Hunter Biden’s $450,000 Tax Debt Gets Suddenly ‘RESOLVED’ Despite Claiming NO Income

Who cares? Let’s say it was a totally irrational decision. But it’s not illegal to make irrational hires and pay them too much money.

If it’s not illegal, you can’t investigate it. The question is irrelevant.
In some cases it certainly is illegal.

Burisma sent a lot of money to Rosemont Seneca, Biden's law firm. It's not necessarily illegal for a corporation in Ukraine to make payments to a board member's company, but is has to be for actual services rendered. Otherwise it's illegal.

That is one of the issues Ukraine is investigating.

Is there credible evidence to suggest that there were no services rendered by Biden?
If no services were rendered, there would be no evidence. :cuckoo:

What they want is documentation that services were rendered. And PG Shokin wanted to interview Burisma's board of directors, including Hunter Biden, regarding many other issues too.

Quid Pro Joe extorted Ukraine's government to get Shokin removed and replaced with his corrupt puppet, Lutsenko. So Burisma was off the hook. But not anymore. Zelenski won and there's a new administration and they are reviewing all of Burisma cases.

And the Shokin assassination attempt is also under investigation. Biden obviously had a motive to kill Shokin, so he's naturally a suspect. And just a month after the assassination attempt, Joe Biden started pressuring Poroshenko and Yatsenyuk to fire Shokin. So that raises some eyebrows too.
So you have no reason to believe that Hunter Biden failed to perform services for his salary, but you want to investigate anyway?

That would be engaging in a political witch hunt without predication. Not legal.
Bullshit. It's perfectly legal for the PGO and NABU to investigate all payments made by Burisma because of a pattern of corrupt activity, which has included bribery.

Since Joe Biden was caught on a live stream confessing that he extorted Ukraine officials into firing the Prosecutor General who was investigating Burisma and Zlochevsky, there is plenty of reasonable suspicion that the payments to Biden's firm were nothing but a bribe. Especially since Burisma and Rosemont Seneca have refused to present any contemporaneous documentation showing that Biden's firm rendered any sort of legitimate legal services to Burisma. Likely because they don't exist.

Hell, just a couple of months ago they were caught trying to bribe investigators on behalf of Zlochevsky AGAIN!.


There's definitely a pattern of corruption, including extortion and bribery. Therefore there's plenty of reasonable suspicion to investigate the payments to Biden.

Given the huge amount of evidence, I think we both know beyond a reasonable doubt that the payments were a bribe.

You should have read your article, there were no ties to Biden:
The seizure, which is the largest in Ukraine's history, had no ties to Biden, say authorities, who showed stacks of $100 bill at a press conference Saturday.
I did read the article, jackass.

It's more evidence a pattern of corrupt behavior by Zlochevski. Another bribe. This puts all of Burisma and Zlochevski's payments under even more suspicion, including the payments to Biden.

It's a continuation of a pattern of bribery.

Then you can investigate Zlochevski, but not Biden.
That's simply a lie.
But you have no evidence of any wrongdoing by Biden. You have evidence of wrongdoing by Zlochevski.

Probable cause needs to be specific to the person being investigated.
You don't need probable cause to investigate in the first place, jackass. Hunter Biden never had diplomatic immunity. Of course Joe Biden can hide behind his diplomat status, but Hunter was not a diplomat.

Hunter Biden is a person of interest because he was on the Burisma board of directors. He's the director who was in charge of Burisma's legal team and his firm received extremely large payments from Zlochevsky. And Zlochevsky has been know to use bribes to take care of legal issues.

Hunter Biden confessed on TV that Zlochevsky would not have made him a Burisma director if his father wasn't the made the Obama administration's point man on Ukraine.

Joe Biden confessed that he got rid of the prosecutor who was investigating Burisma.

The abundance of circumstantial evidence is plenty of reasonable suspicion to make it prudent for a prosecutor to open an investigation. It would be grossly negligent for a prosecutor to ignore the Bidens' conflicts of interest.
But there’s no evidence that ties Hunter Biden to any bribes.

So there’s no basis for investigation.

Hunter Biden cannot have a conflict of interest as he’s not a member of government. Joe Biden is exempt from conflict of interest laws, a fact pointed out by Trump, who would never be able to retain ownership of his company as president.

There is no evidence to suggest that firing of Shokin was in any way related to Hunter Biden’s position on that board.
There's a ton of evidence!

Dozens of payments were made to Rosemont Seneca by Burisma, an entity known to use bribery. The bank records of every one of those payments is evidence!

Biden confessed in a live stream that he extorted Ukrainian officials into firing Shokin. That video is evidence!

Shokin testified under oath that he was fired because he wouldn't drop the criminal case against Burisma. The transcript of that deposition is evidence!

Payments for being a board of director is not evidence of illegal activity without further evidence.

Biden saying that Shokin being fired because he was corrupt is not evidence of illegal activity without further information.

Shokin is not a credible witness. Allegations have to come from credible sources to be used as evidence of illegal activity.

Strike out.

When Biden is responsible for the Ukraine relationship and Ukraine is paying his son millions of dollars, that is clear conflict of interest. Obviously you have no business or management experience if you don't know that
Dumbfuck, who denied it was a conflict of interest?
There's a ton of evidence!

Dozens of payments were made to Rosemont Seneca by Burisma, an entity known to use bribery. The bank records of every one of those payments is evidence!

Biden confessed in a live stream that he extorted Ukrainian officials into firing Shokin. That video is evidence!

Shokin testified under oath that he was fired because he wouldn't drop the criminal case against Burisma. The transcript of that deposition is evidence!

Payments for being a board of director is not evidence of illegal activity without further evidence.

Biden saying that Shokin being fired because he was corrupt is not evidence of illegal activity without further information.

Shokin is not a credible witness. Allegations have to come from credible sources to be used as evidence of illegal activity.

Strike out.

When Biden is responsible for the Ukraine relationship and Ukraine is paying his son millions of dollars, that is clear conflict of interest. Obviously you have no business or management experience if you don't know that
Dumbfuck, who denied it was a conflict of interest?

You're one angry little guy
So, Biden's tax arrears were paid off in an effort to help his father win the Presidency.

Someone explain the difference between this payment and any payment made to a private citizen to (supposedly) hep win an election.

(other than one is a Republican)
Hunter Biden’s $450,000 Tax Debt Gets Suddenly ‘RESOLVED’ Despite Claiming NO Income

23 Aug 2020 ~~ By Jonathan Jones

A large tax debt owed to the government by the son of former Vice President Joe Biden has disappeared, according to a report.
Hunter Biden, who has faced scrutiny over allegedly profiting from businesses internationally using his father’s influence, recently told a court in his Arkansas paternity case that he was out of work and broke.
The Washington Free Beacon reported Saturday that despite the younger Biden’s reported personal and financial woes, he was able to resolve a six-figure tax debt in a short period of time.
“Hunter Biden was hit with a $450,000 lien in July over delinquent state income taxes, which he paid off in six days despite having no discernible income,” the Free Beacon’s Alana Goodman reported.
The ability to pay nearly half a million dollars in back taxes in less than a week seems to contradict statements from Biden to an Arkansas court that he could not afford to pay child support.
In January, Biden agreed to pay the mother of a child he fathered in Arkansas, despite not having a job, retroactive to November 2018, Fox News reported.
Biden failed to turn over documents relevant to his income and was held in contempt of court, according to Fox.
After a court-ordered paternity test, Biden was found to be the child’s father.
There was also a legal dustup concerning how much Biden’s permanent monthly child support payment would be calculated.
The paternity and child support case in Arkansas furthers the mystery surrounding Biden’s ability to pay off the reported tax debt.
“A spokesman for D.C.’s Office of the Chief Financial Officer confirmed that Hunter Biden’s lien was released on July 15 after the ‘tax issue was resolved.’ The office declined to say whether Biden had paid off the debt,” The Free Beacon reported.
It is unclear what income, if any, Biden has at the moment, as his father seeks to unseat President Donald Trump in November.
Biden has been linked to a series of financial scandals.
After being hired by Ukrainian energy company Burisma Holdings in 2014, Biden was paid a salary of $83,333 a month, Fox reported.
The high salary was paid despite the former VP’s son holding a job as a non-executive “ceremonial figure.”
It was also said by three individuals close to Biden’s Burisma deal that he never visited Ukraine, despite the exorbitant salary, according to Reuters.
Biden was reportedly paid that salary from April 2014 until November 2015.
In Biden’s 2017 divorce, his former wife claimed he sent the family into financial ruin by spending money on “drugs, alcohol, prostitutes, strip clubs and gifts for women with whom he had sexual relations.”
Kathleen Biden said the family was left with massive debts by Biden’s alleged activities, including tax debt, medical bills and credit cards that were maxed out.
This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

Hmm...., If it is any consolation, I don’t think Hunter is going to help him during the election.
Trump is going to highlight this early and often and frankly it does not take a rocket scientist to see that something is wrong with the Ukraine and China deals, but wait.... there is even more to come out.
The Biden’s played the same scheme in other Eastern European countries as well as Iraq where Biden’s brother landed a lucrative contract in an area where he had no expertise.
It would be a shame if Hunter put all those dollars up hi nose...
the question is where is that $1.4 billion dollar China deal money?

Same pattern---Obama/clintons corrupt DOJ to cover up their crimes and go after political ememies and others--------so ergo logic dictates that the IRS and state agencies that the Obamas corrupted to go after political enemies would also cover up tax crimes of them.
There's a ton of evidence!

Dozens of payments were made to Rosemont Seneca by Burisma, an entity known to use bribery. The bank records of every one of those payments is evidence!

Biden confessed in a live stream that he extorted Ukrainian officials into firing Shokin. That video is evidence!

Shokin testified under oath that he was fired because he wouldn't drop the criminal case against Burisma. The transcript of that deposition is evidence!

Payments for being a board of director is not evidence of illegal activity without further evidence.

Biden saying that Shokin being fired because he was corrupt is not evidence of illegal activity without further information.

Shokin is not a credible witness. Allegations have to come from credible sources to be used as evidence of illegal activity.

Strike out.

When Biden is responsible for the Ukraine relationship and Ukraine is paying his son millions of dollars, that is clear conflict of interest. Obviously you have no business or management experience if you don't know that
Dumbfuck, who denied it was a conflict of interest?

You're one angry little guy

Translation from kaz-to-English: no one denied it was a conflict of interest.
Hunter Biden’s $450,000 Tax Debt Gets Suddenly ‘RESOLVED’ Despite Claiming NO Income

23 Aug 2020 ~~ By Jonathan Jones

A large tax debt owed to the government by the son of former Vice President Joe Biden has disappeared, according to a report.
Hunter Biden, who has faced scrutiny over allegedly profiting from businesses internationally using his father’s influence, recently told a court in his Arkansas paternity case that he was out of work and broke.
The Washington Free Beacon reported Saturday that despite the younger Biden’s reported personal and financial woes, he was able to resolve a six-figure tax debt in a short period of time.
“Hunter Biden was hit with a $450,000 lien in July over delinquent state income taxes, which he paid off in six days despite having no discernible income,” the Free Beacon’s Alana Goodman reported.
The ability to pay nearly half a million dollars in back taxes in less than a week seems to contradict statements from Biden to an Arkansas court that he could not afford to pay child support.
In January, Biden agreed to pay the mother of a child he fathered in Arkansas, despite not having a job, retroactive to November 2018, Fox News reported.
Biden failed to turn over documents relevant to his income and was held in contempt of court, according to Fox.
After a court-ordered paternity test, Biden was found to be the child’s father.
There was also a legal dustup concerning how much Biden’s permanent monthly child support payment would be calculated.
The paternity and child support case in Arkansas furthers the mystery surrounding Biden’s ability to pay off the reported tax debt.
“A spokesman for D.C.’s Office of the Chief Financial Officer confirmed that Hunter Biden’s lien was released on July 15 after the ‘tax issue was resolved.’ The office declined to say whether Biden had paid off the debt,” The Free Beacon reported.
It is unclear what income, if any, Biden has at the moment, as his father seeks to unseat President Donald Trump in November.
Biden has been linked to a series of financial scandals.
After being hired by Ukrainian energy company Burisma Holdings in 2014, Biden was paid a salary of $83,333 a month, Fox reported.
The high salary was paid despite the former VP’s son holding a job as a non-executive “ceremonial figure.”
It was also said by three individuals close to Biden’s Burisma deal that he never visited Ukraine, despite the exorbitant salary, according to Reuters.
Biden was reportedly paid that salary from April 2014 until November 2015.
In Biden’s 2017 divorce, his former wife claimed he sent the family into financial ruin by spending money on “drugs, alcohol, prostitutes, strip clubs and gifts for women with whom he had sexual relations.”
Kathleen Biden said the family was left with massive debts by Biden’s alleged activities, including tax debt, medical bills and credit cards that were maxed out.
This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

Hmm...., If it is any consolation, I don’t think Hunter is going to help him during the election.
Trump is going to highlight this early and often and frankly it does not take a rocket scientist to see that something is wrong with the Ukraine and China deals, but wait.... there is even more to come out.
The Biden’s played the same scheme in other Eastern European countries as well as Iraq where Biden’s brother landed a lucrative contract in an area where he had no expertise.
It would be a shame if Hunter put all those dollars up hi nose...
the question is where is that $1.4 billion dollar China deal money?

Hunter Biden is the whitest of privilege thanks to his father.
Shokin was spreading Russian propaganda.
I challenge you to directly quote something that Shokin said and explain the reasoning that you used to come to the conclusion that it is Russian propaganda, so that the USMB forum may scrutinize your logic.

I predict that you will run away from that challenge.

If you cannot explain your reasoning, You might be a typical TDS afflicted moron mindlessly mumbling Russia, Russia, Russia repeatedly sans rational reason.

Have him come to the US and testify under oath. If he lies he goes to jail.
Shokin already tried that. The Democrat ambassador to Ukraine, Marie Yovanovitch, denied his visa request. Trump fired her corrupt ass. So Shokin should have no problem getting a visa now.

He dropped the case against Burisma BEFORE Hunter Biden joined the Board.
Why do you insult the intelligence of the entire USMB forum by telling stupid lies like that?

  • Hunter Biden joined Burisma's board of directors on April 18, 2014.
  • Formal criminal proceedings were initiated against Burisma on November 27, 2014, several months AFTER Zlochevsky appointed Biden to the board of directors.
  • Viktor Shokin did not come out of retirement to become Prosecutor General until Feb 10, 2015.
Therefore, your contention that Shokin dropped the case against Burisma BEFORE Hunter Biden became a Burisma director is not only a lie, it is literally an impossibility.

It does not jibe with the established timeline of events.

Last edited:
Shokin was spreading Russian propaganda.
I challenge you to directly quote something that Shokin said and explain the reasoning that you used to come to the conclusion that it is Russian propaganda, so that the USMB forum may scrutinize your logic.

I predict that you will run away from that challenge.

If you cannot explain your reasoning, You might be a typical TDS afflicted moron mindlessly mumbling Russia, Russia, Russia repeatedly sans rational reason.

Have him come to the US and testify under oath. If he lies he goes to jail.
Shokin already tried that. The Democrat ambassador to Ukraine, Marie Yovanovitch, denied his visa request. Trump fired her corrupt ass. So Shokin should have no problem getting a visa now.

He dropped the case against Burisma BEFORE Hunter Biden joined the Board.
Why do you insult the intelligence of the entire USMB forum by telling stupid lies like that?

  • Hunter Biden joined Burisma's board of directors on April 18, 2014.
  • Formal criminal proceedings were initiated against Burisma on November 27, 2014, several months AFTER Zlochevsky appointed Biden to the board of directors.
  • Viktor Shokin did not come out of retirement to become Prosecutor General until Feb 10, 2015.
Therefore, your contention that Shokin dropped the case against Burisma BEFORE Hunter Biden became a Burisma director is not only a lie, it is literally an impossibility.

It does not jibe with the established timeline of events.

"Formal criminal proceedings were initiated against Burisma on November 27, 2014, several months AFTER Zlochevsky appointed Biden to the board of directors."

... for crimes purportedly committed long before Biden joined their board...

The investigation dealt with the Ministry of Ecology, which allegedly granted special permits to Burisma between 2010 and 2012, the agency said. Hunter Biden did not join the company until 2014.

And Shokin was first tasked with that investigation in 2014 where he was asked to assist a British investigation into Zlochevsky. Britain had frozen millions of Zlochevsky's assets but was forced by their own court to release those assets about a year later because Shokin refused to cooperate.
Shokin was spreading Russian propaganda.
I challenge you to directly quote something that Shokin said and explain the reasoning that you used to come to the conclusion that it is Russian propaganda, so that the USMB forum may scrutinize your logic.

I predict that you will run away from that challenge.

If you cannot explain your reasoning, You might be a typical TDS afflicted moron mindlessly mumbling Russia, Russia, Russia repeatedly sans rational reason.

Have him come to the US and testify under oath. If he lies he goes to jail.
Shokin already tried that. The Democrat ambassador to Ukraine, Marie Yovanovitch, denied his visa request. Trump fired her corrupt ass. So Shokin should have no problem getting a visa now.

He dropped the case against Burisma BEFORE Hunter Biden joined the Board.
Why do you insult the intelligence of the entire USMB forum by telling stupid lies like that?

  • Hunter Biden joined Burisma's board of directors on April 18, 2014.
  • Formal criminal proceedings were initiated against Burisma on November 27, 2014, several months AFTER Zlochevsky appointed Biden to the board of directors.
  • Viktor Shokin did not come out of retirement to become Prosecutor General until Feb 10, 2015.
Therefore, your contention that Shokin dropped the case against Burisma BEFORE Hunter Biden became a Burisma director is not only a lie, it is literally an impossibility.

It does not jibe with the established timeline of events.

"Formal criminal proceedings were initiated against Burisma on November 27, 2014, several months AFTER Zlochevsky appointed Biden to the board of directors."

... for crimes purportedly committed long before Biden joined their board...

The investigation dealt with the Ministry of Ecology, which allegedly granted special permits to Burisma between 2010 and 2012, the agency said. Hunter Biden did not join the company until 2014.

And Shokin was first tasked with that investigation in 2014 where he was asked to assist a British investigation into Zlochevsky. Britain had frozen millions of Zlochevsky's assets but was forced by their own court to release those assets about a year later because Shokin refused to cooperate.
Bullshit. That narrative has been debunked.
Shokin was spreading Russian propaganda.
I challenge you to directly quote something that Shokin said and explain the reasoning that you used to come to the conclusion that it is Russian propaganda, so that the USMB forum may scrutinize your logic.

I predict that you will run away from that challenge.

If you cannot explain your reasoning, You might be a typical TDS afflicted moron mindlessly mumbling Russia, Russia, Russia repeatedly sans rational reason.

Have him come to the US and testify under oath. If he lies he goes to jail.
Shokin already tried that. The Democrat ambassador to Ukraine, Marie Yovanovitch, denied his visa request. Trump fired her corrupt ass. So Shokin should have no problem getting a visa now.

He dropped the case against Burisma BEFORE Hunter Biden joined the Board.
Why do you insult the intelligence of the entire USMB forum by telling stupid lies like that?

  • Hunter Biden joined Burisma's board of directors on April 18, 2014.
  • Formal criminal proceedings were initiated against Burisma on November 27, 2014, several months AFTER Zlochevsky appointed Biden to the board of directors.
  • Viktor Shokin did not come out of retirement to become Prosecutor General until Feb 10, 2015.
Therefore, your contention that Shokin dropped the case against Burisma BEFORE Hunter Biden became a Burisma director is not only a lie, it is literally an impossibility.

It does not jibe with the established timeline of events.

"Formal criminal proceedings were initiated against Burisma on November 27, 2014, several months AFTER Zlochevsky appointed Biden to the board of directors."

... for crimes purportedly committed long before Biden joined their board...

The investigation dealt with the Ministry of Ecology, which allegedly granted special permits to Burisma between 2010 and 2012, the agency said. Hunter Biden did not join the company until 2014.

And Shokin was first tasked with that investigation in 2014 where he was asked to assist a British investigation into Zlochevsky. Britain had frozen millions of Zlochevsky's assets but was forced by their own court to release those assets about a year later because Shokin refused to cooperate.
Bullshit. That fake news was debunked a long time ago. PG Shokin did not refuse to cooperate, he refused to break the fucking law, because unlike the convict that Biden had installed into the PGO via extortion Shokin refused to become corrupt.

Shokin refused to drop his investigation regarding over $3 million in payments from Burisma to Rosemont Seneca, a law firm co-owned by Hunter Biden and a major bundler for Secretary John Kerry named Devon Archer.

Since Hunter Biden has never even been to Ukraine or ever done business there so he has never been within the jurisdiction of Ukraine. Therefore Hunter was never the target of any criminal investigation by Ukraine. The target of the investigation has always been Burisma not Hunter. Hunter is just wanted as a witness. So it is very telling that Hunter Biden refuses to cooperate with the Ukrainian officials. Who is he protecting?
Shokin was spreading Russian propaganda.
I challenge you to directly quote something that Shokin said and explain the reasoning that you used to come to the conclusion that it is Russian propaganda, so that the USMB forum may scrutinize your logic.

I predict that you will run away from that challenge.

If you cannot explain your reasoning, You might be a typical TDS afflicted moron mindlessly mumbling Russia, Russia, Russia repeatedly sans rational reason.

Have him come to the US and testify under oath. If he lies he goes to jail.
Shokin already tried that. The Democrat ambassador to Ukraine, Marie Yovanovitch, denied his visa request. Trump fired her corrupt ass. So Shokin should have no problem getting a visa now.

He dropped the case against Burisma BEFORE Hunter Biden joined the Board.
Why do you insult the intelligence of the entire USMB forum by telling stupid lies like that?

  • Hunter Biden joined Burisma's board of directors on April 18, 2014.
  • Formal criminal proceedings were initiated against Burisma on November 27, 2014, several months AFTER Zlochevsky appointed Biden to the board of directors.
  • Viktor Shokin did not come out of retirement to become Prosecutor General until Feb 10, 2015.
Therefore, your contention that Shokin dropped the case against Burisma BEFORE Hunter Biden became a Burisma director is not only a lie, it is literally an impossibility.

It does not jibe with the established timeline of events.

"Formal criminal proceedings were initiated against Burisma on November 27, 2014, several months AFTER Zlochevsky appointed Biden to the board of directors."

... for crimes purportedly committed long before Biden joined their board...

The investigation dealt with the Ministry of Ecology, which allegedly granted special permits to Burisma between 2010 and 2012, the agency said. Hunter Biden did not join the company until 2014.

And Shokin was first tasked with that investigation in 2014 where he was asked to assist a British investigation into Zlochevsky. Britain had frozen millions of Zlochevsky's assets but was forced by their own court to release those assets about a year later because Shokin refused to cooperate.
Bullshit. That narrative has been debunked.
Shokin was spreading Russian propaganda.
I challenge you to directly quote something that Shokin said and explain the reasoning that you used to come to the conclusion that it is Russian propaganda, so that the USMB forum may scrutinize your logic.

I predict that you will run away from that challenge.

If you cannot explain your reasoning, You might be a typical TDS afflicted moron mindlessly mumbling Russia, Russia, Russia repeatedly sans rational reason.

Have him come to the US and testify under oath. If he lies he goes to jail.
Shokin already tried that. The Democrat ambassador to Ukraine, Marie Yovanovitch, denied his visa request. Trump fired her corrupt ass. So Shokin should have no problem getting a visa now.

He dropped the case against Burisma BEFORE Hunter Biden joined the Board.
Why do you insult the intelligence of the entire USMB forum by telling stupid lies like that?

  • Hunter Biden joined Burisma's board of directors on April 18, 2014.
  • Formal criminal proceedings were initiated against Burisma on November 27, 2014, several months AFTER Zlochevsky appointed Biden to the board of directors.
  • Viktor Shokin did not come out of retirement to become Prosecutor General until Feb 10, 2015.
Therefore, your contention that Shokin dropped the case against Burisma BEFORE Hunter Biden became a Burisma director is not only a lie, it is literally an impossibility.

It does not jibe with the established timeline of events.

"Formal criminal proceedings were initiated against Burisma on November 27, 2014, several months AFTER Zlochevsky appointed Biden to the board of directors."

... for crimes purportedly committed long before Biden joined their board...

The investigation dealt with the Ministry of Ecology, which allegedly granted special permits to Burisma between 2010 and 2012, the agency said. Hunter Biden did not join the company until 2014.

And Shokin was first tasked with that investigation in 2014 where he was asked to assist a British investigation into Zlochevsky. Britain had frozen millions of Zlochevsky's assets but was forced by their own court to release those assets about a year later because Shokin refused to cooperate.
Bullshit. That fake news was debunked a long time ago. PG Shokin did not refuse to cooperate, he refused to break the fucking law, because unlike the convict that Biden had installed into the PGO via extortion Shokin refused to become corrupt.

Shokin refused to drop his investigation regarding over $3 million in payments from Burisma to Rosemont Seneca, a law firm co-owned by Hunter Biden and a major bundler for Secretary John Kerry named Devon Archer.

Since Hunter Biden has never even been to Ukraine or ever done business there so he has never been within the jurisdiction of Ukraine. Therefore Hunter was never the target of any criminal investigation by Ukraine. The target of the investigation has always been Burisma not Hunter. Hunter is just wanted as a witness. So it is very telling that Hunter Biden refuses to cooperate with the Ukrainian officials. Who is he protecting?
You moron, providing documentation to Britain regarding Zlochevsky, who was suspected of crimes, would break no law. Shokin protected oligarchs.

And there was no active investigation in 2016 when he was fired. His replacement reopened the investigation and Zlochevsky was fined for not paying back taxes.
Hunter Biden’s $450,000 Tax Debt Gets Suddenly ‘RESOLVED’ Despite Claiming NO Income

23 Aug 2020 ~~ By Jonathan Jones

A large tax debt owed to the government by the son of former Vice President Joe Biden has disappeared, according to a report.
Hunter Biden, who has faced scrutiny over allegedly profiting from businesses internationally using his father’s influence, recently told a court in his Arkansas paternity case that he was out of work and broke.
The Washington Free Beacon reported Saturday that despite the younger Biden’s reported personal and financial woes, he was able to resolve a six-figure tax debt in a short period of time.
“Hunter Biden was hit with a $450,000 lien in July over delinquent state income taxes, which he paid off in six days despite having no discernible income,” the Free Beacon’s Alana Goodman reported.
The ability to pay nearly half a million dollars in back taxes in less than a week seems to contradict statements from Biden to an Arkansas court that he could not afford to pay child support.
In January, Biden agreed to pay the mother of a child he fathered in Arkansas, despite not having a job, retroactive to November 2018, Fox News reported.
Biden failed to turn over documents relevant to his income and was held in contempt of court, according to Fox.
After a court-ordered paternity test, Biden was found to be the child’s father.
There was also a legal dustup concerning how much Biden’s permanent monthly child support payment would be calculated.
The paternity and child support case in Arkansas furthers the mystery surrounding Biden’s ability to pay off the reported tax debt.
“A spokesman for D.C.’s Office of the Chief Financial Officer confirmed that Hunter Biden’s lien was released on July 15 after the ‘tax issue was resolved.’ The office declined to say whether Biden had paid off the debt,” The Free Beacon reported.
It is unclear what income, if any, Biden has at the moment, as his father seeks to unseat President Donald Trump in November.
Biden has been linked to a series of financial scandals.
After being hired by Ukrainian energy company Burisma Holdings in 2014, Biden was paid a salary of $83,333 a month, Fox reported.
The high salary was paid despite the former VP’s son holding a job as a non-executive “ceremonial figure.”
It was also said by three individuals close to Biden’s Burisma deal that he never visited Ukraine, despite the exorbitant salary, according to Reuters.
Biden was reportedly paid that salary from April 2014 until November 2015.
In Biden’s 2017 divorce, his former wife claimed he sent the family into financial ruin by spending money on “drugs, alcohol, prostitutes, strip clubs and gifts for women with whom he had sexual relations.”
Kathleen Biden said the family was left with massive debts by Biden’s alleged activities, including tax debt, medical bills and credit cards that were maxed out.
This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

Hmm...., If it is any consolation, I don’t think Hunter is going to help him during the election.
Trump is going to highlight this early and often and frankly it does not take a rocket scientist to see that something is wrong with the Ukraine and China deals, but wait.... there is even more to come out.
The Biden’s played the same scheme in other Eastern European countries as well as Iraq where Biden’s brother landed a lucrative contract in an area where he had no expertise.
It would be a shame if Hunter put all those dollars up hi nose...
the question is where is that $1.4 billion dollar China deal money?
Hunter Biden was not hired to the Burisma board as a "ceremonial figure". He was hired to head Burisma's legal team.


JULY 7, 2014 10:39 PM EDT

When Vice President Joe Biden’s son, R. Hunter Biden, joined the board of a private Ukrainian oil and natural gas company this spring, he explained his new job as a legal one, disconnected from any effort to influence the Obama Administration. In a press release, the younger Biden boasted of his abilities on issues like improving corporate transparency.

And Burisma certainly had their share of legal troubles for Hunter Biden to solve for them. Burisma owner Nikolai Zlochevskyi had fled the country to Moscow to avoid prosecution.

Joe Biden held back $1 billion in US treasury loan guarantees, which were needed to secure over $30 brillion in other loans to bail out Ukraine.

Biden certainly took care of Burisma's legal problems. He gave President Poroshenko and Prime Minister Yatsenyuk an ultimatum. Either fire the prosecutor general who is investigating Burisma, and replace him with a puppet, or Ukraine becomes financially insolvent.

That puppet was Biden's "solid", Yuriy Lutsenko, who had recently served prison time for corruption in office until his sentence was commuted after an appeal by Hunter Biden's fellow Burisma board member, Alexander Kwasniewski.

But there was a problem. Biden's corrupt puppet didn't have a law degree and had never practiced law. He never even went to law school, fer crissakes. And under Ukrainian law, the Prosecutor General was required to have a law degree and a minimum number of years experience as an attorney.

Facing Quid Pro Joe's threats, the Ukrainian parliament had no choice. In a special session, they actually changed the law that required the country's top attorney be an actual fucking real life attorney with a law degree and everything.

As much of scandal as that was, no matter how embarrassing and degrading it was, no matter how outraged the people were, the Ukrainian parliament had to do it. Joe Biden made them an offer they couldn't refuse.

It's horrible.
So they went with someone that had no training or experience in Ukrainian law???
We went with a president who had no prior training or even the slightest knowledge of the constitution -- so lets not pretend that experience and expertise is supposed to matter now...You trumpers take pride in hating expertise....

No Biffy Boy -

The delusions in your head, do not represent reality.
I do get that worshipers of Government only want other people who worship Government to be in Government.
It's a Government worshipping cult.

One does not need to be in your cult to be President.
So again, you can't refute what I said?

Got it......

There is a reason why everyone (even those who work for Trump) thinks he's a moron...

There is a reason why folks like you have to engage in self projection daily in order to compensate for the fact that your current cult leader is a moron...

Just like yall had to carry water for your last cult leader -- before you all decided to admit "AFTER THE FACT" that he was a moron....and lets not even talk about the guy yall started worshipping after him....

View attachment 379463
Must deflect, must deflect. Can't let any discussion of Biden stand on its own merits. Must deflect, must deflect.

How about Biden’s taxes are none of your damn business?
No one cares about the content of his taxes. They find it interesting that a guy who claims to have no income so as to duck his child support obligations can easily and suddenly erase a six figure tax debt. Obviously, he's either lying to the court about his income and assets or someone gave him a lot of money to settle the tax debt but not take care of his child.
Um, this thread is about Biden’s taxes (it’s in the thread title) and it’s none of your business.
If think it's none of your business, then why the fuck are you so concerned about it that you are posting in this thread, jackass?

When Quid Pro Joe's crony in the Ukraine extortion racket suddenly has a huge windfall of money, it's our business.
Nope. He’s finances are none of your business. People have constitutional rights and you aren’t allowed to violate them because of politics.
No one is violating anyone's constitutional rights by talking about someone with no income being able to "resolve" a six figure tax debt in a very short period of time. Man, you're really trying to stop people from talking about it.
What’s there to talk about? He had a tax debt. Now he doesn’t.
Exactly, but you forgot a few things.

1. He had a massive tax debt.
2. He declared he had no income to avoid child support payments.
3. Suddenly, his tax debt disappeared.

That's kind of like saying, "He committed suicide, there's nothing to see here" when there's a gunshot wound in the back of the head. Since Hunter's dad is running for president, naturally people would want to know if he paid off his son's tax debt but doesn't want to take care of his grandchild. They also would want to know if Hunter is in bed with other big money interests and if that spills over onto Quid Pro Joe, like did Joe trade his office for money? Face it, if Hunter's dad wasn't running for president, he wouldn't even be mentioned in the news.

Obviously if his dad wasn't running for President the debt wouldn't have gotten paid
Whoever paid it did so to help Joe's campaign

Need to make sure that there were no campaign finance violations.
Total hoax.


As long as the payment is properly documented and within legal parameters,
if not, then no.
If it wasn’t, the IRS would have caught it.

It's obvious what you're doing here. You're attempting to conflate this situation with TRUMP! wanting to keep his taxes under wraps, but it's not working. In this case, no one is demanding to plow through Hunter's taxes in the off chance they'll find something incriminating to affect the election. They're reacting to a specific incident that invites curiosity. You're stretching.
So it’s just baseless speculation?
If you want to throw away any ethical and moral imperative you may have had for going after Trump's finances to protect Quid Pro Joe from this, go right ahead. You're the one trying to conflate the two, even though they are not in the same ballpark. But baseless? No. We want to know why Quid Pro Joe doesn't want to make sure his grandchild is properly cared for.
So you just want to dig through Hunter Biden’s finances on the off chance there’s something damaging to use against Joe Biden?

When it comes to Trump’s finances, we were told it’s none of our business. But totally different when it comes to Biden. It’s a double standard.
Oh brother--the evidence clearly already shows that Joe Biden was using his family including Hunter to funnel bribe money through......from both Burisima and China I might add. Unlike with the FBI hounding of trump based all on lies an no evidence or reasonable expectation of crime---there is probable cause and evidence to go through the Bidens bank information and then arrest them for bribes and treason.

But of course if we go after the bidens, we have to be fair and go after the Pelosis as there is also clear evidence that Pelosi was using her sons bank account to funnel bribe money from another ukranian energy company. Hell Pelosi even made a promotional video for the company.
Hunter Biden’s $450,000 Tax Debt Gets Suddenly ‘RESOLVED’ Despite Claiming NO Income

23 Aug 2020 ~~ By Jonathan Jones

A large tax debt owed to the government by the son of former Vice President Joe Biden has disappeared, according to a report.
Hunter Biden, who has faced scrutiny over allegedly profiting from businesses internationally using his father’s influence, recently told a court in his Arkansas paternity case that he was out of work and broke.
The Washington Free Beacon reported Saturday that despite the younger Biden’s reported personal and financial woes, he was able to resolve a six-figure tax debt in a short period of time.
“Hunter Biden was hit with a $450,000 lien in July over delinquent state income taxes, which he paid off in six days despite having no discernible income,” the Free Beacon’s Alana Goodman reported.
The ability to pay nearly half a million dollars in back taxes in less than a week seems to contradict statements from Biden to an Arkansas court that he could not afford to pay child support.
In January, Biden agreed to pay the mother of a child he fathered in Arkansas, despite not having a job, retroactive to November 2018, Fox News reported.
Biden failed to turn over documents relevant to his income and was held in contempt of court, according to Fox.
After a court-ordered paternity test, Biden was found to be the child’s father.
There was also a legal dustup concerning how much Biden’s permanent monthly child support payment would be calculated.
The paternity and child support case in Arkansas furthers the mystery surrounding Biden’s ability to pay off the reported tax debt.
“A spokesman for D.C.’s Office of the Chief Financial Officer confirmed that Hunter Biden’s lien was released on July 15 after the ‘tax issue was resolved.’ The office declined to say whether Biden had paid off the debt,” The Free Beacon reported.
It is unclear what income, if any, Biden has at the moment, as his father seeks to unseat President Donald Trump in November.
Biden has been linked to a series of financial scandals.
After being hired by Ukrainian energy company Burisma Holdings in 2014, Biden was paid a salary of $83,333 a month, Fox reported.
The high salary was paid despite the former VP’s son holding a job as a non-executive “ceremonial figure.”
It was also said by three individuals close to Biden’s Burisma deal that he never visited Ukraine, despite the exorbitant salary, according to Reuters.
Biden was reportedly paid that salary from April 2014 until November 2015.
In Biden’s 2017 divorce, his former wife claimed he sent the family into financial ruin by spending money on “drugs, alcohol, prostitutes, strip clubs and gifts for women with whom he had sexual relations.”
Kathleen Biden said the family was left with massive debts by Biden’s alleged activities, including tax debt, medical bills and credit cards that were maxed out.
This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

Hmm...., If it is any consolation, I don’t think Hunter is going to help him during the election.
Trump is going to highlight this early and often and frankly it does not take a rocket scientist to see that something is wrong with the Ukraine and China deals, but wait.... there is even more to come out.
The Biden’s played the same scheme in other Eastern European countries as well as Iraq where Biden’s brother landed a lucrative contract in an area where he had no expertise.
It would be a shame if Hunter put all those dollars up hi nose...
the question is where is that $1.4 billion dollar China deal money?
Hunter Biden was not hired to the Burisma board as a "ceremonial figure". He was hired to head Burisma's legal team.


JULY 7, 2014 10:39 PM EDT

When Vice President Joe Biden’s son, R. Hunter Biden, joined the board of a private Ukrainian oil and natural gas company this spring, he explained his new job as a legal one, disconnected from any effort to influence the Obama Administration. In a press release, the younger Biden boasted of his abilities on issues like improving corporate transparency.

And Burisma certainly had their share of legal troubles for Hunter Biden to solve for them. Burisma owner Nikolai Zlochevskyi had fled the country to Moscow to avoid prosecution.

Joe Biden held back $1 billion in US treasury loan guarantees, which were needed to secure over $30 brillion in other loans to bail out Ukraine.

Biden certainly took care of Burisma's legal problems. He gave President Poroshenko and Prime Minister Yatsenyuk an ultimatum. Either fire the prosecutor general who is investigating Burisma, and replace him with a puppet, or Ukraine becomes financially insolvent.

That puppet was Biden's "solid", Yuriy Lutsenko, who had recently served prison time for corruption in office until his sentence was commuted after an appeal by Hunter Biden's fellow Burisma board member, Alexander Kwasniewski.

But there was a problem. Biden's corrupt puppet didn't have a law degree and had never practiced law. He never even went to law school, fer crissakes. And under Ukrainian law, the Prosecutor General was required to have a law degree and a minimum number of years experience as an attorney.

Facing Quid Pro Joe's threats, the Ukrainian parliament had no choice. In a special session, they actually changed the law that required the country's top attorney be an actual fucking real life attorney with a law degree and everything.

As much of scandal as that was, no matter how embarrassing and degrading it was, no matter how outraged the people were, the Ukrainian parliament had to do it. Joe Biden made them an offer they couldn't refuse.

It's horrible.
So they went with someone that had no training or experience in Ukrainian law???
We went with a president who had no prior training or even the slightest knowledge of the constitution -- so lets not pretend that experience and expertise is supposed to matter now...You trumpers take pride in hating expertise....

No Biffy Boy -

The delusions in your head, do not represent reality.
I do get that worshipers of Government only want other people who worship Government to be in Government.
It's a Government worshipping cult.

One does not need to be in your cult to be President.
So again, you can't refute what I said?

Got it......

There is a reason why everyone (even those who work for Trump) thinks he's a moron...

There is a reason why folks like you have to engage in self projection daily in order to compensate for the fact that your current cult leader is a moron...

Just like yall had to carry water for your last cult leader -- before you all decided to admit "AFTER THE FACT" that he was a moron....and lets not even talk about the guy yall started worshipping after him....

View attachment 379463
Must deflect, must deflect. Can't let any discussion of Biden stand on its own merits. Must deflect, must deflect.

How about Biden’s taxes are none of your damn business?
No one cares about the content of his taxes. They find it interesting that a guy who claims to have no income so as to duck his child support obligations can easily and suddenly erase a six figure tax debt. Obviously, he's either lying to the court about his income and assets or someone gave him a lot of money to settle the tax debt but not take care of his child.
Um, this thread is about Biden’s taxes (it’s in the thread title) and it’s none of your business.
If think it's none of your business, then why the fuck are you so concerned about it that you are posting in this thread, jackass?

When Quid Pro Joe's crony in the Ukraine extortion racket suddenly has a huge windfall of money, it's our business.
Nope. He’s finances are none of your business. People have constitutional rights and you aren’t allowed to violate them because of politics.
No one is violating anyone's constitutional rights by talking about someone with no income being able to "resolve" a six figure tax debt in a very short period of time. Man, you're really trying to stop people from talking about it.
What’s there to talk about? He had a tax debt. Now he doesn’t.
Exactly, but you forgot a few things.

1. He had a massive tax debt.
2. He declared he had no income to avoid child support payments.
3. Suddenly, his tax debt disappeared.

That's kind of like saying, "He committed suicide, there's nothing to see here" when there's a gunshot wound in the back of the head. Since Hunter's dad is running for president, naturally people would want to know if he paid off his son's tax debt but doesn't want to take care of his grandchild. They also would want to know if Hunter is in bed with other big money interests and if that spills over onto Quid Pro Joe, like did Joe trade his office for money? Face it, if Hunter's dad wasn't running for president, he wouldn't even be mentioned in the news.

Obviously if his dad wasn't running for President the debt wouldn't have gotten paid
Whoever paid it did so to help Joe's campaign

Need to make sure that there were no campaign finance violations.
Total hoax.


As long as the payment is properly documented and within legal parameters,
if not, then no.
If it wasn’t, the IRS would have caught it.

It's obvious what you're doing here. You're attempting to conflate this situation with TRUMP! wanting to keep his taxes under wraps, but it's not working. In this case, no one is demanding to plow through Hunter's taxes in the off chance they'll find something incriminating to affect the election. They're reacting to a specific incident that invites curiosity. You're stretching.
So it’s just baseless speculation?
If you want to throw away any ethical and moral imperative you may have had for going after Trump's finances to protect Quid Pro Joe from this, go right ahead. You're the one trying to conflate the two, even though they are not in the same ballpark. But baseless? No. We want to know why Quid Pro Joe doesn't want to make sure his grandchild is properly cared for.
So you just want to dig through Hunter Biden’s finances on the off chance there’s something damaging to use against Joe Biden?

When it comes to Trump’s finances, we were told it’s none of our business. But totally different when it comes to Biden. It’s a double standard.
Oh brother--the evidence clearly already shows that Joe Biden was using his family including Hunter to funnel bribe money through......from both Burisima and China I might add. Unlike with the FBI hounding of trump based all on lies an no evidence or reasonable expectation of crime---there is probable cause and evidence to go through the Bidens bank information and then arrest them for bribes and treason.

But of course if we go after the bidens, we have to be fair and go after the Pelosis as there is also clear evidence that Pelosi was using her sons bank account to funnel bribe money from another ukranian energy company. Hell Pelosi even made a promotional video for the company.

You prove the old adage... conservatives are fucking morons.

No, fucking moron, Pelosi's son was not involved with funneling money from a Ukraine energy company.

Hunter Biden’s $450,000 Tax Debt Gets Suddenly ‘RESOLVED’ Despite Claiming NO Income

23 Aug 2020 ~~ By Jonathan Jones

A large tax debt owed to the government by the son of former Vice President Joe Biden has disappeared, according to a report.
Hunter Biden, who has faced scrutiny over allegedly profiting from businesses internationally using his father’s influence, recently told a court in his Arkansas paternity case that he was out of work and broke.
The Washington Free Beacon reported Saturday that despite the younger Biden’s reported personal and financial woes, he was able to resolve a six-figure tax debt in a short period of time.
“Hunter Biden was hit with a $450,000 lien in July over delinquent state income taxes, which he paid off in six days despite having no discernible income,” the Free Beacon’s Alana Goodman reported.
The ability to pay nearly half a million dollars in back taxes in less than a week seems to contradict statements from Biden to an Arkansas court that he could not afford to pay child support.
In January, Biden agreed to pay the mother of a child he fathered in Arkansas, despite not having a job, retroactive to November 2018, Fox News reported.
Biden failed to turn over documents relevant to his income and was held in contempt of court, according to Fox.
After a court-ordered paternity test, Biden was found to be the child’s father.
There was also a legal dustup concerning how much Biden’s permanent monthly child support payment would be calculated.
The paternity and child support case in Arkansas furthers the mystery surrounding Biden’s ability to pay off the reported tax debt.
“A spokesman for D.C.’s Office of the Chief Financial Officer confirmed that Hunter Biden’s lien was released on July 15 after the ‘tax issue was resolved.’ The office declined to say whether Biden had paid off the debt,” The Free Beacon reported.
It is unclear what income, if any, Biden has at the moment, as his father seeks to unseat President Donald Trump in November.
Biden has been linked to a series of financial scandals.
After being hired by Ukrainian energy company Burisma Holdings in 2014, Biden was paid a salary of $83,333 a month, Fox reported.
The high salary was paid despite the former VP’s son holding a job as a non-executive “ceremonial figure.”
It was also said by three individuals close to Biden’s Burisma deal that he never visited Ukraine, despite the exorbitant salary, according to Reuters.
Biden was reportedly paid that salary from April 2014 until November 2015.
In Biden’s 2017 divorce, his former wife claimed he sent the family into financial ruin by spending money on “drugs, alcohol, prostitutes, strip clubs and gifts for women with whom he had sexual relations.”
Kathleen Biden said the family was left with massive debts by Biden’s alleged activities, including tax debt, medical bills and credit cards that were maxed out.
This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

Hmm...., If it is any consolation, I don’t think Hunter is going to help him during the election.
Trump is going to highlight this early and often and frankly it does not take a rocket scientist to see that something is wrong with the Ukraine and China deals, but wait.... there is even more to come out.
The Biden’s played the same scheme in other Eastern European countries as well as Iraq where Biden’s brother landed a lucrative contract in an area where he had no expertise.
It would be a shame if Hunter put all those dollars up hi nose...
the question is where is that $1.4 billion dollar China deal money?
Hunter Biden was not hired to the Burisma board as a "ceremonial figure". He was hired to head Burisma's legal team.


JULY 7, 2014 10:39 PM EDT

When Vice President Joe Biden’s son, R. Hunter Biden, joined the board of a private Ukrainian oil and natural gas company this spring, he explained his new job as a legal one, disconnected from any effort to influence the Obama Administration. In a press release, the younger Biden boasted of his abilities on issues like improving corporate transparency.

And Burisma certainly had their share of legal troubles for Hunter Biden to solve for them. Burisma owner Nikolai Zlochevskyi had fled the country to Moscow to avoid prosecution.

Joe Biden held back $1 billion in US treasury loan guarantees, which were needed to secure over $30 brillion in other loans to bail out Ukraine.

Biden certainly took care of Burisma's legal problems. He gave President Poroshenko and Prime Minister Yatsenyuk an ultimatum. Either fire the prosecutor general who is investigating Burisma, and replace him with a puppet, or Ukraine becomes financially insolvent.

That puppet was Biden's "solid", Yuriy Lutsenko, who had recently served prison time for corruption in office until his sentence was commuted after an appeal by Hunter Biden's fellow Burisma board member, Alexander Kwasniewski.

But there was a problem. Biden's corrupt puppet didn't have a law degree and had never practiced law. He never even went to law school, fer crissakes. And under Ukrainian law, the Prosecutor General was required to have a law degree and a minimum number of years experience as an attorney.

Facing Quid Pro Joe's threats, the Ukrainian parliament had no choice. In a special session, they actually changed the law that required the country's top attorney be an actual fucking real life attorney with a law degree and everything.

As much of scandal as that was, no matter how embarrassing and degrading it was, no matter how outraged the people were, the Ukrainian parliament had to do it. Joe Biden made them an offer they couldn't refuse.

It's horrible.
So they went with someone that had no training or experience in Ukrainian law???
We went with a president who had no prior training or even the slightest knowledge of the constitution -- so lets not pretend that experience and expertise is supposed to matter now...You trumpers take pride in hating expertise....

No Biffy Boy -

The delusions in your head, do not represent reality.
I do get that worshipers of Government only want other people who worship Government to be in Government.
It's a Government worshipping cult.

One does not need to be in your cult to be President.
So again, you can't refute what I said?

Got it......

There is a reason why everyone (even those who work for Trump) thinks he's a moron...

There is a reason why folks like you have to engage in self projection daily in order to compensate for the fact that your current cult leader is a moron...

Just like yall had to carry water for your last cult leader -- before you all decided to admit "AFTER THE FACT" that he was a moron....and lets not even talk about the guy yall started worshipping after him....

View attachment 379463
Must deflect, must deflect. Can't let any discussion of Biden stand on its own merits. Must deflect, must deflect.

How about Biden’s taxes are none of your damn business?
No one cares about the content of his taxes. They find it interesting that a guy who claims to have no income so as to duck his child support obligations can easily and suddenly erase a six figure tax debt. Obviously, he's either lying to the court about his income and assets or someone gave him a lot of money to settle the tax debt but not take care of his child.
Um, this thread is about Biden’s taxes (it’s in the thread title) and it’s none of your business.
If think it's none of your business, then why the fuck are you so concerned about it that you are posting in this thread, jackass?

When Quid Pro Joe's crony in the Ukraine extortion racket suddenly has a huge windfall of money, it's our business.
Nope. He’s finances are none of your business. People have constitutional rights and you aren’t allowed to violate them because of politics.
No one is violating anyone's constitutional rights by talking about someone with no income being able to "resolve" a six figure tax debt in a very short period of time. Man, you're really trying to stop people from talking about it.
What’s there to talk about? He had a tax debt. Now he doesn’t.
Exactly, but you forgot a few things.

1. He had a massive tax debt.
2. He declared he had no income to avoid child support payments.
3. Suddenly, his tax debt disappeared.

That's kind of like saying, "He committed suicide, there's nothing to see here" when there's a gunshot wound in the back of the head. Since Hunter's dad is running for president, naturally people would want to know if he paid off his son's tax debt but doesn't want to take care of his grandchild. They also would want to know if Hunter is in bed with other big money interests and if that spills over onto Quid Pro Joe, like did Joe trade his office for money? Face it, if Hunter's dad wasn't running for president, he wouldn't even be mentioned in the news.

Obviously if his dad wasn't running for President the debt wouldn't have gotten paid
Whoever paid it did so to help Joe's campaign

Need to make sure that there were no campaign finance violations.
Total hoax.


As long as the payment is properly documented and within legal parameters,
if not, then no.
If it wasn’t, the IRS would have caught it.

It's obvious what you're doing here. You're attempting to conflate this situation with TRUMP! wanting to keep his taxes under wraps, but it's not working. In this case, no one is demanding to plow through Hunter's taxes in the off chance they'll find something incriminating to affect the election. They're reacting to a specific incident that invites curiosity. You're stretching.
So it’s just baseless speculation?
If you want to throw away any ethical and moral imperative you may have had for going after Trump's finances to protect Quid Pro Joe from this, go right ahead. You're the one trying to conflate the two, even though they are not in the same ballpark. But baseless? No. We want to know why Quid Pro Joe doesn't want to make sure his grandchild is properly cared for.
So you just want to dig through Hunter Biden’s finances on the off chance there’s something damaging to use against Joe Biden?

When it comes to Trump’s finances, we were told it’s none of our business. But totally different when it comes to Biden. It’s a double standard.
Oh brother--the evidence clearly already shows that Joe Biden was using his family including Hunter to funnel bribe money through......from both Burisima and China I might add. Unlike with the FBI hounding of trump based all on lies an no evidence or reasonable expectation of crime---there is probable cause and evidence to go through the Bidens bank information and then arrest them for bribes and treason.

But of course if we go after the bidens, we have to be fair and go after the Pelosis as there is also clear evidence that Pelosi was using her sons bank account to funnel bribe money from another ukranian energy company. Hell Pelosi even made a promotional video for the company.

You prove the old adage... conservatives are fucking morons.

No, fucking moron, Pelosi's son was not involved with funneling money from a Ukraine energy company.


Shokin was spreading Russian propaganda.
I challenge you to directly quote something that Shokin said and explain the reasoning that you used to come to the conclusion that it is Russian propaganda, so that the USMB forum may scrutinize your logic.

I predict that you will run away from that challenge.

If you cannot explain your reasoning, You might be a typical TDS afflicted moron mindlessly mumbling Russia, Russia, Russia repeatedly sans rational reason.

Have him come to the US and testify under oath. If he lies he goes to jail.
Shokin already tried that. The Democrat ambassador to Ukraine, Marie Yovanovitch, denied his visa request. Trump fired her corrupt ass. So Shokin should have no problem getting a visa now.

He dropped the case against Burisma BEFORE Hunter Biden joined the Board.
Why do you insult the intelligence of the entire USMB forum by telling stupid lies like that?

  • Hunter Biden joined Burisma's board of directors on April 18, 2014.
  • Formal criminal proceedings were initiated against Burisma on November 27, 2014, several months AFTER Zlochevsky appointed Biden to the board of directors.
  • Viktor Shokin did not come out of retirement to become Prosecutor General until Feb 10, 2015.
Therefore, your contention that Shokin dropped the case against Burisma BEFORE Hunter Biden became a Burisma director is not only a lie, it is literally an impossibility.

It does not jibe with the established timeline of events.

"Formal criminal proceedings were initiated against Burisma on November 27, 2014, several months AFTER Zlochevsky appointed Biden to the board of directors."

... for crimes purportedly committed long before Biden joined their board...

The investigation dealt with the Ministry of Ecology, which allegedly granted special permits to Burisma between 2010 and 2012, the agency said. Hunter Biden did not join the company until 2014.

And Shokin was first tasked with that investigation in 2014 where he was asked to assist a British investigation into Zlochevsky. Britain had frozen millions of Zlochevsky's assets but was forced by their own court to release those assets about a year later because Shokin refused to cooperate.
Bullshit. That narrative has been debunked.
Shokin was spreading Russian propaganda.
I challenge you to directly quote something that Shokin said and explain the reasoning that you used to come to the conclusion that it is Russian propaganda, so that the USMB forum may scrutinize your logic.

I predict that you will run away from that challenge.

If you cannot explain your reasoning, You might be a typical TDS afflicted moron mindlessly mumbling Russia, Russia, Russia repeatedly sans rational reason.

Have him come to the US and testify under oath. If he lies he goes to jail.
Shokin already tried that. The Democrat ambassador to Ukraine, Marie Yovanovitch, denied his visa request. Trump fired her corrupt ass. So Shokin should have no problem getting a visa now.

He dropped the case against Burisma BEFORE Hunter Biden joined the Board.
Why do you insult the intelligence of the entire USMB forum by telling stupid lies like that?

  • Hunter Biden joined Burisma's board of directors on April 18, 2014.
  • Formal criminal proceedings were initiated against Burisma on November 27, 2014, several months AFTER Zlochevsky appointed Biden to the board of directors.
  • Viktor Shokin did not come out of retirement to become Prosecutor General until Feb 10, 2015.
Therefore, your contention that Shokin dropped the case against Burisma BEFORE Hunter Biden became a Burisma director is not only a lie, it is literally an impossibility.

It does not jibe with the established timeline of events.

"Formal criminal proceedings were initiated against Burisma on November 27, 2014, several months AFTER Zlochevsky appointed Biden to the board of directors."

... for crimes purportedly committed long before Biden joined their board...

The investigation dealt with the Ministry of Ecology, which allegedly granted special permits to Burisma between 2010 and 2012, the agency said. Hunter Biden did not join the company until 2014.

And Shokin was first tasked with that investigation in 2014 where he was asked to assist a British investigation into Zlochevsky. Britain had frozen millions of Zlochevsky's assets but was forced by their own court to release those assets about a year later because Shokin refused to cooperate.
Bullshit. That fake news was debunked a long time ago. PG Shokin did not refuse to cooperate, he refused to break the fucking law, because unlike the convict that Biden had installed into the PGO via extortion Shokin refused to become corrupt.

Shokin refused to drop his investigation regarding over $3 million in payments from Burisma to Rosemont Seneca, a law firm co-owned by Hunter Biden and a major bundler for Secretary John Kerry named Devon Archer.

Since Hunter Biden has never even been to Ukraine or ever done business there so he has never been within the jurisdiction of Ukraine. Therefore Hunter was never the target of any criminal investigation by Ukraine. The target of the investigation has always been Burisma not Hunter. Hunter is just wanted as a witness. So it is very telling that Hunter Biden refuses to cooperate with the Ukrainian officials. Who is he protecting?
You moron, providing documentation to Britain regarding Zlochevsky, who was suspected of crimes, would break no law. Shokin protected oligarchs.

And there was no active investigation in 2016 when he was fired. His replacement reopened the investigation and Zlochevsky was fined for not paying back taxes.
Your just lying again, as usual.

Lutsenko closed the investigation, not Shokin.
Shokin was spreading Russian propaganda.
I challenge you to directly quote something that Shokin said and explain the reasoning that you used to come to the conclusion that it is Russian propaganda, so that the USMB forum may scrutinize your logic.

I predict that you will run away from that challenge.

If you cannot explain your reasoning, You might be a typical TDS afflicted moron mindlessly mumbling Russia, Russia, Russia repeatedly sans rational reason.

Have him come to the US and testify under oath. If he lies he goes to jail.
Shokin already tried that. The Democrat ambassador to Ukraine, Marie Yovanovitch, denied his visa request. Trump fired her corrupt ass. So Shokin should have no problem getting a visa now.

He dropped the case against Burisma BEFORE Hunter Biden joined the Board.
Why do you insult the intelligence of the entire USMB forum by telling stupid lies like that?

  • Hunter Biden joined Burisma's board of directors on April 18, 2014.
  • Formal criminal proceedings were initiated against Burisma on November 27, 2014, several months AFTER Zlochevsky appointed Biden to the board of directors.
  • Viktor Shokin did not come out of retirement to become Prosecutor General until Feb 10, 2015.
Therefore, your contention that Shokin dropped the case against Burisma BEFORE Hunter Biden became a Burisma director is not only a lie, it is literally an impossibility.

It does not jibe with the established timeline of events.

"Formal criminal proceedings were initiated against Burisma on November 27, 2014, several months AFTER Zlochevsky appointed Biden to the board of directors."

... for crimes purportedly committed long before Biden joined their board...

The investigation dealt with the Ministry of Ecology, which allegedly granted special permits to Burisma between 2010 and 2012, the agency said. Hunter Biden did not join the company until 2014.

And Shokin was first tasked with that investigation in 2014 where he was asked to assist a British investigation into Zlochevsky. Britain had frozen millions of Zlochevsky's assets but was forced by their own court to release those assets about a year later because Shokin refused to cooperate.
Bullshit. That narrative has been debunked.
Shokin was spreading Russian propaganda.
I challenge you to directly quote something that Shokin said and explain the reasoning that you used to come to the conclusion that it is Russian propaganda, so that the USMB forum may scrutinize your logic.

I predict that you will run away from that challenge.

If you cannot explain your reasoning, You might be a typical TDS afflicted moron mindlessly mumbling Russia, Russia, Russia repeatedly sans rational reason.

Have him come to the US and testify under oath. If he lies he goes to jail.
Shokin already tried that. The Democrat ambassador to Ukraine, Marie Yovanovitch, denied his visa request. Trump fired her corrupt ass. So Shokin should have no problem getting a visa now.

He dropped the case against Burisma BEFORE Hunter Biden joined the Board.
Why do you insult the intelligence of the entire USMB forum by telling stupid lies like that?

  • Hunter Biden joined Burisma's board of directors on April 18, 2014.
  • Formal criminal proceedings were initiated against Burisma on November 27, 2014, several months AFTER Zlochevsky appointed Biden to the board of directors.
  • Viktor Shokin did not come out of retirement to become Prosecutor General until Feb 10, 2015.
Therefore, your contention that Shokin dropped the case against Burisma BEFORE Hunter Biden became a Burisma director is not only a lie, it is literally an impossibility.

It does not jibe with the established timeline of events.

"Formal criminal proceedings were initiated against Burisma on November 27, 2014, several months AFTER Zlochevsky appointed Biden to the board of directors."

... for crimes purportedly committed long before Biden joined their board...

The investigation dealt with the Ministry of Ecology, which allegedly granted special permits to Burisma between 2010 and 2012, the agency said. Hunter Biden did not join the company until 2014.

And Shokin was first tasked with that investigation in 2014 where he was asked to assist a British investigation into Zlochevsky. Britain had frozen millions of Zlochevsky's assets but was forced by their own court to release those assets about a year later because Shokin refused to cooperate.
Bullshit. That fake news was debunked a long time ago. PG Shokin did not refuse to cooperate, he refused to break the fucking law, because unlike the convict that Biden had installed into the PGO via extortion Shokin refused to become corrupt.

Shokin refused to drop his investigation regarding over $3 million in payments from Burisma to Rosemont Seneca, a law firm co-owned by Hunter Biden and a major bundler for Secretary John Kerry named Devon Archer.

Since Hunter Biden has never even been to Ukraine or ever done business there so he has never been within the jurisdiction of Ukraine. Therefore Hunter was never the target of any criminal investigation by Ukraine. The target of the investigation has always been Burisma not Hunter. Hunter is just wanted as a witness. So it is very telling that Hunter Biden refuses to cooperate with the Ukrainian officials. Who is he protecting?
You moron, providing documentation to Britain regarding Zlochevsky, who was suspected of crimes, would break no law. Shokin protected oligarchs.
Bullshit. Ukraine provided literally thousands of pages of documents. Gave them everything they had.

And there was no active investigation in 2016 when he was fired. His replacement reopened the investigation and Zlochevsky was fined for not paying back taxes.
You are full of shit. I think you LWNJ moonbats in this thread are just making stupid shit up as you go along.

Shokin certainly had an active investigation. And it was open his entire tenure in office. In fact, under direction of Shokin, the Prosecutor General's office raided Zlochevsky's mansion and seized everything. Kinda funny way to "protect an oligarch" innit?

"The PGO filed a petition to court to arrest the property of the ex-Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources of Ukraine, the Deputy Secretary of the National Security and Defence Council of Ukraine, Mykola Zlochevsky, from which arrest was withdrawn, and other property he actually uses, namely housing estate with a total area of 922 square meters, a land plot of 0.24 hectares, a garden house with a total area of 299.8 square meters, a garden house in the territory of Vyshgorod district, a garden house of 2,312 square meters, a land plot of 0.0394 hectares, a Rolls-Royce Phantom car, a Knott 924-5014 trainer," reads the report.

The PGO clarifies that the court satisfied the petition on February 2, 2016.

After that raid Joe Biden started threatening to withhold the $1 billion loan guarantee unless Shokin was fired. And actually Shokin was even investigating extremely suspicious payments from Burisma to Hunter Biden's law firm up until the day he was ousted.
Hunter Biden’s $450,000 Tax Debt Gets Suddenly ‘RESOLVED’ Despite Claiming NO Income

23 Aug 2020 ~~ By Jonathan Jones

A large tax debt owed to the government by the son of former Vice President Joe Biden has disappeared, according to a report.
Hunter Biden, who has faced scrutiny over allegedly profiting from businesses internationally using his father’s influence, recently told a court in his Arkansas paternity case that he was out of work and broke.
The Washington Free Beacon reported Saturday that despite the younger Biden’s reported personal and financial woes, he was able to resolve a six-figure tax debt in a short period of time.
“Hunter Biden was hit with a $450,000 lien in July over delinquent state income taxes, which he paid off in six days despite having no discernible income,” the Free Beacon’s Alana Goodman reported.
The ability to pay nearly half a million dollars in back taxes in less than a week seems to contradict statements from Biden to an Arkansas court that he could not afford to pay child support.
In January, Biden agreed to pay the mother of a child he fathered in Arkansas, despite not having a job, retroactive to November 2018, Fox News reported.
Biden failed to turn over documents relevant to his income and was held in contempt of court, according to Fox.
After a court-ordered paternity test, Biden was found to be the child’s father.
There was also a legal dustup concerning how much Biden’s permanent monthly child support payment would be calculated.
The paternity and child support case in Arkansas furthers the mystery surrounding Biden’s ability to pay off the reported tax debt.
“A spokesman for D.C.’s Office of the Chief Financial Officer confirmed that Hunter Biden’s lien was released on July 15 after the ‘tax issue was resolved.’ The office declined to say whether Biden had paid off the debt,” The Free Beacon reported.
It is unclear what income, if any, Biden has at the moment, as his father seeks to unseat President Donald Trump in November.
Biden has been linked to a series of financial scandals.
After being hired by Ukrainian energy company Burisma Holdings in 2014, Biden was paid a salary of $83,333 a month, Fox reported.
The high salary was paid despite the former VP’s son holding a job as a non-executive “ceremonial figure.”
It was also said by three individuals close to Biden’s Burisma deal that he never visited Ukraine, despite the exorbitant salary, according to Reuters.
Biden was reportedly paid that salary from April 2014 until November 2015.
In Biden’s 2017 divorce, his former wife claimed he sent the family into financial ruin by spending money on “drugs, alcohol, prostitutes, strip clubs and gifts for women with whom he had sexual relations.”
Kathleen Biden said the family was left with massive debts by Biden’s alleged activities, including tax debt, medical bills and credit cards that were maxed out.
This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

Hmm...., If it is any consolation, I don’t think Hunter is going to help him during the election.
Trump is going to highlight this early and often and frankly it does not take a rocket scientist to see that something is wrong with the Ukraine and China deals, but wait.... there is even more to come out.
The Biden’s played the same scheme in other Eastern European countries as well as Iraq where Biden’s brother landed a lucrative contract in an area where he had no expertise.
It would be a shame if Hunter put all those dollars up hi nose...
the question is where is that $1.4 billion dollar China deal money?
nailed it on Joe Biden and Most of America knows that , the addition is HOE Kamala Harris who is the Democrat's choice for POTUS America also knows that Harris was banging Wille for 4 years to get her Senate seat paid by Willie $400,000 a year to be an insurance commissioner that dd Nothing for 1 year, Willie gave Diane Fienstien $2 million dollars the represent Democrat's at the Senate failed impeachment trial of POTUS Trumps so lets all in person or absentee ballot vote in 2020 and go from thier
Hunter Biden’s $450,000 Tax Debt Gets Suddenly ‘RESOLVED’ Despite Claiming NO Income

23 Aug 2020 ~~ By Jonathan Jones

A large tax debt owed to the government by the son of former Vice President Joe Biden has disappeared, according to a report.
Hunter Biden, who has faced scrutiny over allegedly profiting from businesses internationally using his father’s influence, recently told a court in his Arkansas paternity case that he was out of work and broke.
The Washington Free Beacon reported Saturday that despite the younger Biden’s reported personal and financial woes, he was able to resolve a six-figure tax debt in a short period of time.
“Hunter Biden was hit with a $450,000 lien in July over delinquent state income taxes, which he paid off in six days despite having no discernible income,” the Free Beacon’s Alana Goodman reported.
The ability to pay nearly half a million dollars in back taxes in less than a week seems to contradict statements from Biden to an Arkansas court that he could not afford to pay child support.
In January, Biden agreed to pay the mother of a child he fathered in Arkansas, despite not having a job, retroactive to November 2018, Fox News reported.
Biden failed to turn over documents relevant to his income and was held in contempt of court, according to Fox.
After a court-ordered paternity test, Biden was found to be the child’s father.
There was also a legal dustup concerning how much Biden’s permanent monthly child support payment would be calculated.
The paternity and child support case in Arkansas furthers the mystery surrounding Biden’s ability to pay off the reported tax debt.
“A spokesman for D.C.’s Office of the Chief Financial Officer confirmed that Hunter Biden’s lien was released on July 15 after the ‘tax issue was resolved.’ The office declined to say whether Biden had paid off the debt,” The Free Beacon reported.
It is unclear what income, if any, Biden has at the moment, as his father seeks to unseat President Donald Trump in November.
Biden has been linked to a series of financial scandals.
After being hired by Ukrainian energy company Burisma Holdings in 2014, Biden was paid a salary of $83,333 a month, Fox reported.
The high salary was paid despite the former VP’s son holding a job as a non-executive “ceremonial figure.”
It was also said by three individuals close to Biden’s Burisma deal that he never visited Ukraine, despite the exorbitant salary, according to Reuters.
Biden was reportedly paid that salary from April 2014 until November 2015.
In Biden’s 2017 divorce, his former wife claimed he sent the family into financial ruin by spending money on “drugs, alcohol, prostitutes, strip clubs and gifts for women with whom he had sexual relations.”
Kathleen Biden said the family was left with massive debts by Biden’s alleged activities, including tax debt, medical bills and credit cards that were maxed out.
This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

Hmm...., If it is any consolation, I don’t think Hunter is going to help him during the election.
Trump is going to highlight this early and often and frankly it does not take a rocket scientist to see that something is wrong with the Ukraine and China deals, but wait.... there is even more to come out.
The Biden’s played the same scheme in other Eastern European countries as well as Iraq where Biden’s brother landed a lucrative contract in an area where he had no expertise.
It would be a shame if Hunter put all those dollars up hi nose...
the question is where is that $1.4 billion dollar China deal money?
Hunter Biden was not hired to the Burisma board as a "ceremonial figure". He was hired to head Burisma's legal team.


JULY 7, 2014 10:39 PM EDT

When Vice President Joe Biden’s son, R. Hunter Biden, joined the board of a private Ukrainian oil and natural gas company this spring, he explained his new job as a legal one, disconnected from any effort to influence the Obama Administration. In a press release, the younger Biden boasted of his abilities on issues like improving corporate transparency.

And Burisma certainly had their share of legal troubles for Hunter Biden to solve for them. Burisma owner Nikolai Zlochevskyi had fled the country to Moscow to avoid prosecution.

Joe Biden held back $1 billion in US treasury loan guarantees, which were needed to secure over $30 brillion in other loans to bail out Ukraine.

Biden certainly took care of Burisma's legal problems. He gave President Poroshenko and Prime Minister Yatsenyuk an ultimatum. Either fire the prosecutor general who is investigating Burisma, and replace him with a puppet, or Ukraine becomes financially insolvent.

That puppet was Biden's "solid", Yuriy Lutsenko, who had recently served prison time for corruption in office until his sentence was commuted after an appeal by Hunter Biden's fellow Burisma board member, Alexander Kwasniewski.

But there was a problem. Biden's corrupt puppet didn't have a law degree and had never practiced law. He never even went to law school, fer crissakes. And under Ukrainian law, the Prosecutor General was required to have a law degree and a minimum number of years experience as an attorney.

Facing Quid Pro Joe's threats, the Ukrainian parliament had no choice. In a special session, they actually changed the law that required the country's top attorney be an actual fucking real life attorney with a law degree and everything.

As much of scandal as that was, no matter how embarrassing and degrading it was, no matter how outraged the people were, the Ukrainian parliament had to do it. Joe Biden made them an offer they couldn't refuse.

It's horrible.
So they went with someone that had no training or experience in Ukrainian law???
We went with a president who had no prior training or even the slightest knowledge of the constitution -- so lets not pretend that experience and expertise is supposed to matter now...You trumpers take pride in hating expertise....

No Biffy Boy -

The delusions in your head, do not represent reality.
I do get that worshipers of Government only want other people who worship Government to be in Government.
It's a Government worshipping cult.

One does not need to be in your cult to be President.
So again, you can't refute what I said?

Got it......

There is a reason why everyone (even those who work for Trump) thinks he's a moron...

There is a reason why folks like you have to engage in self projection daily in order to compensate for the fact that your current cult leader is a moron...

Just like yall had to carry water for your last cult leader -- before you all decided to admit "AFTER THE FACT" that he was a moron....and lets not even talk about the guy yall started worshipping after him....

View attachment 379463
Must deflect, must deflect. Can't let any discussion of Biden stand on its own merits. Must deflect, must deflect.

How about Biden’s taxes are none of your damn business?
No one cares about the content of his taxes. They find it interesting that a guy who claims to have no income so as to duck his child support obligations can easily and suddenly erase a six figure tax debt. Obviously, he's either lying to the court about his income and assets or someone gave him a lot of money to settle the tax debt but not take care of his child.
Um, this thread is about Biden’s taxes (it’s in the thread title) and it’s none of your business.
If think it's none of your business, then why the fuck are you so concerned about it that you are posting in this thread, jackass?

When Quid Pro Joe's crony in the Ukraine extortion racket suddenly has a huge windfall of money, it's our business.
Nope. He’s finances are none of your business. People have constitutional rights and you aren’t allowed to violate them because of politics.
No one is violating anyone's constitutional rights by talking about someone with no income being able to "resolve" a six figure tax debt in a very short period of time. Man, you're really trying to stop people from talking about it.
What’s there to talk about? He had a tax debt. Now he doesn’t.
Exactly, but you forgot a few things.

1. He had a massive tax debt.
2. He declared he had no income to avoid child support payments.
3. Suddenly, his tax debt disappeared.

That's kind of like saying, "He committed suicide, there's nothing to see here" when there's a gunshot wound in the back of the head. Since Hunter's dad is running for president, naturally people would want to know if he paid off his son's tax debt but doesn't want to take care of his grandchild. They also would want to know if Hunter is in bed with other big money interests and if that spills over onto Quid Pro Joe, like did Joe trade his office for money? Face it, if Hunter's dad wasn't running for president, he wouldn't even be mentioned in the news.

Obviously if his dad wasn't running for President the debt wouldn't have gotten paid
Whoever paid it did so to help Joe's campaign

Need to make sure that there were no campaign finance violations.
Total hoax.


As long as the payment is properly documented and within legal parameters,
if not, then no.
If it wasn’t, the IRS would have caught it.

It's obvious what you're doing here. You're attempting to conflate this situation with TRUMP! wanting to keep his taxes under wraps, but it's not working. In this case, no one is demanding to plow through Hunter's taxes in the off chance they'll find something incriminating to affect the election. They're reacting to a specific incident that invites curiosity. You're stretching.
So it’s just baseless speculation?
If you want to throw away any ethical and moral imperative you may have had for going after Trump's finances to protect Quid Pro Joe from this, go right ahead. You're the one trying to conflate the two, even though they are not in the same ballpark. But baseless? No. We want to know why Quid Pro Joe doesn't want to make sure his grandchild is properly cared for.
So you just want to dig through Hunter Biden’s finances on the off chance there’s something damaging to use against Joe Biden?

When it comes to Trump’s finances, we were told it’s none of our business. But totally different when it comes to Biden. It’s a double standard.
Oh brother--the evidence clearly already shows that Joe Biden was using his family including Hunter to funnel bribe money through......from both Burisima and China I might add. Unlike with the FBI hounding of trump based all on lies an no evidence or reasonable expectation of crime---there is probable cause and evidence to go through the Bidens bank information and then arrest them for bribes and treason.

But of course if we go after the bidens, we have to be fair and go after the Pelosis as there is also clear evidence that Pelosi was using her sons bank account to funnel bribe money from another ukranian energy company. Hell Pelosi even made a promotional video for the company.

You prove the old adage... conservatives are fucking morons.

No, fucking moron, Pelosi's son was not involved with funneling money from a Ukraine energy company.



Thanks, but facts have no affect on Faun.
Hunter Biden’s $450,000 Tax Debt Gets Suddenly ‘RESOLVED’ Despite Claiming NO Income

23 Aug 2020 ~~ By Jonathan Jones

A large tax debt owed to the government by the son of former Vice President Joe Biden has disappeared, according to a report.
Hunter Biden, who has faced scrutiny over allegedly profiting from businesses internationally using his father’s influence, recently told a court in his Arkansas paternity case that he was out of work and broke.
The Washington Free Beacon reported Saturday that despite the younger Biden’s reported personal and financial woes, he was able to resolve a six-figure tax debt in a short period of time.
“Hunter Biden was hit with a $450,000 lien in July over delinquent state income taxes, which he paid off in six days despite having no discernible income,” the Free Beacon’s Alana Goodman reported.
The ability to pay nearly half a million dollars in back taxes in less than a week seems to contradict statements from Biden to an Arkansas court that he could not afford to pay child support.
In January, Biden agreed to pay the mother of a child he fathered in Arkansas, despite not having a job, retroactive to November 2018, Fox News reported.
Biden failed to turn over documents relevant to his income and was held in contempt of court, according to Fox.
After a court-ordered paternity test, Biden was found to be the child’s father.
There was also a legal dustup concerning how much Biden’s permanent monthly child support payment would be calculated.
The paternity and child support case in Arkansas furthers the mystery surrounding Biden’s ability to pay off the reported tax debt.
“A spokesman for D.C.’s Office of the Chief Financial Officer confirmed that Hunter Biden’s lien was released on July 15 after the ‘tax issue was resolved.’ The office declined to say whether Biden had paid off the debt,” The Free Beacon reported.
It is unclear what income, if any, Biden has at the moment, as his father seeks to unseat President Donald Trump in November.
Biden has been linked to a series of financial scandals.
After being hired by Ukrainian energy company Burisma Holdings in 2014, Biden was paid a salary of $83,333 a month, Fox reported.
The high salary was paid despite the former VP’s son holding a job as a non-executive “ceremonial figure.”
It was also said by three individuals close to Biden’s Burisma deal that he never visited Ukraine, despite the exorbitant salary, according to Reuters.
Biden was reportedly paid that salary from April 2014 until November 2015.
In Biden’s 2017 divorce, his former wife claimed he sent the family into financial ruin by spending money on “drugs, alcohol, prostitutes, strip clubs and gifts for women with whom he had sexual relations.”
Kathleen Biden said the family was left with massive debts by Biden’s alleged activities, including tax debt, medical bills and credit cards that were maxed out.
This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

Hmm...., If it is any consolation, I don’t think Hunter is going to help him during the election.
Trump is going to highlight this early and often and frankly it does not take a rocket scientist to see that something is wrong with the Ukraine and China deals, but wait.... there is even more to come out.
The Biden’s played the same scheme in other Eastern European countries as well as Iraq where Biden’s brother landed a lucrative contract in an area where he had no expertise.
It would be a shame if Hunter put all those dollars up hi nose...
the question is where is that $1.4 billion dollar China deal money?
Hunter Biden was not hired to the Burisma board as a "ceremonial figure". He was hired to head Burisma's legal team.


JULY 7, 2014 10:39 PM EDT

When Vice President Joe Biden’s son, R. Hunter Biden, joined the board of a private Ukrainian oil and natural gas company this spring, he explained his new job as a legal one, disconnected from any effort to influence the Obama Administration. In a press release, the younger Biden boasted of his abilities on issues like improving corporate transparency.

And Burisma certainly had their share of legal troubles for Hunter Biden to solve for them. Burisma owner Nikolai Zlochevskyi had fled the country to Moscow to avoid prosecution.

Joe Biden held back $1 billion in US treasury loan guarantees, which were needed to secure over $30 brillion in other loans to bail out Ukraine.

Biden certainly took care of Burisma's legal problems. He gave President Poroshenko and Prime Minister Yatsenyuk an ultimatum. Either fire the prosecutor general who is investigating Burisma, and replace him with a puppet, or Ukraine becomes financially insolvent.

That puppet was Biden's "solid", Yuriy Lutsenko, who had recently served prison time for corruption in office until his sentence was commuted after an appeal by Hunter Biden's fellow Burisma board member, Alexander Kwasniewski.

But there was a problem. Biden's corrupt puppet didn't have a law degree and had never practiced law. He never even went to law school, fer crissakes. And under Ukrainian law, the Prosecutor General was required to have a law degree and a minimum number of years experience as an attorney.

Facing Quid Pro Joe's threats, the Ukrainian parliament had no choice. In a special session, they actually changed the law that required the country's top attorney be an actual fucking real life attorney with a law degree and everything.

As much of scandal as that was, no matter how embarrassing and degrading it was, no matter how outraged the people were, the Ukrainian parliament had to do it. Joe Biden made them an offer they couldn't refuse.

It's horrible.
So they went with someone that had no training or experience in Ukrainian law???
We went with a president who had no prior training or even the slightest knowledge of the constitution -- so lets not pretend that experience and expertise is supposed to matter now...You trumpers take pride in hating expertise....

No Biffy Boy -

The delusions in your head, do not represent reality.
I do get that worshipers of Government only want other people who worship Government to be in Government.
It's a Government worshipping cult.

One does not need to be in your cult to be President.
So again, you can't refute what I said?

Got it......

There is a reason why everyone (even those who work for Trump) thinks he's a moron...

There is a reason why folks like you have to engage in self projection daily in order to compensate for the fact that your current cult leader is a moron...

Just like yall had to carry water for your last cult leader -- before you all decided to admit "AFTER THE FACT" that he was a moron....and lets not even talk about the guy yall started worshipping after him....

View attachment 379463
Must deflect, must deflect. Can't let any discussion of Biden stand on its own merits. Must deflect, must deflect.

How about Biden’s taxes are none of your damn business?
No one cares about the content of his taxes. They find it interesting that a guy who claims to have no income so as to duck his child support obligations can easily and suddenly erase a six figure tax debt. Obviously, he's either lying to the court about his income and assets or someone gave him a lot of money to settle the tax debt but not take care of his child.
Um, this thread is about Biden’s taxes (it’s in the thread title) and it’s none of your business.
If think it's none of your business, then why the fuck are you so concerned about it that you are posting in this thread, jackass?

When Quid Pro Joe's crony in the Ukraine extortion racket suddenly has a huge windfall of money, it's our business.
Nope. He’s finances are none of your business. People have constitutional rights and you aren’t allowed to violate them because of politics.
No one is violating anyone's constitutional rights by talking about someone with no income being able to "resolve" a six figure tax debt in a very short period of time. Man, you're really trying to stop people from talking about it.
What’s there to talk about? He had a tax debt. Now he doesn’t.
Exactly, but you forgot a few things.

1. He had a massive tax debt.
2. He declared he had no income to avoid child support payments.
3. Suddenly, his tax debt disappeared.

That's kind of like saying, "He committed suicide, there's nothing to see here" when there's a gunshot wound in the back of the head. Since Hunter's dad is running for president, naturally people would want to know if he paid off his son's tax debt but doesn't want to take care of his grandchild. They also would want to know if Hunter is in bed with other big money interests and if that spills over onto Quid Pro Joe, like did Joe trade his office for money? Face it, if Hunter's dad wasn't running for president, he wouldn't even be mentioned in the news.

Obviously if his dad wasn't running for President the debt wouldn't have gotten paid
Whoever paid it did so to help Joe's campaign

Need to make sure that there were no campaign finance violations.
Total hoax.


As long as the payment is properly documented and within legal parameters,
if not, then no.
If it wasn’t, the IRS would have caught it.

It's obvious what you're doing here. You're attempting to conflate this situation with TRUMP! wanting to keep his taxes under wraps, but it's not working. In this case, no one is demanding to plow through Hunter's taxes in the off chance they'll find something incriminating to affect the election. They're reacting to a specific incident that invites curiosity. You're stretching.
So it’s just baseless speculation?
If you want to throw away any ethical and moral imperative you may have had for going after Trump's finances to protect Quid Pro Joe from this, go right ahead. You're the one trying to conflate the two, even though they are not in the same ballpark. But baseless? No. We want to know why Quid Pro Joe doesn't want to make sure his grandchild is properly cared for.
So you just want to dig through Hunter Biden’s finances on the off chance there’s something damaging to use against Joe Biden?

When it comes to Trump’s finances, we were told it’s none of our business. But totally different when it comes to Biden. It’s a double standard.
Oh brother--the evidence clearly already shows that Joe Biden was using his family including Hunter to funnel bribe money through......from both Burisima and China I might add. Unlike with the FBI hounding of trump based all on lies an no evidence or reasonable expectation of crime---there is probable cause and evidence to go through the Bidens bank information and then arrest them for bribes and treason.

But of course if we go after the bidens, we have to be fair and go after the Pelosis as there is also clear evidence that Pelosi was using her sons bank account to funnel bribe money from another ukranian energy company. Hell Pelosi even made a promotional video for the company.

Cool. What evidence exists that shows Joe Biden funneling bribe money?
Who cares? Let’s say it was a totally irrational decision. But it’s not illegal to make irrational hires and pay them too much money.

If it’s not illegal, you can’t investigate it. The question is irrelevant.
In some cases it certainly is illegal.

Burisma sent a lot of money to Rosemont Seneca, Biden's law firm. It's not necessarily illegal for a corporation in Ukraine to make payments to a board member's company, but is has to be for actual services rendered. Otherwise it's illegal.

That is one of the issues Ukraine is investigating.

Is there credible evidence to suggest that there were no services rendered by Biden?
If no services were rendered, there would be no evidence. :cuckoo:

What they want is documentation that services were rendered. And PG Shokin wanted to interview Burisma's board of directors, including Hunter Biden, regarding many other issues too.

Quid Pro Joe extorted Ukraine's government to get Shokin removed and replaced with his corrupt puppet, Lutsenko. So Burisma was off the hook. But not anymore. Zelenski won and there's a new administration and they are reviewing all of Burisma cases.

And the Shokin assassination attempt is also under investigation. Biden obviously had a motive to kill Shokin, so he's naturally a suspect. And just a month after the assassination attempt, Joe Biden started pressuring Poroshenko and Yatsenyuk to fire Shokin. So that raises some eyebrows too.
So you have no reason to believe that Hunter Biden failed to perform services for his salary, but you want to investigate anyway?

That would be engaging in a political witch hunt without predication. Not legal.
Bullshit. It's perfectly legal for the PGO and NABU to investigate all payments made by Burisma because of a pattern of corrupt activity, which has included bribery.

Since Joe Biden was caught on a live stream confessing that he extorted Ukraine officials into firing the Prosecutor General who was investigating Burisma and Zlochevsky, there is plenty of reasonable suspicion that the payments to Biden's firm were nothing but a bribe. Especially since Burisma and Rosemont Seneca have refused to present any contemporaneous documentation showing that Biden's firm rendered any sort of legitimate legal services to Burisma. Likely because they don't exist.

Hell, just a couple of months ago they were caught trying to bribe investigators on behalf of Zlochevsky AGAIN!.


There's definitely a pattern of corruption, including extortion and bribery. Therefore there's plenty of reasonable suspicion to investigate the payments to Biden.

Given the huge amount of evidence, I think we both know beyond a reasonable doubt that the payments were a bribe.

You should have read your article, there were no ties to Biden:
The seizure, which is the largest in Ukraine's history, had no ties to Biden, say authorities, who showed stacks of $100 bill at a press conference Saturday.
I did read the article, jackass.

It's more evidence a pattern of corrupt behavior by Zlochevski. Another bribe. This puts all of Burisma and Zlochevski's payments under even more suspicion, including the payments to Biden.

It's a continuation of a pattern of bribery.

Then you can investigate Zlochevski, but not Biden.
That's simply a lie.
But you have no evidence of any wrongdoing by Biden. You have evidence of wrongdoing by Zlochevski.

Probable cause needs to be specific to the person being investigated.
You don't need probable cause to investigate in the first place, jackass. Hunter Biden never had diplomatic immunity. Of course Joe Biden can hide behind his diplomat status, but Hunter was not a diplomat.

Hunter Biden is a person of interest because he was on the Burisma board of directors. He's the director who was in charge of Burisma's legal team and his firm received extremely large payments from Zlochevsky. And Zlochevsky has been know to use bribes to take care of legal issues.

Hunter Biden confessed on TV that Zlochevsky would not have made him a Burisma director if his father wasn't the made the Obama administration's point man on Ukraine.

Joe Biden confessed that he got rid of the prosecutor who was investigating Burisma.

The abundance of circumstantial evidence is plenty of reasonable suspicion to make it prudent for a prosecutor to open an investigation. It would be grossly negligent for a prosecutor to ignore the Bidens' conflicts of interest.
But there’s no evidence that ties Hunter Biden to any bribes.

So there’s no basis for investigation.

Hunter Biden cannot have a conflict of interest as he’s not a member of government. Joe Biden is exempt from conflict of interest laws, a fact pointed out by Trump, who would never be able to retain ownership of his company as president.

There is no evidence to suggest that firing of Shokin was in any way related to Hunter Biden’s position on that board.
There's a ton of evidence!

Dozens of payments were made to Rosemont Seneca by Burisma, an entity known to use bribery. The bank records of every one of those payments is evidence!

Biden confessed in a live stream that he extorted Ukrainian officials into firing Shokin. That video is evidence!

Shokin testified under oath that he was fired because he wouldn't drop the criminal case against Burisma. The transcript of that deposition is evidence!

Payments for being a board of director is not evidence of illegal activity without further evidence.

Biden saying that Shokin being fired because he was corrupt is not evidence of illegal activity without further information.

Shokin is not a credible witness. Allegations have to come from credible sources to be used as evidence of illegal activity.

Strike out.
Bullshit. It's all evidence that Zlochevsky bribed Joe Biden via payments to Hunter Biden in order to get the prosecutor general fired. And an investigation to find more evidence is prudent. That is why Ukraine is reviewing all of the Burisma cases in the first place, dumbass.

Unfortunately Hunter Biden refused to cooperate with prosecutors. That alone is suspicious to any investigator. They only wanted to interview him as a potential witness, he wasn't the target of the investigation. What was he so afraid of?

Shokin is very credible. Joe Biden is not credible. He got caught blatantly lying to millions of people just the other day on national TV.

His allegations that Shokin was corrupt have proven to be unfounded. He has never even been indicted for anything, let alone convicted.

The "solid" convict Biden installed, Yuriy Lutsenko, was never an attorney, didn't even go to law school and was proven to be corrupt even before Biden installed him into the PGO. Biden already knew Lutsenko was corrupt, because he had served prison time for corruption in office. And he's currently facing more corruption charges. He has fled the country, like Zlochevsky. Therefore Biden's claim that he had Shokin removed to weed out corruption is just fucking ridiculous. You have to be one extremely stupid individual to believe that bullshit.

But if there's one thing that all of you TDS afflicted morons have in common, it's your extreme stupidity.

It is not evidence that the payments were a bribe given there was nothing connecting those two events. Give me one scrap of evidence that shows that the payments to Hunter Biden were in any way connected to the firing of Shokin? There is none other than the fevered imaginations of morons.

What corruption was Lutsenko convicted of again? That's right, he threw a party for his police officers. And he was convicted by political enemies in a famously corrupt Ukrainian judicial system. True that Shokin's never been indicted, but when has a lack of indictment ever prevented the morons around here from claiming someone was corrupt? Never. Definite double standard.
Yes, there were several posts in the middle, all were of YOU saying Trump was supposed to shock and awe you, none of me saying that he did

Except for the reply where you LITERALLY said he did.

Oh, the one you just quoted. Oh wait, you didn't. Liar.

I didn’t what? Just quote you saying what you are claiming you didn’t say?

I quoted you, twice now. Inability to recognize reality is a sign of mental disorder. But I think you’re actually just trolling.

Bullshit Democrat tactics:

1) Ignore requests for quotes for your bull shit claims

2) Then claim you already provided quotes you didn't provide

In post 261, I provided the quote you requested.

That post doesn't say anything. You cut the entire conversation, liar
It includes the quote of you saying the thing you said you didn’t say.

It’s right there. Black and white. Clear as crystal. You lose. Good day, sir!

"He did" could mean anything, Darline

Not in this case. It was an immediate to a question. Want to see what it that question was?

No, you cut it from the quote box chain

So what, dumbfuck? All the posts are still there.

If Obama was such a screw up, why didn’t Trump blow the roof off like you say?
He did.

You're a day late and a dollar short. We already covered that

No, all that happened was your insane semantic gymnastics to bend and scurry away from the dumb shit you say rather than make an argument.

colfax: No I'm not, kaz, you are!

When you have nothing, repeat to me what I said to you like any other playgrounding third grader

Instead of addressing a point substantively, you whined that you said similar and I said same, as if that has any substantive effect on the point. That’s about as pathetic as it gets.

Every time we discussed a point you changed the words changing the meaning of what was said. Go ahead and cry, little girl, here's a tissue

Oh, sure. Because the words “same” and “similar” have such different substantially different meanings.



It’s exactly what you did. Complained that I changed the word “similar” to “same”.

Changing words again. I said Trump's performance was way better. It's his numbers that I said were similar. I said they were better, I did not say the same. But I explained why that's different.

That was only one of the many word changes that you made. This is the endless bull shit you've pulled through this whole thing. Like here you say that was the objection I made as if it was the only one. You're still doing it

It was one of many pointless objections that you raise because clearly your argument is horse shit.

People with good arguments make their arguments. People with horse shit arguments whine about irrelevant semantics.

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