Humiliated On Iran, America Has Never Suffered A UN Defeat Like This

... "You" never listened for example to the people who often asked the USA "And when will the USA close the concentration camp Guantanamo?"...

I listened. And then I pointed and laughed at the idiots asking that.

Aha. Will be interesting to see you - after you had lost your US-American citizenship - in one of the concentration camps of the USA far from the territory of the USA.

And then you woke up.
... "You" never listened for example to the people who often asked the USA "And when will the USA close the concentration camp Guantanamo?"...

I listened. And then I pointed and laughed at the idiots asking that.

Aha. Will be interesting to see you - after you had lost your US-American citizenship - in one of the concentration camps of the USA far from the territory of the USA.

And then you woke up.

In what was a little covered story, the America hating Trump regime was humiliated by the United Nations Security Council, yesterday 15 August, 2020.

At issue was the expiry of the 2007 arms embargo, a “carrot” part of the Iran nuclear deal. The Trump administration claimed that the embargo should not expire because of their declaration that Iran is a terrorist state. Trump’s de-facto boss, Russia argued the U.S. has no place presenting resolutions on a deal that it walked away from. The normally loyal European Union allies expressed concern that extending the embargo would cause Iran to withdraw from the nuclear deal.

Oh, this is way worth repeating:

"The US has no place presenting resolutions on a deal it walked away from"

And if Russia and China start selling them weapons tomorrow, we're going to do what again?
No one cares lol


Give me a break.
... "You" never listened for example to the people who often asked the USA "And when will the USA close the concentration camp Guantanamo?"...

I listened. And then I pointed and laughed at the idiots asking that.

Aha. Will be interesting to see you - after you had lost your US-American citizenship - in one of the concentration camps of the USA far from the territory of the USA.

And then you woke up.


And then you sobered up.


What for heavens sake do you try to speak about?
... "You" never listened for example to the people who often asked the USA "And when will the USA close the concentration camp Guantanamo?"...

I listened. And then I pointed and laughed at the idiots asking that.

Aha. Will be interesting to see you - after you had lost your US-American citizenship - in one of the concentration camps of the USA far from the territory of the USA.

And then you woke up.


And then you sobered up.


What for heavens sake do you try to speak about?

I'm trying to understand where your hallucinations are coming from......
... "You" never listened for example to the people who often asked the USA "And when will the USA close the concentration camp Guantanamo?"...

I listened. And then I pointed and laughed at the idiots asking that.

Aha. Will be interesting to see you - after you had lost your US-American citizenship - in one of the concentration camps of the USA far from the territory of the USA.

And then you woke up.


And then you sobered up.


What for heavens sake do you try to speak about?

I'm trying to understand where your hallucinations are coming from......

It's idiotic what you try to do. Most problems of the USA are self-made. Study your own history.
What kind of dumbass America-hating piece of shit takes the UNSC seriously? ...

The whole world takes the UNSC serios. And not every nation plays retarded primitive knockabout comedies in front of the United Nations as for example the USA sometimes was doing.
The UNSC is nothing more than a terrorist, thug, and their appeasers hate-America/hate-Israel club for shitholes.

You can suck their ass if you like. They hate you, too.

Could perhaps be a good idea to try to start to think before you say something, terrorizer.

Wenn es Pflicht, wenn zugleich gegründete Hof[f]nung da ist, den Zustand eines öffentlichen Rechts, obgleich nur in einer ins Unendliche fortschreitenden Annäherung, wirklich zu machen, so ist der e w i g e F r i e d e, der auf die bisher fälschlich so genannte[n] Friedensschlüsse (eigentlich Waffenstillstände) folgt, keine leere Idee, sondern eine Aufgabe, die nach und nach aufgelöst, ihrem Ziele (weil die Zeiten, in denen gleiche Fortschritte geschehen, hoffentlich immer kürzer werden) beständig näher kommt.

Immanuel Kant, Zum ewigen Frieden, Königsberg (heute Kaliningrad), 1795, Schlußsatz

I'm sure that makes you feel intelligent, but there's absolutely no justification for it.

Justification? For what?

The UN does not establish United States law, no matter how badly moron leftists want it to.

So, it looks like you're dismissed.

Or with other words: You like to live in a world with war and you don't realize how easy it is to kill all mankind - and that it is not even difficult to erase all life on Earth - what's for us still the only known life in the complete universe. Concrete question: What do you expect from someone, who will find out that the USA will destroy planet Earth, independent from anything what someone is able to say to the USA? Which judge can be asked from this person or nation whether it is better to stay a human being or human nation or to become a terminator fighting for all and every life with radical methods?

If you bozos had facts and logic on your side, you wouldn't need to result to blatant fear-mongering.

Calm down, Drama Queen.
True but it’s not that simple when the ayatollah has the grip of the Iran Revolutionary Guard at the same time blowing up their economy.

Too bad Omama refused to help the people in 2009.
Why did his every action favor the mullahs over the people?

Why and how should Obama should help those people Iran in 2009? How? Support revolutions against the ayatollah with only minor numbers of anti ayatollah? What do you think will happen to Iran and government if you toppled then and today?

Like I posted earlier and before with other threads. Younger generations is the key to change Iran. Then this moron incompetent Trump came in and destroyed all of that. Sanctions doesn’t slow down their nuclear program. LOOK has far they are with their program with the sanctions before Obama step in. They are so close in making a nuclear bomb.

Only reason I know why Trumo did that on top of his incompetent ....... it’s Obama’s accomplishments.
In what was a little covered story, the America hating Trump regime was humiliated by the United Nations Security Council, yesterday 15 August, 2020.

At issue was the expiry of the 2007 arms embargo, a “carrot” part of the Iran nuclear deal. The Trump administration claimed that the embargo should not expire because of their declaration that Iran is a terrorist state. Trump’s de-facto boss, Russia argued the U.S. has no place presenting resolutions on a deal that it walked away from. The normally loyal European Union allies expressed concern that extending the embargo would cause Iran to withdraw from the nuclear deal.

Oh, this is way worth repeating:

"The US has no place presenting resolutions on a deal it walked away from"

And if Russia and China start selling them weapons tomorrow, we're going to do what again?

I love European toughness on terrorism.
Really inspiring.
No danger that Iran will use arms against their own civilians....or other civilians?

Well, at least with economic sanctions, they'll find it harder to afford new weapons.

And if you think Iran ever slowed down their nuclear programs, you're even dumber than you first appeared.

The nuclear programs most certainly did slow down, with US, German, and French inspectors on the ground that verified that fact beyond any doubt.

Trump didn't walk away from the deal because it wasn't working. He walked away from it because it was, and Obama was the one that successfully brokered it.

You can count on two things after that failure and criminal cabal is removed. Irans sanctions will be eased, and Russia's sanctions will become much worse, and the fantasy world in which you reside will become much harder for you to exist in.

The nuclear programs most certainly did slow down,

That's funny.

US, German, and French inspectors on the ground that verified that fact beyond any doubt.

Any restrictions on their inspections? Any at all?

Show us any proof that Iran nuclear program did not slow down.
Show us any proof that US, GERMAN, FRENCH inspector on the ground find any Iran’s violations.

You're so trusting.

It's cute!
Meaning you don’t have any.

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I asked you a very simple question to prove your ignorance and your BULLSHIT. You came up with this. Why do you even post?
This what I posted several times in the past about Iran.

The new younger generations hate these ayatollah hard liners. Members of new Iranians revolutionary guard ( IRA) are also changing. These new generations here in US and in Iran do not want to be associated with terrorism or the reputations of terrorist sponsors. They are better without them.

The numbers of Iranians chanting DEATH TO AMERICA are dwindling and mostly olds.

It took GENERATIONS to have that kind of hatred. The 2031 is to have time hoping for a regime change.

Here comes Trump applying sanctions that hurts Iran across the board. Hurting including children medical supplies and hospitals, finances of ordinary people. That changed the whole dynamic of younger generations hatred against these ayatollah. That made entire Iran hating US especially Trump.
You've got a lot in common with them, then.

Do you like the whole "throwing gays off rooftops" thing, too?

Dude tell me where I have lots in common with them. I’m giving you exact how and exact reality and facts about Iran. And how Trump fucked this up. What part of that don’t you understand?

Do you like children not have access to medical needs?
In what was a little covered story, the America hating Trump regime was humiliated by the United Nations Security Council, yesterday 15 August, 2020.

At issue was the expiry of the 2007 arms embargo, a “carrot” part of the Iran nuclear deal. The Trump administration claimed that the embargo should not expire because of their declaration that Iran is a terrorist state. Trump’s de-facto boss, Russia argued the U.S. has no place presenting resolutions on a deal that it walked away from. The normally loyal European Union allies expressed concern that extending the embargo would cause Iran to withdraw from the nuclear deal.

Oh, this is way worth repeating:

"The US has no place presenting resolutions on a deal it walked away from"

And if Russia and China start selling them weapons tomorrow, we're going to do what again?

I love European toughness on terrorism.
Really inspiring.
No danger that Iran will use arms against their own civilians....or other civilians?

Well, at least with economic sanctions, they'll find it harder to afford new weapons.

And if you think Iran ever slowed down their nuclear programs, you're even dumber than you first appeared.

The nuclear programs most certainly did slow down, with US, German, and French inspectors on the ground that verified that fact beyond any doubt.

Trump didn't walk away from the deal because it wasn't working. He walked away from it because it was, and Obama was the one that successfully brokered it.

You can count on two things after that failure and criminal cabal is removed. Irans sanctions will be eased, and Russia's sanctions will become much worse, and the fantasy world in which you reside will become much harder for you to exist in.

How many military facilities were they allowed to inspect?

I replied to this already. Why should Iran or any government in this world allow potential traitors or enemies inspect their military sites?
Do we allow Russians inspect our military sites? Do we allow Israel inspect our secretive military sites?

Name me a country that allows such kinds of inspection.
We allow our friendly allies asa tour but not as inspections.
In what was a little covered story, the America hating Trump regime was humiliated by the United Nations Security Council, yesterday 15 August, 2020.

At issue was the expiry of the 2007 arms embargo, a “carrot” part of the Iran nuclear deal. The Trump administration claimed that the embargo should not expire because of their declaration that Iran is a terrorist state. Trump’s de-facto boss, Russia argued the U.S. has no place presenting resolutions on a deal that it walked away from. The normally loyal European Union allies expressed concern that extending the embargo would cause Iran to withdraw from the nuclear deal.

Oh, this is way worth repeating:

"The US has no place presenting resolutions on a deal it walked away from"

And if Russia and China start selling them weapons tomorrow, we're going to do what again?
Leave it to traitorous leftist OP to celebrate what is perceived in his myopic mind as the US being denigrated. You love all of us Americans how much?
Gotta 'love' loathe the way TDS-suffering snowflakes relish the successes of anti-America globalists and enemies of the US....
I don’t see any good reasons why your fake messiah applied sanctions. I see no goal or any kinds of what is he trying t accomplish.
TDS this is a good example of TRUMP DERANGED SYMPATHIZERS.

Since you are a TDS give me an example what is Trump trying to accomplish with his sanctions.
In what was a little covered story, the America hating Trump regime was humiliated by the United Nations Security Council, yesterday 15 August, 2020.

At issue was the expiry of the 2007 arms embargo, a “carrot” part of the Iran nuclear deal. The Trump administration claimed that the embargo should not expire because of their declaration that Iran is a terrorist state. Trump’s de-facto boss, Russia argued the U.S. has no place presenting resolutions on a deal that it walked away from. The normally loyal European Union allies expressed concern that extending the embargo would cause Iran to withdraw from the nuclear deal.

Oh, this is way worth repeating:

"The US has no place presenting resolutions on a deal it walked away from"

And if Russia and China start selling them weapons tomorrow, we're going to do what again?

Don't despair, a group of adults are taking white house back in a few months, and they will help america gain some respect again....
In what was a little covered story, the America hating Trump regime was humiliated by the United Nations Security Council, yesterday 15 August, 2020.

At issue was the expiry of the 2007 arms embargo, a “carrot” part of the Iran nuclear deal. The Trump administration claimed that the embargo should not expire because of their declaration that Iran is a terrorist state. Trump’s de-facto boss, Russia argued the U.S. has no place presenting resolutions on a deal that it walked away from. The normally loyal European Union allies expressed concern that extending the embargo would cause Iran to withdraw from the nuclear deal.

Oh, this is way worth repeating:

"The US has no place presenting resolutions on a deal it walked away from"

And if Russia and China start selling them weapons tomorrow, we're going to do what again?
The UN is a bunch of stuffed suits who get together every once in awhile and jerk each other off. It should have been dismantled years ago.
Trump made us the laughing stock around the world with his dumb incompetent foreign policies. Embarrassing actually. You want to dismantle UN just because of Trump failed foreign policy.
In what was a little covered story, the America hating Trump regime was humiliated by the United Nations Security Council, yesterday 15 August, 2020.

At issue was the expiry of the 2007 arms embargo, a “carrot” part of the Iran nuclear deal. The Trump administration claimed that the embargo should not expire because of their declaration that Iran is a terrorist state. Trump’s de-facto boss, Russia argued the U.S. has no place presenting resolutions on a deal that it walked away from. The normally loyal European Union allies expressed concern that extending the embargo would cause Iran to withdraw from the nuclear deal.

Oh, this is way worth repeating:

"The US has no place presenting resolutions on a deal it walked away from"

And if Russia and China start selling them weapons tomorrow, we're going to do what again?
The UN is a bunch of stuffed suits who get together every once in awhile and jerk each other off. It should have been dismantled years ago.
Trump made us the laughing stock around the world with his dumb incompetent foreign policies. Embarrassing actually. You want to dismantle UN just because of Trump failed foreign policy.
I've been for the dismantling of the UN for decades just like other real Americans who understand what a waste of money and oxygen the UN is.
True but it’s not that simple when the ayatollah has the grip of the Iran Revolutionary Guard at the same time blowing up their economy.

Too bad Omama refused to help the people in 2009.
Why did his every action favor the mullahs over the people?

Why and how should Obama should help those people Iran in 2009? How? Support revolutions against the ayatollah with only minor numbers of anti ayatollah? What do you think will happen to Iran and government if you toppled then and today?

Like I posted earlier and before with other threads. Younger generations is the key to change Iran. Then this moron incompetent Trump came in and destroyed all of that. Sanctions doesn’t slow down their nuclear program. LOOK has far they are with their program with the sanctions before Obama step in. They are so close in making a nuclear bomb.

Only reason I know why Trumo did that on top of his incompetent ....... it’s Obama’s accomplishments.

Why and how should Obama should help those people Iran in 2009?

Why did he support every one of the other uprisings in the Arab Spring?

Like I posted earlier and before with other threads. Younger generations is the key to change Iran.

The younger generations that Obama didn't support in 2009.
In what was a little covered story, the America hating Trump regime was humiliated by the United Nations Security Council, yesterday 15 August, 2020.

At issue was the expiry of the 2007 arms embargo, a “carrot” part of the Iran nuclear deal. The Trump administration claimed that the embargo should not expire because of their declaration that Iran is a terrorist state. Trump’s de-facto boss, Russia argued the U.S. has no place presenting resolutions on a deal that it walked away from. The normally loyal European Union allies expressed concern that extending the embargo would cause Iran to withdraw from the nuclear deal.

Oh, this is way worth repeating:

"The US has no place presenting resolutions on a deal it walked away from"

And if Russia and China start selling them weapons tomorrow, we're going to do what again?

I love European toughness on terrorism.
Really inspiring.
No danger that Iran will use arms against their own civilians....or other civilians?

Well, at least with economic sanctions, they'll find it harder to afford new weapons.

And if you think Iran ever slowed down their nuclear programs, you're even dumber than you first appeared.

The nuclear programs most certainly did slow down, with US, German, and French inspectors on the ground that verified that fact beyond any doubt.

Trump didn't walk away from the deal because it wasn't working. He walked away from it because it was, and Obama was the one that successfully brokered it.

You can count on two things after that failure and criminal cabal is removed. Irans sanctions will be eased, and Russia's sanctions will become much worse, and the fantasy world in which you reside will become much harder for you to exist in.

The nuclear programs most certainly did slow down,

That's funny.

US, German, and French inspectors on the ground that verified that fact beyond any doubt.

Any restrictions on their inspections? Any at all?

Obviously you don’t have any clue of what you are talking about.

Since you are wet well informed. LOL. Let me entertain you....... We have IAEA inspectors consist of mostly American scientists + Europeans and very sophisticated satellites. Did you hear them saying any violations?

Give us an example where Iran violated the agreement.... .
In what was a little covered story, the America hating Trump regime was humiliated by the United Nations Security Council, yesterday 15 August, 2020.

At issue was the expiry of the 2007 arms embargo, a “carrot” part of the Iran nuclear deal. The Trump administration claimed that the embargo should not expire because of their declaration that Iran is a terrorist state. Trump’s de-facto boss, Russia argued the U.S. has no place presenting resolutions on a deal that it walked away from. The normally loyal European Union allies expressed concern that extending the embargo would cause Iran to withdraw from the nuclear deal.

Oh, this is way worth repeating:

"The US has no place presenting resolutions on a deal it walked away from"

And if Russia and China start selling them weapons tomorrow, we're going to do what again?

I love European toughness on terrorism.
Really inspiring.
No danger that Iran will use arms against their own civilians....or other civilians?

Well, at least with economic sanctions, they'll find it harder to afford new weapons.

And if you think Iran ever slowed down their nuclear programs, you're even dumber than you first appeared.

The nuclear programs most certainly did slow down, with US, German, and French inspectors on the ground that verified that fact beyond any doubt.

Trump didn't walk away from the deal because it wasn't working. He walked away from it because it was, and Obama was the one that successfully brokered it.

You can count on two things after that failure and criminal cabal is removed. Irans sanctions will be eased, and Russia's sanctions will become much worse, and the fantasy world in which you reside will become much harder for you to exist in.

The nuclear programs most certainly did slow down,

That's funny.

US, German, and French inspectors on the ground that verified that fact beyond any doubt.

Any restrictions on their inspections? Any at all?

Obviously you don’t have any clue of what you are talking about.

Since you are wet well informed. LOL. Let me entertain you....... We have IAEA inspectors consist of mostly American scientists + Europeans and very sophisticated satellites. Did you hear them saying any violations?

Give us an example where Iran violated the agreement.... .

We have IAEA inspectors consist of mostly American scientists + Europeans and very sophisticated satellites. Did you hear them saying any violations?

If there was a violation at a military site, how would we find it?

As you've so eloquently stated, "Why should Iran or any government in this world allow potential traitors or enemies inspect their military sites?"

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