HUGE Breaking News: Civil Rights Legend John Lewis has now called for President Trump's impeachment!

Congress can't kick a President out of office simply because they don't agree with his politics! That's not the way our system works! Once again...if you want Trump a viable candidate against him with a platform the American people agree with!
The american people?
You mean SS white rubes?
Last time I looked 70% couldn't stand him

You keep believing those polls, PH3! How'd that work out for you last time? :)
A huge deal. He’s the conscience of Congress. this is a big fucking deal!

Wasn't he one of the ones who pretended that Tea Party supporters had spit on him, but none of the video showed it? Some "conscience".

But, I like that they have decided to take that's going to end up shining a LOT of light on Old Joe Biden.

Trump has to be stopped. the rest is details...

Your opinion, but it's based only on your hate.
A huge deal. He’s the conscience of Congress. this is a big fucking deal!

Wasn't he one of the ones who pretended that Tea Party supporters had spit on him, but none of the video showed it? Some "conscience".

But, I like that they have decided to take that's going to end up shining a LOT of light on Old Joe Biden.

Trump has to be stopped. the rest is details...

Ah, yes...the old "the end justifies the means", BB? Let's get into the "details"...including an investigation into what Biden did when he was a sitting Vice President! Trump is releasing the full transcript of his call. Why would he do that if it incriminated him? The answer quite obviously is that what was said in that call DOESN'T incriminate him! Which means this is simply one more witch hunt by an ever more desperate Democratic Party who are starting to realize that they have a slate of flawed candidates running with few solutions to any of the country's problems! Why should it be considered "high crimes or misdemeanors" for a President to ask for an investigation into what sure looks like very questionable conduct by Joe Biden? It's seems to be FINE for the Democrats to investigate Trump non stop since he took office despite not coming up with ANYTHING that he's done that's illegal...but when it's a Democrat that faces an investigation...oh no...that's the worst thing EVER!

The times have found us. The actions taken to date by the President have seriously violated the Constitution. It is for this reason that the House of Representatives is moving forward with an official impeachment inquiry.

Roses must grow thick where you are, as you are slinging fertilizer in ever increasing amounts.

Trump has to be stopped. the rest is details...

Ah, yes...the old "the end justifies the means", BB? Let's get into the "details"...including an investigation into what Biden did when he was a sitting Vice President! Trump is releasing the full transcript of his call. Why would he do that if it incriminated him? The answer quite obviously is that what was said in that call DOESN'T incriminate him! Which means this is simply one more witch hunt by an ever more desperate Democratic Party who are starting to realize that they have a slate of flawed candidates running with few solutions to any of the country's problems! Why should it be considered "high crimes or misdemeanors" for a President to ask for an investigation into what sure looks like very questionable conduct by Joe Biden? It's seems to be FINE for the Democrats to investigate Trump non stop since he took office despite not coming up with ANYTHING that he's done that's illegal...but when it's a Democrat that faces an investigation...oh no...that's the worst thing EVER!

The times have found us. The actions taken to date by the President have seriously violated the Constitution. It is for this reason that the House of Representatives is moving forward with an official impeachment inquiry.

Oh, bullshit! Nothing Trump has done is anything different than the Presidents who preceded him! What IS different is you on the left have decided that you're going to attempt to overturn a duly elected President with a series of smear campaigns! There is nothing more to this accusation than there was to the Russian collusion accusation! It's all partisan politics by poor losers who have nothing to run on other than sleazy attacks!

there's such a thing as the rule of law. if you break it repeatedly, you cant be president of the united states, so you have to get your butt out here, and congress can kick it for ya right out of the white house, DEAL WITH IT!

At least you are talking about some imaginary law breaking and not pretending Trump has done something unconstitutional.
DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So THIS is the hill the Democrat Party decided to die on.

I welcome it.


lol...this should give the committees much more power to get the info that barr has been blocking.... he won't be able to stop them from getting donny's tax returns, the unredacted mueller report, & the grand jury material... when impeachment started under nixon, most (R)s were in tricky dick's corner, & it only took about 4 months before that all changed. :popcorn:
DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So THIS is the hill the Democrat Party decided to die on.

I welcome it.


lol...this should give the committees much more power to get the info that barr has been blocking.... he won't be able to stop them from getting donny's tax returns, the unredacted mueller report, & the grand jury material... when impeachment started under nixon, most (R)s were in tricky dick's corner, & it only took about 4 months before that all changed. :popcorn:
We got him THIS time!
DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So THIS is the hill the Democrat Party decided to die on.

I welcome it.


lol...this should give the committees much more power to get the info that barr has been blocking.... he won't be able to stop them from getting donny's tax returns, the unredacted mueller report, & the grand jury material... when impeachment started under nixon, most (R)s were in tricky dick's corner, & it only took about 4 months before that all changed. :popcorn:
We got him THIS time!

hillary's emails!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :lmao:
Trump's shock jock rhetoric belies the fact that he is a fairly conventional non ideological centrist. a radical centrist i call him. he used to be a Clinton Democrat, who has said that Bill Clinton was a great president once in an interview
folks dont want to hear the truth because they dont want their illusions destroyed.

for example, did you know, the FBI retained Chris Steele as an informant months BEFORE the dossier was written and released? I BET YOU DIDNT KNOW!

And subsequently cut their loses thereafter
This is not news to normal people.
Trump's shock jock rhetoric belies the fact that he is a fairly conventional non ideological centrist. a radical centrist i call him. he used to be a Clinton Democrat, who has said that Bill Clinton was a great president once in an interview

Is there a point to that?
At this point the bigger national scandal isn't POTUS' lawbreaking behavior, it's why the Dem. Party refusal to impeach him for it". - John Lewis
Every second that congress puts off calling for impeachment is a message to Donald Trump that he can get away with corrupt and criminal behavior. Congress must do their jobs and call for an impeachment inquiry.
Oh please, STFU already

At least 95% of Congress are lawbreakers
Why the population of Americans with any sense at all
don’t collectively act as 1 union and take action is beyond me

Secondly, you want to talk about sending out a message
that you will not get away with corrupt and criminal behavior
no matter if you’re the POTUS, or VP or SoS, or SotH
No one is above the law

Fuck off

Bill and Hillary got away with so much shit it’s unreal
Yeah, yeah, I know, they were never charged or convicted
of any criminal wrongdoing and Senate Dems voted nay to impeach

That’s because they were allowed to get away with their crimes

Even now, we’ve got elected state officials who allow
local elected officials within the state to create sanctuary cities
harbor illegals and refuse to cooperate with ICE

They want to do away with the EC

They forced Americans to buy a product or be fined
to absorb the escalating costs illegals and legal immigrants
are costing taxpayers, while they are shareholders
and family and friends are on the board of directors
for pharmaceutical companies and healthcare industries

Look at the Clinton Foundation donor list

And don’t even get me started with the fucking bailout in 2008

You’ve got the same Congress members now
running the same committees they were under Obama
For some reason they felt like it was a good idea and A o.k.
to approve the sale of Uranium mines located in the U.S. to Russia
which happened to be owned by associates of Bill and SoS Hillary
and where John Podesta sat on the Board of Directors

That sale made Russia the majority owner of Uranium

Then we had these same committee members
think it was a good idea and perfectly A o.k. to sign off on
Obama’s Russian Reset he put Hillary in charge of
and approved BILLIONS OF DOLLARS to help Russia
advance in science and technology and secure investments
from tech giants such as Cisco, Microsoft, Google and Intel
to create their own version of Silicon Valley...Skolkovo

Congress allowed Hillary to provide Russia with,
money, our scientists, our tech experts, you name it
while the Clinton Foundation received millions in donations
from players in Russia and the U.S. involved in this venture

Now, these same members of Congress
have the fucking nerve to scream about Russia,
collusion and national security

At this point the bigger national scandal isn't POTUS' lawbreaking behavior, it's why the Dem. Party refusal to impeach him for it". - John Lewis
Every second that congress puts off calling for impeachment is a message to Donald Trump that he can get away with corrupt and criminal behavior. Congress must do their jobs and call for an impeachment inquiry.
Oh please, STFU already

At least 95% of Congress are lawbreakers
Why the population of Americans with any sense at all
don’t collectively act as 1 union and take action is beyond me

Secondly, you want to talk about sending out a message
that you will not get away with corrupt and criminal behavior
no matter if you’re the POTUS, or VP or SoS, or SotH
No one is above the law

Fuck off

Bill and Hillary got away with so much shit it’s unreal
Yeah, yeah, I know, they were never charged or convicted
of any criminal wrongdoing and Senate Dems voted nay to impeach

That’s because they were allowed to get away with their crimes

Even now, we’ve got elected state officials who allow
local elected officials within the state to create sanctuary cities
harbor illegals and refuse to cooperate with ICE

They want to do away with the EC

They forced Americans to buy a product or be fined
to absorb the escalating costs illegals and legal immigrants
are costing taxpayers, while they are shareholders
and family and friends are on the board of directors
for pharmaceutical companies and healthcare industries

Look at the Clinton Foundation donor list

And don’t even get me started with the fucking bailout in 2008

You’ve got the same Congress members now
running the same committees they were under Obama
For some reason they felt like it was a good idea and A o.k.
to approve the sale of Uranium mines located in the U.S. to Russia
which happened to be owned by associates of Bill and SoS Hillary
and where John Podesta sat on the Board of Directors

That sale made Russia the majority owner of Uranium

Then we had these same committee members
think it was a good idea and perfectly A o.k. to sign off on
Obama’s Russian Reset he put Hillary in charge of
and approved BILLIONS OF DOLLARS to help Russia
advance in science and technology and secure investments
from tech giants such as Cisco, Microsoft, Google and Intel
to create their own version of Silicon Valley...Skolkovo

Congress allowed Hillary to provide Russia with,
money, our scientists, our tech experts, you name it
while the Clinton Foundation received millions in donations
from players in Russia and the U.S. involved in this venture

Now, these same members of Congress
have the fucking nerve to scream about Russia,
collusion and national security

bless your heart
HUGE Breaking News: Civil Rights Legend John Lewis
A huge deal. He’s the conscience of Congress. this is a big fucking deal!

So some idiot I never even heard of is suddenly a legend and HIS opinion is a big deal? You're kidding, right?
John Lewis is known to be calm under pressure, but even he was shaken by the fact that Trump colluded with Russia, as we see in the OP video

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