Huma Abedin "Special Employee" Designation Is Not A New Trick By Hillary Clinton


Gold Member
Mar 27, 2012
Hillary Clinton had her US State Department pay Huma Abedin as a "special employee" while she worked for the Clinton Foundation (or "private company" as CNN calls it). But this is nothing new. When the Clintons were in Arkansas, the state did not pay for nannies for the governor; so, the Clinton listed the nanny as a security guard. Yes, they openly defrauded taxpayers then, too.
"Special employee", is that anything like her "special friend" in high school?
Wrong forum for this, isn't it? This one does look a lot like the Fever Swamps 'upstairs' these days, though.
Hillary Clinton had her US State Department pay Huma Abedin as a "special employee" while she worked for the Clinton Foundation (or "private company" as CNN calls it). But this is nothing new. When the Clintons were in Arkansas, the state did not pay for nannies for the governor; so, the Clinton listed the nanny as a security guard. Yes, they openly defrauded taxpayers then, too.
Hillary Clinton had her US State Department pay Huma Abedin as a "special employee" while she worked for the Clinton Foundation (or "private company" as CNN calls it). But this is nothing new. When the Clintons were in Arkansas, the state did not pay for nannies for the governor; so, the Clinton listed the nanny as a security guard. Yes, they openly defrauded taxpayers then, too.

You have google if you have some sort of belief issues. Not my intention to spoonfeed you.

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