I Am a Soybean Farmer Hurt by Trump’s Trade War. I Can’t ‘Take It.’

Sure you are, you fucking leftist shill turd. Switch to pork. China needs pork.
I bet you didn't know that.
China is hurting. All of Asia is in a state of economic uncertain. Most of this is caused by Trump’s trade/currency war. Germany (biggest economy in the EU) is likely already in recession. There are $15 Trillion in negative yielding bonds in the world. Remember the late 90’s? This is worse.
Mr. Gibbs looks neither broke or hungry... Buckle up buttercup...

When they lose their farm and everything they built that's too much pain.

Farm foreclosures are increasing.

You don't know jack about farming or the agriculture business... Closest you have been to a farm is when you eat breakfast at Bob Evans...
Hey, we gotta get a fair deal on this trade stuff. Been getting fucked since Clinton signed NAFTA that H.W. Bush drafted. Scum traitors all! Trump's going about fixing it the right way, there will some pain, but in the end, everyone will be better off.

30 years of bullshit does not go away overnight.
Is that farmer eligible for any of the assistance that the federal government has been providing to other farmers?

Unfortunately, there is pain associated with this trade war, hopefully it will only be short term. In the long term, this may significantly benefit soybean farmers.

Imagine that you had a garage sale. And imagine that you told me that I was free to sell some of my items at your garage sale and I did. Then imagine that I have a garage sale and that I tell you that you're welcome to sell some of your items at my garage sale, but that you'll have to pay me a "tariff" of 10%. That's the type of stuff that Trump is trying to eliminate. He's doing to them what they're doing to us with the aim of all of us eliminating tariffs.
K9Buck I fail to believe that these progressive tools don't understand how Tariff's work... They like taxes… They know what is going on... What they don't understand is their chronic TDS symptoms and just how silly they sound and look...
K9Buck I fail to believe that these progressive tools don't understand how Tariff's work... They like taxes… They know what is going on... What they don't understand is their chronic TDS symptoms and just how silly they sound and look...

Like I said, unfortunately there is going to be short-term pain. Hopefully, it's only short-term and the pain is minimal. Frankly, I agree with Trump that if a country is going to tariff our goods then we should tariff theirs. No wonder the world loved Obama and W Bush; they let the world rape us.
Sure you are, you fucking leftist shill turd. Switch to pork. China needs pork.
I bet you didn't know that.

Did you even watch that video?
An opinion video from the NYT?

Are you kidding me? They are THE MOUTHPIECE of the CFR establishment. Not what I would call. . . . unbiased. Nor are they presenting an equal picture of the entire issue, are they?

Au contraire. 94% of US soybean crops are genetically modified. Strange democrats hate GM foods and Monsanto until Trump hurts both.

Did you even watch the video?

It's the farmer talking.

Why don't you care about our farmers? Why should farmers be hurt because of steel?

Why should steel workers be hurt because of farmers?

You said it wasn't good for anybody in the US and then talked abut steel.

Would you rather I pointed out that he criticized "hope" when that was Obama's campaign theme?

A soybean and corn farmer on Ohio is hardly representative of all farmers, and you did not address the point I raised that soybeans (and corn) are overwhelmingly GMO's. When did the democrats decide that profits from GMO's are now more important than a healthy ecosystem? Seems to be like this role reversal happened on January 20, 2017 around midday.
Is that farmer eligible for any of the assistance that the federal government has been providing to other farmers?

You mean the Socialist programs?

Unfortunately, there is pain associated with this trade war, hopefully it will only be short term. In the long term, this may significantly benefit soybean farmers.

Imagine that you had a garage sale. And imagine that you told me that I was free to sell some of my items at your garage sale and I did. Then imagine that I have a garage sale and that I tell you that you're welcome to sell some of your items at my garage sale, but that you'll have to pay me a "tariff" of 10%. That's the type of stuff that Trump is trying to eliminate. He's doing to them what they're doing to us with the aim of all of us eliminating tariffs.

You mean like rent that all businesses pay? What you just described is basic Capitalism. I provide a place for you to sell and I get a percentage in return.

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