Hundreds Of Former Bush Officials Form New Super PAC To Help Elect Biden

You do realize the only reason these people are backing Biden is because they know he will continue the neocon policy of endless war around the world, right? Not to mention continuing to sell us and the rest of the world out to the Chinese

Even if true - so what? At least Trump will be gone. How many wars did President Obama start? BTW, Trump is the one sucking on Chinese tit.

Your partisan stupidly continues to grow, Trump is a big threat to their world order racket, that is why they try so hard to take him down with numerous bogus investigations, they attack his allies such as Flynn and now Barr with more bogus investigations.

It is truly sad you are so blind to this reality.
Dude, Trump is burning us all down. Give it a break.

You are as blind as Lakhota, since Trump isn't the one causing the riots, the burning and the looting, it is several leftists groups fermenting them.

America is dying because of people like you, who are so far into partisan ideology, that you can't even see the deep state doesn't give a shit about you. The super rich are mad at Trump who has been supporting Main street over Wall street, which is why they are funding the media and terror groups against him.

You and others have already forgotten the 1% who are using you for their ends.
C'mon and tell us all the truth. Trump is on the road to Florida. He hopes.
As I said before, if I'm Trumps team, I am using this endorsement of Biden from the Neo-Cons to persuade Independents and Bernie Bros to support Trump instead. Even a few solid liberals might say "I'm not into this, our party have changed" and they will vote for Trump. Not just vote for a party for the sake of doing so.

Anyone recall the backlash from Ellen when she sat with Bush? It was all a preview to this moment, where the left could just accept Bushs money. People might suspect though, that this is buying policies and view Biden as the very type of politician they don't want to support. I've seen the comments on twitter and on forums. He has much softer support from his party than Trump has from his.

May the best policies win.
You do realize the only reason these people are backing Biden is because they know he will continue the neocon policy of endless war around the world, right? Not to mention continuing to sell us and the rest of the world out to the Chinese

Even if true - so what? At least Trump will be gone. How many wars did President Obama start? BTW, Trump is the one sucking on Chinese tit.

I simply find it ironic you are endorsing the Bush Doctrine.
You do realize the only reason these people are backing Biden is because they know he will continue the neocon policy of endless war around the world, right? Not to mention continuing to sell us and the rest of the world out to the Chinese

Even if true - so what? At least Trump will be gone. How many wars did President Obama start? BTW, Trump is the one sucking on Chinese tit.

I simply find it ironic you are endorsing the Bush Doctrine.

That's really just too stupid to compute. Politics makes strange bedfellows.
The whole uniparty is after Trump. I hope we can finally get rid of the McCain and Romney types. Braun from Indiana, who just got blasted by Tucker, used to be a registered democrat. This is why I support Trump so strongly. It is extremely difficult to find someone to represent citizens and not Washington. The corruption has become nauseating, and the media is fine with it. It makes me wonder about Dana Perino. She has the miss innocent act down, but she was pretty deep in the swamp. It is hard to be in Washington and not be a part of Washington.
“Hundreds Of Former Bush Officials Form New Super PAC To Help Elect Biden”

Which makes perfect sense.

It’s imperative Trump is voted out of office.
Globalists always stick together, they have to or will be exposed for who and what they are.

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