Hydroxychloroquine as treatment for COVID-19 shows no benefit and more deaths in VA study

This thread is about a study that was not favorable to Hydorxychloroquine. Great. We are learning more about the drug. There have been other studies that show more favorably for the use of Hydorxychoroquine. The beef that others have had with the favorable studies is that they were not full blown double blind clinical trials. Well, the study that this thread is about also was not a full double blind clinical trial either.

let's be honest here, lots of people are rooting against Hydroxychloroquine because Trump spoke hopefully that the drug would work, maybe even be a game changer. If Trump said good words about it, that means the anti-Trump crowd has to root against it. I personally hope that many doctors come up with procedures and doses of using Hydroxchloroquine and/or other drugs that are very effective fighting the Covid-19 Virus. It should not be a matter of liking or disliking Trump. Let's leave it in the hands of the medical doctors.

Nope except tramp was wrong.
About 28% who were given hydroxychloroquine plus usual care died, versus 11% of those getting routine care alone. About 22% of those getting the drug plus azithromycin died, too, but the difference between that group and those receiving usual care was not considered large enough to rule out other factors that could have affected survival.
Researchers did not track side effects but noted hints that hydroxychloroquine might have damaged other organs. The drug has long been known to have potentially serious side effects, including altering the heartbeat in a way that could lead to sudden death.

But its not peer reviewed. Facts are facts, tramp should of never recommended it for days and days endless times, he quit talking about it a few days ago, I wonder why??
Oh oh....

I knew it from when I saw it........them and OXFORD...........

They tried to get OPHAN status on an old drug so they could jack up the prices.

pffffft.......The studies were conducted for years with TAX PAYERS MONEY VIA GRANTS in places like the University of Alabama Birmingham and Nebraska.
About 28% who were given hydroxychloroquine plus usual care died, versus 11% of those getting routine care alone. About 22% of those getting the drug plus azithromycin died, too, but the difference between that group and those receiving usual care was not considered large enough to rule out other factors that could have affected survival.
Researchers did not track side effects but noted hints that hydroxychloroquine might have damaged other organs. The drug has long been known to have potentially serious side effects, including altering the heartbeat in a way that could lead to sudden death.

But its not peer reviewed. Facts are facts, tramp should of never recommended it for days and days endless times, he quit talking about it a few days ago, I wonder why??

"I don’t dispute this may be the case, but the possibility of selection bias .."

Oh, boldly-argued!

She is showing deference. She is great. Very logical. You don't want this to work? You would rather have people die, Pedro?

And she doesn't dispute the findings. Do you?

You know, you can keep your silly attempts to assign motivations or emotions to me. You're not qualified.

She certainly questions them and I do as well because everything else I have read says it does work and you can find numerous actual stories from recovered persons on the web, Miguel.

Anecdotes abound.

Actual stories. So you're saying those people are lying? Terrific.

I'm saying they're anecdotes, not evidence. On the subject, do you vouch for those actual stories? Do you know them by name and reputation?

I certainly do. Why would a Democrat rep thank Trump?

Explain it.

I suspect she wasn't happy she didn't die. Any fool will cast about in a time of stress. Maybe it helped her, and maybe not. You do know it's still anecdotal, don't you?

So when it doesn't fit your narrative that person is a "fool".


If I am playing a sport and get winded. I drink Gatorade and I am not as winded. I need an actual study to show Gatorade helps or may I just use common sense? In her case the missing variable was the Hydrox. She used it and it helped. Sometimes 2+2=4. Don't overthink it, Pedro.

"Any fool will cast about in a time of stress" is a quote from a favorite movie. You're about the most delicate, sensitive defiler I ever saw.

To the point, you do know it's still anecdotal, don't you?

Your attempt at a Gatorade analogy doesn't create a transferable cause and effect to hydroxychloroquinine, but any fool would know that.

Except there are numerous stories such as hers and you just dismiss them because they don't fit your narrative.

Put it this way. My wife is on her deathbed, I tell the MD to give it to her. So I stand behind that I believe it does help many people and the side effect? Who cares, you're dead if you don't try it.

Remind me of this the next time you try to demand a Yes or No answer from anyone.

When did you demand that?

I didn't. It is something you do.
Your're still dodging the questions
No, i am ignoring your red herrings. They are designed to protect your fragile little ego from having to discuss the fact that you have zero evidence of your bullshit claims and got fooled. So go peddle your 5 minutes of google research to someone who cares.
About 28% who were given hydroxychloroquine plus usual care died, versus 11% of those getting routine care alone. About 22% of those getting the drug plus azithromycin died, too, but the difference between that group and those receiving usual care was not considered large enough to rule out other factors that could have affected survival.
Researchers did not track side effects but noted hints that hydroxychloroquine might have damaged other organs. The drug has long been known to have potentially serious side effects, including altering the heartbeat in a way that could lead to sudden death.

But its not peer reviewed. Facts are facts, tramp should of never recommended it for days and days endless times, he quit talking about it a few days ago, I wonder why??

Silver lining is that the Snake Oil Salesman in Chief and his primary science and medical advisors Dr Phil, Dr Oz, and Lady Laura will shut the hell up about their beloved Miracle Trump Cure.

Maybe when you are on the deathbed with the COVID-19 virus, and you have the options to take the meds or not, please dont take the meds. Do US all a favor.

View attachment 326661

Thanks I won't since I'd be more likely to DIE with the magical Trump cure.
And please take your own advice :lol:
You're an idiot and didnt comprehend what i said. I said you are on your deathbed and the only thing that might save your life is the medicine. I said to "not" take it so then you can be a statistic as Socialist Stalin put it. I will toast you for saving the planet by removing yourself from it..
You're an idiot and didnt comprehend what i said. I said you are on your deathbed and the only thing that might save your life is the medicine. I said to "not" take it so then you can be a statistic as Socialist Stalin put it. I will toast you for saving the planet by removing yourself from it..

You're an idiot if you ignore the findings that the VA just put out. If you take the drugs, you have a higher chance of dying than if you receive conventional treatment.

Incidentally, having people who were infected and recovered donate plasma to transfer antibodies is working much better than the drug does.
About 28% who were given hydroxychloroquine plus usual care died, versus 11% of those getting routine care alone. About 22% of those getting the drug plus azithromycin died, too, but the difference between that group and those receiving usual care was not considered large enough to rule out other factors that could have affected survival.
Researchers did not track side effects but noted hints that hydroxychloroquine might have damaged other organs. The drug has long been known to have potentially serious side effects, including altering the heartbeat in a way that could lead to sudden death.

But its not peer reviewed. Facts are facts, tramp should of never recommended it for days and days endless times, he quit talking about it a few days ago, I wonder why??
There has not been a clinical study completed yet. So, I suspect you are either citing comments by Trump-haters who only want to denounce HCQ because mean old Trump mentioned it.

Or, you are citing comments by someone associated with big pharma, and no one will get rich producing HQC, since it's been around 60 years and cost five cents per pill to make.
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About 28% who were given hydroxychloroquine plus usual care died, versus 11% of those getting routine care alone. About 22% of those getting the drug plus azithromycin died, too, but the difference between that group and those receiving usual care was not considered large enough to rule out other factors that could have affected survival.
Researchers did not track side effects but noted hints that hydroxychloroquine might have damaged other organs. The drug has long been known to have potentially serious side effects, including altering the heartbeat in a way that could lead to sudden death.

But its not peer reviewed. Facts are facts, tramp should of never recommended it for days and days endless times, he quit talking about it a few days ago, I wonder why??
Trump has stock in it, and fired the scientist who couldn't recommend it. Trump is on a real Nazi genocide campaign by recommending unproven drugs and opening up massage parlors, and nail salons.
About 28% who were given hydroxychloroquine plus usual care died, versus 11% of those getting routine care alone. About 22% of those getting the drug plus azithromycin died, too, but the difference between that group and those receiving usual care was not considered large enough to rule out other factors that could have affected survival.
Researchers did not track side effects but noted hints that hydroxychloroquine might have damaged other organs. The drug has long been known to have potentially serious side effects, including altering the heartbeat in a way that could lead to sudden death.

But its not peer reviewed. Facts are facts, tramp should of never recommended it for days and days endless times, he quit talking about it a few days ago, I wonder why??
There has not been a clinical study completed yet. So, I sus[ect you are either citing comments by Trump-haters who only want to denounce HCQ because mean old Trump mentioned it.

Or, you are citing comments by someone associated with big pharma, and no one will get rich producing HQC, since it's been around 60 years and cost five cents per pill to make.
If there hasn't been a completed clinical study, why in the fuck would you put it on the market? That's insane.
It's been used successfully since 1955. If it was killing people we would have known long before this.
No you wouldn't, because long before this, people didn't have Coronavirus. How can people be this stupid?
About 28% who were given hydroxychloroquine plus usual care died, versus 11% of those getting routine care alone. About 22% of those getting the drug plus azithromycin died, too, but the difference between that group and those receiving usual care was not considered large enough to rule out other factors that could have affected survival.
Researchers did not track side effects but noted hints that hydroxychloroquine might have damaged other organs. The drug has long been known to have potentially serious side effects, including altering the heartbeat in a way that could lead to sudden death.

But its not peer reviewed. Facts are facts, tramp should of never recommended it for days and days endless times, he quit talking about it a few days ago, I wonder why??

All I can say to all of this is . . .

View attachment 326276
You failed the test of intelligent logic, because you never presented any yourself.
About 28% who were given hydroxychloroquine plus usual care died, versus 11% of those getting routine care alone. About 22% of those getting the drug plus azithromycin died, too, but the difference between that group and those receiving usual care was not considered large enough to rule out other factors that could have affected survival.
Researchers did not track side effects but noted hints that hydroxychloroquine might have damaged other organs. The drug has long been known to have potentially serious side effects, including altering the heartbeat in a way that could lead to sudden death.

But its not peer reviewed. Facts are facts, tramp should of never recommended it for days and days endless times, he quit talking about it a few days ago, I wonder why??
There has not been a clinical study completed yet. So, I sus[ect you are either citing comments by Trump-haters who only want to denounce HCQ because mean old Trump mentioned it.

Or, you are citing comments by someone associated with big pharma, and no one will get rich producing HQC, since it's been around 60 years and cost five cents per pill to make.
If there hasn't been a completed clinical study, why in the fuck would you put it on the market? That's insane.
It's been "on the market" for around for sixty freaking years, and we know pretty much everything about hydroxychloroquine, it's not a new experimental drug.
About 28% who were given hydroxychloroquine plus usual care died, versus 11% of those getting routine care alone. About 22% of those getting the drug plus azithromycin died, too, but the difference between that group and those receiving usual care was not considered large enough to rule out other factors that could have affected survival.
Researchers did not track side effects but noted hints that hydroxychloroquine might have damaged other organs. The drug has long been known to have potentially serious side effects, including altering the heartbeat in a way that could lead to sudden death.

But its not peer reviewed. Facts are facts, tramp should of never recommended it for days and days endless times, he quit talking about it a few days ago, I wonder why??
There has not been a clinical study completed yet. So, I sus[ect you are either citing comments by Trump-haters who only want to denounce HCQ because mean old Trump mentioned it.

Or, you are citing comments by someone associated with big pharma, and no one will get rich producing HQC, since it's been around 60 years and cost five cents per pill to make.
If there hasn't been a completed clinical study, why in the fuck would you put it on the market? That's insane.
Because it's been around for sixty freaking years, and we know pretty much everything about hydroxychloroquine, it's not a new experimental drug.
Except you have no idea how it responds to Covid-19. It doesn't matter if it's been around for 600 years. Without clinical trials, it's throwing spaghetti up against the wall. It's crazy. Makes no sense.
Oh i see, because China let the Wuhan Virus out, it is President Trumps fault for trying to save those in dire need with a medical treatment that is 72% effective.

In this case, it is shown that the treatment of hydroxychloroquine had negative effects.

People without medical expertise shouldn't be giving medical advice.

Neither should Trump.
About 28% who were given hydroxychloroquine plus usual care died, versus 11% of those getting routine care alone. About 22% of those getting the drug plus azithromycin died, too, but the difference between that group and those receiving usual care was not considered large enough to rule out other factors that could have affected survival.
Researchers did not track side effects but noted hints that hydroxychloroquine might have damaged other organs. The drug has long been known to have potentially serious side effects, including altering the heartbeat in a way that could lead to sudden death.

But its not peer reviewed. Facts are facts, tramp should of never recommended it for days and days endless times, he quit talking about it a few days ago, I wonder why??
There has not been a clinical study completed yet. So, I suspect you are either citing comments by Trump-haters who only want to denounce HCQ because mean old Trump mentioned it.

Or, you are citing comments by someone associated with big pharma, and no one will get rich producing HQC, since it's been around 60 years and cost five cents per pill to make.
If there hasn't been a completed clinical study, why in the fuck would you put it on the market? That's insane.
Because it's been around for sixty freaking years, and we know pretty much everything about hydroxychloroquine, it's not a new experimental drug.
Except you have no idea how it responds to Covid-19. It doesn't matter if it's been around for 600 years. Without clinical trials, it's throwing spaghetti up against the wall. It's crazy. Makes no sense.
So are you suggesting we do not even carry out a clinical trial? That's the purpose of a clinical trial, to see if it is a treatment that some people respond positively towards. Other studies done with hydroxychloroquine in the early 2000s, showed that it reduced the viral load in patients, and it also works as an anti-inflammatory. So why wouldn't doctors want to try this drug to treat a virus which causes inflammation in the lungs?
About 28% who were given hydroxychloroquine plus usual care died, versus 11% of those getting routine care alone. About 22% of those getting the drug plus azithromycin died, too, but the difference between that group and those receiving usual care was not considered large enough to rule out other factors that could have affected survival.
Researchers did not track side effects but noted hints that hydroxychloroquine might have damaged other organs. The drug has long been known to have potentially serious side effects, including altering the heartbeat in a way that could lead to sudden death.

But its not peer reviewed. Facts are facts, tramp should of never recommended it for days and days endless times, he quit talking about it a few days ago, I wonder why??
There has not been a clinical study completed yet. So, I suspect you are either citing comments by Trump-haters who only want to denounce HCQ because mean old Trump mentioned it.

Or, you are citing comments by someone associated with big pharma, and no one will get rich producing HQC, since it's been around 60 years and cost five cents per pill to make.
If there hasn't been a completed clinical study, why in the fuck would you put it on the market? That's insane.
Because it's been around for sixty freaking years, and we know pretty much everything about hydroxychloroquine, it's not a new experimental drug.
Except you have no idea how it responds to Covid-19. It doesn't matter if it's been around for 600 years. Without clinical trials, it's throwing spaghetti up against the wall. It's crazy. Makes no sense.
So are you suggesting we do not even carry out a clinical trial?
No, I never said that, so don't invent that in your head. The drug Trump is pushing is for Trumps own financial benefit. If it works clinically, fine. But you don't seem to have the ability to see that this drug is being pedaled by Trump for different reasons.
That's the purpose of a clinical trial, to see if it is a treatment that some people respond positively towards.
Couldn't agree more. But that has to happen first, and it has to be done right.
Other studies done with hydroxychloroquine in the early 2000s, showed that it reduced the viral load in patients, and it also works as an anti-inflammatory. So why wouldn't doctors want to try this drug to treat a virus which causes inflammation in the lungs?
First off, it doesn't attack the lungs, it attacks the blood that floods the lungs. See how much you and I already don't know? We assume to know more than the doctors, while they assume nothing. Let them tell us how, why, and if it should be administered at all.
About 28% who were given hydroxychloroquine plus usual care died, versus 11% of those getting routine care alone. About 22% of those getting the drug plus azithromycin died, too, but the difference between that group and those receiving usual care was not considered large enough to rule out other factors that could have affected survival.
Researchers did not track side effects but noted hints that hydroxychloroquine might have damaged other organs. The drug has long been known to have potentially serious side effects, including altering the heartbeat in a way that could lead to sudden death.

But its not peer reviewed. Facts are facts, tramp should of never recommended it for days and days endless times, he quit talking about it a few days ago, I wonder why??
There has not been a clinical study completed yet. So, I suspect you are either citing comments by Trump-haters who only want to denounce HCQ because mean old Trump mentioned it.

Or, you are citing comments by someone associated with big pharma, and no one will get rich producing HQC, since it's been around 60 years and cost five cents per pill to make.
If there hasn't been a completed clinical study, why in the fuck would you put it on the market? That's insane.
Because it's been around for sixty freaking years, and we know pretty much everything about hydroxychloroquine, it's not a new experimental drug.
Except you have no idea how it responds to Covid-19. It doesn't matter if it's been around for 600 years. Without clinical trials, it's throwing spaghetti up against the wall. It's crazy. Makes no sense.
So are you suggesting we do not even carry out a clinical trial?
No, I never said that, so don't invent that in your head. The drug Trump is pushing is for Trumps own financial benefit. If it works clinically, fine. But you don't seem to have the ability to see that this drug is being pedaled by Trump for different reasons.
That's the purpose of a clinical trial, to see if it is a treatment that some people respond positively towards.
Couldn't agree more. But that has to happen first, and it has to be done right.
Other studies done with hydroxychloroquine in the early 2000s, showed that it reduced the viral load in patients, and it also works as an anti-inflammatory. So why wouldn't doctors want to try this drug to treat a virus which causes inflammation in the lungs?
First off, it doesn't attack the lungs, it attacks the blood that floods the lungs. See how much you and I already don't know? We assume to know more than the doctors, while they assume nothing. Let them tell us how, why, and if it should be administered at all.
No, I never said that, so don't invent that in your head. The drug Trump is pushing is for Trumps own financial benefit. If it works clinically, fine. But you don't seem to have the ability to see that this drug is being pedaled by Trump for different reasons.
So, you are about to float a new Trump conspiracy theory?

All Trump did, during a time where there did not seem to be any hope at all, was relate his "high hopes" from promising information he received by doctors who indicated positive results from treating patients with HCQ, . Big deal.
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