I ain't no Birther, but what's up with this?

Post #321:

And there are others.
You see. What a liar you just proved yourself to be.

You didn't link it.


It was Care4all's post!


Damn. You suck at this internet thing, eh?

Yes, I had read that Obama was vetted, same with mccain....for security clearances with our government....it could have been the Justice dept vs the State Dept, but they both were well vetted due to their positions as senators...mccain and obama both, as committee memberships in various committees involved with our armed forces and national homeland security.....

These background checks on both were thorough, i'm pretty certain.

And yes, i am certain the fbi would have found obama's supposedly FAKED birth in Honolulu at the time he was being vetted for his position on the Senate Homeland Security Committee.

I had also read that it is the responsibility of the Secretary of State to insure legitimate elections in each of their states....Any one of these 50 secretaries in the various State departments could have challenged the eligibility of the presidential candidates.

Politicians' clearance "checks" are a LOT different than civilian checks. Pres Clinton would not have been issued a security clearance if he had been working for the ARMY (due to some of his past activities and countries visited). It is a mistake to assume politicians are held to the same standards civilians are. The current President's leadership skills are a prime example; if the military had an officer that acted with his indecisiveness and encouraging our enemies the way he does, he would have been de-moted or kicked out of the military.
You see. What a liar you just proved yourself to be.

You didn't link it.


It was Care4all's post!


Damn. You suck at this internet thing, eh?

Yes, I had read that Obama was vetted, same with mccain....for security clearances with our government....it could have been the Justice dept vs the State Dept, but they both were well vetted due to their positions as senators...mccain and obama both, as committee memberships in various committees involved with our armed forces and national homeland security.....

These background checks on both were thorough, i'm pretty certain.

And yes, i am certain the fbi would have found obama's supposedly FAKED birth in Honolulu at the time he was being vetted for his position on the Senate Homeland Security Committee.

I had also read that it is the responsibility of the Secretary of State to insure legitimate elections in each of their states....Any one of these 50 secretaries in the various State departments could have challenged the eligibility of the presidential candidates.

Politicians' clearance "checks" are a LOT different than civilian checks. Pres Clinton would not have been issued a security clearance if he had been working for the ARMY (due to some of his past activities and countries visited). It is a mistake to assume politicians are held to the same standards civilians are. The current President's leadership skills are a prime example; if the military had an officer that acted with his indecisiveness and encouraging our enemies the way he does, he would have been de-moted or kicked out of the military.

Well, the Security clearances that mccain and obama had to go through for Homeland Security and the Armed Forces committee were not some light kind of vetting, I can assure you....their clearance was of the highest of levels for these committees.
Yes, I had read that Obama was vetted, same with mccain....for security clearances with our government....it could have been the Justice dept vs the State Dept, but they both were well vetted due to their positions as senators...mccain and obama both, as committee memberships in various committees involved with our armed forces and national homeland security.....

These background checks on both were thorough, i'm pretty certain.

And yes, i am certain the fbi would have found obama's supposedly FAKED birth in Honolulu at the time he was being vetted for his position on the Senate Homeland Security Committee.

I had also read that it is the responsibility of the Secretary of State to insure legitimate elections in each of their states....Any one of these 50 secretaries in the various State departments could have challenged the eligibility of the presidential candidates.

Politicians' clearance "checks" are a LOT different than civilian checks. Pres Clinton would not have been issued a security clearance if he had been working for the ARMY (due to some of his past activities and countries visited). It is a mistake to assume politicians are held to the same standards civilians are. The current President's leadership skills are a prime example; if the military had an officer that acted with his indecisiveness and encouraging our enemies the way he does, he would have been de-moted or kicked out of the military.

Well, the Security clearances that mccain and obama had to go through for Homeland Security and the Armed Forces committee were not some light kind of vetting, I can assure you....their clearance was of the highest of levels for these committees.

And you know this how?
You see. What a liar you just proved yourself to be.

You didn't link it.


It was Care4all's post!


Damn. You suck at this internet thing, eh?

Yes, I had read that Obama was vetted, same with mccain....for security clearances with our government....it could have been the Justice dept vs the State Dept, but they both were well vetted due to their positions as senators...mccain and obama both, as committee memberships in various committees involved with our armed forces and national homeland security.....

These background checks on both were thorough, i'm pretty certain.

And yes, i am certain the fbi would have found obama's supposedly FAKED birth in Honolulu at the time he was being vetted for his position on the Senate Homeland Security Committee.

I had also read that it is the responsibility of the Secretary of State to insure legitimate elections in each of their states....Any one of these 50 secretaries in the various State departments could have challenged the eligibility of the presidential candidates.

Politicians' clearance "checks" are a LOT different than civilian checks. Pres Clinton would not have been issued a security clearance if he had been working for the ARMY (due to some of his past activities and countries visited). It is a mistake to assume politicians are held to the same standards civilians are. The current President's leadership skills are a prime example; if the military had an officer that acted with his indecisiveness and encouraging our enemies the way he does, he would have been de-moted or kicked out of the military.

Elected officials do not have 'security clearance'.

BUT, as Care says, those who are on committees that deal with sensitive information are cleared and approved by the Senate (or House) to hear and access that information. (this was confirmed to me in a call to Senator Webb's office)

The President (and others in the Executive) are not cleared for security purposes. The only reason Obama and McCain would have been is because of their positions they held in the Senate.
Also, the Senate (and House) regulate how they secure the information, what's expected of the members regarding secrecy and are the ones who enforce those rules.

ETA: as was explained to me, Congressional leadership has "clearance" (for lack of a better word) to access everything; the individual committee members are able to access information related to their positions on a particular committee (or committees), but on a need-to-know basis. So someone on (for example) the Homeland Security committee wouldn't be privileged to receive sensitive information that was before another committee, unless it related to Homeland Security.

Is that clear as mud now? :lol:
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You see. What a liar you just proved yourself to be.

You didn't link it.


It was Care4all's post!


Damn. You suck at this internet thing, eh?

Yes, I had read that Obama was vetted, same with mccain....for security clearances with our government....it could have been the Justice dept vs the State Dept, but they both were well vetted due to their positions as senators...mccain and obama both, as committee memberships in various committees involved with our armed forces and national homeland security.....

These background checks on both were thorough, i'm pretty certain.

And yes, i am certain the fbi would have found obama's supposedly FAKED birth in Honolulu at the time he was being vetted for his position on the Senate Homeland Security Committee.

I had also read that it is the responsibility of the Secretary of State to insure legitimate elections in each of their states....Any one of these 50 secretaries in the various State departments could have challenged the eligibility of the presidential candidates.

Politicians' clearance "checks" are a LOT different than civilian checks. Pres Clinton would not have been issued a security clearance if he had been working for the ARMY (due to some of his past activities and countries visited). It is a mistake to assume politicians are held to the same standards civilians are. The current President's leadership skills are a prime example; if the military had an officer that acted with his indecisiveness and encouraging our enemies the way he does, he would have been de-moted or kicked out of the military.

anyone who thinks that politicians are held to the same standards civilians are held is a damn fool and living in denial like the many people here who ignorantly swallow his lies that he is a legit citizen are.Its a known fact that politicians get away with crimes all the time that citizens never could get away with.everybody in the world knows that.
Yes, I had read that Obama was vetted, same with mccain....for security clearances with our government....it could have been the Justice dept vs the State Dept, but they both were well vetted due to their positions as senators...mccain and obama both, as committee memberships in various committees involved with our armed forces and national homeland security.....

These background checks on both were thorough, i'm pretty certain.

And yes, i am certain the fbi would have found obama's supposedly FAKED birth in Honolulu at the time he was being vetted for his position on the Senate Homeland Security Committee.

I had also read that it is the responsibility of the Secretary of State to insure legitimate elections in each of their states....Any one of these 50 secretaries in the various State departments could have challenged the eligibility of the presidential candidates.

Politicians' clearance "checks" are a LOT different than civilian checks. Pres Clinton would not have been issued a security clearance if he had been working for the ARMY (due to some of his past activities and countries visited). It is a mistake to assume politicians are held to the same standards civilians are. The current President's leadership skills are a prime example; if the military had an officer that acted with his indecisiveness and encouraging our enemies the way he does, he would have been de-moted or kicked out of the military.

anyone who thinks that politicians are held to the same standards civilians are held is a damn fool and living in denial like the many people here who ignorantly swallow his lies that he is a legit citizen are.Its a known fact that politicians get away with crimes all the time that citizens never could get away with.everybody in the world knows that.

Despite a username that proclaims that you are a moron, you are nevertheless partly correct.

You overstate the case in a huge way, of course. But still, you are partly correct.

Politicians DO often get the benefit of being treated differently; that is, too favorably.

But, the thing is, you DO massively overstate it.

If you were to be taken literally (which would be foolish for any rational person to do), it would follow that no politicians ever get arrested or indicted or tried or convicted or sent to prison.

And since we know that lots of politicians have been arrested and indicted and tried and convicted and sentenced to prison, we therefore know that YOUR conspiratorial assessement is just you being a loon again.
The courts (and the congress) do not want to do their jobs; neither are willing to demand the evidence that the President is an American citizen, not a foreign one as he could have claimed to go to college on grants or scholarships. The people responsible for protecting our Constitution are more concerned with eliminating individual rights and subjugating the population, than doing their jobs as written in the Constitution.
Pray for our country, the people that are supposed to be representing us, think they were elected rulers. Now we cannot even use "legal" means to draw attention to the poor jobs our representatives are doing.

Thou shall not bear false witness....(the work of the deceiver)

Which YOU are doing....

How come?

In case you are truly doing this by accident or mistake....FYI

Obama DID NOT get any foreign given scholarships to go to college here....that is just ANOTHER LIE of this group, and has been proven to be FALSE already...

What I would like to know is WHY would you, a supposed believing, religious Christian, continue to FOLLOW LIARS....people who have continually presented ONE LIE AFTER ANOTHER regarding Obama's birth...ALL of the proof was FABRICATED of FALSE....OR FRAUDULENT.

So WHY do you continue to follow DECEIVERS and LIARS, as this group has now turned out to be?

What makes you stay by their side? God? I don't think so.... :( But please explain so that I do understand precisely where you are coming from....


I have seen NO proof from either side, hence, my dilemma. IF Obama is legit, why won't he allow these documents to be viewed, as required (though in THIS case, not enforced), by law as eligible for his job? If he is not legit, why can't those that "bear false witness" for him by stating he is legit with no proof, provide the evidence? It seems really simple to me, if he IS legitimately the commander and chief, he would lead by example, he has chosen, not to do that. Obama has chosen to spend millions of dollars, legally hiding his past.
I believe he is not a US citizen, by his own declaration as well as being a dual citizen (that would make him, ineligible). I believe that because he will not discuss it, he will not provide evidence (he, being the only one that can, legally), and I can not see one demonstration of his "love" for this country, that raised the standard of rights and the standard of living for BILLIONS of people on this planet (with medical advances, scientific and engineering technologies, and inventions).
The only "vibes" that I get from Obama is smugness, like he is pulling one over on the citizens, and he sits in the white house and laughs about it every night. In the senate, he did not fix, or even try to fix one thing that he has his fingers into now. He did not fix or try to fix any of the existing problems before creating a giant government mess (that is making more problems).
Why would anyone think he is genuine or authentic? What has he done that has displayed his patriotism or his pride in this country? What makes you stay by his side? I don't think so.... :( But please explain so that I do understand precisely where you are coming from....

great points,there were multiple threads created sometime back by this poster named Pale Rider who took the Obama apologists here to school that he is not a legit us citizen.of course people around here only see what they want to see so they ignored his facts that proved it.:cuckoo:
Politicians' clearance "checks" are a LOT different than civilian checks. Pres Clinton would not have been issued a security clearance if he had been working for the ARMY (due to some of his past activities and countries visited). It is a mistake to assume politicians are held to the same standards civilians are. The current President's leadership skills are a prime example; if the military had an officer that acted with his indecisiveness and encouraging our enemies the way he does, he would have been de-moted or kicked out of the military.

anyone who thinks that politicians are held to the same standards civilians are held is a damn fool and living in denial like the many people here who ignorantly swallow his lies that he is a legit citizen are.Its a known fact that politicians get away with crimes all the time that citizens never could get away with.everybody in the world knows that.

Despite a username that proclaims that you are a moron, you are nevertheless partly correct.

You overstate the case in a huge way, of course. But still, you are partly correct.

Politicians DO often get the benefit of being treated differently; that is, too favorably.

But, the thing is, you DO massively overstate it.

If you were to be taken literally (which would be foolish for any rational person to do), it would follow that no politicians ever get arrested or indicted or tried or convicted or sent to prison.

And since we know that lots of politicians have been arrested and indicted and tried and convicted and sentenced to prison, we therefore know that YOUR conspiratorial assessement is just you being a loon again.

My user name is the truth Liar-ability,change your user name to LIAR-ability,and your user name is extremely accurate.lol.

sorry the truth hurts you disinfo agent.I and others took you to school on that Kennedy thread that the CIA killed Kennedy,but you of course being the disinfo agent you are,you ignored it since you only see what you WANT to see.Also, yeah low level ones such as congressmen, that happens to them occassionally sure,not high up ones.especially presidents MORON.presidents get away, and have got away with several crimes that citizens could never get away with including murder moron.

I advise everyone here to put this jerkoff on your ignore list.I only took him off briefly to see what new lies he is saying.He can never get into a conversation without his childish name calling he displays.He is a disinfo agent who ignores evidence as well and does not care about the truth about ANY government corruption.
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anyone who thinks that politicians are held to the same standards civilians are held is a damn fool and living in denial like the many people here who ignorantly swallow his lies that he is a legit citizen are.Its a known fact that politicians get away with crimes all the time that citizens never could get away with.everybody in the world knows that.

Despite a username that proclaims that you are a moron, you are nevertheless partly correct.

You overstate the case in a huge way, of course. But still, you are partly correct.

Politicians DO often get the benefit of being treated differently; that is, too favorably.

But, the thing is, you DO massively overstate it.

If you were to be taken literally (which would be foolish for any rational person to do), it would follow that no politicians ever get arrested or indicted or tried or convicted or sent to prison.

And since we know that lots of politicians have been arrested and indicted and tried and convicted and sentenced to prison, we therefore know that YOUR conspiratorial assessement is just you being a loon again.

My user name is the truth * * * *


No, it is not.

Your username is a testament to the fact that you are a moron and a totally dishonest shitbag.


Beyond that,

well, beyond that there's no real purpose served in trying to have a conversation with a sack of shit like you.
Speaking of moronic dishonest douche bags, how's tricks Lying Ability? I saw in Huggy's thread that ya missed me you little freak.
You know, there's nothing wrong with fucking yourself.

It's called masturbation.

Seeing as it's gonna be almost impossible for you to get laid (even in a Russian whorehouse with a barrel full of rubles), you may wish to engage in some of that before the stress of being such a whiny douche gets to your ticker and ya keel over.
You know, there's nothing wrong with fucking yourself.

It's called masturbation.

Seeing as it's gonna be almost impossible for you to get laid (even in a Russian whorehouse with a barrel full of rubles), you may wish to engage in some of that before the stress of being such a whiny douche gets to your ticker and ya keel over.

Leave it to the stupid assbite motherfucker, GaySissyBikerBitch, to believe that its self-manipulation is the same as fucking itself.
Well........my cock is long enough, so that if I really wanted to.........

By the way Lying Ability, what's it like to go from a depression to a smooth spot when you're excited? Does it make you feel like the plastic Ken doll you are?

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