Hunter laptop poll says coverup changed the election.

Your hyper-partisan mewling is a desperate indictment of the majority of decent Americans who chose a Democratically-controlled Executive, Senate, and House.

Calm down, comport yourself, and enjoy one of your pedophile pizzas at your next Q-anon jamboree- and don't let "Whispering Ray" make you do bad stuff!


A lot of the posters in this thread are simply disgusted with how pathetic people like you have driven politics in this Nation into the ground.
And for what ... What have you actually gained from your ridiculous shitshow?

Your hyper-partisan mewling is a desperate indictment of the majority of decent Americans who chose a Democratically-controlled Executive, Senate, and House.

Calm down, comport yourself, and enjoy one of your pedophile pizzas at your next Q-anon jamboree- and don't let "Whispering Ray" make you do bad stuff!

Deflection noted. As i stated earlier...
You idiots make this too easy.
No, you fucking dumbass.
Did ASHLEY say she was molested?
NO, idiot.

Where are the pictures and emails?
Link, you dumbass.
You fucking, moron.

Fuck you, moron.

You could get all the evidence you want ... But it's Classified and you aren't approved to receive it.
Talk with Agent Services at the FBI Help Desk and see if you can get your approval upgraded.

No, you fucking dumbass.
Did ASHLEY say she was molested?
NO, idiot.

Where are the pictures and emails?
Link, you dumbass.
You fucking, moron.

Fuck you, moron.
A lie, of course. Its what you nasty mother fuckers do best.
"was i molested? I think so" Thats a quote from her diary.
Not letting her go to the bathroom by herself. "showers with my dad"
She also blames his sexual deviancy on her sex addiction and being "hypersexualized"
Its all over the fucking internet. Where have you been the last 2 years? Good gawd man :rofl:
That family is fucked up. You guys are MORE fucked up than they are with your defense, lies and deflection over it.
Its beyond sickening.

You could get all the evidence you want ... But it's Classified and you aren't approved to receive it.
Talk with Agent Services at the FBI Help Desk and see if you can get your approval upgraded.

Deflection noted. As i stated earlier...
You idiots make this too easy.
Persist in your hyper-partisan tantrum if you must.

If credible evidence is ever developed to sustain prosecution for any crimes, there is no shortage of politicians and prosecutors eager to indict him, no doubt.
Persist in your hyper-partisan tantrum if you must.

If credible evidence is ever developed to sustain prosecution for any crimes, there is no shortage of politicians and prosecutors eager to indict him, no doubt.
Its hyper partisan to think its sickening our president is incest and a pedo and his supporters dont give a shit? Or how they throw away their dignity for hunter biden? A fucking crackhead?
This hyper partisan bullshit is why we are so fucked. And normal people (the minority of voters) have to deal with it.
The rest of your ridiculous dumbfucks just ignore everything. We cant do that...

Shoes can be a good choice ... Most people wear them ... The industry itself has some market longevity ... :auiqs.jpg:
I bet there are still some ups and downs to it ... About the same with any career.

It is the best career I could have ever dreamed for....! Who doesn't need, and in most cases love, shoes?

Oh, the roller coaster in the shoe industry has been constant....

All shoes manufactured in the USA opening up footwear trading in other Nations like Hong Kong and South Korea and eventually opening up China to trade, which was the final straw that killed US Manufacturing....dead, done, intentionally murdered! :eek:

To having to learn the business all over again, with China as the primary source for manufacturing... Getting materials and leather there and lasts, and shoe components, and then on the retail end having to calculate 6 to 8 weeks to land the goods in the USA and another two months before that at minimum lead time to get the assembly line running, and making shoes.... Verses reliable, very short lead times, to reorder goods that were HOT and selling....if manufactured here in the USA.

The transition from USA to overseas manufacturing was a nightmare, in manufacturing and in retail....

Then there were periods of leather shortages in Brazil and Argentina, due to leather couches becoming a fad...... Shoe industry got hit, with much higher leather prices...had to deal with that, and still make a profit for the Corporation.... Sigh!

But all those things, those ups and downs, and shruggles to make it happen, adding to the excitement of picking the right shoe or fad, that was going to make your season, and getting it made and delivered, is what made the footwear career so damn fulfilling in my book!
Lol, how long have yall claimed to have this laptop now? Hilarious Yep, all the Republican judges are turning a blind eye to it! Hilarious. Kinda like the marlago thing huh, first the fbi planted it! Oh there is video proving they didn't. Then it was I declassified all those anyway. OH not how declassified works. Then it was Mark Meadows fault during the move didn't even know they were there. Uh, oh video of Trump looking through them. So what's the next lie ya retarded rubes?
It is the best career I could have ever dreamed for....! Who doesn't need, and in most cases love, shoes?

Oh, the roller coaster in the shoe industry has been constant....

All shoes manufactured in the USA opening up footwear trading in other Nations like Hong Kong and South Korea and eventually opening up China to trade, which was the final straw that killed US Manufacturing....dead, done, intentionally murdered! :eek:

To having to learn the business all over again, with China as the primary source for manufacturing... Getting materials and leather there and lasts, and shoe components, and then on the retail end having to calculate 6 to 8 weeks to land the goods in the USA and another two months before that at minimum lead time to get the assembly line running, and making shoes.... Verses reliable, very short lead times, to reorder goods that were HOT and selling....if manufactured here in the USA.

The transition from USA to overseas manufacturing was a nightmare, in manufacturing and in retail....

Then there were periods of leather shortages in Brazil and Argentina, due to leather couches becoming a fad...... Shoe industry got hit, with much higher leather prices...had to deal with that, and still make a profit for the Corporation.... Sigh!

But all those things, those ups and downs, and shruggles to make it happen, adding to the excitement of picking the right shoe or fad, that was going to make your season, and getting it made and delivered, is what made the footwear career so damn fulfilling in my book!

Thanks for the insights into the shoe industry ... And Careers are a commitment that is no longer just a job.
You have to love what you are doing to excel, make effective changes, and provide a product you can get behind.

There will always be factors out of your control ... And it doesn't matter when it comes to the Global Market.
There's no difference in the Chinese dumping shoes on the US Market, and the Canadians dumping Government Subsidized Softwoods on the US Market.

You just meet the challenges and hopefully come up with a better product for it.

Its hyper partisan to think its sickening our president is incest and a pedo and his supporters dont give a shit? Or how they throw away their dignity for hunter biden? A fucking crackhead?
Your baseless lies are ineffectual, and no American ever voted for this Hunter Biden fellow as far as I know.

It may please you to note that the President is currently rated as slightly more unpopular than Trump:

Screen Shot 2022-08-30 at 10.18.31 AM.png

Screen Shot 2022-08-30 at 10.18.13 AM.png

Tell that to the Hong Kong billionaire that put it all on the internet. He dumped it all.

There's plenty of copies of Hunter Biden's hard drive rollin' 'round.

Somebody got his iCloud backup, too.

Check out his contacts:

The blacked out parts are DC area phone numbers. Probably one is "The Big Guy"'s phone #

Hong Kong billionaire? That wouldn’t be the one who’s yacht Steve Bannon was arrested on would it?

And that’s amazing. A hard drive that was originally in LA, that mysteriously ends up in a repair shop in NY, is leaked by someone in Hong Kong.

One of multiple alleged hard drives, that was tampered with, and had information installed on it by everyone but Hunter Biden.

Are sure you want to keep sticking with this story?
Your baseless lies are ineffectual, and no American ever voted for this Hunter Biden fellow as far as I know.

It may please you to note that the President is currently rated as slightly more unpopular than Trump:

View attachment 689185
View attachment 689187

We are talking about the FBI (and shoes) ... And I don't care what you have to ignore to support either of them.

That's the point ... How the FBI meddling in politics, and possibly elections ...
Could have an impact on an election, and does nothing more than fuel more shitshow bullshit
for hyper-partisan nitwits like you to fight with each other about.

It affects the opinion polls you then post ... You nitwit.


You ask for evidence when the FBI did everything they could to cover it up.​
Cover it up?
Who had the laptop for months before it was turned in?
You talk about what you feel the Former President has done, when the FBI lied to the FISA court to get a warrant on him.​
The president didn't lie,.
The FBI gent lied.
About who he was working for.

President Nixon resigned ... When the FBI broke the law.​
How long are you silly nitwits going to keep carrying water for an Institution that has proven it is not trustworthy?​
Just because they served a legal search warrant on your dear leader, THEIR CORRUPT?

It would not have mattered 2 years ago.

Anyone voting against Trump, which is all voters, voting for Biden, would not have changed their vote two weeks before the election....when the post article came out....

The NY POST is considered a tabloid, and not a news paper of any caliber, to those on the left

The article was filled with a bunch of unknowns, and speculative accusations, which the two weeks before the election October surprise dump would not have allowed any verification time...

It was brought to the Post thru Giuliani and Bannon....which would have set off alarms in any Biden voter's mnd.

two weeks prior to the election dump of this article in a Trump supporting media outlet, just isn't as powerful as you think!

Plus just two weeks out, MOST Democratic voters had voted already in early voting and via absentee ballot.
Your problem is the FBI coerced social media and legacy media to quash the story, ahead of the election. So, based on your premise, they wouldn't have changed their mind, as no one new about the story.....duh.

And don't forget Bremmer on CNN crowing and the letter from 10,000 former Intel wonks saying it was Russian disinformation.

And that NY Post, who you consider a tabloid ,was vindicated by none other than WAPO, NYT and a few others, who, over a year later, admitted the story was, in fact, legit.

It was after the election that the story gained ground and early on, I think it was Rasmussen, who claimed 1 in 4 would not have voted for Biden, making him lose the election.

If the story wasn't actively quashed, it would have mattered two years ago, believe me.
The people deserve a new fair election without the FBI and the media and big tech doing their dirty deeds and without covid rules for ballots.....
Hong Kong billionaire? That wouldn’t be the one who’s yacht Steve Bannon was arrested on would it?

And that’s amazing. A hard drive that was originally in LA, that mysteriously ends up in a repair shop in NY, is leaked by someone in Hong Kong.

One of multiple alleged hard drives, that was tampered with, and had information installed on it by everyone but Hunter Biden.

Are sure you want to keep sticking with this story?

Yeah ... There's no way a crackhead in rehab could forget his laptop was at the repair shop.
It's got to be some big conspiracy, Steve Bannon, President Xi Jinping, President Putin, and all funneled through a Hong Kong billionaire.

Former Secretary Clinton tried doing shit like that with the Russia Hoax ...
Used the FBI, their lying to the FISA Court, and Foreign Intelligence Services in the process.

How long are you going to keep ignoring what doesn't serve your masters?
That's the only mystery ... :auiqs.jpg:


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