HuffPost slammed for racy Steve Bannon headline


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Appears this is an insensitive and racist post by some. I've never heard of the term before to be honest. I want to also say, considering the staunch support Conservatives, the religious right and Republicans in general have for Israel compared to the efforts of some in the alt-left, this is particular offensive and misguided. Though I must admit, seeing the history of the left division politics; not surprising.

Some like to fan the flames of hate and point at others for the blame.

HuffPost slammed for racy Steve Bannon headline

The liberal Huffington Post website was pressured to change a derogatory homepage headline about the exit of White House strategist Steve Bannon after a social media backlash on Friday.

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Lydia Polgreen



1:13 PM - Aug 18, 2017
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The word “goy” is used to describe someone who is not Jewish.

Bannon has long faced accusations of anti-Semitism from some of his fiercest critics -- accusations he denies. He was often portrayed in the press as clashing with top White House aides, including the president’s daughter and son-in-law, who are Jewish.

Even some left-wing figures took issue with The Huffington Post's headline swipe.

“Say, @HuffPost, WTF?” tweeted former MSNBC anchor Keith Olbermann.

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Keith Olbermann


Say, @HuffPost, WTF?

1:55 PM - Aug 18, 2017
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Others expressed shock at a website that often calls out others for political-incorrectness.

“I love your work, but wish you hadn't gone with this headline,” tweeted Julia Ioffe, a writer at The Atlantic.

Lydia Polgreen



Julia Ioffe


I love your work, but wish you hadn't gone with this headline.

2:26 PM - Aug 18, 2017
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“What is @HuffPost thinking?” tweeted Michael Wilner, a Washington correspondent for the Jerusalem Post.

Michael Wilner


"'Goy, bye?'" What is @HuffPost thinking?

1:54 PM - Aug 18, 2017
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Responding to the criticism, Lydia Polgreen, the site’s editor in chief, defended the outlet, saying its headlines are intended to be “edgy and playful.”

She said the headline was meant to be a “tribute to Yiddish and Beyoncé” (a Beyoncé song features the line, "boy, bye") and any “other interpretation was completely unintended.”

Lydia Polgreen


HuffPost splash headlines have always been edgy and playful, featuring puns and references to popular culture./

3:15 PM - Aug 18, 2017
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Lydia Polgreen


HuffPost splash headlines have always been edgy and playful, featuring puns and references to popular culture./

Lydia Polgreen


Today’s splash was intended to be a mashup tribute to Yiddish and Beyoncé. Any other interpretation was completely unintended.

3:15 PM - Aug 18, 2017
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The website then changed its Bannon headline to “White Flight.”

Ian Miles Cheong


I'm not sure this is much better, Huffington Post.

3:11 PM - Aug 18, 2017
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That wasn’t received well online either.

“I would say @HuffPost's new Bannon headline ('White Flight') in exactly the same bad taste as the one it replaces ('Goy, Bye'),” tweeted Eugene Kontorovich, a professor at Northwestern law school.

Eugene Kontorovich @EVKontorovich

I would say @HuffPost's new Bannon headline ("White Flight") in exactly the same bad taste as the one it replaces ("Goy, Bye").
I agree with the "bad taste" but truthfully think it is more than that. I like some of their articles but not enough to subscribe to them with all the bs they push.
Why is this bad taste? Bannon is the hero of a fundamentally anti-semitic movement, and "boy, bye" is a term from pop culture that's popular right now. "Goy, bye," is clever as hell.
btw, "goy" isn't just a term meaning "non-Jewish". It is an exceedingly derogatory term meaning "cattle" (English doesn't have a good singular form of the word)
btw, "goy" isn't just a term meaning "non-Jewish". It is an exceedingly derogatory term meaning "cattle" (English doesn't have a good singular form of the word)
To which the despicable likes of Bannon should be particularly offended. Bannon getting talked down to by Jews? I bet he's losing his shit right now.
"Racy"? No one ever thought of that silly eczema encrusted fuckwit as racy.
Why is this bad taste? Bannon is the hero of a fundamentally anti-semitic movement, and "boy, bye" is a term from pop culture that's popular right now. "Goy, bye," is clever as hell.
I don't know about "clever", but it is illuminating. For all those goyim out there who still collapse in trembling horror at the merest whiff of accusation they are "anti-Semitic", this kind of thing helps dispel the fog. So come on, HuffPo, let it rip. Tell us who really is the Deep State.
A fitting headline. It's ironic that anyone calls Bannon an anti-Semite. Jews bash even their pets.
Why is this bad taste? Bannon is the hero of a fundamentally anti-semitic movement, and "boy, bye" is a term from pop culture that's popular right now. "Goy, bye," is clever as hell.
I don't know about "clever", but it is illuminating. For all those goyim out there who still collapse in trembling horror at the merest whiff of accusation they are "anti-Semitic", this kind of thing helps dispel the fog. So come on, HuffPo, let it rip. Tell us who really is the Deep State.
Well that rant went all over the place
Why is this bad taste? Bannon is the hero of a fundamentally anti-semitic movement, and "boy, bye" is a term from pop culture that's popular right now. "Goy, bye," is clever as hell.
I don't know about "clever", but it is illuminating. For all those goyim out there who still collapse in trembling horror at the merest whiff of accusation they are "anti-Semitic", this kind of thing helps dispel the fog. So come on, HuffPo, let it rip. Tell us who really is the Deep State.
Well that rant went all over the place
I'll try to put out a simplified version just for you. If I get around to it.
btw, "goy" isn't just a term meaning "non-Jewish". It is an exceedingly derogatory term meaning "cattle" (English doesn't have a good singular form of the word)
To which the despicable likes of Bannon should be particularly offended. Bannon getting talked down to by Jews? I bet he's losing his shit right now.
So you are a Jew, I see.
No, dummy. The headline implies that it's coming from a Jew.
btw, "goy" isn't just a term meaning "non-Jewish". It is an exceedingly derogatory term meaning "cattle" (English doesn't have a good singular form of the word)
To which the despicable likes of Bannon should be particularly offended. Bannon getting talked down to by Jews? I bet he's losing his shit right now.
So you are a Jew, I see.
No, dummy. The headline implies that it's coming from a Jew.
I wasn't drawing my conclusion from the headline, Dippshitz.
btw, "goy" isn't just a term meaning "non-Jewish". It is an exceedingly derogatory term meaning "cattle" (English doesn't have a good singular form of the word)
To which the despicable likes of Bannon should be particularly offended. Bannon getting talked down to by Jews? I bet he's losing his shit right now.
So you are a Jew, I see.
No, dummy. The headline implies that it's coming from a Jew.
I wasn't drawing my conclusion from the headline, Dippshitz.
Okay :cuckoo:
In an attempt to once and forever lay waste to these ridiculous and discredited rumors that Jews wield tremendous power in the global banking industry, a Russian businessman is launching a startup for a refreshingly Jews-only cryptocurrency that will at least begin to loosen the sinister stranglehold that Armenians, Nigerians, and Guatemalans hold on world finance.

Called “BitCoen,” the digital currency will aid the planet’s financially dispossessed Jewish community to finally pool their economic resources, however meager they may be, and work together to uplift their people from the penury and starvation that the global banking cartels have mercilessly inflicted upon them.

BitCoen’s administrative board will consist of a “Council of Six”—all of them Jewish, because we know that six is a very important number to those people.

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