I Am a Soybean Farmer Hurt by Trump’s Trade War. I Can’t ‘Take It.’

You mean like rent that all businesses pay? What you just described is basic Capitalism. I provide a place for you to sell and I get a percentage in return.

Apples and oranges. Chinese companies (and others) have been free to sell their goods here with no attachments but their nation(s) attack tariffs to goods of our companies that want to sell there.

If Chinese companies want to be able to compete in the American market FREE of costly tariffs, then they should permit our companies to be able to do the same there. Do you disagree with this?
You mean like rent that all businesses pay? What you just described is basic Capitalism. I provide a place for you to sell and I get a percentage in return.

Apples and oranges.

I'm not the one that created the example.

companies (and others) have been free to sell their goods here with no attachments but their nation(s) attack tariffs to goods of our companies that want to sell there.

If Chinese companies want to be able to compete in the American market FREE of costly tariffs, then they should permit our companies to be able to do the same there. Do you disagree with this?

Largely those are American companies producing items in China to sell here. I do not support making consumers pay more for that. I support making it more expensive for business to do that.
You mean the Socialist programs?

Farmers are being temporarily (hopefully) harmed due to government policies. The assistance they are receiving is TEMPORARY, not permanent. So, I support helping them out while we battle this trade war. Are you opposed to helping them? Is it your opinion that we should let them go out of business?
You mean the Socialist programs?

Farmers are being temporarily (hopefully) harmed due to government policies. The assistance they are receiving is TEMPORARY, not permanent. So, I support helping them out while we battle this trade war. Are you opposed to helping them? Is it your opinion that we should let them go out of business?

There have been farm subsidies for decades. You can claim it's temporary but temporary or not they are socialist programs created by those who decry socialism. Otherwise known as hypocrites.
I'm not the one that created the example.

It's a matter of fairness. You let me sell things at your garage sale and you didn't ask for anything from me. Then, I held a garage sale and told you you'd have to give me 10% of whatever you were paid. Tariffs are bad for business and even worse for consumers. That's why Trump is trying to compel other nations to get rid of them.

If it doesn't work out, it could cost Trump the 20' election. There are some who don't believe that it is good policy to impose tariffs, even if it means that our companies cannot compete in foreign markets. I don't share that view. Other nations impose tariffs to protect their companies from superior American goods.
I'm not the one that created the example.

It's a matter of fairness. You let me sell things at your garage sale and you didn't ask for anything from me. Then, I held a garage sale and told you you'd have to give me 10% of whatever you were paid. Tariffs are bad for business and even worse for consumers. That's why Trump is trying to compel other nations to get rid of them.

Tariffs are bad so the answer is tariffs?

esn't work out, it could cost Trump the 20' election. There are some who don't believe that it is good policy to impose tariffs, even if it means that our companies cannot compete in foreign markets. I don't share that view. Other nations impose tariffs to protect their companies from superior American goods.

Other countries don't allow their businesses to move to other countries and then send the items back.
No it isn't. You said these were temporary. So were many other subsidies.

And it's all Socialist.

Farm subsidies it a TOTALLY different topic than the topic of farmers being affected by tariffs and receiving government aid as a result of those tariffs. Start a new thread; don't derail this one.
I'm not the one that created the example.

It's a matter of fairness. You let me sell things at your garage sale and you didn't ask for anything from me. Then, I held a garage sale and told you you'd have to give me 10% of whatever you were paid. Tariffs are bad for business and even worse for consumers. That's why Trump is trying to compel other nations to get rid of them.

Tariffs are bad so the answer is tariffs?

esn't work out, it could cost Trump the 20' election. There are some who don't believe that it is good policy to impose tariffs, even if it means that our companies cannot compete in foreign markets. I don't share that view. Other nations impose tariffs to protect their companies from superior American goods.

Other countries don't allow their businesses to move to other countries and then send the items back.

What do you propose?
No it isn't. You said these were temporary. So were many other subsidies.

And it's all Socialist.

Farm subsidies it a TOTALLY different topic than the topic of farmers being affected by tariffs and receiving government aid as a result of those tariffs. Start a new thread; don't derail this one.

I didn't bring it up. You did.
I'm not the one that created the example.

It's a matter of fairness. You let me sell things at your garage sale and you didn't ask for anything from me. Then, I held a garage sale and told you you'd have to give me 10% of whatever you were paid. Tariffs are bad for business and even worse for consumers. That's why Trump is trying to compel other nations to get rid of them.

Tariffs are bad so the answer is tariffs?

esn't work out, it could cost Trump the 20' election. There are some who don't believe that it is good policy to impose tariffs, even if it means that our companies cannot compete in foreign markets. I don't share that view. Other nations impose tariffs to protect their companies from superior American goods.

Other countries don't allow their businesses to move to other countries and then send the items back.

What do you propose?

Hammer the business with huge taxes.
There are soybean farmers that do support Trump even though they are losing their prices to the tariffs.

Trump-supporting soybean farmers say they'll gladly suffer "to the death" for his trade war

Remember, it's Newsweek. Possibly one of the most left biased rags out there. The doom and gloom they regurgitate in that report is quite disgusting to any decent American. Most half way intelligent people know that Trump is negotiating a new trade deal with China.

You know, I can remember the very same MSM saying China was an existential threat to Western society.

Trump-supporting soybean farmers say they'll gladly suffer "to the death" for his trade war

Newsweek, circa 1966.


And more recently....June 2019

China's military warns the U.S. must get with the times: "Those who resist will perish"


China's Military Warns U.S. Must Get With the Times: 'Those Who Resist Will Perish'

Funny how the MSM can rattle their swords about China and then act like shrinking violets at the prospect of an American President taking on the Chinese threat that they themselves reported.
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Au contraire. 94% of US soybean crops are genetically modified. Strange democrats hate GM foods and Monsanto until Trump hurts both.

Did you even watch the video?

It's the farmer talking.

Why don't you care about our farmers? Why should farmers be hurt because of steel?

Why should steel workers be hurt because of farmers?

You said it wasn't good for anybody in the US and then talked abut steel.

Would you rather I pointed out that he criticized "hope" when that was Obama's campaign theme?

A soybean and corn farmer on Ohio is hardly representative of all farmers, and you did not address the point I raised that soybeans (and corn) are overwhelmingly GMO's. When did the democrats decide that profits from GMO's are now more important than a healthy ecosystem? Seems to be like this role reversal happened on January 20, 2017 around midday.

The tariffs that trump started all this are on steel and aluminum.

trump put steel above food and farmers.

Au contraire. 94% of US soybean crops are genetically modified. Strange democrats hate GM foods and Monsanto until Trump hurts both.

Did you even watch the video?

It's the farmer talking.

Why don't you care about our farmers? Why should farmers be hurt because of steel?

Why should steel workers be hurt because of farmers?

You said it wasn't good for anybody in the US and then talked abut steel.

Would you rather I pointed out that he criticized "hope" when that was Obama's campaign theme?

A soybean and corn farmer on Ohio is hardly representative of all farmers, and you did not address the point I raised that soybeans (and corn) are overwhelmingly GMO's. When did the democrats decide that profits from GMO's are now more important than a healthy ecosystem? Seems to be like this role reversal happened on January 20, 2017 around midday.

The tariffs that trump started all this are on steel and aluminum.

trump put steel above food and farmers.

So? Democrats didn't "care about farmers" when they killed tobacco. Smoking is bad for people. GMO's are bad for the planet.

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