Hydroxychloroquine (Plaquenil) Thread

And you have found a person that got better.
Great, but that person might have gotten better on their own, like most recovering patients do.
It would be GREAT if hydroxychloroquine was a cure, but right now there is NO evidence one way or the other.
It's not proved that the person would have remained sick without the at drug.
If President Trump comes out in favor of Oxygen ... will you be holding your breath?

Oh, gosh. Are you kidding? You must have had to really dig to find a practicing doctor who is treating COVID-19 patients with chloroquine and who doesn't think it does any good. I could cite you dozens of news accounts of hundreds of doctors who have found the opposite. Recent medical surveys have found that doctors are using chloroquine more than any other drug to treat COVID-19. Here are just a few:

If the shit works it will get out to people who need it. this is not some doctor show where magic bullet cures abound. I seriously cannot understand why you people can't wait for some kind of real peer-reviewed testing to take place.

Not if you leftists can stop it.

democrats want, ARE DESPERATE for, American deaths. The political agenda of democrats depends on large numbers of Americans dying. Blocking effective treatment and the development of a vaccine is crucial to the democrats and their media. The little Goebbels of the democrat propaganda war machine are working feverishly to derail effective treatments and vaccines with a blitzkrieg of disinformation.
If the shit works it will get out to people who need it. this is not some doctor show where magic bullet cures abound. I seriously cannot understand why you people can't wait for some kind of real peer-reviewed testing to take place.

Not if you leftists can stop it.

democrats want, ARE DESPERATE for, American deaths. The political agenda of democrats depends on large numbers of Americans dying. Blocking effective treatment and the development of a vaccine is crucial to the democrats and their media. The little Goebbels of the democrat propaganda war machine are working feverishly to derail effective treatments and vaccines with a blitzkrieg of disinformation.
Sad thing if true, and by what we've seen since 2016 it don't surprise me one bit that they are using this crisis, and using Trumps daily briefings platform to undermine Trump and the American people with it all.
If the shit works it will get out to people who need it. this is not some doctor show where magic bullet cures abound. I seriously cannot understand why you people can't wait for some kind of real peer-reviewed testing to take place.

Not if you leftists can stop it.

democrats want, ARE DESPERATE for, American deaths. The political agenda of democrats depends on large numbers of Americans dying. Blocking effective treatment and the development of a vaccine is crucial to the democrats and their media. The little Goebbels of the democrat propaganda war machine are working feverishly to derail effective treatments and vaccines with a blitzkrieg of disinformation.
Why would democrats be desperate for anything and where is your confidence in Trump`s victory coming from?
Lets see leftists ignore this latest CLINICAL STUDY, or try to explain it away.

Principia Scientific International

1,000+ Cured! THIRD French Study Affirms HCQ is COVID19 ‘Game Changer’

Published on April 10, 2020

Written by John O'Sullivan


The third clinical study for hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) as treatment for COVID19 by world-renowned infectious diseases specialist, Professor Didier Raoult again proves to be astonishingly successful. The ‘Trump Cure‘ had a success rate of 93% after only three days on the drugs.

Professor Raoult affirms that HCQ treatment in his clinical trials performed at IHU Méditerranée Infection, Marseille, France with a cohort of 1061 continues to provide an almost perfect rate of success.

Widely touted as the ‘Trump Cure’ in light of the US President’s strident claims the drug was a ‘gamechanger’ (March 21, 2020) a growing number of independent trials have been undertaken.

Despite huge criticism from the mainstream media for going against the advice of experts, it appears the empirical evidence once again comes down firmly on the side of Donald Trump.


Empirical evidence?
Frist...this isn’t a peer reviewed study in a scientific journal: Mission Statement | PSI Intl

The only evidence at this point is anecdotal and contradictory.

And the study was only 20 people and flawed:

The small French study of 20 people found that taking hydroxychloroquine was associated with the "viral load reduction/disappearance in COVID-19 patients," noting that the effect was "reinforced" with azithromycin, an antibiotic better known as a Z-pack.
Tracey and Caplan pointed out that several patients who took the drug, and ended up faring poorly, dropped out of the trial, and their outcomes were not factored into the study's final conclusions.
If the shit works it will get out to people who need it. this is not some doctor show where magic bullet cures abound. I seriously cannot understand why you people can't wait for some kind of real peer-reviewed testing to take place.

Not if you leftists can stop it.

democrats want, ARE DESPERATE for, American deaths. The political agenda of democrats depends on large numbers of Americans dying. Blocking effective treatment and the development of a vaccine is crucial to the democrats and their media. The little Goebbels of the democrat propaganda war machine are working feverishly to derail effective treatments and vaccines with a blitzkrieg of disinformation.
Why would democrats be desperate for anything and where is your confidence in Trump`s victory coming from?

Don't be an idiot.

Under Barack Obama, the democrats bought a fabricated dossier from the Kremlin. Obama had his injustice department use the dossier they treasonously bought from Russia to illegally obtain FISA warrants and illegally spy on members of the opposition campaign for the purpose of influencing and altering the election. The FBI openly tampered with the election going as far as bugging the opposition candidate in his home to try and find dirt on him (under the pretense of bugging Carter Page, who they had illegally obtained a FISA warrant against.)

When these plots to rig the election by the joint democrat/FBI task force failed, the democrat party controlled media spun events and fabricated stories of Trump doing what the democrats had in fact done. The Stalinist media waged a disinformation blitzkrieg and coerced a spineless and corrupt Republican party to agree to a "special counsel," on the idea that former mobbed up FBI director Robert Mueller would lead the witch hunt. What was not known at the time is that Mueller was in stage 4 of Alzheimer's and didn't know which nostril to put his shoes on. Radical party hack Andrew Weissman was in charge of the Inquisition. He appointed a cadre of corrupt DNC hacks to the "team," while hapless fool Jeff Sessions recused himself for reasons, leaving Injustice Dept. hack Rod Rosenstein as acting AG. The most corrupt inquisition in American history followed, with the sleazy, corrupt democrats failing in their quest to overturn the election.

But the Stalinists marched on, because there were no consequences for their treason. Andrew McCabe was not executed as he should have been, no, he became part of the Stalinist disinformation brigade. James Clapper wasn't shot as the traitor and spy that he is. Traitors Lisa Page and Peter Strzok were not strapped to a gurney - no law for the democrats - they are above the law.

So unrestrained, the vile traitor democrats turned to a porn actress, no not candycorn, someone in their forties not their nineties. She and her Saul Goodman level lawyer became the celebrities of all time, with Michael Avenatti on CNN 7 days a week. Trevor Noah got his first taste of pussy off of Avenatti's dick after he was 9th in line for Stormy. But this too failed.

So the scumbag traitor piles of shit decided to do what they always do, make it a crime to block their criminal act. Hillary Clinton had set up an embezzlement scheme in Ukraine where American aid was funneled to companies that then kicked back money to democrats. Nancy Pelosi's son Paul was her mule, John Kerry used his step son Chris Heinz, and Quid Pro Joe Biden as usual, had his crack head son Hunter as his mule. Under Bill Clinton, Ukraine signed a treaty with the USA to investigate jointly with our DOJ corruption. The president called on Ukraine to fulfill their treaty obligation once it was discovered that the democrats were embezzling foreign aid. So the democrats impeached the president for interfering with their gravy train.

That too failed.

Then with a bit of luck, the Chinese decided to deal with their Hong Kong problem and things got a little out of hand. FINALLY the democrats could destroy the American economy and see Americans REALLY suffer. This time, they will defeat Trump. But Americans have to die, LOTS of Americans have to die, or it won't work.
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Lets see leftists ignore this latest CLINICAL STUDY, or try to explain it away.

Principia Scientific International

1,000+ Cured! THIRD French Study Affirms HCQ is COVID19 ‘Game Changer’

Published on April 10, 2020

Written by John O'Sullivan


The third clinical study for hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) as treatment for COVID19 by world-renowned infectious diseases specialist, Professor Didier Raoult again proves to be astonishingly successful. The ‘Trump Cure‘ had a success rate of 93% after only three days on the drugs.

Professor Raoult affirms that HCQ treatment in his clinical trials performed at IHU Méditerranée Infection, Marseille, France with a cohort of 1061 continues to provide an almost perfect rate of success.

Widely touted as the ‘Trump Cure’ in light of the US President’s strident claims the drug was a ‘gamechanger’ (March 21, 2020) a growing number of independent trials have been undertaken.

Despite huge criticism from the mainstream media for going against the advice of experts, it appears the empirical evidence once again comes down firmly on the side of Donald Trump.


Empirical evidence?
Frist...this isn’t a peer reviewed study in a scientific journal: Mission Statement | PSI Intl

The only evidence at this point is anecdotal and contradictory.

And the study was only 20 people and flawed:

The small French study of 20 people found that taking hydroxychloroquine was associated with the "viral load reduction/disappearance in COVID-19 patients," noting that the effect was "reinforced" with azithromycin, an antibiotic better known as a Z-pack.
Tracey and Caplan pointed out that several patients who took the drug, and ended up faring poorly, dropped out of the trial, and their outcomes were not factored into the study's final conclusions.
Never said it was a "peer reviewed" paper, it is a PDF report, which you obviously didn't read, where it states:

The study was performed at IHU Méditerranée Infection, Marseille, France. A cohort of 1061
COVID-19 patients
, treated for at least 3 days with the HCQ-AZ combination and a follow-up
of at least 9 days was investigated. Endpoints were death, worsening and viral shedding

red bolding mine

The CNN article isn't about Professor Raoult research at all, they don't address his claims at all, your deflection is noted. Dr. Raoult has no history of scientific malpractice, none at all in his career, he is one of the worlds top scientists in the field of Microbiology.

The CNN article didn't post a "peer review" paper providing criticism at all, just opinions over a small study, which Dr. Raoult has NOTHING to do with. How did you miss that part?


From Wikipedia:

Didier Raoult initiated the construction of a new building to host the Institut hospitalo-universitaire (IHU) Méditerranée Infection, using the highest grant available in France for medical research (73 million euros granted by the National Agency for Research).[5] The IHU Mediterranée Infection, which opened in early 2017,[6] is dedicated to the management and study of infectious diseases and combines diagnostic, care, research and teaching activities in one location.[7]

On 19 November 2010, he was awarded the "Grand prix de l'Inserm" for his career.[8] In 2015, Raoult was awarded the "Grand Prix scientifique de la Fondation Louis D." of the Institut de France. He shared the €450.000 prize money with biologist Chris Bowler from the Institut de Biologie de l'Ecole Normale Supérieure in Paris.[9]

In 2014, according to ISI Web of Knowledge, he is the most cited microbiologist in Europe, and the 7th worldwide.[10][11]

In 2020, the website Expertscape ranks him 1st expert in the world for communicable diseases.[12][13]

"In 2014, according to ISI Web of Knowledge, he is the most cited microbiologist in Europe, and the 7th worldwide."

"In 2020, the website Expertscape ranks him 1st expert in the world for communicable diseases."


From Wikipedia, is this FULL quote:

See also: 2020 coronavirus pandemic in France

On 17 March 2020, Raoult announced that a trial involving 36 patients from the south east of France supported the claim that Hydroxychloroquine and Azithromycin were effective in treating for COVID-19.[81][82][83] The French Health Minister, Olivier Véran, was reported as announcing that "new tests will now go ahead in order to evaluate the results by Professor Raoult, in an attempt to independently replicate the trials and ensure the findings are scientifically robust enough, before any possible decision might be made to roll any treatment out to the wider public".[84] In direct reference to the study conducted by Raoult and the possible health ramifications, Véran went on to state: "Dr. Raoult’s study involves 24 people. What kind of health minister would I be if, on the basis of a single study conducted on 24 people, I told French people to take a medicine that could lead to cardiac complications in some people?"[85] The French media also reported that the French pharmaceutical company Sanofi had offered French authorities millions of doses of the drug for use against COVID-19.

This is but one of a number of Doctors in Europe who are actually using the medicine with good results. Your CNN report didn't make a good case that it was truly bad, just a lot of OPINIONS, where was the DEMONSTRATED clinical failures? it wasn't pointed out at all.

Example of unsupported assertion:

Tracey and Caplan pointed out that several patients who took the drug, and ended up faring poorly, dropped out of the trial, and their outcomes were not factored into the study's final conclusions.

I haven't seen any evidence of this claim, do you know where it is?
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It's nice to hear from doctors, as opposed to nicknames in message boards who tout the drug based on the sole fact that their favorite politician thinks it's awesome.

Plenty of doctors have spoke in favor of the drug. What you meant to say was it's nice to hear from a doctor who validates your bias
If the shit works it will get out to people who need it. this is not some doctor show where magic bullet cures abound. I seriously cannot understand why you people can't wait for some kind of real peer-reviewed testing to take place.

Not if you leftists can stop it.

democrats want, ARE DESPERATE for, American deaths. The political agenda of democrats depends on large numbers of Americans dying. Blocking effective treatment and the development of a vaccine is crucial to the democrats and their media. The little Goebbels of the democrat propaganda war machine are working feverishly to derail effective treatments and vaccines with a blitzkrieg of disinformation.
Why would democrats be desperate for anything and where is your confidence in Trump`s victory coming from?

Don't be an idiot.

Under Barack Obama, the democrats bought a fabricated dossier from the Kremlin. Obama had his injustice department use the dossier they treasonously bought from Russia to illegally obtain FISA warrants and illegally spy on members of the opposition campaign for the purpose of influencing and altering the election. The FBI openly tampered with the election going as far as bugging the opposition candidate in his home to try and find dirt on him (under the pretense of bugging Carter Page, who they had illegally obtained a FISA warrant against.)

When these plots to rig the election by the joint democrat/FBI task force failed, the democrat party controlled media spun events and fabricated stories of Trump doing what the democrats had in fact done. The Stalinist media waged a disinformation blitzkrieg and coerced a spineless and corrupt Republican party to agree to a "special counsel," on the idea that former mobbed up FBI director Robert Mueller would lead the witch hunt. What was not known at the time is that Mueller was in stage 4 of Alzheimer's and didn't know which nostril to put his shoes on. Radical party hack Andrew Weissman was in charge of the Inquisition. He appointed a cadre of corrupt DNC hacks to the "team," while hapless fool Jeff Sessions recused himself for reasons, leaving Injustice Dept. hack Rod Rosenstein as acting AG. The most corrupt inquisition in American history followed, with the sleazy, corrupt democrats failing in their quest to overturn the election.

But the Stalinists marched on, because there were no consequences for their treason. Andrew McCabe was not executed as he should have been, no, he because part of the Stalinist disinformation brigade. James Clapper wasn't shot as the traitor and spy that he is. Traitors Lisa Page and Peter Strzok were not strapped to a gurney - no law for the democrats - they are above the law.

So unrestrained, the vile traitor democrats turned to a porn actress, no not candycorn, someone in their forties not their nineties. She and her Saul Goodman level lawyer became the celebrities of all time, with Michael Avenatti on CNN 7 days a week. Trevor Noah got his first taste of pussy off of Avenatti's dick after he was 9th in line for Stormy. But this too failed.

So the scumbag traitor piles of shit decided to do what they always do, make it a crime to block their criminal act. Hillary Clinton had set up an embezzlement scheme in Ukraine where American aid was funneled to companies that then kicked back money to democrats. Nancy Pelosi's son Paul was her mule, John Kerry used his step son Chris Heinz, and Quid Pro Joe Biden as usual, had his crack head son Hunter as his mule. Under Bill Clinton, Ukraine signed a treaty with the USA to investigate jointly with our DOJ corruption. The president called on Ukraine to fulfill their treaty obligation once it was discovered that the democrats were embezzling foreign aid. So the democrats impeached the president for interfering with their gravy train.

That too failed.

Then with a bit of luck, the Chinese decided to deal with their Hong Kong problem and things got a little out of hand. FINALLY the democrats could destroy the American economy and see Americans REALLY suffer. This time, they will defeat Trump. But Americans have to die, LOTS of Americans have to die, or it won't work.
Wow.... Highly treasonous if completely true.
Nothing surprises me anymore. The nation knows that alot of bad went on, and alot of cover up went on afterwards. Hopefully it will all shake out eventually. And when it does, hopefully the justice will come.
It's nice to hear from doctors, as opposed to nicknames in message boards who tout the drug based on the sole fact that their favorite politician thinks it's awesome.

Plenty of doctors have spoke in favor of the drug. What you meant to say was it's nice to hear from a doctor who validates your bias

The article headline is misleading, but the content of this article does show a lot of doctors are supportive:


Thousands of Doctors: Yes, Hydroxychloroquine Works Against Wuhan Coronavirus

Katie Pavlich Apr 06, 2020


Over the past three weeks, there's been debate over whether hydroxychloroquine, a drug used for decades to treat malaria, can help ease the symptoms of Wuhan coronavirus. During White House press briefings, reporters have done their best to shoot down the possibility.

But doctors around the country and the world are using it and seeing positive results.
First, in Los Angeles:

Dr. Anthony Cardillo said he has seen very promising results when prescribing hydroxychloroquine in combination with zinc for the most severely-ill COVID-19 patients.
"Every patient I've prescribed it to has been very, very ill and within 8 to 12 hours, they were basically symptom-free," Cardillo told Eyewitness News. "So clinically I am seeing a resolution."
Cardillo is the CEO of Mend Urgent Care, which has locations in Sherman Oaks, Van Nuys and Burbank.
He said he has found it only works if combined with zinc. The drug, he said, opens a channel for the zinc to enter the cell and block virus replication.
"We have to be cautious and mindful that we don't prescribe it for patients who have COVID who are well," Cardillo said. "It should be reserved for people who are really sick, in the hospital or at home very sick, who need that medication. Otherwise we're going to blow through our supply for patients that take it regularly for other disease processes."

Plenty of doctors have spoke in favor of the drug
And even more against stating it is effective. Like, way more. Doctors stating it is effective is not good evidence. That is anecdotal evidence.
Regardless of the back and forth, if it is saving lives that's all that matters. Adding politics into it for scoreboard points isn't helping at all.
If President Trump comes out in favor of Oxygen ... will you be holding your breath?

View attachment 322415
If president trump says oxygen is bad for you, will you hold your breath? Same question. So you see how dumb you sound.
/——-/ Trump didn’t tell me, but my Scuba instructor did: Oxygen toxicity
Oxygen toxicity is a condition resulting from the harmful effects of breathing molecular oxygen at increased partial pressures.Wikipedia

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