Hunter laptop poll says coverup changed the election.

Lol, how long have yall claimed to have this laptop now? Hilarious Yep, all the Republican judges are turning a blind eye to it! Hilarious. Kinda like the marlago thing huh, first the fbi planted it! Oh there is video proving they didn't. Then it was I declassified all those anyway. OH not how declassified works. Then it was Mark Meadows fault during the move didn't even know they were there. Uh, oh video of Trump looking through them. So what's the next lie ya retarded rubes?
Dunno...maybe you should look up the FBI subpoena given to Mac for Hunter's laptop and hard drive, in 2019.
And turning a blind eye, it's FBI who has had the laptop since late 2019. Oh, by the way, it was subpoenaed for Hunter's money laundering investigation being conducted by the US Atty in Delaware.

Then there's the FBI whistleblower who has recently come forward with claims the Bureau told agents to look the other way, basically.

This has all been in the news for some time. Get with the program.
Cover it up?
Who had the laptop for months before it was turned in?

The president didn't lie,.
The FBI gent lied.
About who he was working for.


Just because they served a legal search warrant on your dear leader, THEIR CORRUPT?

Just stop ... I understand you are not prepared to take an objective view towards what the rest of us are talking about.
Denial is not an argument, and just the fact you have no desire to debate anything.

You can go be a bootlicker for your masters in any number of other threads ...
And you aren't getting anywhere here, nitwit.


You could get all the evidence you want ... But it's Classified and you aren't approved to receive it.​
The FBI didn't recover Ashey's diary, moron.
It was out in the public domain for months and for sale.
Talk with Agent Services at the FBI Help Desk and see if you can get your approval upgraded.

Your problem is the FBI coerced social media and legacy media to quash the story, ahead of the election. So, based on your premise, they wouldn't have changed their mind, as no one new about the story.....duh.

And don't forget Bremmer on CNN crowing and the letter from 10,000 former Intel wonks saying it was Russian disinformation.

And that NY Post, who you consider a tabloid ,was vindicated by none other than WAPO, NYT and a few others, who, over a year later, admitted the story was, in fact, legit.

It was after the election that the story gained ground and early on, I think it was Rasmussen, who claimed 1 in 4 would not have voted for Biden, making him lose the election.

If the story wasn't actively quashed, it would have mattered two years ago, believe me.
I respectfully disagree! To me, it seems like you are not calculating and are under estimating our belief, that our very Nation and our very lives, all depended on us voting Trump, out of office! Imho!

MrMagoo could have been Trump's opponent!
The FBI didn't recover Ashey's diary, moron.
It was out in the public domain for months and for sale.

You didn't just ask for the Diary as evidence ...
And why would you need evidence of what it contains if it has been in the public domain for months?

You cannot crawfish your way out of this you silly nitwit.
Stop trying because you are just going to continue to fail in attempts to offer anything worth considering.

I respectfully disagree! To me, it seems like you are not calculating and are under estimating our belief, that our very Nation and our very lives, all depended on us voting Trump, out of office! Imho!

MrMagoo could have been Trump's opponent!
So when confronted with facts, you fold?

People were polled....people said it would have changed their vote.
A lie, of course. Its what you nasty mother fuckers do best.
"was i molested? I think so" Thats a quote from her diary.
Not letting her go to the bathroom by herself. "showers with my dad"
She also blames his sexual deviancy on her sex addiction and being "hypersexualized"
Its all over the fucking internet.
Was in the public domain for months retard, they could have wrote that in her diary, moron.
JUST so they could find a buyer.

So, where did Ashley file a complaint or even acknowledge, the details in her diary?
She didn't.
But gullible retards, like you think whatever a talk show host say's is the truth.
Where have you been the last 2 years? Good gawd man :rofl:
That family is fucked up. You guys are MORE fucked up than they are with your defense, lies and deflection over it.
Its beyond sickening.
You're the sick one, where's the evidence?

"Oh' it's on the internet".
Sooo, it must be true.
Was in the public domain for months retard, they could have wrote that in her diary, moron.
JUST so they could find a buyer.

So, where did Ashley file a complaint or even acknowledge, the details in her diary?
She didn't.
But gullible retards, like you think whatever a talk show host say's is the truth.

You're the sick one, where's the evidence?

"Oh' it's on the internet".
Sooo, it must be true.
good lord :rofl:

You didn't just ask for the Diary as evidence ...​
NO, the contents.
And why would you need evidence of what it contains if it has been in the public domain for months?​
Confirmation of the evidence.

You cannot crawfish your way out of this you silly nitwit.
Stop trying because you are just going to continue to fail in attempts to offer anything worth considering.​
Soooooooo. you beat me to it?

You just believe.................ANYTHING, without any confirmation, no rebuttal.
NO, the contents.
Confirmation of the evidence.
Soooooooo. you beat me to it?
You just believe.................ANYTHING, without any confirmation, no rebuttal.

The topic of the Thread is about how the FBI tried to cover up anyone getting any information.
Just stop ... Continuing to say someone doesn't have evidence is exactly what the problem is, you silly nitwit.

I am not saying that anyone is innocent of anything ...
They could all be corrupt, and the FBI is knee deep in it, all the way from top to bottom, and from the beginning to the end.

You are not offering anything by simply denying what we do know.
You haven't offered an argument worth considering, and it will never be a rebuttal.

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So when confronted with facts, you fold?

People were polled....people said it would have changed their vote.
Yeah, a thousand people were polled, by a republican poster on the internet if you are correct on Rasmussen, nearly two years after the event....?

What did zuckerberg say? Did he say the FBI called Facebook and told them the NY Post article had to be pulled? Or did the FBI remind Facebook that Russia was heavily promoting stories in favor of Trump, trying to influence the election as they did in 2016? Or something else? Do you know? Basically, was Facebook ordered by the FBI to ban the article, or did facebook, based on various reasons, make the decision to ban it? Do you know?
It is, why hasn't any Biden commented?

It was published 2 YEARS ago.

Project Veritas did not publish the diary; the group’s founder said in an email to followers that it could not verify the diary was real at that time.

EVEN these RWNJ's wouldn't publish it.
BUT you're CERTAIN Ashley was molested, because Alex Jones or MTG, regurgitated, nonsense.

The topic of the Thread is about how the FBI tried to cover up anyone getting any information.
Just stop ... Continuing to say someone doesn't have evidence is exactly what the problem is, you silly nitwit.

I am not saying that anyone is innocent of anything ...
They could all be corrupt, and the FBI is knee deep in it, all the way from top to bottom, and from the beginning to the end.

You are not offering anything by simply denying what we do know.
You haven't offered an argument worth considering, and it will never be a rebuttal.


because there wasnt any crimes, just political messaging, which isnt FBI's job.
Yeah, a thousand people were polled, by a republican poster on the internet if you are correct on Rasmussen, nearly two years after the event....?

What did zuckerberg say? Did he say the FBI called Facebook and told them the NY Post article had to be pulled? Or did the FBI remind Facebook that Russia was heavily promoting stories in favor of Trump, trying to influence the election as they did in 2016? Or something else? Do you know? Basically, was Facebook ordered by the FBI to ban the article, or did facebook, based on various reasons, make the decision to ban it? Do you know?

Are you attempting to suggest that the FBI contacting Facebook was not in an attempt to limit exposure to the story?

"The Department of Justice (DOJ) and Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) have both reportedly confirmed that a laptop allegedly belonging to Democrat presidential nominee Joe Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, is not part of a Russian disinformation campaign."

The FBI does have the laptop in their possession.
They didn't think it was part of a Russian disinformation campaign, whether or not they were willing say it was even Hunter's laptop.

We are talking about what the FBI did ... Not what Mark Zuckerberg did.

Mark Zuckerberg spent more than $400 million trying to get President Biden Elected.
We already know what Mark Zuckerberg was going to do with it if he had cover ... So did the FBI.
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The topic of the Thread is about how the FBI tried to cover up anyone getting any information.​
The fucking horse has left the barn, you moron.
Just stop ... Continuing to say someone doesn't have evidence is exactly what the problem is, you silly nitwit.​
THAT'S only because..................YOU don't.
All you have are accusations.

I am not saying that anyone is innocent of anything ...
They could all be corrupt, and the FBI is knee deep in it, all the way from top to bottom, and from the beginning to the end.​
Yeah, I heard politicians, talk show host and Trump claiming that, must be true.

You are not offering anything by simply denying what we do know.​
Only because you don't, and I'm denying hearsay, accusations, and internet fantasies.
You haven't offered an argument worth considering, and it will never be a rebuttal.

NOT my job, that's for the Bidens.
THEY need to answer that.
It is, why hasn't any Biden commented?

It was published 2 YEARS ago.

Project Veritas did not publish the diary; the group’s founder said in an email to followers that it could not verify the diary was real at that time.

EVEN these RWNJ's wouldn't publish it.
BUT you're CERTAIN Ashley was molested, because Alex Jones or MTG, regurgitated, nonsense.
My point being is, it obviously has been verified. THATS WHY PEOPLE HAVE WENT TO JAIL OVER IT.
You fuckin moonbats cant read!

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