Hunter laptop poll says coverup changed the election.


But the DOJ and the FBI indicated the laptop wasn't a Russian disinformation campaign.
They cannot have it both ways.

No one knows anything other than the FBI failed to avoid the appearance of impropriety.
They have been in custody of the laptop, and anything you know about it is what has been leaked by those who have custody ...
or connections to the documents externally.

Think Care4all ... I am not condemning anyone except the people who do know and the actions they took
Is that the way you want your public servants to conduct business,
and are you satisfied with that because it gives you something to argue and speculate about?

Giuliani had a copy of the hunter laptop hard drive the MAC Computer guy gave him.
The article I read said the FBI got the laptop in Dec 2019/January 2020 from the Mac Computer shop guy.....

And no one in the FBI began an investigation in to it, so that they could not be the cause for election interference, thru FBI right winger agent leaks to Giuliani.....

The FBI DID NOT investigate and look at the contents of this alleged Hunter laptop until AFTER the election was over, in Nov 2020..... So not to interfere.....

I'm fine with that......they took precautions, unlike their Hillary investigation in 2016 when FBI leaks were coming out daily, thru giuliani....and Trump was using the leaks at his rallies to LOCK HER UP!
Trump tried to do with the Hunter laptop and the FBI, what he claimed Hillary did, with the dossier.
The Republicans in the Senate investigated the Bidens in 2020.

Republican Inquiry Finds No Evidence of Wrongdoing by Biden​ › U.S. › Politics

Nov 7, 2020 — WASHINGTON — An election-year investigation by Senate Republicans into corruption allegations against Joseph R. Biden Jr. and his son, ...

GOP report: No wrongdoing in Biden son ties to Ukraine firm ...​ › Politics › story

Sep 23, 2020 — A report released Wednesday by Senate Republicans found that the role of Joe Biden's son, Hunter Biden, on the board of the Ukrainian energy ...

Hunter Biden, Burisma, and Corruption​ › download › hsg...


Sep 18, 2020 — The Committees' investigation focused on determining whether Hunter Biden and Devon. Archer sought to benefit financially from their ...

Senate Republicans Issue Findings on Hunter Biden's ...​ › News › Politics

Sep 23, 2020 — The report notes that some Obama administration officials raised concerns about Hunter Biden working with Burisma, but it doesn't identify ...
Why did the Mac Computer Store guy get in touch with Giuliani and give Giuliani a copy of Hunter's laptop? Why oh why oh why?

There is plenty of reasons to believe this was some kind of crooked arrangement
The article I read said the FBI got the laptop in Dec 2019/January 2020 from the Mac Computer shop guy.....

And no one in the FBI began an investigation in to it, so that they could not be the cause for election interference, thru FBI right winger agent leaks to Giuliani.....

The FBI DID NOT investigate and look at the contents of this alleged Hunter laptop until AFTER the election was over, in Nov 2020..... So not to interfere.....

I'm fine with that......they took precautions, unlike their Hillary investigation in 2016 when FBI leaks were coming out daily, thru giuliani....and Trump was using the leaks at his rallies to LOCK HER UP!

Why would the FBI investigate something they were trying to bury and cover up?
We know they did that ... That's something you know happened.

If you want to tie it to Rudy Guliani and Former Secretary Clinton ...
You know the FBI lied to the FISA Court.

Now it's okay if you are fine with all that because it makes you feel better ...
But I am not.

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The laptop is involved in a current investigation by the US Atty for Delaware......for money laundering and foreign agent issues, by Hunter, and it's contents, which have been proven authentic, are raising eyebrows.

No conspiracy theory here, other than more and more evidence is coming out, implicating Jimmy Biden, his Bro' Joe, and his son, Hunter, in taking kickbacks from China, while Bro' Joe was Veep.

You better vote twice, and early too......they need your help to hold the house.

The only investigation you need to worry about is the one that’s getting ready to put Trump in prison.

And nobody is the least bit concerned even if you win back the house.

This is how powerless and irrelevant you losers are now.

Now go back to Fox News and let them tell you what to think today.
December 9 2022
In September 2020, Harris moved into a Delray Beach, Florida, home where the daughter of now-President Joe Biden had recently lived and temporarily stored some personal belongings.

Harris solicited Kurlander's help to sell Biden's valuables to the highest bidder, according to the criminal information.
The pair attended a Donald Trump fundraiser on September 6, 2020, hoping to arrange a sale to the then-President's campaign.

Kurlander texted Harris after the event saying, "[Trump] campaign can't use it. They want it to go to the FBI. There is NO WAY [Trump] can use this. It has to be done a different way..."
Days later, they sent photos of some of Biden's belongings to Project Veritas. The organization paid for airfare, hotel, and a car service for the pair to transport the property from Florida to New York City, according to the court documents.


The only proof to there is to anything is that the FBI failed to avoid the appearance of impropriety ...​
Kurlander acknowledged the crime in a text to Harris, saying that Project Veritas is in a "sketchy business," the court documents show.

"They are in a sketchy business and here they are taking what's literally a stolen diary and info . and trying to make a story that will ruin [Ashley Biden's] life and try and effect the election. [Ashley Biden] can easily be thinking all her stuff is there and not concerned about it. . we have to tread even more carefully and that stuff needs to be gone through by us and if anything worthwhile it needs to be turned over and MUST be out of that house," the text message said.

Harris took more of Biden's belongings from the house after their New York meeting at the request of Project Veritas, according to the court documents. A Project Veritas employee then flew down to Florida to get the additional items and shipped them back to New York, the court documents say.
No one from Project Veritas has been publicly charged in connection to the alleged scheme.
possibly leaked some of whatever anyone in the public knows about it and tried to suppress a story talking about it.​

Just stop ... You are not going to change that, and you are not addressing the issue.​

Harris and Kurlander pleaded guilty to one count of conspiracy to commit interstate transportation of stolen property, which carries a maximum sentence of 5 years in prison, according to sentencing guidelines, but a judge will ultimately decide their sentence. They are not being held, pending their sentencing later this year.
Harris "accepted responsibility for what happened and she's looking forward to moving on with her life," her attorney Sanford Talkin said.

It had NOTHING to do with the contents, moron.
The diary was stolen and took across state lines.

December 9 2022
In September 2020, Harris moved into a Delray Beach, Florida, home where the daughter of now-President Joe Biden had recently lived and temporarily stored some personal belongings.

Harris solicited Kurlander's help to sell Biden's valuables to the highest bidder, according to the criminal information.
The pair attended a Donald Trump fundraiser on September 6, 2020, hoping to arrange a sale to the then-President's campaign.

Kurlander texted Harris after the event saying, "[Trump] campaign can't use it. They want it to go to the FBI. There is NO WAY [Trump] can use this. It has to be done a different way..."
Days later, they sent photos of some of Biden's belongings to Project Veritas. The organization paid for airfare, hotel, and a car service for the pair to transport the property from Florida to New York City, according to the court documents.

Kurlander acknowledged the crime in a text to Harris, saying that Project Veritas is in a "sketchy business," the court documents show.

"They are in a sketchy business and here they are taking what's literally a stolen diary and info . and trying to make a story that will ruin [Ashley Biden's] life and try and effect the election. [Ashley Biden] can easily be thinking all her stuff is there and not concerned about it. . we have to tread even more carefully and that stuff needs to be gone through by us and if anything worthwhile it needs to be turned over and MUST be out of that house," the text message said.

Harris took more of Biden's belongings from the house after their New York meeting at the request of Project Veritas, according to the court documents. A Project Veritas employee then flew down to Florida to get the additional items and shipped them back to New York, the court documents say.
No one from Project Veritas has been publicly charged in connection to the alleged scheme.


Harris and Kurlander pleaded guilty to one count of conspiracy to commit interstate transportation of stolen property, which carries a maximum sentence of 5 years in prison, according to sentencing guidelines, but a judge will ultimately decide their sentence. They are not being held, pending their sentencing later this year.
Harris "accepted responsibility for what happened and she's looking forward to moving on with her life," her attorney Sanford Talkin said.

It had NOTHING to do with the contents, moron.
The diary was stolen and took across state lines.

I haven't once mentioned Ashley's Dairy ...
The FBI didn't call Facebook trying to suppress a story about Ashley's Diary.

Find the Topic of the Thread ... Address something I have posted in context ... Or just stop.

This guy is super butt hurt about his racist rich white messiah being an incest pedo :lol:

I am starting to figure out how these threads get sent to Rubber Room ... :auiqs.jpg:
It's a fair indication of where our current political discourse has landed ... And they like it.


Why would the FBI investigate something they were trying to bury and cover up?
We know they did that ... That's something you know happened.

If you call, not investigating until after the election, so no leaks from the FBI made it to giuliani, burying it.....

You do understand Trump M/O on this.....have the computer guy give the FBI a copy, along with Giuliani, so the trump team could claim Hunter Biden is under investigation by the Fbi, to legitimize the lap top, then leaking from Giuliani's copy, the contents.

Just like he wanted president zelensky in Ukraine to tell CNN international they were investigating the Bidens, so trump could spread his lies about Joe and it have some legitimacy....

And just like Trump trying to get the DOJ to write a false memo about the election wrought with fraud, so Trump could use that letter to promote his BIG LIE.... (thank God the Doj refused!)

PLEASE! We are not stupid or blind to Trump antics and modus operandi!

It's good the FBI would not play Trump's game....and were cautious that it could be a Russian ploy as in 2016 with Hillary campaign and DNC stolen emails used by Trump, imo.

Why was Giuliani given a Hunter hard drive copy by the computer shop guy?
If you call, not investigating until after the election, so no leaks from the FBI made it to giuliani, burying it.....

You do understand Trump M/O on this.....have the computer guy give the FBI a copy, along with Giuliani, so the trump team could claim Hunter Biden is under investigation by the Fbi, to legitimize the lap top, then leaking from Giuliani's copy, the contents.

Just like he wanted president zelensky in Ukraine to tell CNN international they were investigating the Bidens, so trump could spread his lies about Joe and it have some legitimacy....

And just like Trump trying to get the DOJ to write a false memo about the election wrought with fraud, so Trump could use that letter to promote his BIG LIE.... (thank God the Doj refused!)

PLEASE! We are not stupid or blind to Trump antics and modus operandi!

It's good the FBI would not play Trump's game....and were cautious that it could be a Russian ploy as in 2016 with Hillary campaign and DNC stolen emails used by Trump, imo.

Why was Giuliani given a Hunter hard drive copy by the computer shop guy?

I am not talking about what Former President Trump did ...
I am not talking about what Rudy Guliani did ...
I haven't mentioned CNN or any other news network ...

I didn't suggest the DOJ or FBI should meddle in the affairs of politics or elections ...
I simply stated that they failed to avoid the appearance of impropriety.

Your opinion is based on a lot of stuff that doesn't address the fact they called Facebook and asked them to suppress a story.

I don't care what you need to believe or tell yourself to be comfortable with that.
Unless they are bringing charges based on evidence that is true, well supported and has been investigated ...
It's not their job to play around in politics.


I haven't once mentioned Ashley's Dairy ...​
POST 145.
You didn't just ask for the Diary as evidence ...
And why would you need evidence of what it contains if it has been in the public domain for months?

You cannot crawfish your way out of this you silly nitwit.
Stop trying because you are just going to continue to fail in attempts to offer anything worth considering.
The FBI didn't call Facebook trying to suppress a story about Ashley's Diary.

Find the Topic of the Thread ... Address something I have posted in context ... Or just stop.

POST 145.
You didn't just ask for the Diary as evidence ...
And why would you need evidence of what it contains if it has been in the public domain for months?

You cannot crawfish your way out of this you silly nitwit.
Stop trying because you are just going to continue to fail in attempts to offer anything worth considering.

You brought up the Diary ... Said it had been in the public domain for months ...
And all I did was attempt to ask you what difference it would make to evidence if a copy of it was already available to the Public.

You cannot crawfish your way out of it ...
You still aren't talking about the Topic and the one time I even referenced the Dairy
was telling you the comment you had just made about it didn't make any sense.

Continue to fail ... I told you that you were going to do that as well.
Damn, you are pathetic ... :auiqs.jpg:

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You brought up the Diary ... Said it had been in the public domain for months ...
And all I did was attempt to ask you what difference it would make to evidence if a copy of it was already available to the Public.

You cannot crawfish your way out of it ...
You still aren't talking about the Topic and the one time I even referenced the Dairy
was telling you the comment you had just made about it didn't make any sense.

Continue to fail ... I told you that you were going to do that as well.
Damn, you are pathetic ... :auiqs.jpg:

The Trump cult are the pathetic ones.
You still have no proof on either of the Bidens, just fucking hearsay and opinion.
Just like their dear leader, thrive on it.
The Trump cult are the pathetic ones.
You still have no proof on either of the Bidens, just fucking hearsay and opinion.
Just like their dear leader, thrive on it.

Great ... Thanks for sharing your opinions about those who support the Former President.

There's no need to talk to me about it ... And I don't give a shit about your hearsay or opinion either ...
Take it up with one of them.

When you are ready to discuss the Topic and the FBI calling Facebook trying to suppress a story, let me know.
That's what they did ... And you will find that the only thing you can try to say to that is a bunch of political minutia that avoids the subject.

Fail again ... You silly nitwit ... :auiqs.jpg:

Looks like Attorney General Merick Garland is getting the message ...
Or he is at least pretending he has ... This is what he said about it yesterday.

“As Department employees, we have been entrusted with the authority and responsibility to enforce the laws of the United States in a neutral and impartial manner,” Attorney General Merrick Garland said in a Tuesday memo. “In fulfilling this responsibility, we must do all we can to maintain public trust and ensure that politics -- both in fact and appearance -- does not compromise or affect the integrity of our work.”

Glad to know someone up there is fucking thinking about integrity ...
Now, let's see if they can pull it off.

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