Hunter laptop poll says coverup changed the election.


Damn, you got me again ... I might as well just go mow the yard.
Since you are in the mood to be so helpful ... Grab the weedeater, and make yourself useful.

I have Cajun red bean and rice cooking, and will have cornbread on the side ... And beer on ice.

Have I ever mentioned that I glisten in the most manly of ways when I go all midaeval on unwanted vegetation with my trusty whacker?
And here’s the good part. Nobody but Trump humpers care. Biden is your President. Trump is going to prison. The election doesn’t look good for you.
Funny how dems don't care....if they did, their party head would be possibly sharing a cell with Trump.
Election never looks good until the day after the election.
Have I ever mentioned that I glisten in the most manly of ways when I go all midaeval on unwanted vegetation with my trusty whacker?

Before you get too excited with yourself, I might have made the additional mistake of not clarifying the magnitude of the task.
I would be truly remiss if I did not include that you would probably want to fuel up the Rhino, pack a lunch, and refreshments before starting.

That way you wouldn't have to walk all the back to house every time you needed something ... There's plenty of trees to pee behind.
I have some sturdy lawn gear though and wouldn't suggest you bring a sling blade and a brush axe ... :auiqs.jpg:

Funny how dems don't care....if they did, their party head would be possibly sharing a cell with Trump.
Election never looks good until the day after the election.

This thread belongs in conspiracy theories. It’s not in any way reality based.

The story of any consequence is the treason of Donald Trump, and that story isn’t going away no matter what happens in the elections.

There is no escape from it, or for Donald Trump.
This thread belongs in conspiracy theories. It’s not in any way reality based.

The story of any consequence is the treason of Donald Trump, and that story isn’t going away no matter what happens in the elections.

There is no escape from it, or for Donald Trump.
The laptop is involved in a current investigation by the US Atty for Delaware......for money laundering and foreign agent issues, by Hunter, and it's contents, which have been proven authentic, are raising eyebrows.

No conspiracy theory here, other than more and more evidence is coming out, implicating Jimmy Biden, his Bro' Joe, and his son, Hunter, in taking kickbacks from China, while Bro' Joe was Veep.

You better vote twice, and early too......they need your help to hold the house.
Let's pretend one of the Trump boys abandoned a laptop with videos of him beating and raping Chinese 10-year olds. Let's pretend that same Trump boy has emails that lay out racketeering and extorting money from multiple countries as well money laundering schemes involving the entire crime family. Let's also pretend this same Trump kid received an email from his sister-in-law (that he's fucking, just to make it a little more interesting) telling him not to ever enter her home again because of "inappropriate behavior with my 14-year old daughter".

The Dims response would be: "Yeah, but he's not running for office".

Yeah, sounds legit.

:laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

The Topic of the thread is not about President Trump, Capitol Hill or any of the other nonsense you are talking about.
We are talking about The FBI contacting Facebook with the intent to limit exposure to a story that could have been damaging ...
And interfering in our election process.

Get with the Topic nitwit ... Your pathetic hyper-partisan stoogery will never change that.
It will never amount to a rebuttal, and you don't need to waste your time posting it.

You are not alone, Skippy. Pissing and moaning about a guy named Hunter Biden in an attempt to smear the President is shared by the savvy genius who conspired to elect Trump:

Hunter has nothing to do with any election. If anything, he contributed to your MAGAs losing because you spent all that time trying to make everyone look at that instead of working to work on what good you could do in the future for the country.
We were living the good life. Then Biden took over.
I wasn't even aware that this dude "Hunter Biden?" was running for any political office, let alone president.

So, what's with this legendary laptop? Did it have classified documents on it that compromised national security or something? If so, I hope FBI agents seize it immediately!

So, what charges have been brought against this dastard?
Proof that Biden is own by Russia and China.
I see you pedos in TN are forcing your nieces and your daughters to give birth to your children now.
Awe you're still crying about roe-v-wade, bless your heart. Wonder how many of the girls in Biden's family had to abort his babies.
You are not alone, Skippy. Pissing and moaning about a guy named Hunter Biden in an attempt to smear the President is shared by the savvy genius who conspired to elect Trump:


I haven't said a damn thing about Hunter Biden or President Biden ...
Stop lying and pretending you can create a salient point out of thin air.

Just stop ... Because I never suggested they should put President Trump back in power either, you utterly pathetic piece of shit ... :auiqs.jpg:

You can rave as inanely as you need to, Sunshine.

Rules of evidence are inescapable, however. Contaminated evidence is impermissible.

John Paul Mac Isaac: “I do know that there have been multiple attempts over the past year and a half to insert questionable material into the laptop..."
Don't worry the fbi has been protecting it.
Lol. This from someone who wanted the unvaxxed made second class citizens and prevented from obtaining healthcare.

Authoritarian you say? Lol

Have you apologized for you heinous statements yet?
The cdc has come out and said there is no difference between being vaccinated or not.
The point is, it is real.
And you nasty mother fuckers dont care.
This is why the dem party is often related to pedos and groomers. Because of people like you defending, ignoring and deflecting this shit.
I know at first the filthy bastards said it wasn't real. So it couldn't be true. So the doj said, hold my beer and prosecuted 2 people for stealing the diary. Now they say you can't prove what's in it.

Sick, sick, sub humans.

A lot of the posters in this thread are simply disgusted with how pathetic people like you have driven politics in this Nation into the ground.
And for what ... What have you actually gained from your ridiculous shitshow?

A party that has lost all credibility.
I respectfully disagree! To me, it seems like you are not calculating and are under estimating our belief, that our very Nation and our very lives, all depended on us voting Trump, out of office! Imho!

MrMagoo could have been Trump's opponent!
Yet, he will win in 2024. If he chooses to run.
You've reached Grand Master Level of Stupidity.

Don't become pissy, Sunshine.

While I discount the laughable crap spewed by propaganda outlets, and recognize the need for some disgruntled folk to attack the President by smearing his family, I accept that actual charges in legal venues must meet a minimum of credible evidence.

... In 2019, an Apple laptop was left for repair at a Delaware computer shop and was not picked up afterwards. The shop’s owner, a supporter of Mr Trump, examined the laptop’s hard drive and would later turn copies over to Mr Giuliani and the US Justice Department...
At the time, most legitimate news organizations dismissed the story... in part because the drive was linked to Mr Giuliani, who was widely seen as unreliable because of his penchant for making false statements in defence of Mr Trump, and because Mr Giuliani was known to associate with Ukrainian political figures who were regarded as Russian agents.
Even other news organizations owned by Post owner Rupert Murdoch passed on the story because the authenticity of the emails could not be verified.
More than a year later, The Washington Post reported that it had independently verified some of the emails from the drive, but none of the emails in and of themselves indicate any illicit behavior by either Hunter or Joe Biden.
The Justice Department, however, is investigating whether Hunter Biden broke tax laws by failing to pay taxes on income from some of his foreign business dealings...
Hunter Biden has not been charged with any crimes and has denied doing anything illegal, and his father is not under investigation by anyone at this time.
If any credible evidence of Hunter Biden evading taxes or engaging in any other criminal activity ever emerges, he should be prosecuted like any other citizen so implicated, of course.
It's been confirmed by 3 of his (Hunter's) partners' email chains, you idiot. They gave them up while in prison and I think the Chinese dude is dead.

Bevan Cooney, Eric Schwerin, I forget the Chinese guy's name.

Biden was selling his office while VP.

All the hookers & blow and guns and Obama's daughter and incest on Hunter's laptop are meaningless.
Evidence of Biden selling his office to the Chinese is meaningful. Got it?

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