I agree with Pelosi on potential Constitutional Crisis

Carelessness continues to not be a crime. Cooperating with nasty Russians to misinform the country might be. But Fox etc etc gets away with it...

"Cooperating with nasty Russians to misinform the country might be."

Is there some evidence that you can share?

Mueller, the Democrat high command, and various other simpletons have been unable to find any....

1. "Sunday on NBCā€™s ā€œMeet the Press,ā€ former Obama Director of National Intelligence James Clapper told host Chuck Todd that he was not aware of evidence showing the Trump campaign had colluded with the Russian government to influence last Novemberā€™s presidential election.

TODD: Well, thatā€™s an important revelation at this point.

Let me ask you this, does intelligence exist that can definitively answer the following question, whether there were improper contacts between the Trump campaign and Russia officials?

CLAPPER: We did not include evidence in our report, and I say our, thatā€™s NSA, FBI and CIA with my office, the director of national intelligence that had anything ā€” that had any reflection of collusion between members of the Trump campaign and the Russians. There was there no evidence of that including in our report.

TODD: I understand that, but does it exist?

CLAPPER: Not to my knowledge.

TODD: If it existed, it would have been in the report?

CLAPPER: This could have unfolded or become available in the time since I left the government. But at the time, we had no evidence of such collusion.

TODD: But at this point, whatā€™s not proven is the idea of collusion?

CLAPPER: thatā€™s correct."
Fmr Obama DNI Clapper: Evidence of Trump-Russian Collusion Doesn't Exist to His 'Knowledge' - Breitbart

2. "While many Democrats frequently say Russia ā€œhackedā€ the presidential election, National Security Administration Director Adm. Michael Rogers and FBI Director James Comey both confirmed today that Russian activities had no impact on tallying votes in states." FBI, NSA: 'No evidence' Russia manipulated US vote tallying - The American Mirror

3. Democrat Feinstein, too

4. Here is 'proud Hillary voter,' Alan Dershowitz, protesting that 'there is no crime.'

Dershowitz: 'There is no statute that has been violated....firing Comey is [Trump's] constitutional and statutory right...'

5. Democrat Joe Manchin: no evidence

6.Maxine Waters: no evidence

Waters Admits No Proof Exists Of Collusion Between Trump Campaign, Russia

Waters Admits No Proof Exists Of Collusion Between Trump Campaign, Russia

7. Comey Says He Was Never Pressured By Anyone To Stop Investigations

Comey Said He Had NOT Been Pressured To End Any Investigation, Debunks Leftist Media Narrative

Let's take a look at the score...

1. former Obama Director of National Intelligence James Clapper

2. National Security Administration Director Adm. Michael Rogers

3. and former FBI Director James Comey

4. Democrat Feinstein

5. Hillary supporter and Professor of Law, Alan Dershowitz

6. Democrat Joe Manchin

7. Democrat Maxine Waters

8."Ex-CIA Director John Brennan: Iā€™ve Seen No Evidence Of Collusion With Russia"
Ex-CIA Director John Brennan: Iā€™ve Seen No Evidence of Collusion with Russia

....all indicate that poor eddie is being led around by a ring in is nose by the Left......

Yet....here you are squealing like a stuck pig: "Is toooooo, issssss toooooo!!!!"

So very, very sad.

We shall see when the Mueller investigation gives its findings... Our entire media gabfest is a horror and disgrace

"We shall see when the Mueller investigation gives its findings..."

I fervently away your crawling back...er, returning, with your apology.

You are clueless just like our ridiculous gab Fest media, not not to mention your ridiculous hate and character assassination conspiracy Nut Job propaganda machine...

First of all, you'd have to have any character in order for me to be guilty of "character assassination."

But, you can take a simple test to prove you're not a low-life lying Liberal.


Bet you can't dispute any of these facts:

1.The Hillary campaign paid for an anti-Trump Russian creation called the dossier

2. The Hillary campaign screamed that they had been hacked, but refused to allow any government agencies to inspect the supposedly hacked servers

3. The FBI admitted that they knew the dossier was fake from the start, but used it to get a FISA warrant to surveil Trump and associates

4. A secret cabal at the highest levels of the FBI and the DoJ worked with GPS Fusion to undermine the Trump campaign...before and after the election.

5. FBI found classified data on Huma and Anthony Weinerā€™s laptopā€¦.so they gave them a pass

6. The FBI decided no charges against Hillary before they interviewed herā€¦..with no record kept of the interview, and not under oath.

7. Both Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills were found to be lying to the FBIā€¦.but given a pass ...and allowed to keep their laptops, and destroy any evidence on same

8. FBI agents Strzok and Page and McCabe talked over a plan to overturn the electionā€¦.an ā€˜insurance policyā€™

9. Loretta Lynch with Comeyā€™s acquiescence, worked to benefit Hillaryā€™s campaign

10. Obama knew about Hillaryā€™s use of unsecured emails, as he conversed with her on sameā€¦kept his name out of the reports.

11. BTWā€¦..Mueller, Comey and Rosenstein were all government officials when Hillary received the $145 million bribe for the sale of our uranium.

....Robert Mueller was the FBI Director during the time of the Russian uranium probe, and so was his successor James Comey who took over in 2013 as the FBI was still developing the case. Rod Rosenstein, then-U.S. Attorney....

12. Letā€™s compare the zealous and very aggressive action by Mueller against Flynn, Manafort, Papadopoulos, and Carter Page with the immunity and passes given aboveā€¦..

ā€¦and lots of evidence of associations of Democrats with the Kremlinā€¦.

ā€¦completely different treatment.

Total BS. Hillary's people said they tried to hack her server.. seems about the only server that was not hacked. AFL! AFL! All your scandals are phony this is real d******LOL!
"Cooperating with nasty Russians to misinform the country might be."

Is there some evidence that you can share?

Mueller, the Democrat high command, and various other simpletons have been unable to find any....

1. "Sunday on NBCā€™s ā€œMeet the Press,ā€ former Obama Director of National Intelligence James Clapper told host Chuck Todd that he was not aware of evidence showing the Trump campaign had colluded with the Russian government to influence last Novemberā€™s presidential election.

TODD: Well, thatā€™s an important revelation at this point.

Let me ask you this, does intelligence exist that can definitively answer the following question, whether there were improper contacts between the Trump campaign and Russia officials?

CLAPPER: We did not include evidence in our report, and I say our, thatā€™s NSA, FBI and CIA with my office, the director of national intelligence that had anything ā€” that had any reflection of collusion between members of the Trump campaign and the Russians. There was there no evidence of that including in our report.

TODD: I understand that, but does it exist?

CLAPPER: Not to my knowledge.

TODD: If it existed, it would have been in the report?

CLAPPER: This could have unfolded or become available in the time since I left the government. But at the time, we had no evidence of such collusion.

TODD: But at this point, whatā€™s not proven is the idea of collusion?

CLAPPER: thatā€™s correct."
Fmr Obama DNI Clapper: Evidence of Trump-Russian Collusion Doesn't Exist to His 'Knowledge' - Breitbart

2. "While many Democrats frequently say Russia ā€œhackedā€ the presidential election, National Security Administration Director Adm. Michael Rogers and FBI Director James Comey both confirmed today that Russian activities had no impact on tallying votes in states." FBI, NSA: 'No evidence' Russia manipulated US vote tallying - The American Mirror

3. Democrat Feinstein, too

4. Here is 'proud Hillary voter,' Alan Dershowitz, protesting that 'there is no crime.'

Dershowitz: 'There is no statute that has been violated....firing Comey is [Trump's] constitutional and statutory right...'

5. Democrat Joe Manchin: no evidence

6.Maxine Waters: no evidence

Waters Admits No Proof Exists Of Collusion Between Trump Campaign, Russia

Waters Admits No Proof Exists Of Collusion Between Trump Campaign, Russia

7. Comey Says He Was Never Pressured By Anyone To Stop Investigations

Comey Said He Had NOT Been Pressured To End Any Investigation, Debunks Leftist Media Narrative

Let's take a look at the score...

1. former Obama Director of National Intelligence James Clapper

2. National Security Administration Director Adm. Michael Rogers

3. and former FBI Director James Comey

4. Democrat Feinstein

5. Hillary supporter and Professor of Law, Alan Dershowitz

6. Democrat Joe Manchin

7. Democrat Maxine Waters

8."Ex-CIA Director John Brennan: Iā€™ve Seen No Evidence Of Collusion With Russia"
Ex-CIA Director John Brennan: Iā€™ve Seen No Evidence of Collusion with Russia

....all indicate that poor eddie is being led around by a ring in is nose by the Left......

Yet....here you are squealing like a stuck pig: "Is toooooo, issssss toooooo!!!!"

So very, very sad.

We shall see when the Mueller investigation gives its findings... Our entire media gabfest is a horror and disgrace

"We shall see when the Mueller investigation gives its findings..."

I fervently away your crawling back...er, returning, with your apology.

You are clueless just like our ridiculous gab Fest media, not not to mention your ridiculous hate and character assassination conspiracy Nut Job propaganda machine...

First of all, you'd have to have any character in order for me to be guilty of "character assassination."

But, you can take a simple test to prove you're not a low-life lying Liberal.


Bet you can't dispute any of these facts:

1.The Hillary campaign paid for an anti-Trump Russian creation called the dossier

2. The Hillary campaign screamed that they had been hacked, but refused to allow any government agencies to inspect the supposedly hacked servers

3. The FBI admitted that they knew the dossier was fake from the start, but used it to get a FISA warrant to surveil Trump and associates

4. A secret cabal at the highest levels of the FBI and the DoJ worked with GPS Fusion to undermine the Trump campaign...before and after the election.

5. FBI found classified data on Huma and Anthony Weinerā€™s laptopā€¦.so they gave them a pass

6. The FBI decided no charges against Hillary before they interviewed herā€¦..with no record kept of the interview, and not under oath.

7. Both Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills were found to be lying to the FBIā€¦.but given a pass ...and allowed to keep their laptops, and destroy any evidence on same

8. FBI agents Strzok and Page and McCabe talked over a plan to overturn the electionā€¦.an ā€˜insurance policyā€™

9. Loretta Lynch with Comeyā€™s acquiescence, worked to benefit Hillaryā€™s campaign

10. Obama knew about Hillaryā€™s use of unsecured emails, as he conversed with her on sameā€¦kept his name out of the reports.

11. BTWā€¦..Mueller, Comey and Rosenstein were all government officials when Hillary received the $145 million bribe for the sale of our uranium.

....Robert Mueller was the FBI Director during the time of the Russian uranium probe, and so was his successor James Comey who took over in 2013 as the FBI was still developing the case. Rod Rosenstein, then-U.S. Attorney....

12. Letā€™s compare the zealous and very aggressive action by Mueller against Flynn, Manafort, Papadopoulos, and Carter Page with the immunity and passes given aboveā€¦..

ā€¦and lots of evidence of associations of Democrats with the Kremlinā€¦.

ā€¦completely different treatment.

The Press is sweeping it all under the rug

Actually, dupe, our justice system found no evidence worthy of prosecution. And no there is no conspiracy there was no conspiracy and you are a conspiracy nut if you think there was. our justice system has two problems. 2 eager and too eager.
We'll see who was duped in the end. As has been reported, there is a lot more to come out in the weeks and months ahead.
You realize that you sound exactly like the Russia collusion snowflakes youā€™ve been dogging on for the past year, donā€™t you? Exactly like them

The difference being there is actually collusion going on between Russia and the dems and collusion to overthrow a duly elected president of The United States Of America .....by liberals.

You stupid fucks are going to incite a civil war that I promise will not end well for you.
Collusion isnā€™t even a crime so I donā€™t know what you are talking about. The Russians committed crimes interfering in our election. Trump people lied about interactions with Russians so there is an investigation, which currently has 4 indictments with multiple guilty pleas. Trump and his puppets have been trying to shut the investigation down for almost a year now so that brings obstruction into play. This BS memo is simply another diversion tactic to try and discredit the investigation. It isnā€™t difficult to understand

I'll just put this here.
Collusion is most definitely a crime when it involves a soft coup.
No shit, being an accomplice or having complicity with a crime is a crime.
So what crime did anyone inthe trump admin commit? And don't give those sleazy process crimes like the one Flynn plead to.

Sent from my SM-G935P using USMessageBoard.com mobile app
Again Iā€™ll say. Trumps appointed FBI director said that the memo was misleading and an incomplete representation of the facts.

Did they tell the FISC that the DNC paid for the dossier? No. Did they tell the FISC that Steele was paid to create the false dossier? No. Do you believe everything the LMSM tells you? Yes! Is that clear enough? or do you need it in a more elementary format?

He isnā€™t a dem.

How does this change anything? That's right it doesn't...

He said he had grave concerns and it could shake the FBI to the core.

I hope it does, based on the leadership or lack there of, it needs to be shaken...

Look up the definition of integrity, then get back to me...

He isnt a dem.

So if you repeat it again, like you have, nothing changes?

Care to explain?

The Obama Admin committed a crime, mislead the judge, lied, kept misleading the judge, lied some more, etc...

The Dems fought to keep the memo hidden because it was a bullshit partisan memo!

The only bullshit here is your lack of integrity, character and basic accountability, I think that covers it...
Are you really that dense? Do you really believe that the FBI only used the dossier to get the warrant? No follow up, no other sources, no corroborating intel to validate? Use your head. There is a reason why the fbi and Dems are calling bullshit on the memo. Because it paints a partisan narrative without disclosing all the facts. What do you think the missing facts are?

I pointed out that Wray is not a dem because you nitwits keep calling this a dem narrative and it clearly is not. Iā€™ve seen a ton of republicans including Trumps fucking pick for director speak out against it. I donā€™t know what more you need to be convinced of the utter bullshit of what is going on. How is anybody supposed to take you people seriously?! What a joke
What you're you're daying is that we should trust these obviously partisan douchebags in the FBI. Only a fool would.

Sent from my SM-G935P using USMessageBoard.com mobile app
Collusion isnā€™t even a crime so I donā€™t know what you are talking about. The Russians committed crimes interfering in our election. Trump people lied about interactions with Russians so there is an investigation, which currently has 4 indictments with multiple guilty pleas. Trump and his puppets have been trying to shut the investigation down for almost a year now so that brings obstruction into play. This BS memo is simply another diversion tactic to try and discredit the investigation. It isnā€™t difficult to understand

Which of those dealt directly with coordination between the campaign and Russia?

Iā€™d say lying about interacting with an enemy who was committing a crime by messing with our election justifies an investigation, wouldnā€™t you? Iā€™d say trying to obstruct that investigation is highly inappropriate, wouldnā€™t you?

Who is the "enemy"? We are not enemies with Russia despite all of your hype and hysteria. We are not currently in a state of war with Russia, nor have we been.
I never said we were in a state of war, did I? But they did attack our election. That is a crime, is it not?

You said they were the enemy. That indicates that you are at war. Perhaps you should learn the language.
Where is it said that the word enemy means war? Youā€™re an idiot.
Collusion isnā€™t even a crime so I donā€™t know what you are talking about. The Russians committed crimes interfering in our election. Trump people lied about interactions with Russians so there is an investigation, which currently has 4 indictments with multiple guilty pleas. Trump and his puppets have been trying to shut the investigation down for almost a year now so that brings obstruction into play. This BS memo is simply another diversion tactic to try and discredit the investigation. It isnā€™t difficult to understand

Which of those dealt directly with coordination between the campaign and Russia?

Iā€™d say lying about interacting with an enemy who was committing a crime by messing with our election justifies an investigation, wouldnā€™t you? Iā€™d say trying to obstruct that investigation is highly inappropriate, wouldnā€™t you?

Obstruct how?

There is nothing wrong with looking into allegations even if they were all made up by the Democrat party. But using opposition research and not telling the court that it was compiled by a Trump hater and funded by a political opponent is a different story.
You donā€™t know what was presented to the court to get that warrant. If it was only the dossier and nothing else then I agree that would be wrong. But I donā€™t think thatā€™s the case. Thatā€™s what the memo is trying to paint but weā€™ve heard a huge backlash from both sides that the memo was excluding other intel and it was telling a distorted story. What possibly could that mean? You tell me what explains that statement besides corroborating evidence through classified methods to validate the intel. Please give me your best theory

And who is it that said it was excluding other intel and painting a distorted story? The Democrats, that's who. The same people who were trying like hell to stop it from public view.

I don't care if the dossier was only 10% of what was presented. If that 10% was enough to get the warrant, it's just as bad as if it were 100%.
No, not the Dems. The director of the fucking FbI said that. The guy who was appointed by Trump. How do you explain that?
Which of those dealt directly with coordination between the campaign and Russia?

Iā€™d say lying about interacting with an enemy who was committing a crime by messing with our election justifies an investigation, wouldnā€™t you? Iā€™d say trying to obstruct that investigation is highly inappropriate, wouldnā€™t you?

Who is the "enemy"? We are not enemies with Russia despite all of your hype and hysteria. We are not currently in a state of war with Russia, nor have we been.
I never said we were in a state of war, did I? But they did attack our election. That is a crime, is it not?

You said they were the enemy. That indicates that you are at war. Perhaps you should learn the language.
Where is it said that the word enemy means war? Youā€™re an idiot.

Context, dumbass, context!

How did you overcome dropping out of middle school? Was it hard to find meaningful employment?
Which of those dealt directly with coordination between the campaign and Russia?

Iā€™d say lying about interacting with an enemy who was committing a crime by messing with our election justifies an investigation, wouldnā€™t you? Iā€™d say trying to obstruct that investigation is highly inappropriate, wouldnā€™t you?

Obstruct how?

There is nothing wrong with looking into allegations even if they were all made up by the Democrat party. But using opposition research and not telling the court that it was compiled by a Trump hater and funded by a political opponent is a different story.
You donā€™t know what was presented to the court to get that warrant. If it was only the dossier and nothing else then I agree that would be wrong. But I donā€™t think thatā€™s the case. Thatā€™s what the memo is trying to paint but weā€™ve heard a huge backlash from both sides that the memo was excluding other intel and it was telling a distorted story. What possibly could that mean? You tell me what explains that statement besides corroborating evidence through classified methods to validate the intel. Please give me your best theory

And who is it that said it was excluding other intel and painting a distorted story? The Democrats, that's who. The same people who were trying like hell to stop it from public view.

I don't care if the dossier was only 10% of what was presented. If that 10% was enough to get the warrant, it's just as bad as if it were 100%.
No, not the Dems. The director of the fucking FbI said that. The guy who was appointed by Trump. How do you explain that?

Well, the guy who signed it as acting attorney general said otherwise when he testified before Congress!

Was he lying under oath?
The difference being there is actually collusion going on between Russia and the dems and collusion to overthrow a duly elected president of The United States Of America .....by liberals.

You stupid fucks are going to incite a civil war that I promise will not end well for you.
Collusion isnā€™t even a crime so I donā€™t know what you are talking about. The Russians committed crimes interfering in our election. Trump people lied about interactions with Russians so there is an investigation, which currently has 4 indictments with multiple guilty pleas. Trump and his puppets have been trying to shut the investigation down for almost a year now so that brings obstruction into play. This BS memo is simply another diversion tactic to try and discredit the investigation. It isnā€™t difficult to understand

Which of those dealt directly with coordination between the campaign and Russia?

Iā€™d say lying about interacting with an enemy who was committing a crime by messing with our election justifies an investigation, wouldnā€™t you? Iā€™d say trying to obstruct that investigation is highly inappropriate, wouldnā€™t you?

So you've seen the FBI 302s and know exactly what the conflicting information entailed? You do know Comey said Flynn's inconsistencies were normal errors in memory and had no plans to pursue charges, right?

The FBI interviewers believed Flynn was cooperative and provided truthful answers. Although Flynn didn't remember all of what he talked about, they don't believe he was intentionally misleading them, the officials say.

Flynn changed story to FBI, no charges expected - CNNPolitics

Imagine, that was less than a year ago.

Dude, Flynn lied to the country. He lied to the Vice President who then repeated that lie to the country. He was fired for it. Thatā€™s all fact. What are you trying to prove?

Lying to the VP can cost you your job, isn't a crime, everything occurred prior to Comey's statement that no charges would be pursued. The only thing that changed was Meuller looking to put notches on his gun.

The difference being there is actually collusion going on between Russia and the dems and collusion to overthrow a duly elected president of The United States Of America .....by liberals.

You stupid fucks are going to incite a civil war that I promise will not end well for you.
Collusion isnā€™t even a crime so I donā€™t know what you are talking about. The Russians committed crimes interfering in our election. Trump people lied about interactions with Russians so there is an investigation, which currently has 4 indictments with multiple guilty pleas. Trump and his puppets have been trying to shut the investigation down for almost a year now so that brings obstruction into play. This BS memo is simply another diversion tactic to try and discredit the investigation. It isnā€™t difficult to understand

Which of those dealt directly with coordination between the campaign and Russia?

Iā€™d say lying about interacting with an enemy who was committing a crime by messing with our election justifies an investigation, wouldnā€™t you? Iā€™d say trying to obstruct that investigation is highly inappropriate, wouldnā€™t you?

Who is the "enemy"? We are not enemies with Russia despite all of your hype and hysteria. We are not currently in a state of war with Russia, nor have we been.
I never said we were in a state of war, did I? But they did attack our election. That is a crime, is it not?

Really, all they did was put out some truth and propaganda, just like every political campaign does. Hell half of their propaganda didn't make it out till after the election, they must not be very good at it.

Certainly Trump will receive the same treatment that Bill's wife received....

Carelessness continues to not be a crime. Cooperating with nasty Russians to misinform the country might be. But Fox etc etc gets away with it...

"Cooperating with nasty Russians to misinform the country might be."

Is there some evidence that you can share?

Mueller, the Democrat high command, and various other simpletons have been unable to find any....

1. "Sunday on NBCā€™s ā€œMeet the Press,ā€ former Obama Director of National Intelligence James Clapper told host Chuck Todd that he was not aware of evidence showing the Trump campaign had colluded with the Russian government to influence last Novemberā€™s presidential election.

TODD: Well, thatā€™s an important revelation at this point.

Let me ask you this, does intelligence exist that can definitively answer the following question, whether there were improper contacts between the Trump campaign and Russia officials?

CLAPPER: We did not include evidence in our report, and I say our, thatā€™s NSA, FBI and CIA with my office, the director of national intelligence that had anything ā€” that had any reflection of collusion between members of the Trump campaign and the Russians. There was there no evidence of that including in our report.

TODD: I understand that, but does it exist?

CLAPPER: Not to my knowledge.

TODD: If it existed, it would have been in the report?

CLAPPER: This could have unfolded or become available in the time since I left the government. But at the time, we had no evidence of such collusion.

TODD: But at this point, whatā€™s not proven is the idea of collusion?

CLAPPER: thatā€™s correct."
Fmr Obama DNI Clapper: Evidence of Trump-Russian Collusion Doesn't Exist to His 'Knowledge' - Breitbart

2. "While many Democrats frequently say Russia ā€œhackedā€ the presidential election, National Security Administration Director Adm. Michael Rogers and FBI Director James Comey both confirmed today that Russian activities had no impact on tallying votes in states." FBI, NSA: 'No evidence' Russia manipulated US vote tallying - The American Mirror

3. Democrat Feinstein, too

4. Here is 'proud Hillary voter,' Alan Dershowitz, protesting that 'there is no crime.'

Dershowitz: 'There is no statute that has been violated....firing Comey is [Trump's] constitutional and statutory right...'

5. Democrat Joe Manchin: no evidence

6.Maxine Waters: no evidence

Waters Admits No Proof Exists Of Collusion Between Trump Campaign, Russia

Waters Admits No Proof Exists Of Collusion Between Trump Campaign, Russia

7. Comey Says He Was Never Pressured By Anyone To Stop Investigations

Comey Said He Had NOT Been Pressured To End Any Investigation, Debunks Leftist Media Narrative

Let's take a look at the score...

1. former Obama Director of National Intelligence James Clapper

2. National Security Administration Director Adm. Michael Rogers

3. and former FBI Director James Comey

4. Democrat Feinstein

5. Hillary supporter and Professor of Law, Alan Dershowitz

6. Democrat Joe Manchin

7. Democrat Maxine Waters

8."Ex-CIA Director John Brennan: Iā€™ve Seen No Evidence Of Collusion With Russia"
Ex-CIA Director John Brennan: Iā€™ve Seen No Evidence of Collusion with Russia

....all indicate that poor eddie is being led around by a ring in is nose by the Left......

Yet....here you are squealing like a stuck pig: "Is toooooo, issssss toooooo!!!!"

So very, very sad.

Bravo, well done, let's see how many deny the obvious truth...
Where would we be had Progressive Fascist Hillary had won?

A better question is where would we be if the roles were reversed?

McCain goes out and finds some clown that has a hatred for Obama to create his opposition research. He wants the presidency so bad that he gets his FBI and others to present this opposition research as actual investigation material in order to get a surveillance warrant. Not only does he not tell the judge where this material came from and that McCain's people paid for it, but also hides the fact that the creator had a real hatred for Obama.

Obama ends up winning and has had this phony investigation going on against him and his administration for a year, and it finally comes out.

This is so corrupt it's almost unbelievable that it can happen in this country. And although these things really happened, the MSM will give it one-tenth of the coverage that they gave the Russia collusion story which was not real.
Smart businesses have already pivoted. The MSM will follow suit.
The difference being there is actually collusion going on between Russia and the dems and collusion to overthrow a duly elected president of The United States Of America .....by liberals.

You stupid fucks are going to incite a civil war that I promise will not end well for you.
Collusion isnā€™t even a crime so I donā€™t know what you are talking about. The Russians committed crimes interfering in our election. Trump people lied about interactions with Russians so there is an investigation, which currently has 4 indictments with multiple guilty pleas. Trump and his puppets have been trying to shut the investigation down for almost a year now so that brings obstruction into play. This BS memo is simply another diversion tactic to try and discredit the investigation. It isnā€™t difficult to understand

Which of those dealt directly with coordination between the campaign and Russia?

Iā€™d say lying about interacting with an enemy who was committing a crime by messing with our election justifies an investigation, wouldnā€™t you? Iā€™d say trying to obstruct that investigation is highly inappropriate, wouldnā€™t you?

Obstruct how?

There is nothing wrong with looking into allegations even if they were all made up by the Democrat party. But using opposition research and not telling the court that it was compiled by a Trump hater and funded by a political opponent is a different story.
You donā€™t know what was presented to the court to get that warrant. If it was only the dossier and nothing else then I agree that would be wrong. But I donā€™t think thatā€™s the case. Thatā€™s what the memo is trying to paint but weā€™ve heard a huge backlash from both sides that the memo was excluding other intel and it was telling a distorted story. What possibly could that mean? You tell me what explains that statement besides corroborating evidence through classified methods to validate the intel. Please give me your best theory

Once again, Comey told Trump the dossier contained salacious and unverified information, of course he didn't tell Trump that he'd used it two weeks earlier to secure a FISA warrant to spy on his people. And If McCabe told congress the truth there would have been no warrant request without the dossier, in fact the FISA court had refused a warrant earlier. So you can pretend that the court would have issued a warrant without the dossier, but the known facts don't support it.

Where would we be had Progressive Fascist Hillary had won?

A better question is where would we be if the roles were reversed?

McCain goes out and finds some clown that has a hatred for Obama to create his opposition research. He wants the presidency so bad that he gets his FBI and others to present this opposition research as actual investigation material in order to get a surveillance warrant. Not only does he not tell the judge where this material came from and that McCain's people paid for it, but also hides the fact that the creator had a real hatred for Obama.

Obama ends up winning and has had this phony investigation going on against him and his administration for a year, and it finally comes out.

This is so corrupt it's almost unbelievable that it can happen in this country. And although these things really happened, the MSM will give it one-tenth of the coverage that they gave the Russia collusion story which was not real.
Smart businesses have already pivoted. The MSM will follow suit.
everyone should wait and see what the investigation comes up with... This is so stupid our Gab Fest media are pathetic. And fox is just full of s***.
Russian hacking and interference in our election which is really what instigated all of this. Talk about a partisan hack.

So what did that have to do with Trump? The hacking was of the DNC email, and it happened under DumBama's watch. But blame Trump and not the DNC or Obama? Do you know how ridiculous that is?
Two of trumps campaign officials lied about the their Involvment with the Russians, did they not? One fo which was his national security advisor! Oh and his campaign MANAGER, is also under indictment for involvement with the Russians. But thatā€™s nothing right? All part of the witch hunt?
Pelosi, being ignorant of the Constitution, is wrong again. The South seceding from the union was a constitutional crisis. Nullification was a Constitutional crisis. But firing Mueller?

US Code:Title 28, Chap. vi, Part 600
600.7 section (d) The Special Counsel may be disciplined or removed from office only by the personal action of the Attorney General. The Attorney General may remove a Special Counsel for misconduct, dereliction of duty, incapacity, conflict of interest, or for other good cause, including violation of Departmental policies. The Attorney General shall inform the Special Counsel in writing of the specific reason for his or her removal.
600.9 (a) The Attorney General will notify the Chairman and Ranking Minority Member of the Judiciary Committees of each House of Congress, with an explanation for each actionā€”

(1) Upon appointing a Special Counsel;

(2) Upon removing any Special Counsel

Whats the problem?
All occurred prior to Comey's February statement that charges would no be pursued

Give the quote.

When you can't do us both a favor and stop wasting our time.

The Flynn interview was in Jan 2017, Comey said there would be no charges in Feb 2017.

The FBI interviewers believed Flynn was cooperative and provided truthful answers. Although Flynn didn't remember all of what he talked about, they don't believe he was intentionally misleading them, the officials say.

Flynn changed story to FBI, no charges expected - CNNPolitics

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Collusion isnā€™t even a crime so I donā€™t know what you are talking about. The Russians committed crimes interfering in our election. Trump people lied about interactions with Russians so there is an investigation, which currently has 4 indictments with multiple guilty pleas. Trump and his puppets have been trying to shut the investigation down for almost a year now so that brings obstruction into play. This BS memo is simply another diversion tactic to try and discredit the investigation. It isnā€™t difficult to understand

Which of those dealt directly with coordination between the campaign and Russia?

Iā€™d say lying about interacting with an enemy who was committing a crime by messing with our election justifies an investigation, wouldnā€™t you? Iā€™d say trying to obstruct that investigation is highly inappropriate, wouldnā€™t you?

Obstruct how?

There is nothing wrong with looking into allegations even if they were all made up by the Democrat party. But using opposition research and not telling the court that it was compiled by a Trump hater and funded by a political opponent is a different story.
You donā€™t know what was presented to the court to get that warrant. If it was only the dossier and nothing else then I agree that would be wrong. But I donā€™t think thatā€™s the case. Thatā€™s what the memo is trying to paint but weā€™ve heard a huge backlash from both sides that the memo was excluding other intel and it was telling a distorted story. What possibly could that mean? You tell me what explains that statement besides corroborating evidence through classified methods to validate the intel. Please give me your best theory

Once again, Comey told Trump the dossier contained salacious and unverified information, of course he didn't tell Trump that he'd used it two weeks earlier to secure a FISA warrant to spy on his people. And If McCabe told congress the truth there would have been no warrant request without the dossier, in fact the FISA court had refused a warrant earlier. So you can pretend that the court would have issued a warrant without the dossier, but the known facts don't support it.

You donā€™t know all the facts. And regardless you have 4 people from the Trump campaign either under indictment or plead guilty of crimes and coooperating with the investigation. That doesnā€™t reek of innocence
Which of those dealt directly with coordination between the campaign and Russia?

Iā€™d say lying about interacting with an enemy who was committing a crime by messing with our election justifies an investigation, wouldnā€™t you? Iā€™d say trying to obstruct that investigation is highly inappropriate, wouldnā€™t you?

Obstruct how?

There is nothing wrong with looking into allegations even if they were all made up by the Democrat party. But using opposition research and not telling the court that it was compiled by a Trump hater and funded by a political opponent is a different story.
You donā€™t know what was presented to the court to get that warrant. If it was only the dossier and nothing else then I agree that would be wrong. But I donā€™t think thatā€™s the case. Thatā€™s what the memo is trying to paint but weā€™ve heard a huge backlash from both sides that the memo was excluding other intel and it was telling a distorted story. What possibly could that mean? You tell me what explains that statement besides corroborating evidence through classified methods to validate the intel. Please give me your best theory

Once again, Comey told Trump the dossier contained salacious and unverified information, of course he didn't tell Trump that he'd used it two weeks earlier to secure a FISA warrant to spy on his people. And If McCabe told congress the truth there would have been no warrant request without the dossier, in fact the FISA court had refused a warrant earlier. So you can pretend that the court would have issued a warrant without the dossier, but the known facts don't support it.

You donā€™t know all the facts. And regardless you have 4 people from the Trump campaign either under indictment or plead guilty of crimes and coooperating with the investigation. That doesnā€™t reek of innocence

Manafort and Gates charges precede their involvement in the campaign, Flynn and the greek were charged with procedural crimes, there were no underlying criminal charges. That doesn't exactly reek of guilt for collusion.


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