Huckabee Backs Denying Abortion To 10-Year-Old Raped By Stepfather

If a woman, has no right to decide whether she is ready to be a mother - who then has that right?

Who has the right to tell a 10 yr old child, who was raped, she has no choice?
My question is how many females who have abortions done when they get pregnant were actually rape victims? My guess is not many, that the major of those who get abortions either were not ready to be a mom or did not want children at all period. To me, they need to learn the meaning of the word abstinence if they do not have the money to get their tubes tied up either.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. Yes there is a chance that every child who is put up for adoption may not ever get parents, but at least they will be alive in order to get a family of their own once they are old enough to get married. Also being alive means that they will have the ability to give something to the world. In my opinion, children who have been done away with could have grown up to be anything.

Bristol Palin knew the word "abstinence"

Do you seeing her getting rid of her babies? No.

God bless you and her and family always!!! :) :) :)

If a woman, has no right to decide whether she is ready to be a mother - who then has that right?

Who has the right to tell a 10 yr old child, who was raped, she has no choice?
My question is how many females who have abortions done when they get pregnant were actually rape victims? My guess is not many, that the major of those who get abortions either were not ready to be a mom or did not want children at all period. To me, they need to learn the meaning of the word abstinence if they do not have the money to get their tubes tied up either.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. Yes there is a chance that every child who is put up for adoption may not ever get parents, but at least they will be alive in order to get a family of their own once they are old enough to get married. Also being alive means that they will have the ability to give something to the world. In my opinion, children who have been done away with could have grown up to be anything.

There are millions of children in need of safe secure homes out there. Care for them before bringing more unwanted children in to the world.
A women has a right in the bible and under the law to decide when they want to be a mother.
Don't want unwanted children? Don't have sex. Killing a innocent baby be CA use you have no self control is evil

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Why do you want all these irresponsible people raising babies?
^^^ Abortion is still the doing away of another life, no matter why that life is not wanted.

There are millions of children in need of safe secure homes out there. Care for them before bringing more unwanted children in to the world.
A women has a right in the bible and under the law to decide when they want to be a mother.
If people do not want pregnancy on their plate, they should learn not to spread certain things until their feelings are different. If they don't want the responsibility that comes with having sex, then don't have any until they want it.

Does it matter whether or not they were rape victims? The subject of the OP, who those here are a saying she should be forced to carry the child to term, is 10 yr old girl impregnated through sexual molestation.

Who has the right to tell a woman she must become a mother against her will? Does that same right include a right to tell her she must have an abortion against her will?
Where is it written that she has to keep the baby? Oh yeah, that's right! No where!

God bless you three always!!! :) :) :)


Are you planning on taking her baby by force? No one says she's has to keep the baby, but that is what most women do after they deliver a baby.
If a woman, has no right to decide whether she is ready to be a mother - who then has that right?

Who has the right to tell a 10 yr old child, who was raped, she has no choice?
My question is how many females who have abortions done when they get pregnant were actually rape victims? My guess is not many, that the major of those who get abortions either were not ready to be a mom or did not want children at all period. To me, they need to learn the meaning of the word abstinence if they do not have the money to get their tubes tied up either.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. Yes there is a chance that every child who is put up for adoption may not ever get parents, but at least they will be alive in order to get a family of their own once they are old enough to get married. Also being alive means that they will have the ability to give something to the world. In my opinion, children who have been done away with could have grown up to be anything.

Bristol Palin knew the word "abstinence"

Do you seeing her getting rid of her babies? No.

God bless you and her and family always!!! :) :) :)


Right, 'cause THAT would be against her religious beliefs.

^^^ Abortion is still the doing away of another life, no matter why that life is not wanted.

There are millions of children in need of safe secure homes out there. Care for them before bringing more unwanted children in to the world.
A women has a right in the bible and under the law to decide when they want to be a mother.
If people do not want pregnancy on their plate, they should learn not to spread certain things until their feelings are different. If they don't want the responsibility that comes with having sex, then don't have any until they want it.

Does it matter whether or not they were rape victims? The subject of the OP, who those here are a saying she should be forced to carry the child to term, is 10 yr old girl impregnated through sexual molestation.

Who has the right to tell a woman she must become a mother against her will? Does that same right include a right to tell her she must have an abortion against her will?
Where is it written that she has to keep the baby? Oh yeah, that's right! No where!

God bless you three always!!! :) :) :)

First comment is very arrogant. A rape or incest victim doesn't choose to have unprotected sex. Esp the poor girl in this story. If you want to make the argument that there should be no exception for simply an unplanned pregnancy the fine, but that argument doesn't fly for rape victims.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
If a woman, has no right to decide whether she is ready to be a mother - who then has that right?

Who has the right to tell a 10 yr old child, who was raped, she has no choice?
My question is how many females who have abortions done when they get pregnant were actually rape victims? My guess is not many, that the major of those who get abortions either were not ready to be a mom or did not want children at all period. To me, they need to learn the meaning of the word abstinence if they do not have the money to get their tubes tied up either.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. Yes there is a chance that every child who is put up for adoption may not ever get parents, but at least they will be alive in order to get a family of their own once they are old enough to get married. Also being alive means that they will have the ability to give something to the world. In my opinion, children who have been done away with could have grown up to be anything.

There are millions of children in need of safe secure homes out there. Care for them before bringing more unwanted children in to the world.
A women has a right in the bible and under the law to decide when they want to be a mother.
Don't want unwanted children? Don't have sex. Killing a innocent baby be CA use you have no self control is evil

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
That might be a legit argument for an unplanned pregnancy, but that is a arrogant comment to make for a rape or incest victim. That is what this thread is about. So nice strawman.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
^^^ Abortion is still the doing away of another life, no matter why that life is not wanted.

There are millions of children in need of safe secure homes out there. Care for them before bringing more unwanted children in to the world.
A women has a right in the bible and under the law to decide when they want to be a mother.
If people do not want pregnancy on their plate, they should learn not to spread certain things until their feelings are different. If they don't want the responsibility that comes with having sex, then don't have any until they want it.

Does it matter whether or not they were rape victims? The subject of the OP, who those here are a saying she should be forced to carry the child to term, is 10 yr old girl impregnated through sexual molestation.

Who has the right to tell a woman she must become a mother against her will? Does that same right include a right to tell her she must have an abortion against her will?
Where is it written that she has to keep the baby? Oh yeah, that's right! No where!

God bless you three always!!! :) :) :)


Giving birth means becoming a mother - regardless of whether you keep the baby or not, you become a mother.

So, I'll ask again, the questions you DID NOT answer: Who has the right to tell a woman she must become a mother against her will? Does that same right include a right to tell her she must have an abortion against her will?
^^^ Abortion is still the doing away of another life, no matter why that life is not wanted.

There are millions of children in need of safe secure homes out there. Care for them before bringing more unwanted children in to the world.
A women has a right in the bible and under the law to decide when they want to be a mother.
If people do not want pregnancy on their plate, they should learn not to spread certain things until their feelings are different. If they don't want the responsibility that comes with having sex, then don't have any until they want it.

Does it matter whether or not they were rape victims? The subject of the OP, who those here are a saying she should be forced to carry the child to term, is 10 yr old girl impregnated through sexual molestation.

Who has the right to tell a woman she must become a mother against her will? Does that same right include a right to tell her she must have an abortion against her will?
Where is it written that she has to keep the baby? Oh yeah, that's right! No where!

God bless you three always!!! :) :) :)


Giving birth means becoming a mother - regardless of whether you keep the baby or not, you become a mother.

So, I'll ask again, the questions you DID NOT answer: Who has the right to tell a woman she must become a mother against her will? Does that same right include a right to tell her she must have an abortion against her will?

9 months or 19 yrs.........the choice of becoming a mother is up to the woman.

Everyone else can stick their opinions up their respective @$$

The woman has to decide what is best for her, not anyone else.

No child should be born unwanted. No woman should be forced to become a mother, till she is ready to take on that responsibility. Certainly no victim of rape should have to suffer with the burden of carrying the rapist spawn.

Whatever the reasons, it is up to the woman to decide her own future.
^^^ Abortion is still the doing away of another life, no matter why that life is not wanted.

There are millions of children in need of safe secure homes out there. Care for them before bringing more unwanted children in to the world.
A women has a right in the bible and under the law to decide when they want to be a mother.
If people do not want pregnancy on their plate, they should learn not to spread certain things until their feelings are different. If they don't want the responsibility that comes with having sex, then don't have any until they want it.

Does it matter whether or not they were rape victims? The subject of the OP, who those here are a saying she should be forced to carry the child to term, is 10 yr old girl impregnated through sexual molestation.

Who has the right to tell a woman she must become a mother against her will? Does that same right include a right to tell her she must have an abortion against her will?
Where is it written that she has to keep the baby? Oh yeah, that's right! No where!

God bless you three always!!! :) :) :)


Giving birth means becoming a mother - regardless of whether you keep the baby or not, you become a mother.

So, I'll ask again, the questions you DID NOT answer: Who has the right to tell a woman she must become a mother against her will? Does that same right include a right to tell her she must have an abortion against her will?

9 months or 19 yrs.........the choice of becoming a mother is up to the woman.

Everyone else can stick their opinions up their respective @$$

The woman has to decide what is best for her, not anyone else.

No child should be born unwanted. No woman should be forced to become a mother, till she is ready to take on that responsibility. Certainly no victim of rape should have to suffer with the burden of carrying the rapist spawn.

Whatever the reasons, it is up to the woman to decide her own future.
It is now but hopefully that will change one day. Those of us that care about the preborn should try to continue to fight for their lives.
^^^ Abortion is still the doing away of another life, no matter why that life is not wanted.

There are millions of children in need of safe secure homes out there. Care for them before bringing more unwanted children in to the world.
A women has a right in the bible and under the law to decide when they want to be a mother.
If people do not want pregnancy on their plate, they should learn not to spread certain things until their feelings are different. If they don't want the responsibility that comes with having sex, then don't have any until they want it.

Does it matter whether or not they were rape victims? The subject of the OP, who those here are a saying she should be forced to carry the child to term, is 10 yr old girl impregnated through sexual molestation.

Who has the right to tell a woman she must become a mother against her will? Does that same right include a right to tell her she must have an abortion against her will?
Where is it written that she has to keep the baby? Oh yeah, that's right! No where!

God bless you three always!!! :) :) :)


Giving birth means becoming a mother - regardless of whether you keep the baby or not, you become a mother.

So, I'll ask again, the questions you DID NOT answer: Who has the right to tell a woman she must become a mother against her will? Does that same right include a right to tell her she must have an abortion against her will?

9 months or 19 yrs.........the choice of becoming a mother is up to the woman.

Everyone else can stick their opinions up their respective @$$

The woman has to decide what is best for her, not anyone else.

No child should be born unwanted. No woman should be forced to become a mother, till she is ready to take on that responsibility. Certainly no victim of rape should have to suffer with the burden of carrying the rapist spawn.

Whatever the reasons, it is up to the woman to decide her own future.
It is now but hopefully that will change one day. Those of us that care about the preborn should try to continue to fight for their lives. would remove a woman's choice and control over her body from her? A bunch of strangers forcing her to carry a pregnancy she doesn't want? Her value demeaned to that of an incubator? Meh.
A little bit off topic but has Planned Parenthood ever delivered a baby without killing it?
Moot point.

They don't deliver babies.
Would that not be considered woman's health?

Yes, it would. But they don't cover all aspects of woman's health. They do not do chemotherapy for breast, uterine, or ovarian cancer for example. Once something requires a specialist - that is where the woman needs to be. With whomever provides the best care for that situation.
A little bit off topic but has Planned Parenthood ever delivered a baby without killing it?
Moot point.

They don't deliver babies.
Would that not be considered woman's health?

Yes, it would. But they don't cover all aspects of woman's health. They do not do chemotherapy for breast, uterine, or ovarian cancer for example. Once something requires a specialist - that is where the woman needs to be. With whomever provides the best care for that situation.
Does it take a specialist to deliver a baby? I have delivered a baby and I am far from a specialist.
A little bit off topic but has Planned Parenthood ever delivered a baby without killing it?
Moot point.

They don't deliver babies.
Would that not be considered woman's health?

Yes, it would. But they don't cover all aspects of woman's health. They do not do chemotherapy for breast, uterine, or ovarian cancer for example. Once something requires a specialist - that is where the woman needs to be. With whomever provides the best care for that situation.
Does it take a specialist to deliver a baby? I have delivered a baby and I am far from a specialist.

If you were a pregnant woman - would you want your prenatal care and delivery to be left up to just anyone? Not me. If I were going to keep my pregnancy, I'd immediately get in contact with someone who knew what a pregnant woman needed and whom I could go to for help at each stage. When I delivered - I would want some experienced...midwife, doctor, close relative - what ever. PP refers women who choose to keep their pregnancies to the appropriate places, just as they do if they think a woman might have cancer.

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