I am a Trump supporter but I disagree with his decision

On Saudia Arabia and the Crown Prince having nothing to do with the Kashoggi killing..any other Trump supporters here feel the same way? We kiss Saudi Arabia's ass just as much as we kiss Israel's and its disturbing.

It's none of our affair.

Allowing the supporters of ISIS, and the country where most of the 9-11 hijackers and Osama bin Laden come from, to murder an American journalist in an allies Consulate, is none of our affair?
And killing over 70,000 children in Yemen with our planes and bombs and thru starvation is none of our affair?
Ask us how we know you're a snowflake.

Care4all is an ISIS supporter. The Yemen insurgents are ISIS, THAT is who she supports.

You're "preaching to the choir."

She also supports Palestinian terrorists, Hamas, and Hezbollah, but you probably already could tell that.
This kind of shit happens in the middle east all the time............harsh but true..........

Can't shoot ourselves in the foot over it though...........the place is already unstable enough.....and actions against them would give the shia more dominance in the region...........the balance is out of wack and the place is death trap already.
Exactly. *News flash* Middle Eastern regimes are brutal. We need allies in the region and the Saudis are as good as we can do. I like the Saudis a whole lot better than Obama's favorite Iran.
On Saudia Arabia and the Crown Prince having nothing to do with the Kashoggi killing..any other Trump supporters here feel the same way? We kiss Saudi Arabia's ass just as much as we kiss Israel's and its disturbing.

So what could Trump do that wouldn't result in retaliation against the US causing oil prices to go skywards?
Come on Ray! Look how much shit Trump talks about Canada and look how much oil we buy from them. Are you saying his shit talk raises oil prices?

It's not likely Canada would cut production.

So ray, you like Saudi dick...

So ray, you like Saudi dick...
Do you?....

Weak response to a point that you hoped to make.

Try again
You brought it up sugar lips....must be on your mind...

No, no, no.....TRUMP likes Saudi Dick. Right up his fat ass.
Anything for money and he's getting a hell of a kick back.

Hold on...I thought it was you disgusting fucks who think taking dick is cool...no?
President Donald Trump made the correct decision. Period.

Oil is not the major reason nor are we trying to micromanage the whole world. Like it or not, it is our responsibility to make every effort to keep a relative peace in the world. Anyone who has truly studied WW-I and WW-II knows that even a war without nukes is unimaginable today. If you don't believe that, both Netflix and especially Amazon have many, graphic documentaries.

We are now the top energy producer in the world. That eases the question of energy for us, but not the rest of the world.

We have few allies in the Middle East. Basically, Isreal is the only Democrat nation and then there is Saudi are workable.

From USA Today:

"But, Trump says there's more on the line than just punishing the country.

Trump, during a Saturday afternoon news conference in the Oval Office, said "we would be punishing ourselves" by canceling arms sales to Saudi Arabia. He said the U.S. was competing against China and Russia for the $110 billion deal with the country."

Trump doesn't want to stop arms sales deal with Saudi Arabia over missing journalist

The issue is NOT only the $110 BILLION deal. By having the deal, we know the weapons Saudi has in their arsenal. IF we do not make the deal, who fills the vacuum? Russia or China? That country then also gains the influence in the area. Not only that, but we no longer know what weapons they have or their capability.

All in all, it is both a good political and business decision. There simply are no other answers.
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President Donald Trump made the correct decision. Period.

Oil is not the major reason nor are we trying to micromanage the whole world. Like it or not, it is our responsibility to make every effort to keep a relative peace in the world. Anyone who has truly studied WW-I and WW-II knows that even a war without nukes is unimaginable today. If you don't believe that, both Netflix and especially Amazon have many, graphic documentaries.

We are now the top energy producer in the world. That eases the question of energy for us, but not the rest of the world.

We have few allies in the Middle East. Basically, Isreal is the only Democrat nation and then there is Saudi are workable.

From USA Today:

"But, Trump says there's more on the line than just punishing the country.

Trump, during a Saturday afternoon news conference in the Oval Office, said "we would be punishing ourselves" by canceling arms sales to Saudi Arabia. He said the U.S. was competing against China and Russia for the $110 billion deal with the country."

Trump doesn't want to stop arms sales deal with Saudi Arabia over missing journalist

The issue is NOT only the $110 deal. By having the deal, we know the weapons Saudi has in their arsenal. IF we do not make the deal, who fills the vacuum? Russia or China? That country then also gains the influence in the area. Not only that, but we no longer know what weapons they have or their capability.

All in all, it is both a good political and business decision. There simply are no other answers.
It’s not an all or nothing situation. We have the upper hand as the world leader. Trump could have maintained the arms deal and alliance while condemning the murder and demanding some form of accountability. He took the pussy road and is now appearing to side with SA over our CIA. That’s pathetic
Why? We have TONS of oil here why do we still depend on Saudi Arabia? I don't understand that.

They are fighting the same enemy we are...during world war two we aligned ourselves with Russia...people forget we are still at war....our troops are still deployed and any help we can get from the Saudis should be welcomed by all Americans....They look the part and speak the language of our enemy...they are way more valuable to the US than you and the OP give them credit for....

Agreed. An aside: We should never turn our backs on (trust) them, however.
On Saudia Arabia and the Crown Prince having nothing to do with the Kashoggi killing..any other Trump supporters here feel the same way? We kiss Saudi Arabia's ass just as much as we kiss Israel's and its disturbing.
Well God Damn!

Good on ya
When Al Qaeda killed 4 US citizens and one of them was an ambassador, what did Obama and Hillary do about it? At this point , who gives a shit about the "muslim brotherhood Kashoggi" getting killed....

Al Qaeda is not a nation and we were already "at war" with them.

SIde note...we caught the leaders of that attack
I guess we could nuke them, but.......what then?
This is business as usual in this particular part of the world.
It's harsh, but just what is Trump supposed to do?
What about the inhumane treatment that goes on everyday in China?
Where does it stop, or should I say, what is the cutoff line of being acceptable?
Nuke them or do nothing?

Those are the choices?

Friggin moron
On Saudia Arabia and the Crown Prince having nothing to do with the Kashoggi killing..any other Trump supporters here feel the same way? We kiss Saudi Arabia's ass just as much as we kiss Israel's and its disturbing.

So what could Trump do that wouldn't result in retaliation against the US causing oil prices to go skywards?
Come on Ray! Look how much shit Trump talks about Canada and look how much oil we buy from them. Are you saying his shit talk raises oil prices?

It's not likely Canada would cut production.
And you think Saudi Arabia would if Trump condemned the Prince for dissecting a man?

No, not just condemning but taking action against the country would likely lead to ramifications. That's why I asked, what was Trump supposed to do? What good would condemning him do?

This guy wasn't even an American citizen. Brutality and torturous deaths go on in the middle-east all the time.
On Saudia Arabia and the Crown Prince having nothing to do with the Kashoggi killing..any other Trump supporters here feel the same way? We kiss Saudi Arabia's ass just as much as we kiss Israel's and its disturbing.

So what could Trump do that wouldn't result in retaliation against the US causing oil prices to go skywards?

Fuck them. And by the way, less than 10% of the oil we import comes from Saudi Arabia.

Where Does America Get Oil? You May Be Surprised
It doesn't matter how much oil we get from SA, SA impacts the global price of oil, and if the global price of oil goes up we pay more. That being said any action would only cause a small temporary pop and supply and demand would dictate the price. The Oil price has dropped a lot in the past month because supply is greatly outstripping demand again.
11% of our oil is from Saudi Arabia.... 20% is from Canada, and you don't see Trump kissing Canada's ass, and THEY ARE the good guys....

Low oil prices is not just because of Saudi Arabia.... we are producing more oil.....

AND even if we stood our ethical ground with the Saudi Prince, they would STILL be pumping oil in great amounts because THEY are trying to bust Iran....

we do not need to use their oil if we dont want too
On Saudia Arabia and the Crown Prince having nothing to do with the Kashoggi killing..any other Trump supporters here feel the same way? We kiss Saudi Arabia's ass just as much as we kiss Israel's and its disturbing.

Honestly o don’t see what the big deal is. There is way more to this story then just trump being mean. Not like Keshogi was a real journalist, more like a Muslim “Dear Abby” then a real journalist. He was not acting in his capacity as a news guy. All I’m saying is if we are going to ask questions and condemn Trump as heartless on this more questions need answering. This is a Muslim thing and one of our business.
On Saudia Arabia and the Crown Prince having nothing to do with the Kashoggi killing..any other Trump supporters here feel the same way? We kiss Saudi Arabia's ass just as much as we kiss Israel's and its disturbing.

Honestly o don’t see what the big deal is. There is way more to this story then just trump being mean. Not like Keshogi was a real journalist, more like a Muslim “Dear Abby” then a real journalist. He was not acting in his capacity as a news guy. All I’m saying is if we are going to ask questions and condemn Trump as heartless on this more questions need answering. This is a Muslim thing and one of our business.

I would say Khashoggi was more like a Saudi Geraldo. Reading about this guy in Wikipedia, it seems like he was always taunting the Saudi's. I didn't research it, but when this first happened, it was said he told his fiancee if he was not out in 15 minutes, to get the hell out of there because he would likely be dead. He kinda knew what he was getting into.
What other countries are immune from our holding them accountable for killing the spouse of American citizens and the father of American children?

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