tell a woman she must become a mother against her will? Does that same right include a right to tell her she must have an abortion against her will?
Even if no one has the right, one way or another abortion is just another form of murdering an innocent life no matter how you and your ilk try to say that it isn't.

God bless you three and the girl always!!!


There is no such thing as legalized murder.
^^^ Yes there is. Its called abortion whether you think it is legalized murder or not. It is.

^^^ Abortion is still the doing away of another life, no matter why that life is not wanted.

There are millions of children in need of safe secure homes out there. Care for them before bringing more unwanted children in to the world.
A women has a right in the bible and under the law to decide when they want to be a mother.
If people do not want pregnancy on their plate, they should learn not to spread certain things until their feelings are different. If they don't want the responsibility that comes with having sex, then don't have any until they want it.

Does it matter whether or not they were rape victims? The subject of the OP, who those here are a saying she should be forced to carry the child to term, is 10 yr old girl impregnated through sexual molestation.

Who has the right to tell a woman she must become a mother against her will? Does that same right include a right to tell her she must have an abortion against her will?
Where is it written that she has to keep the baby? Oh yeah, that's right! No where!

God bless you three always!!! :) :) :)

Are you planning on taking her baby by force? No one says she's has to keep the baby, but that is what most women do after they deliver a baby.
No, but if she doesn't want it, why does it have to be killed? Killing it would only make her go from a victim to a legalized murderer. Doing away with the child will not erase the rape from her past anyways, so why add another wrong doing to the picture?

My question is how many females who have abortions done when they get pregnant were actually rape victims? My guess is not many, that the major of those who get abortions either were not ready to be a mom or did not want children at all period. To me, they need to learn the meaning of the word abstinence if they do not have the money to get their tubes tied up either.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. Yes there is a chance that every child who is put up for adoption may not ever get parents, but at least they will be alive in order to get a family of their own once they are old enough to get married. Also being alive means that they will have the ability to give something to the world. In my opinion, children who have been done away with could have grown up to be anything.

Bristol Palin knew the word "abstinence"

Do you seeing her getting rid of her babies? No.

God bless you and her and family always!!! :) :) :)


Right, 'cause THAT would be against her religious beliefs.

She doesn't abort them because she knows that doing so would only add to her list of wrong doings. Instead she takes responsibility for her premarital sex.

^^^ Abortion is still the doing away of another life, no matter why that life is not wanted.

There are millions of children in need of safe secure homes out there. Care for them before bringing more unwanted children in to the world.
A women has a right in the bible and under the law to decide when they want to be a mother.
If people do not want pregnancy on their plate, they should learn not to spread certain things until their feelings are different. If they don't want the responsibility that comes with having sex, then don't have any until they want it.
Do you seeing her getting rid of her babies? No.

God bless you and her and family always!!! :) :) :)


Right, 'cause THAT would be against her religious beliefs.

Maybe she doesn't abort the kids because she knows that doing such a thing would add to her list of wrong doings. Instead she takes responsibility for her premarital sex.

Does it matter whether or not they were rape victims? The subject of the OP, who those here are a saying she should be forced to carry the child to term, is 10 yr old girl impregnated through sexual molestation.

Who has the right to tell a woman she must become a mother against her will? Does that same right include a right to tell her she must have an abortion against her will?
Where is it written that she has to keep the baby? Oh yeah, that's right! No where!

God bless you three always!!! :) :) :)

First comment is very arrogant. A rape or incest victim doesn't choose to have unprotected sex. Esp the poor girl in this story. If you want to make the argument that there should be no exception for simply an unplanned pregnancy the fine, but that argument doesn't fly for rape victims.
Why should the baby have to die no matter how it is created? Killing the baby only makes the rape victim go from a rape victim to a murderer. Killing the baby will not erase its conception from the past anyways. If anything, it just adds another wrong doing to the picture.

^^^ Abortion is still the doing away of another life, no matter why that life is not wanted.

There are millions of children in need of safe secure homes out there. Care for them before bringing more unwanted children in to the world.
A women has a right in the bible and under the law to decide when they want to be a mother.
If people do not want pregnancy on their plate, they should learn not to spread certain things until their feelings are different. If they don't want the responsibility that comes with having sex, then don't have any until they want it.

Does it matter whether or not they were rape victims? The subject of the OP, who those here are a saying she should be forced to carry the child to term, is 10 yr old girl impregnated through sexual molestation.

Who has the right to tell a woman she must become a mother against her will? Does that same right include a right to tell her she must have an abortion against her will?
Where is it written that she has to keep the baby? Oh yeah, that's right! No where!

God bless you three always!!! :) :) :)

Giving birth means becoming a mother - regardless of whether you keep the baby or not, you become a mother.

So, I'll ask again, the questions you DID NOT answer: Who has the right to tell a woman she must become a mother against her will? Does that same right include a right to tell her she must have an abortion against her will?
Even if no one has the right, one way or another abortion is just another form of murdering an innocent life no matter how you and your ilk try to say that it isn't.

God bless you three and the girl always!!!

The deformity and pain of her body from the pregnancy makes it worse. The sooner the fetus is aborted, the sonner she can heal and rebuild her life.
There is no benefit to having an unwanted infant out there or an infant the victims knows exists with his DNA somewhere.

It is not just the rape but the whole nine months that she is reminded of the rape an unable to move beyond what happened to her. Nine months of reliving the violation of her body by the rapist. Nine month of not being able to forget. Nine months of not having her own life back.

Rape is not something you easily forget if ever, but no rape victim should have to but not rape victim should have to be reminded every moment of every day for nine months what she experienced. You don't think it was bad enough the first time? Nine months is cruel punishment for a victim to go through.
Nine months doesn't last forever, but the memory of taking another life does and anyone who can go about their business as if they didn't do anything wrong after doing such a thing is a heartless person whether you believe that they are or not.

God bless you two and the girl always!!!

^^^ Yes there is. Its called abortion whether you think it is legalized murder or not. It is.

^^^ Abortion is still the doing away of another life, no matter why that life is not wanted.

There are millions of children in need of safe secure homes out there. Care for them before bringing more unwanted children in to the world.
A women has a right in the bible and under the law to decide when they want to be a mother.
If people do not want pregnancy on their plate, they should learn not to spread certain things until their feelings are different. If they don't want the responsibility that comes with having sex, then don't have any until they want it.

Does it matter whether or not they were rape victims? The subject of the OP, who those here are a saying she should be forced to carry the child to term, is 10 yr old girl impregnated through sexual molestation.

Who has the right to tell a woman she must become a mother against her will? Does that same right include a right to tell her she must have an abortion against her will?
Where is it written that she has to keep the baby? Oh yeah, that's right! No where!

God bless you three always!!! :) :) :)

Are you planning on taking her baby by force? No one says she's has to keep the baby, but that is what most women do after they deliver a baby.
No, but if she doesn't want it, why does it have to be killed? Killing it would only make her go from a victim to a legalized murderer. Doing away with the child will not erase the rape from her past anyways, so why add another wrong doing to the picture?

Bristol Palin knew the word "abstinence"

Do you seeing her getting rid of her babies? No.

God bless you and her and family always!!! :) :) :)


Right, 'cause THAT would be against her religious beliefs.

She doesn't abort them because she knows that doing so would only add to her list of wrong doings. Instead she takes responsibility for her premarital sex.

^^^ Abortion is still the doing away of another life, no matter why that life is not wanted.

There are millions of children in need of safe secure homes out there. Care for them before bringing more unwanted children in to the world.
A women has a right in the bible and under the law to decide when they want to be a mother.
If people do not want pregnancy on their plate, they should learn not to spread certain things until their feelings are different. If they don't want the responsibility that comes with having sex, then don't have any until they want it.
Right, 'cause THAT would be against her religious beliefs.

Maybe she doesn't abort the kids because she knows that doing such a thing would add to her list of wrong doings. Instead she takes responsibility for her premarital sex.

Does it matter whether or not they were rape victims? The subject of the OP, who those here are a saying she should be forced to carry the child to term, is 10 yr old girl impregnated through sexual molestation.

Who has the right to tell a woman she must become a mother against her will? Does that same right include a right to tell her she must have an abortion against her will?
Where is it written that she has to keep the baby? Oh yeah, that's right! No where!

God bless you three always!!! :) :) :)

First comment is very arrogant. A rape or incest victim doesn't choose to have unprotected sex. Esp the poor girl in this story. If you want to make the argument that there should be no exception for simply an unplanned pregnancy the fine, but that argument doesn't fly for rape victims.
Why should the baby have to die no matter how it is created? Killing the baby only makes the rape victim go from a rape victim to a murderer. Killing the baby will not erase its conception from the past anyways. If anything, it just adds another wrong doing to the picture.

^^^ Abortion is still the doing away of another life, no matter why that life is not wanted.

There are millions of children in need of safe secure homes out there. Care for them before bringing more unwanted children in to the world.
A women has a right in the bible and under the law to decide when they want to be a mother.
If people do not want pregnancy on their plate, they should learn not to spread certain things until their feelings are different. If they don't want the responsibility that comes with having sex, then don't have any until they want it.

Does it matter whether or not they were rape victims? The subject of the OP, who those here are a saying she should be forced to carry the child to term, is 10 yr old girl impregnated through sexual molestation.

Who has the right to tell a woman she must become a mother against her will? Does that same right include a right to tell her she must have an abortion against her will?
Where is it written that she has to keep the baby? Oh yeah, that's right! No where!

God bless you three always!!! :) :) :)

Giving birth means becoming a mother - regardless of whether you keep the baby or not, you become a mother.

So, I'll ask again, the questions you DID NOT answer: Who has the right to tell a woman she must become a mother against her will? Does that same right include a right to tell her she must have an abortion against her will?
Even if no one has the right, one way or another abortion is just another form of murdering an innocent life no matter how you and your ilk try to say that it isn't.

God bless you three and the girl always!!!

The deformity and pain of her body from the pregnancy makes it worse. The sooner the fetus is aborted, the sonner she can heal and rebuild her life.
There is no benefit to having an unwanted infant out there or an infant the victims knows exists with his DNA somewhere.

It is not just the rape but the whole nine months that she is reminded of the rape an unable to move beyond what happened to her. Nine months of reliving the violation of her body by the rapist. Nine month of not being able to forget. Nine months of not having her own life back.

Rape is not something you easily forget if ever, but no rape victim should have to but not rape victim should have to be reminded every moment of every day for nine months what she experienced. You don't think it was bad enough the first time? Nine months is cruel punishment for a victim to go through.
Nine months doesn't last forever, but the memory of taking another life does and anyone who can go about their business as if they didn't do anything wrong after doing such a thing is a heartless person whether you believe that they are or not.

God bless you two and the girl always!!!


Spoken like a true religious extremist, and you are wrong on all counts.
^^^ Yes there is. Its called abortion whether you think it is legalized murder or not. It is.

^^^ Abortion is still the doing away of another life, no matter why that life is not wanted.

There are millions of children in need of safe secure homes out there. Care for them before bringing more unwanted children in to the world.
A women has a right in the bible and under the law to decide when they want to be a mother.
If people do not want pregnancy on their plate, they should learn not to spread certain things until their feelings are different. If they don't want the responsibility that comes with having sex, then don't have any until they want it.

Does it matter whether or not they were rape victims? The subject of the OP, who those here are a saying she should be forced to carry the child to term, is 10 yr old girl impregnated through sexual molestation.

Who has the right to tell a woman she must become a mother against her will? Does that same right include a right to tell her she must have an abortion against her will?
Where is it written that she has to keep the baby? Oh yeah, that's right! No where!

God bless you three always!!! :) :) :)

Are you planning on taking her baby by force? No one says she's has to keep the baby, but that is what most women do after they deliver a baby.
No, but if she doesn't want it, why does it have to be killed? Killing it would only make her go from a victim to a legalized murderer. Doing away with the child will not erase the rape from her past anyways, so why add another wrong doing to the picture?

Bristol Palin knew the word "abstinence"

Do you seeing her getting rid of her babies? No.

God bless you and her and family always!!! :) :) :)


Right, 'cause THAT would be against her religious beliefs.

She doesn't abort them because she knows that doing so would only add to her list of wrong doings. Instead she takes responsibility for her premarital sex.

^^^ Abortion is still the doing away of another life, no matter why that life is not wanted.

There are millions of children in need of safe secure homes out there. Care for them before bringing more unwanted children in to the world.
A women has a right in the bible and under the law to decide when they want to be a mother.
If people do not want pregnancy on their plate, they should learn not to spread certain things until their feelings are different. If they don't want the responsibility that comes with having sex, then don't have any until they want it.
Right, 'cause THAT would be against her religious beliefs.

Maybe she doesn't abort the kids because she knows that doing such a thing would add to her list of wrong doings. Instead she takes responsibility for her premarital sex.

Does it matter whether or not they were rape victims? The subject of the OP, who those here are a saying she should be forced to carry the child to term, is 10 yr old girl impregnated through sexual molestation.

Who has the right to tell a woman she must become a mother against her will? Does that same right include a right to tell her she must have an abortion against her will?
Where is it written that she has to keep the baby? Oh yeah, that's right! No where!

God bless you three always!!! :) :) :)

First comment is very arrogant. A rape or incest victim doesn't choose to have unprotected sex. Esp the poor girl in this story. If you want to make the argument that there should be no exception for simply an unplanned pregnancy the fine, but that argument doesn't fly for rape victims.
Why should the baby have to die no matter how it is created? Killing the baby only makes the rape victim go from a rape victim to a murderer. Killing the baby will not erase its conception from the past anyways. If anything, it just adds another wrong doing to the picture.

^^^ Abortion is still the doing away of another life, no matter why that life is not wanted.

There are millions of children in need of safe secure homes out there. Care for them before bringing more unwanted children in to the world.
A women has a right in the bible and under the law to decide when they want to be a mother.
If people do not want pregnancy on their plate, they should learn not to spread certain things until their feelings are different. If they don't want the responsibility that comes with having sex, then don't have any until they want it.

Does it matter whether or not they were rape victims? The subject of the OP, who those here are a saying she should be forced to carry the child to term, is 10 yr old girl impregnated through sexual molestation.

Who has the right to tell a woman she must become a mother against her will? Does that same right include a right to tell her she must have an abortion against her will?
Where is it written that she has to keep the baby? Oh yeah, that's right! No where!

God bless you three always!!! :) :) :)

Giving birth means becoming a mother - regardless of whether you keep the baby or not, you become a mother.

So, I'll ask again, the questions you DID NOT answer: Who has the right to tell a woman she must become a mother against her will? Does that same right include a right to tell her she must have an abortion against her will?
Even if no one has the right, one way or another abortion is just another form of murdering an innocent life no matter how you and your ilk try to say that it isn't.

God bless you three and the girl always!!!

The deformity and pain of her body from the pregnancy makes it worse. The sooner the fetus is aborted, the sonner she can heal and rebuild her life.
There is no benefit to having an unwanted infant out there or an infant the victims knows exists with his DNA somewhere.

It is not just the rape but the whole nine months that she is reminded of the rape an unable to move beyond what happened to her. Nine months of reliving the violation of her body by the rapist. Nine month of not being able to forget. Nine months of not having her own life back.

Rape is not something you easily forget if ever, but no rape victim should have to but not rape victim should have to be reminded every moment of every day for nine months what she experienced. You don't think it was bad enough the first time? Nine months is cruel punishment for a victim to go through.
Nine months doesn't last forever, but the memory of taking another life does and anyone who can go about their business as if they didn't do anything wrong after doing such a thing is a heartless person whether you believe that they are or not.

God bless you two and the girl always!!!


What could you possibly understand about rape and especially rape of a child? If over a period of time the child would have been mentally coerced and probably others in the family threatened to make her comply. You want her to suffer nine months?
The fetus does not have a soul and is not a person in the first trimester. Bible does not recognize an infant till a month after birth. Nine month to a child is an eternity and nine months of a pregnancy is a hard thing to forget even for an adult. You expect a child to just get over it? It is not a life, it is not a person in the first trimester. It a reminder of the rape and abuse the victim suffered. Making her keep the pregnancy is heartless.
^^^ Yes there is. Its called abortion whether you think it is legalized murder or not. It is.

^^^ Abortion is still the doing away of another life, no matter why that life is not wanted.

If people do not want pregnancy on their plate, they should learn not to spread certain things until their feelings are different. If they don't want the responsibility that comes with having sex, then don't have any until they want it.

Where is it written that she has to keep the baby? Oh yeah, that's right! No where!

God bless you three always!!! :) :) :)

Are you planning on taking her baby by force? No one says she's has to keep the baby, but that is what most women do after they deliver a baby.
No, but if she doesn't want it, why does it have to be killed? Killing it would only make her go from a victim to a legalized murderer. Doing away with the child will not erase the rape from her past anyways, so why add another wrong doing to the picture?

Do you seeing her getting rid of her babies? No.

God bless you and her and family always!!! :) :) :)


Right, 'cause THAT would be against her religious beliefs.

She doesn't abort them because she knows that doing so would only add to her list of wrong doings. Instead she takes responsibility for her premarital sex.

^^^ Abortion is still the doing away of another life, no matter why that life is not wanted.

If people do not want pregnancy on their plate, they should learn not to spread certain things until their feelings are different. If they don't want the responsibility that comes with having sex, then don't have any until they want it.
Maybe she doesn't abort the kids because she knows that doing such a thing would add to her list of wrong doings. Instead she takes responsibility for her premarital sex.

Where is it written that she has to keep the baby? Oh yeah, that's right! No where!

God bless you three always!!! :) :) :)

First comment is very arrogant. A rape or incest victim doesn't choose to have unprotected sex. Esp the poor girl in this story. If you want to make the argument that there should be no exception for simply an unplanned pregnancy the fine, but that argument doesn't fly for rape victims.
Why should the baby have to die no matter how it is created? Killing the baby only makes the rape victim go from a rape victim to a murderer. Killing the baby will not erase its conception from the past anyways. If anything, it just adds another wrong doing to the picture.

^^^ Abortion is still the doing away of another life, no matter why that life is not wanted.

If people do not want pregnancy on their plate, they should learn not to spread certain things until their feelings are different. If they don't want the responsibility that comes with having sex, then don't have any until they want it.

Where is it written that she has to keep the baby? Oh yeah, that's right! No where!

God bless you three always!!! :) :) :)

Giving birth means becoming a mother - regardless of whether you keep the baby or not, you become a mother.

So, I'll ask again, the questions you DID NOT answer: Who has the right to tell a woman she must become a mother against her will? Does that same right include a right to tell her she must have an abortion against her will?
Even if no one has the right, one way or another abortion is just another form of murdering an innocent life no matter how you and your ilk try to say that it isn't.

God bless you three and the girl always!!!

The deformity and pain of her body from the pregnancy makes it worse. The sooner the fetus is aborted, the sonner she can heal and rebuild her life.
There is no benefit to having an unwanted infant out there or an infant the victims knows exists with his DNA somewhere.

It is not just the rape but the whole nine months that she is reminded of the rape an unable to move beyond what happened to her. Nine months of reliving the violation of her body by the rapist. Nine month of not being able to forget. Nine months of not having her own life back.

Rape is not something you easily forget if ever, but no rape victim should have to but not rape victim should have to be reminded every moment of every day for nine months what she experienced. You don't think it was bad enough the first time? Nine months is cruel punishment for a victim to go through.
Nine months doesn't last forever, but the memory of taking another life does and anyone who can go about their business as if they didn't do anything wrong after doing such a thing is a heartless person whether you believe that they are or not.

God bless you two and the girl always!!!


What could you possibly understand about rape and especially rape of a child? If over a period of time the child would have been mentally coerced and probably others in the family threatened to make her comply. You want her to suffer nine months?
The fetus does not have a soul and is not a person in the first trimester. Bible does not recognize an infant till a month after birth. Nine month to a child is an eternity and nine months of a pregnancy is a hard thing to forget even for an adult. You expect a child to just get over it? It is not a life, it is not a person in the first trimester. It a reminder of the rape and abuse the victim suffered. Making her keep the pregnancy is heartless.

You are talking to a rock. She knows that 70,000 young girls die each year due to pregnancies and she does not care for anything but the fetus.
I actually knew a woman, a long time ago, maybe 25 years ago or so. She was not a close friend, but someone I met at school. She had been the victim of incest and got pregnant at 11, had the child at 12. This is before abortion was legal. The child ended up with very serious birth defects and spent it's life in an institution. The woman told me the birth defects were because she was just too young to have that child. And her head was messed up because of it. She was in her mid-30s when I knew her, and this event still haunted her and affected her whole life: the incest, the pregnancy, the birth of the child that has such serious birth defects. It's a horror story no one should have to live through.
^^^ Abortion is still the doing away of another life, no matter why that life is not wanted.

There are millions of children in need of safe secure homes out there. Care for them before bringing more unwanted children in to the world.
A women has a right in the bible and under the law to decide when they want to be a mother.
If people do not want pregnancy on their plate, they should learn not to spread certain things until their feelings are different. If they don't want the responsibility that comes with having sex, then don't have any until they want it.

Does it matter whether or not they were rape victims? The subject of the OP, who those here are a saying she should be forced to carry the child to term, is 10 yr old girl impregnated through sexual molestation.

Who has the right to tell a woman she must become a mother against her will? Does that same right include a right to tell her she must have an abortion against her will?
Where is it written that she has to keep the baby? Oh yeah, that's right! No where!

God bless you three always!!! :) :) :)

Are you planning on taking her baby by force? No one says she's has to keep the baby, but that is what most women do after they deliver a baby.
No, but if she doesn't want it, why does it have to be killed? Killing it would only make her go from a victim to a legalized murderer. Doing away with the child will not erase the rape from her past anyways, so why add another wrong doing to the picture?

If a woman, has no right to decide whether she is ready to be a mother - who then has that right?

Who has the right to tell a 10 yr old child, who was raped, she has no choice?
My question is how many females who have abortions done when they get pregnant were actually rape victims? My guess is not many, that the major of those who get abortions either were not ready to be a mom or did not want children at all period. To me, they need to learn the meaning of the word abstinence if they do not have the money to get their tubes tied up either.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. Yes there is a chance that every child who is put up for adoption may not ever get parents, but at least they will be alive in order to get a family of their own once they are old enough to get married. Also being alive means that they will have the ability to give something to the world. In my opinion, children who have been done away with could have grown up to be anything.

Bristol Palin knew the word "abstinence"

Do you seeing her getting rid of her babies? No.

God bless you and her and family always!!! :) :) :)


Right, 'cause THAT would be against her religious beliefs.

She doesn't abort them because she knows that doing so would only add to her list of wrong doings. Instead she takes responsibility for her premarital sex.

^^^ Abortion is still the doing away of another life, no matter why that life is not wanted.

There are millions of children in need of safe secure homes out there. Care for them before bringing more unwanted children in to the world.
A women has a right in the bible and under the law to decide when they want to be a mother.
If people do not want pregnancy on their plate, they should learn not to spread certain things until their feelings are different. If they don't want the responsibility that comes with having sex, then don't have any until they want it.
Bristol Palin knew the word "abstinence"

Do you seeing her getting rid of her babies? No.

God bless you and her and family always!!! :) :) :)


Right, 'cause THAT would be against her religious beliefs.

Maybe she doesn't abort the kids because she knows that doing such a thing would add to her list of wrong doings. Instead she takes responsibility for her premarital sex.

Does it matter whether or not they were rape victims? The subject of the OP, who those here are a saying she should be forced to carry the child to term, is 10 yr old girl impregnated through sexual molestation.

Who has the right to tell a woman she must become a mother against her will? Does that same right include a right to tell her she must have an abortion against her will?
Where is it written that she has to keep the baby? Oh yeah, that's right! No where!

God bless you three always!!! :) :) :)

First comment is very arrogant. A rape or incest victim doesn't choose to have unprotected sex. Esp the poor girl in this story. If you want to make the argument that there should be no exception for simply an unplanned pregnancy the fine, but that argument doesn't fly for rape victims.
Why should the baby have to die no matter how it is created? Killing the baby only makes the rape victim go from a rape victim to a murderer. Killing the baby will not erase its conception from the past anyways. If anything, it just adds another wrong doing to the picture.

^^^ Abortion is still the doing away of another life, no matter why that life is not wanted.

There are millions of children in need of safe secure homes out there. Care for them before bringing more unwanted children in to the world.
A women has a right in the bible and under the law to decide when they want to be a mother.
If people do not want pregnancy on their plate, they should learn not to spread certain things until their feelings are different. If they don't want the responsibility that comes with having sex, then don't have any until they want it.

Does it matter whether or not they were rape victims? The subject of the OP, who those here are a saying she should be forced to carry the child to term, is 10 yr old girl impregnated through sexual molestation.

Who has the right to tell a woman she must become a mother against her will? Does that same right include a right to tell her she must have an abortion against her will?
Where is it written that she has to keep the baby? Oh yeah, that's right! No where!

God bless you three always!!! :) :) :)

Giving birth means becoming a mother - regardless of whether you keep the baby or not, you become a mother.

So, I'll ask again, the questions you DID NOT answer: Who has the right to tell a woman she must become a mother against her will? Does that same right include a right to tell her she must have an abortion against her will?
Even if no one has the right, one way or another abortion is just another form of murdering an innocent life no matter how you and your ilk try to say that it isn't.

God bless you three and the girl always!!!


The point is we're talking about a 10 year old girl, who belongs in a Pediatricians office, not an OBGYN clinic.

The grandmother of this little girl, and obviously the only one that loved her feared for her life--(as is normal) and wanted her to have an abortion, versus risking her life.

Now for all you nay-sayers I want you to put yourselves in this grandmother's position. If it was YOUR 9 or 10 year old daughter--would you risk her life (your daughter's or grand daughter's LIFE) so she could give birth? I think your answer would not only be NO but HELL NO. It's always easier to sit back and judge when crap happens to someone else.

Again--for you Huckabee supporters--why don't you take him to Paraguay--and leave the rest of us the hell alone. He could run for President over there--and everyone would agree with your extreme abortion stance.

As it is--91% of this nation would have agreed with the grandmothers decision. If this little girl had died giving birth, be assured that Huckabee would have never reported this story. This story was only to light up the candles on his no exception stance. And has he did in 2012 with having Senator Akin on his program--he has slammed dunked the Republican party again.
Last edited:
^^^ Yes there is. Its called abortion whether you think it is legalized murder or not. It is.

Are you planning on taking her baby by force? No one says she's has to keep the baby, but that is what most women do after they deliver a baby.
No, but if she doesn't want it, why does it have to be killed? Killing it would only make her go from a victim to a legalized murderer. Doing away with the child will not erase the rape from her past anyways, so why add another wrong doing to the picture?

Right, 'cause THAT would be against her religious beliefs.

She doesn't abort them because she knows that doing so would only add to her list of wrong doings. Instead she takes responsibility for her premarital sex.

First comment is very arrogant. A rape or incest victim doesn't choose to have unprotected sex. Esp the poor girl in this story. If you want to make the argument that there should be no exception for simply an unplanned pregnancy the fine, but that argument doesn't fly for rape victims.
Why should the baby have to die no matter how it is created? Killing the baby only makes the rape victim go from a rape victim to a murderer. Killing the baby will not erase its conception from the past anyways. If anything, it just adds another wrong doing to the picture.

Giving birth means becoming a mother - regardless of whether you keep the baby or not, you become a mother.

So, I'll ask again, the questions you DID NOT answer: Who has the right to tell a woman she must become a mother against her will? Does that same right include a right to tell her she must have an abortion against her will?
Even if no one has the right, one way or another abortion is just another form of murdering an innocent life no matter how you and your ilk try to say that it isn't.

God bless you three and the girl always!!!

The deformity and pain of her body from the pregnancy makes it worse. The sooner the fetus is aborted, the sonner she can heal and rebuild her life.
There is no benefit to having an unwanted infant out there or an infant the victims knows exists with his DNA somewhere.

It is not just the rape but the whole nine months that she is reminded of the rape an unable to move beyond what happened to her. Nine months of reliving the violation of her body by the rapist. Nine month of not being able to forget. Nine months of not having her own life back.

Rape is not something you easily forget if ever, but no rape victim should have to but not rape victim should have to be reminded every moment of every day for nine months what she experienced. You don't think it was bad enough the first time? Nine months is cruel punishment for a victim to go through.
Nine months doesn't last forever, but the memory of taking another life does and anyone who can go about their business as if they didn't do anything wrong after doing such a thing is a heartless person whether you believe that they are or not.

God bless you two and the girl always!!!


What could you possibly understand about rape and especially rape of a child? If over a period of time the child would have been mentally coerced and probably others in the family threatened to make her comply. You want her to suffer nine months?
The fetus does not have a soul and is not a person in the first trimester. Bible does not recognize an infant till a month after birth. Nine month to a child is an eternity and nine months of a pregnancy is a hard thing to forget even for an adult. You expect a child to just get over it? It is not a life, it is not a person in the first trimester. It a reminder of the rape and abuse the victim suffered. Making her keep the pregnancy is heartless.

You are talking to a rock. She knows that 70,000 young girls die each year due to pregnancies and she does not care for anything but the fetus.

I've seen girls who were raped married off to their rapists. I've seen rape used as weapon of war. I've seen children abused and mutilated by rapists. I've seen them abused in the name of religion. There is nothing moral in rape or holy in a child living through a pregnancy. Anyone that thinks otherwise is sick. Children die far more often in childbirth than adults. How is it moral for a baby to be having a baby? If the child doe snot die, most suffer internal damage that often make it impossible for them to have children later in life.

The child is more important that a fetus of rape. The child is more important than an unwanted infant. There is no moral justification for a child to be forced to be a mother. She needs a mother, she is too young to be having a child of her own.

We don't allow children to decide to gt married. Why in the name of anything holy would anyone consider it right for a child to be having a child? They have not finished school, can't vote, can't drive, can't hold a full time job, can't rent an apartment, can't buy medicine, can't sign for medical treatment for herself or the child, can't even be expected to responsibly care for the child.

No child's body should be put through abuse of any kind, let alone a nine month pregnancy.
^^^ Yes there is. Its called abortion whether you think it is legalized murder or not. It is.

No, but if she doesn't want it, why does it have to be killed? Killing it would only make her go from a victim to a legalized murderer. Doing away with the child will not erase the rape from her past anyways, so why add another wrong doing to the picture?

She doesn't abort them because she knows that doing so would only add to her list of wrong doings. Instead she takes responsibility for her premarital sex.

Why should the baby have to die no matter how it is created? Killing the baby only makes the rape victim go from a rape victim to a murderer. Killing the baby will not erase its conception from the past anyways. If anything, it just adds another wrong doing to the picture.

Even if no one has the right, one way or another abortion is just another form of murdering an innocent life no matter how you and your ilk try to say that it isn't.

God bless you three and the girl always!!!

The deformity and pain of her body from the pregnancy makes it worse. The sooner the fetus is aborted, the sonner she can heal and rebuild her life.
There is no benefit to having an unwanted infant out there or an infant the victims knows exists with his DNA somewhere.

It is not just the rape but the whole nine months that she is reminded of the rape an unable to move beyond what happened to her. Nine months of reliving the violation of her body by the rapist. Nine month of not being able to forget. Nine months of not having her own life back.

Rape is not something you easily forget if ever, but no rape victim should have to but not rape victim should have to be reminded every moment of every day for nine months what she experienced. You don't think it was bad enough the first time? Nine months is cruel punishment for a victim to go through.
Nine months doesn't last forever, but the memory of taking another life does and anyone who can go about their business as if they didn't do anything wrong after doing such a thing is a heartless person whether you believe that they are or not.

God bless you two and the girl always!!!


What could you possibly understand about rape and especially rape of a child? If over a period of time the child would have been mentally coerced and probably others in the family threatened to make her comply. You want her to suffer nine months?
The fetus does not have a soul and is not a person in the first trimester. Bible does not recognize an infant till a month after birth. Nine month to a child is an eternity and nine months of a pregnancy is a hard thing to forget even for an adult. You expect a child to just get over it? It is not a life, it is not a person in the first trimester. It a reminder of the rape and abuse the victim suffered. Making her keep the pregnancy is heartless.

You are talking to a rock. She knows that 70,000 young girls die each year due to pregnancies and she does not care for anything but the fetus.

I've seen girls who were raped married off to their rapists. I've seen rape used as weapon of war. I've seen children abused and mutilated by rapists. I've seen them abused in the name of religion. There is nothing moral in rape or holy in a child living through a pregnancy. Anyone that thinks otherwise is sick. Children die far more often in childbirth than adults. How is it moral for a baby to be having a baby? If the child doe snot die, most suffer internal damage that often make it impossible for them to have children later in life.

The child is more important that a fetus of rape. The child is more important than an unwanted infant. There is no moral justification for a child to be forced to be a mother. She needs a mother, she is too young to be having a child of her own.

We don't allow children to decide to gt married. Why in the name of anything holy would anyone consider it right for a child to be having a child? They have not finished school, can't vote, can't drive, can't hold a full time job, can't rent an apartment, can't buy medicine, can't sign for medical treatment for herself or the child, can't even be expected to responsibly care for the child.

No child's body should be put through abuse of any kind, let alone a nine month pregnancy.

Be assured that if Huckabee could find a 5 to 8 year old little girl that was repeatedly raped and was capable of giving birth--he would be touting that also. That would really light up the fireworks on his no exception stance.
^^^ Yes there is. Its called abortion whether you think it is legalized murder or not. It is.

No, but if she doesn't want it, why does it have to be killed? Killing it would only make her go from a victim to a legalized murderer. Doing away with the child will not erase the rape from her past anyways, so why add another wrong doing to the picture?

She doesn't abort them because she knows that doing so would only add to her list of wrong doings. Instead she takes responsibility for her premarital sex.

Why should the baby have to die no matter how it is created? Killing the baby only makes the rape victim go from a rape victim to a murderer. Killing the baby will not erase its conception from the past anyways. If anything, it just adds another wrong doing to the picture.

Even if no one has the right, one way or another abortion is just another form of murdering an innocent life no matter how you and your ilk try to say that it isn't.

God bless you three and the girl always!!!

The deformity and pain of her body from the pregnancy makes it worse. The sooner the fetus is aborted, the sonner she can heal and rebuild her life.
There is no benefit to having an unwanted infant out there or an infant the victims knows exists with his DNA somewhere.

It is not just the rape but the whole nine months that she is reminded of the rape an unable to move beyond what happened to her. Nine months of reliving the violation of her body by the rapist. Nine month of not being able to forget. Nine months of not having her own life back.

Rape is not something you easily forget if ever, but no rape victim should have to but not rape victim should have to be reminded every moment of every day for nine months what she experienced. You don't think it was bad enough the first time? Nine months is cruel punishment for a victim to go through.
Nine months doesn't last forever, but the memory of taking another life does and anyone who can go about their business as if they didn't do anything wrong after doing such a thing is a heartless person whether you believe that they are or not.

God bless you two and the girl always!!!


What could you possibly understand about rape and especially rape of a child? If over a period of time the child would have been mentally coerced and probably others in the family threatened to make her comply. You want her to suffer nine months?
The fetus does not have a soul and is not a person in the first trimester. Bible does not recognize an infant till a month after birth. Nine month to a child is an eternity and nine months of a pregnancy is a hard thing to forget even for an adult. You expect a child to just get over it? It is not a life, it is not a person in the first trimester. It a reminder of the rape and abuse the victim suffered. Making her keep the pregnancy is heartless.

You are talking to a rock. She knows that 70,000 young girls die each year due to pregnancies and she does not care for anything but the fetus.

I've seen girls who were raped married off to their rapists. I've seen rape used as weapon of war. I've seen children abused and mutilated by rapists. I've seen them abused in the name of religion. There is nothing moral in rape or holy in a child living through a pregnancy. Anyone that thinks otherwise is sick. Children die far more often in childbirth than adults. How is it moral for a baby to be having a baby? If the child doe snot die, most suffer internal damage that often make it impossible for them to have children later in life.

The child is more important that a fetus of rape. The child is more important than an unwanted infant. There is no moral justification for a child to be forced to be a mother. She needs a mother, she is too young to be having a child of her own.

We don't allow children to decide to gt married. Why in the name of anything holy would anyone consider it right for a child to be having a child? They have not finished school, can't vote, can't drive, can't hold a full time job, can't rent an apartment, can't buy medicine, can't sign for medical treatment for herself or the child, can't even be expected to responsibly care for the child.

No child's body should be put through abuse of any kind, let alone a nine month pregnancy.

A 10 year old child isn't even old enough to babysit another child in my state. In my state you must be at least 12.
^^^ Yes there is. Its called abortion whether you think it is legalized murder or not. It is.

The deformity and pain of her body from the pregnancy makes it worse. The sooner the fetus is aborted, the sonner she can heal and rebuild her life.
There is no benefit to having an unwanted infant out there or an infant the victims knows exists with his DNA somewhere.

It is not just the rape but the whole nine months that she is reminded of the rape an unable to move beyond what happened to her. Nine months of reliving the violation of her body by the rapist. Nine month of not being able to forget. Nine months of not having her own life back.

Rape is not something you easily forget if ever, but no rape victim should have to but not rape victim should have to be reminded every moment of every day for nine months what she experienced. You don't think it was bad enough the first time? Nine months is cruel punishment for a victim to go through.
Nine months doesn't last forever, but the memory of taking another life does and anyone who can go about their business as if they didn't do anything wrong after doing such a thing is a heartless person whether you believe that they are or not.

God bless you two and the girl always!!!


What could you possibly understand about rape and especially rape of a child? If over a period of time the child would have been mentally coerced and probably others in the family threatened to make her comply. You want her to suffer nine months?
The fetus does not have a soul and is not a person in the first trimester. Bible does not recognize an infant till a month after birth. Nine month to a child is an eternity and nine months of a pregnancy is a hard thing to forget even for an adult. You expect a child to just get over it? It is not a life, it is not a person in the first trimester. It a reminder of the rape and abuse the victim suffered. Making her keep the pregnancy is heartless.

You are talking to a rock. She knows that 70,000 young girls die each year due to pregnancies and she does not care for anything but the fetus.

I've seen girls who were raped married off to their rapists. I've seen rape used as weapon of war. I've seen children abused and mutilated by rapists. I've seen them abused in the name of religion. There is nothing moral in rape or holy in a child living through a pregnancy. Anyone that thinks otherwise is sick. Children die far more often in childbirth than adults. How is it moral for a baby to be having a baby? If the child doe snot die, most suffer internal damage that often make it impossible for them to have children later in life.

The child is more important that a fetus of rape. The child is more important than an unwanted infant. There is no moral justification for a child to be forced to be a mother. She needs a mother, she is too young to be having a child of her own.

We don't allow children to decide to gt married. Why in the name of anything holy would anyone consider it right for a child to be having a child? They have not finished school, can't vote, can't drive, can't hold a full time job, can't rent an apartment, can't buy medicine, can't sign for medical treatment for herself or the child, can't even be expected to responsibly care for the child.

No child's body should be put through abuse of any kind, let alone a nine month pregnancy.

A 10 year old child isn't even old enough to babysit another child in my state. In my state you must be at least 12.

Well, according to Huckabee & his fans, it's O.K. for a 10 year old to give birth, and risk her own life in the process at the same time. If he finds an even younger little girl that gives birth and actually survives--he'll report on that too. He won't discuss the ones that have died though, that's out of the question.
^^^ Yes there is. Its called abortion whether you think it is legalized murder or not. It is.

Nine months doesn't last forever, but the memory of taking another life does and anyone who can go about their business as if they didn't do anything wrong after doing such a thing is a heartless person whether you believe that they are or not.

God bless you two and the girl always!!!


What could you possibly understand about rape and especially rape of a child? If over a period of time the child would have been mentally coerced and probably others in the family threatened to make her comply. You want her to suffer nine months?
The fetus does not have a soul and is not a person in the first trimester. Bible does not recognize an infant till a month after birth. Nine month to a child is an eternity and nine months of a pregnancy is a hard thing to forget even for an adult. You expect a child to just get over it? It is not a life, it is not a person in the first trimester. It a reminder of the rape and abuse the victim suffered. Making her keep the pregnancy is heartless.

You are talking to a rock. She knows that 70,000 young girls die each year due to pregnancies and she does not care for anything but the fetus.

I've seen girls who were raped married off to their rapists. I've seen rape used as weapon of war. I've seen children abused and mutilated by rapists. I've seen them abused in the name of religion. There is nothing moral in rape or holy in a child living through a pregnancy. Anyone that thinks otherwise is sick. Children die far more often in childbirth than adults. How is it moral for a baby to be having a baby? If the child doe snot die, most suffer internal damage that often make it impossible for them to have children later in life.

The child is more important that a fetus of rape. The child is more important than an unwanted infant. There is no moral justification for a child to be forced to be a mother. She needs a mother, she is too young to be having a child of her own.

We don't allow children to decide to gt married. Why in the name of anything holy would anyone consider it right for a child to be having a child? They have not finished school, can't vote, can't drive, can't hold a full time job, can't rent an apartment, can't buy medicine, can't sign for medical treatment for herself or the child, can't even be expected to responsibly care for the child.

No child's body should be put through abuse of any kind, let alone a nine month pregnancy.

A 10 year old child isn't even old enough to babysit another child in my state. In my state you must be at least 12.

Well, according to Huckabee & his fans, it's O.K. for a 10 year old to give birth, and risk her own life in the process at the same time.

He is an idiot, and so are his followers.
If a woman, has no right to decide whether she is ready to be a mother - who then has that right?

Who has the right to tell a 10 yr old child, who was raped, she has no choice?
My question is how many females who have abortions done when they get pregnant were actually rape victims? My guess is not many, that the major of those who get abortions either were not ready to be a mom or did not want children at all period. To me, they need to learn the meaning of the word abstinence if they do not have the money to get their tubes tied up either.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. Yes there is a chance that every child who is put up for adoption may not ever get parents, but at least they will be alive in order to get a family of their own once they are old enough to get married. Also being alive means that they will have the ability to give something to the world. In my opinion, children who have been done away with could have grown up to be anything.

There are millions of children in need of safe secure homes out there. Care for them before bringing more unwanted children in to the world.
A women has a right in the bible and under the law to decide when they want to be a mother.
Don't want unwanted children? Don't have sex. Killing a innocent baby be CA use you have no self control is evil

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A first trimester embryo is not a baby.
Of course it is. It sure isn't a frog or car

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Much of what was said on the videos is false and we have seen how ofter pictures are fake or incorrect for the development.

The right of right seek for anything to discredit PP, even lies and misinformation. Any tidbit to justify their prejudice, even when it makes no sense.

You people are pathetic, simply pathetic. There is NO reason for the sheer numbers of abortions taking place in this nation. None.

Poor education and fewer constructive activities to support the mental and physical needs for children and young women

They don't understand investing in our future, they only want to reserve the right to bitch and moan.
How do you invest in the future when you are killing them?

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You take care of the ones already born first.
You don't think we do?:what bullshit.

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If a woman, has no right to decide whether she is ready to be a mother - who then has that right?

Who has the right to tell a 10 yr old child, who was raped, she has no choice?
My question is how many females who have abortions done when they get pregnant were actually rape victims? My guess is not many, that the major of those who get abortions either were not ready to be a mom or did not want children at all period. To me, they need to learn the meaning of the word abstinence if they do not have the money to get their tubes tied up either.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. Yes there is a chance that every child who is put up for adoption may not ever get parents, but at least they will be alive in order to get a family of their own once they are old enough to get married. Also being alive means that they will have the ability to give something to the world. In my opinion, children who have been done away with could have grown up to be anything.
If only a few women have abortions who had been raped, then why be so against this exception? What is it less than 5%? So why support such an irrelevant amount? I know the bullshit excuse that all life is precious. It's hypocritical when most pro-lifers support the death penalty (as they should), they support our involvement in wars (to which there are many wars worth fighting), they support one's right to self-defense etc, yet all life is precious. I digress.

If the GOP wants support and possibly get through abortion reforms, then they need to stop with the no abortions ever theme! It's a losing battle, as it should be. It doesn't show compassion for the unborn, it shows heartless indifference to a woman caught in one of the worst situations imaginable.

I believe the vast majority of Americans do not support late term abortions, but they also don't support banning abortion for rape or incest victims. They fear, as I do, their mother, sister, daughter, spouse, cousin, friend etc get put in that situation. I also think the majority support abortion for teenagers and when there are birth defects.

This extremist view gets the base all warm and fuzzy, but it loses them the independents. That is why they never want to talk about it yet the Democrats always like to bring it up.

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Why should the baby die for a crime it didn't commit?

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