Hunter Biden flees contempt hearing

How do Republicans feel about a Republican talking about Hunter's "White privilege"??

But you get the feeling Trump has destroyed politics.

Taylor Greene called Hunter a "coward", Mace said "You have no balls"

She got used having McCarthy's ball locked a drawer in her office.
It was done by shit-head because they wanted footage for the film they are making about him. There is nothing more to it than that.

He proved he was willing to appear before the committee, he more than willing appear before public hearing, it ReNaziKlans whe refuse hold open meetings.
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Lowlife cowardly daddy isn`t the one running away from 91 felony charges. :auiqs.jpg:
I thought Trump was going through the court battles, so he hasn’t ran away.

What I find amusing is you people stoop to his level and you lie and make up stories. So you being a lowlife liar pouncing on another low life person is funny, you partisan morons are all too funny, left or right.

Carry on!
Oh jeepers, the same middle finger that other people of power and privilege (The Trumps, Republicans) have given our "democratic" process for years. :)
You can always count on the other party to criticize the other party for the same shit they are doing. The two parties are so hypocritical.
I thought Trump was going through the court battles, so he hasn’t ran away.

What I find amusing is you people stoop to his level and you lie and make up stories. So you being a lowlife liar pouncing on another low life person is funny, you partisan morons are all too funny, left or right.

Carry on!

P01135809 is famous delaying tactics. He is one big fucking shit sucking coward.
Biden pulled a publicity stunt by showing up at a contempt of congress hearing and then stormed off without answering questions.

You dumb piece of shit the traitors don't want to ask him questions in public
I guess only Democrats can defy a subpoena and face no punishment.

Really? Let's see Jim Jordan, McCarthy, Brooks, Mark Meadows, Peter Navarro and the list goes on, they all defied subpoenas and you were quiet as a church mouse.

You Trump Humpers are the biggest hypocrites running.
Figure of speech. When someone 'runs for office' they're not actually running.

So you could say "walk" for office?

The context is completely different when you say someone is running from a room versus running for office.

He walked out of the room. He didn't run...and he certainly didn't run like a scared rabbit.
Hope that clears things up for you. What do you think about Hunter running away from questions? Try to stay on point please.
What question did he "run" from? They didn't ask him any.
I guess only Democrats can defy a subpoena and face no punishment.

2 tiered Justice

Hunter belong in the DC Gulag
You dumb piece of shit the traitors don't want to ask him questions in public

They're shit scared his answer wll never fit their preconcieved narrative. ReNaziKlans do not the truth, they want a convenient lie.

It would be fair easier for them lie about what HB said if the committee meets behind closed doors. That way they would be free to lie (and they would) about HB said behind closed doors.
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Biden pulled a publicity stunt by showing up at a contempt of congress hearing and then stormed off without answering questions.

Naw, the theater was when rep mace claimed that Hunter didn't have the balls to testify, apparently forgetting that rep greene had already showed pictures of them.
So you could say "walk" for office?

The context is completely different when you say someone is running from a room versus running for office.

He walked out of the room. He didn't run...and he certainly didn't run like a scared rabbit.

What question did he "run" from? They didn't ask him any.
Worse yet, the fucker ran at the prospect of a question.
Biden pulled a publicity stunt by showing up at a contempt of congress hearing and then stormed off without answering questions.

This drugged up thug is so arrogant that he cannot grasp how despicable this behavior is.

IOW, he's a Biden.
Biden pulled a publicity stunt by showing up at a contempt of congress hearing and then stormed off without answering questions.

He called out Republicans. He showed up to answer questions and made them look stupid.

We could understand your outrage at Hunter not playing your game but it's obvious what you are trying to do. You want to interview him privately, get nothing, but then leak shit out selectively. In an election year. Solely a political move. Fuck you.

He will testify in public you Nazi's.

I like that he walked out on Majorie Taylor Green. She showed dic pics of him.

Neither does Gym Jordan, but I didn't hear you whining about him ignoring his subpoena.

You're all a pack of hypocrites.
Democrats went ballistic over Jordan not showing up. They STILL rail against it 3 years later. They bring it up in Congressional meetings all the time.

What happened to that position? Why the sudden reversal when it comes to Hunter? Isnt THAT hypocritical?
Worse yet, the fucker ran at the prospect of a question.
You mean he walked out because the R's were to cowardly to ask a question.

They could have but they didn't.

They are brave enough to show hunters dick pics but when he is right there they clam up...until after he walked out, then they got brave again.

It was sad to watch.
Biden pulled a publicity stunt by showing up at a contempt of congress hearing and then stormed off without answering questions.

Trump toadies hellbent on secretly interrogating Citizen Biden so that they could cherry pick only what served their propaganda purposes must have soiled themselves when he appeared and presented them with the opportunity to question him in the light of day so the public could have uncensored access to the testimony. (Comer had stated in a a podcast that he would welcome either public or private testimony.)

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The Congressional Trump toadies have tried for months, but have been impotent in concocting any credible evidence of wrongdoing by the President. After their "star witness" Devon Archer destroyed their fantasy, and Lev Parnas admitted that the hit job was baseless, their need to perpetuate the farce for purely partisan political purposes is becoming even more desperate.

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