I ain't no Birther, but what's up with this?

Please post references to where each secretary of state investigated whether Obama was constitutionally qualified to run. To whom did they give this report?

The person is removed from the ballot, then charged with filing a false affidavit and/or perjury, whatever the state deems the charge to be.

Probably true.
Not what I asked for though.

Come come. If what you say is true and every secretary of state vetted Obama then there has to be a record of that somewhere. Where are these investigations?
why dont you contact the TN state elections board and ask them?
The person is removed from the ballot, then charged with filing a false affidavit and/or perjury, whatever the state deems the charge to be.

Probably true.
Not what I asked for though.

Come come. If what you say is true and every secretary of state vetted Obama then there has to be a record of that somewhere. Where are these investigations?
why dont you contact the TN state elections board and ask them?

Because that would be waste of my time.

Since you're the one who started, why don't you post which unit of the state department conducted the investigation and vetted the candidates? You did post that. Twice.

Now you're content to say no no it was the secretary of state of each state.

I can conclude from all this that you don't have a fucking clue as to what you're talking about.

I ask simple questions and get evasive, changing, or abusive answers. The fact that no one can answer why Obama will not release his birth certificate or school records should be saying volumes here. Imagine if Dick Cheney didn't release these things. Who knows what the Left would invent.
Probably true.
Not what I asked for though.

Come come. If what you say is true and every secretary of state vetted Obama then there has to be a record of that somewhere. Where are these investigations?
why dont you contact the TN state elections board and ask them?

Because that would be waste of my time.

Since you're the one who started, why don't you post which unit of the state department conducted the investigation and vetted the candidates? You did post that. Twice.

Now you're content to say no no it was the secretary of state of each state.

I can conclude from all this that you don't have a fucking clue as to what you're talking about.

I ask simple questions and get evasive, changing, or abusive answers. The fact that no one can answer why Obama will not release his birth certificate or school records should be saying volumes here. Imagine if Dick Cheney didn't release these things. Who knows what the Left would invent.
nope, i didnt say that
but it was done on the state level
there is no "federal elections board"
Please post references to where each secretary of state investigated whether Obama was constitutionally qualified to run. To whom did they give this report?

The person is removed from the ballot, then charged with filing a false affidavit and/or perjury, whatever the state deems the charge to be.

Probably true.
Not what I asked for though.

Come come. If what you say is true and every secretary of state vetted Obama then there has to be a record of that somewhere. Where are these investigations?
What the hell?

I would hope this is followed up - gotta be a hoax.

In related news, a federal judge actually fined the birther leader $20 grand in an effort to protect the "integrity" of the courts.

Now this up to this point all the birther stuff seems rather silly, but fining someone for bringing a case before the court? That seems a bit...something.

Judge Fines 'Birther' Leader | Georgia Public Broadcasting

The courts (and the congress) do not want to do their jobs; neither are willing to demand the evidence that the President is an American citizen, not a foreign one as he could have claimed to go to college on grants or scholarships. The people responsible for protecting our Constitution are more concerned with eliminating individual rights and subjugating the population, than doing their jobs as written in the Constitution.
Pray for our country, the people that are supposed to be representing us, think they were elected rulers. Now we cannot even use "legal" means to draw attention to the poor jobs our representatives are doing.

Thou shall not bear false witness....(the work of the deceiver)

Which YOU are doing....

How come?

In case you are truly doing this by accident or mistake....FYI

Obama DID NOT get any foreign given scholarships to go to college here....that is just ANOTHER LIE of this group, and has been proven to be FALSE already...

What I would like to know is WHY would you, a supposed believing, religious Christian, continue to FOLLOW LIARS....people who have continually presented ONE LIE AFTER ANOTHER regarding Obama's birth...ALL of the proof was FABRICATED of FALSE....OR FRAUDULENT.

So WHY do you continue to follow DECEIVERS and LIARS, as this group has now turned out to be?

What makes you stay by their side? God? I don't think so.... :( But please explain so that I do understand precisely where you are coming from....


I have seen NO proof from either side, hence, my dilemma. IF Obama is legit, why won't he allow these documents to be viewed, as required (though in THIS case, not enforced), by law as eligible for his job? If he is not legit, why can't those that "bear false witness" for him by stating he is legit with no proof, provide the evidence? It seems really simple to me, if he IS legitimately the commander and chief, he would lead by example, he has chosen, not to do that. Obama has chosen to spend millions of dollars, legally hiding his past.
I believe he is not a US citizen, by his own declaration as well as being a dual citizen (that would make him, ineligible). I believe that because he will not discuss it, he will not provide evidence (he, being the only one that can, legally), and I can not see one demonstration of his "love" for this country, that raised the standard of rights and the standard of living for BILLIONS of people on this planet (with medical advances, scientific and engineering technologies, and inventions).
The only "vibes" that I get from Obama is smugness, like he is pulling one over on the citizens, and he sits in the white house and laughs about it every night. In the senate, he did not fix, or even try to fix one thing that he has his fingers into now. He did not fix or try to fix any of the existing problems before creating a giant government mess (that is making more problems).
Why would anyone think he is genuine or authentic? What has he done that has displayed his patriotism or his pride in this country? What makes you stay by his side? I don't think so.... :( But please explain so that I do understand precisely where you are coming from....
why dont you contact the TN state elections board and ask them?

Because that would be waste of my time.

Since you're the one who started, why don't you post which unit of the state department conducted the investigation and vetted the candidates? You did post that. Twice.

Now you're content to say no no it was the secretary of state of each state.

I can conclude from all this that you don't have a fucking clue as to what you're talking about.

I ask simple questions and get evasive, changing, or abusive answers. The fact that no one can answer why Obama will not release his birth certificate or school records should be saying volumes here. Imagine if Dick Cheney didn't release these things. Who knows what the Left would invent.
nope, i didnt say that
but it was done on the state level
there is no "federal elections board"

You didnt say that? Must have been someone hacking your account here then. I'd call for an investigation.
Because that would be waste of my time.

Since you're the one who started, why don't you post which unit of the state department conducted the investigation and vetted the candidates? You did post that. Twice.

Now you're content to say no no it was the secretary of state of each state.

I can conclude from all this that you don't have a fucking clue as to what you're talking about.

I ask simple questions and get evasive, changing, or abusive answers. The fact that no one can answer why Obama will not release his birth certificate or school records should be saying volumes here. Imagine if Dick Cheney didn't release these things. Who knows what the Left would invent.
nope, i didnt say that
but it was done on the state level
there is no "federal elections board"

You didnt say that? Must have been someone hacking your account here then. I'd call for an investigation.
How bout you link to his posts then?
You didnt say that? Must have been someone hacking your account here then. I'd call for an investigation.
How bout you link to his posts then?

Post #321:
Who do you want to touch it? YOu? The State dept that vetted him? WHO WILL SATISFY YOU?
And there are others.
You see. What a liar you just proved yourself to be.

You didn't link it.


It was Care4all's post!


Damn. You suck at this internet thing, eh?
How bout you link to his posts then?

Post #321:
Who do you want to touch it? YOu? The State dept that vetted him? WHO WILL SATISFY YOU?
And there are others.
You see. What a liar you just proved yourself to be.

You didn't link it.


It was Care4all's post!


Damn. You suck at this internet thing, eh?

Yes, I had read that Obama was vetted, same with mccain....for security clearances with our government....it could have been the Justice dept vs the State Dept, but they both were well vetted due to their positions as senators...mccain and obama both, as committee memberships in various committees involved with our armed forces and national homeland security.....

These background checks on both were thorough, i'm pretty certain.

And yes, i am certain the fbi would have found obama's supposedly FAKED birth in Honolulu at the time he was being vetted for his position on the Senate Homeland Security Committee.

I had also read that it is the responsibility of the Secretary of State to insure legitimate elections in each of their states....Any one of these 50 secretaries in the various State departments could have challenged the eligibility of the presidential candidates.

That was quite a beat-down by the Judge.

Orly and her minions were stoked about going before Judge Carter because he's a former Marine and therefore would be 'sympathetic' to their cause. It would appear that backfired on 'em and got his back up:

The Complaint also requests that this Court enjoin the President’s “powers to order new deployments or assignments of any armed forces of the United States outside of the territorial limits of the United States without express Congressional approval, and further to limit the execution of certain orders of the President of the United States relating to the conduct of foreign policy by and through the use of currently deployed and assigned military force.” Compl. 3:14-19. This “cut and run” call to lay down arms and leave this country defenseless is an effort by Plaintiffs to emasculate the military. Plaintiffs have inappropriately requested that this Court interfere with internal military affairs. See Orloff v. Willoughby, 345 U.S. 83, 93-94, 73 S. Ct. 534 (1953) (“[J]udges are not given the task of running the Army.”). Plaintiffs only seek to enjoin acts that the President takes as Commander-in-Chief internationally, not domestically. This peculiarity leads the Court to suspect that the constitutional objection is being used as a veil to avoid deployment to countries where the United States military is currently active, such as Iraq or Afghanistan. See Rhodes v.Thomas D. MacDonald et al., No. 4:09-CV-106 (CDL), 2007 WL 2997605 (M.D. Ga. Sept. 16,2009) (Plaintiff objecting to President Obama’s natural born citizen status “had no concerns about fulfilling her military obligation until she received orders notifying her that she would be deployed to Iraq in September 2009”). Furthermore, Lieutenant Freese’s claims are based upon the notion that his duty to serve is based upon who is in office. The duty to defend is not dependent upon a political or personal view regarding the individual who serves as President and Commander-in-Chief. It is an unequivocal duty to defend our country.

This Court will not interfere in internal military affairs nor be used as a tool by military officers to avoid deployment. The Court has a word for such a refusal to follow the orders of the President of the United States, but it will leave the issue to the military to resolve. Plaintiff Freese fails to meet the Article III standing requirements.


And I like the reference to Judge Land's order :lol:
Post #321:

And there are others.
You see. What a liar you just proved yourself to be.

You didn't link it.


It was Care4all's post!


Damn. You suck at this internet thing, eh?

Yes, I had read that Obama was vetted, same with mccain....for security clearances with our government....it could have been the Justice dept vs the State Dept, but they both were well vetted due to their positions as senators...mccain and obama both, as committee memberships in various committees involved with our armed forces and national homeland security.....

These background checks on both were thorough, i'm pretty certain.

And yes, i am certain the fbi would have found obama's supposedly FAKED birth in Honolulu at the time he was being vetted for his position on the Senate Homeland Security Committee.

I had also read that it is the responsibility of the Secretary of State to insure legitimate elections in each of their states....Any one of these 50 secretaries in the various State departments could have challenged the eligibility of the presidential candidates.

Yep. The background checks are pretty thorough, even if you're only going for a Classified clearance. If you're going for Top Secret or SCI, then they also interview your family and neighbors.

Trust me.........I've had high clearances.

Additionally, speaking as someone who's worked at a MEPS, I can tell you that EVERYONE WHO COMES IN THE MILITARY, gets a National Agency Check at a minimum.

Part of that requires you to show your actual birth certificate.

Rabbi, you lose again.
Birthers - Salon.com

In a comprehensive, respectful but damning opinion, a federal court puts an end to the Birthers' best hope

The Birthers' last, best hope -- a case brought by Orly Taitz on behalf of Alan Keyes, among many others -- has failed. On Thursday, U.S. District Judge David Carter issued a ruling in which he dismissed the case, which had been ongoing since the day of President Obama's inauguration.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rY0WxgSXdEE]YouTube - Queen - 'Another One Bites the Dust'[/ame]

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