I am a Trump supporter but I disagree with his decision

On Saudia Arabia and the Crown Prince having nothing to do with the Kashoggi killing..any other Trump supporters here feel the same way? We kiss Saudi Arabia's ass just as much as we kiss Israel's and its disturbing.

No, I agree. I get that the Saudis are an ally... I get that. But we give them way too much leeway.
So when Obama droned one of our own Citizens without due process, should the Saudi's demand Obama be held for war crimes against humanity....
This kind of shit happens in the middle east all the time............harsh but true..........

Can't shoot ourselves in the foot over it though...........the place is already unstable enough.....and actions against them would give the shia more dominance in the region...........the balance is out of wack and the place is death trap already.

So state sponsored murder is okay with you?
Who the fuck said that. ........I didn't...........but you would have us shoot ourselves in the foot for one guy. A guy with ties to the Muslim Brotherhood.

It isn't our country..........the crime happened in Turkey...........why doesn't Turkey prosecute the crimes.........What about the EU.......are they chopped liver.........why don't they do something for a change.............Our currency is tied to oil and Saudi is a major player in the world, and they can help screw us........Well our debt is screwing us............If the world goes off the dollar we are screwed........

Grow the hell up.........
what makes you think if it were handled differently in a diplomatic sense, any of what you fear would happen?

this isn't a zero sum game, imo and the way President Trump handled it, is an embarrassment, to human kind.... a TOTAL DISGRACE to our nation.... and no one can deny that... not even you Eagle.

And you can't deny no matter how he handled it, you leftists would still be criticizing him. Name me one thing he's done where the left hasn't.
On Saudia Arabia and the Crown Prince having nothing to do with the Kashoggi killing..any other Trump supporters here feel the same way? We kiss Saudi Arabia's ass just as much as we kiss Israel's and its disturbing.
Thank you odium for your honesty in spliting with the pres on this. I find it abhorant that Trump handled it the way he did. Here is the thing though, I understand why he did it. We have intangled our selves with the saudis to the point where their oil is needed for our national defense. President Trump is in a real hard spot here, limiting our access to their oil could tank our economy and show real fissures in our defense to china and russia. China and russia do not give a fuck about the bad actions of Saudi Arabia and wil be more than willing to step into our role. I am afraid we are stuck with the saudis for the moment but should be doing every thing in our power to lesson the leverage they have on us. For once this is the president taking one for the team. He knows the way it looks for him but what choice does he realy have? We need that oil presently. He put america first on this.

Binary thought pattern off the charts.

Just because we should hold Saudi’s accountable for what they’ve done doesn’t mean that they are in any position to retaliate.

We can continue our relationship with them but show clearly that we will not tolerate them assassinating political opposition.
Why is this different? He was a middle-east guy who heavily criticized the Prince and the country repeatedly. He knew he was on their shit-list for many years now. He had to run to Europe to hide in exile.

This cat was no angel by any stretch of the imagination. He was a troublemaker and everybody knew it.

Don't worry about what happens in the middle-east between these people. For crying out loud, if anybody had anything on the Clintons, they mysteriously got killed or died and nobody on the left says a thing. That's what you should be more concerned about--what shady things go on in this country.
Wow, listen to yourself. You’re so deep in Trumps butthole you are actually trying to make excuses and justifications for the dismembership and murder of another human. Even threw a “whatabout” distraction about Clinton in there. That’s pathetic Ray. Wake up

The only thing I'm trying to justify is that it's not really our concern; at least not enough to risk losing deals we have with the country. You want to punish 315 million Americans for this one middle-east guy. And if Trump would do that, you'd be the first here to bitch about how much we are paying in gasoline or what steps Iran is taking to advance their agenda against us.

This is the middle-east for crying out loud. They've tortured babies, they've stoned women to death. They've lit people on fire and watched them burn until they died. There is nothing we can do about that.
Trump ain’t controlling the gas prices as much as he tries to make you think he is. They are still higher than they were last year at this time. This was an American green card holder and member of the media so the actions taken against him were an attack on the right of a free press which we hold dear in this country, at least some of us do. Plus the fact that it was ordered by the leader of a country makes it even worse. Just do yourself a favor and get out of this rabbit hole. Neither you or Trump can make it ok no matter how hard you try and spin it.

Because had had a green card it becomes our concern?

Gasoline is incredibly cheap in relation to the economy. Usually when you have a booming economy, gasoline prices skyrocket because the more economic activity, the more fuel consumption.

I’ve spent enough time studying and trading commodities to understand what any kind of bad news does to the prices. So I do believe the least disruption of any kind could send ours fuel prices soaring because they are pretty reasonable considering.

Sent from my iPad using USMessageBoard.com
It’s our concern for all the reasons I listed. You obviously don’t give a shit, neither does Trump. That’s fine. I have a different opinion

And that's fine too, but let me tell you of what this reminds me of:

Years ago Texas executed a female murderer, and of course, the MSM found it to their benefit. So one agency went all over the world to ask people their opinion of a female execution in the US. The people in France were holding a mini protest about the actions of Texas, calling Americans barbarians and how Europe should sever all relations with the US.

The first thing I thought was "HTF is this any of your business in France? Why do you people give a crap of how we handle our criminals in this country? Worry about your own Fn country and don't mind what we do in ours!"

This is kind of the way I feel about this unfortunate situation. Yes, it was terrible what they did, but on the other hand, it's not our business either.

Anyway the news network continued to do interviews around the world. They finally came to one guy in (I believe) Japan. The translator asked him the question, and his response was very short. The translator interpreted the man saying "Execute one--teach a million" And that's all he said.
Wow, listen to yourself. You’re so deep in Trumps butthole you are actually trying to make excuses and justifications for the dismembership and murder of another human. Even threw a “whatabout” distraction about Clinton in there. That’s pathetic Ray. Wake up

The only thing I'm trying to justify is that it's not really our concern; at least not enough to risk losing deals we have with the country. You want to punish 315 million Americans for this one middle-east guy. And if Trump would do that, you'd be the first here to bitch about how much we are paying in gasoline or what steps Iran is taking to advance their agenda against us.

This is the middle-east for crying out loud. They've tortured babies, they've stoned women to death. They've lit people on fire and watched them burn until they died. There is nothing we can do about that.
Trump ain’t controlling the gas prices as much as he tries to make you think he is. They are still higher than they were last year at this time. This was an American green card holder and member of the media so the actions taken against him were an attack on the right of a free press which we hold dear in this country, at least some of us do. Plus the fact that it was ordered by the leader of a country makes it even worse. Just do yourself a favor and get out of this rabbit hole. Neither you or Trump can make it ok no matter how hard you try and spin it.

Because had had a green card it becomes our concern?

Gasoline is incredibly cheap in relation to the economy. Usually when you have a booming economy, gasoline prices skyrocket because the more economic activity, the more fuel consumption.

I’ve spent enough time studying and trading commodities to understand what any kind of bad news does to the prices. So I do believe the least disruption of any kind could send ours fuel prices soaring because they are pretty reasonable considering.

Sent from my iPad using USMessageBoard.com
It’s our concern for all the reasons I listed. You obviously don’t give a shit, neither does Trump. That’s fine. I have a different opinion

And that's fine too, but let me tell you of what this reminds me of:

Years ago Texas executed a female murderer, and of course, the MSM found it to their benefit. So one agency went all over the world to ask people their opinion of a female execution in the US. The people in France were holding a mini protest about the actions of Texas, calling Americans barbarians and how Europe should sever all relations with the US.

The first thing I thought was "HTF is this any of your business in France? Why do you people give a crap of how we handle our criminals in this country? Worry about your own Fn country and don't mind what we do in ours!"

This is kind of the way I feel about this unfortunate situation. Yes, it was terrible what they did, but on the other hand, it's not our business either.

Anyway the news network continued to do interviews around the world. They finally came to one guy in (I believe) Japan. The translator asked him the question, and his response was very short. The translator interpreted the man saying "Execute one--teach a million" And that's all he said.

What do executions teach that million?
On Saudia Arabia and the Crown Prince having nothing to do with the Kashoggi killing..any other Trump supporters here feel the same way? We kiss Saudi Arabia's ass just as much as we kiss Israel's and its disturbing.

So what could Trump do that wouldn't result in retaliation against the US causing oil prices to go skywards?
Worse we have 100s of thousands of ex patriot citizens there working for US while helping Saudi Arabia. Do you think they could be put in danger if some jack ass liberal decided to piss off the crown? I lived over there for 5 1/2 years, you dont piss on the royals and they dont cut your head off....

That’s perfectly acceptable to you. Isn’t it?
Was totally acceptable to Obama and Hillary, and you who voted for the crooked bitch. Kashoggi was friends with Osama Bin Laden, if I remember correctly you wanted Osama killed for attack NYC and cheered when finally Osama got it in the head , so the Saudi's did a preemptive strike before Kashoggi did it again. Now you are friends with Osama and his friends?

Is it possible for you assholes to talk about the subject of the thread?
Wow, listen to yourself. You’re so deep in Trumps butthole you are actually trying to make excuses and justifications for the dismembership and murder of another human. Even threw a “whatabout” distraction about Clinton in there. That’s pathetic Ray. Wake up

The only thing I'm trying to justify is that it's not really our concern; at least not enough to risk losing deals we have with the country. You want to punish 315 million Americans for this one middle-east guy. And if Trump would do that, you'd be the first here to bitch about how much we are paying in gasoline or what steps Iran is taking to advance their agenda against us.

This is the middle-east for crying out loud. They've tortured babies, they've stoned women to death. They've lit people on fire and watched them burn until they died. There is nothing we can do about that.
Trump ain’t controlling the gas prices as much as he tries to make you think he is. They are still higher than they were last year at this time. This was an American green card holder and member of the media so the actions taken against him were an attack on the right of a free press which we hold dear in this country, at least some of us do. Plus the fact that it was ordered by the leader of a country makes it even worse. Just do yourself a favor and get out of this rabbit hole. Neither you or Trump can make it ok no matter how hard you try and spin it.

Because had had a green card it becomes our concern?

Gasoline is incredibly cheap in relation to the economy. Usually when you have a booming economy, gasoline prices skyrocket because the more economic activity, the more fuel consumption.

I’ve spent enough time studying and trading commodities to understand what any kind of bad news does to the prices. So I do believe the least disruption of any kind could send ours fuel prices soaring because they are pretty reasonable considering.

Sent from my iPad using USMessageBoard.com
It’s our concern for all the reasons I listed. You obviously don’t give a shit, neither does Trump. That’s fine. I have a different opinion

And that's fine too, but let me tell you of what this reminds me of:

Years ago Texas executed a female murderer, and of course, the MSM found it to their benefit. So one agency went all over the world to ask people their opinion of a female execution in the US. The people in France were holding a mini protest about the actions of Texas, calling Americans barbarians and how Europe should sever all relations with the US.

The first thing I thought was "HTF is this any of your business in France? Why do you people give a crap of how we handle our criminals in this country? Worry about your own Fn country and don't mind what we do in ours!"

This is kind of the way I feel about this unfortunate situation. Yes, it was terrible what they did, but on the other hand, it's not our business either.

Anyway the news network continued to do interviews around the world. They finally came to one guy in (I believe) Japan. The translator asked him the question, and his response was very short. The translator interpreted the man saying "Execute one--teach a million" And that's all he said.
In my opinion we have a responsibility as a world leader to speak up for human rights. I’m not saying start a war every time a foreign government mistreats a person but we need to be a strong voice for what’s right. We don’t need to be kissing a countries ass and making excuses for them in the wake of a horrible act like this, just because we have deals with them. Trump talks shit to countries we have deals with all the time. There is something more going on here. He has a very different tone with Saudi Arabia and with Russia and has gone against our intel agencies for both countries. You don’t find that the least bit strange?
The only thing I'm trying to justify is that it's not really our concern; at least not enough to risk losing deals we have with the country. You want to punish 315 million Americans for this one middle-east guy. And if Trump would do that, you'd be the first here to bitch about how much we are paying in gasoline or what steps Iran is taking to advance their agenda against us.

This is the middle-east for crying out loud. They've tortured babies, they've stoned women to death. They've lit people on fire and watched them burn until they died. There is nothing we can do about that.
Trump ain’t controlling the gas prices as much as he tries to make you think he is. They are still higher than they were last year at this time. This was an American green card holder and member of the media so the actions taken against him were an attack on the right of a free press which we hold dear in this country, at least some of us do. Plus the fact that it was ordered by the leader of a country makes it even worse. Just do yourself a favor and get out of this rabbit hole. Neither you or Trump can make it ok no matter how hard you try and spin it.

Because had had a green card it becomes our concern?

Gasoline is incredibly cheap in relation to the economy. Usually when you have a booming economy, gasoline prices skyrocket because the more economic activity, the more fuel consumption.

I’ve spent enough time studying and trading commodities to understand what any kind of bad news does to the prices. So I do believe the least disruption of any kind could send ours fuel prices soaring because they are pretty reasonable considering.

Sent from my iPad using USMessageBoard.com
It’s our concern for all the reasons I listed. You obviously don’t give a shit, neither does Trump. That’s fine. I have a different opinion

And that's fine too, but let me tell you of what this reminds me of:

Years ago Texas executed a female murderer, and of course, the MSM found it to their benefit. So one agency went all over the world to ask people their opinion of a female execution in the US. The people in France were holding a mini protest about the actions of Texas, calling Americans barbarians and how Europe should sever all relations with the US.

The first thing I thought was "HTF is this any of your business in France? Why do you people give a crap of how we handle our criminals in this country? Worry about your own Fn country and don't mind what we do in ours!"

This is kind of the way I feel about this unfortunate situation. Yes, it was terrible what they did, but on the other hand, it's not our business either.

Anyway the news network continued to do interviews around the world. They finally came to one guy in (I believe) Japan. The translator asked him the question, and his response was very short. The translator interpreted the man saying "Execute one--teach a million" And that's all he said.
In my opinion we have a responsibility as a world leader to speak up for human rights. I’m not saying start a war every time a foreign government mistreats a person but we need to be a strong voice for what’s right. We don’t need to be kissing a countries ass and making excuses for them in the wake of a horrible act like this, just because we have deals with them. Trump talks shit to countries we have deals with all the time. There is something more going on here. He has a very different tone with Saudi Arabia and with Russia and has gone against our intel agencies for both countries. You don’t find that the least bit strange?

I don't recall Trump or anybody else for that matter making excuses for Saudi Arabia. What Trump is doing is minding his own business; not the same thing.

Your view is NARROW and completely out of context

On Jamal Khashoggi, the Muslim Brotherhood, and Saudi Arabia

3Saudi Arabia’s official attitude toward the Muslim Brotherhood today is that the group is a terrorist organization—but this is a relatively recent policy innovation. For decades, while the kingdom was competing for influence in the Arab world with the secular nationalist regimes of Egypt, Iraq, and Syria, Saudi Arabia welcomed to its soil Brotherhood members who were persecuted or unsafe in their home countries. Within the context of the kingdom’s severe state Islamism—forged through the alliance of Ibn Saud and the cleric Muhammed ibn Abdul Wahab—the Brotherhood was acceptable, since the movement’s leadership argued that rulers who implemented Islamic law had religious legitimacy and deserved public support. And the movement’s approach to Islamization through preaching and service did not challenge the authority of the Saudi government and was seen by many Saudis, Jamal Khashoggi apparently included, as a pathway to religious re-interpretation that would enable Saudi Arabia to undertake important societal reforms.

1Yes, Jamal Khashoggi had many friends among the Muslim Brotherhood and, as his colleague David Ignatius reported days after his disappearance, had joined the movement himself as a young man before apparently shifting away from it later in his career. No one who knew Jamal at all is surprised by these facts, no matter with what lurid framing they are now “revealed.” Whatever sympathies and associations he may have had, they do not change the apparent fact that Jamal Khashoggi was kidnapped, murdered, and dismembered to silence his freedom of expression. Those on the right who have spent decades fighting for free speech on campus will leap to tell you, correctly, that freedom of speech demands respect regardless of the political valance of the views espoused—and that protecting the expression of unpopular views that challenge current political correctness is the acid test for the security of this right overall. So even if you believe that Jamal Khashoggi was a full-bore Brotherhood member with an agenda of Islamization for the Arab world, you should still condem his apparent assassination for the crime of speaking his mind.

2This “whisper campaign,” as the Washington Post deemed it, has noted Khashoggi’s embedded reporting about the Arab mujahideen fighting the Soviets in Afghanistan in the 1980s, including Osama bin Laden, as evidence that Khashoggi should be understood as hostile to the West. This is an anachronistic view. Khashoggi was reporting on these fighters for an official Saudi newspaper, apparently with some degree of admiration at their faith, commitment, and moxie, at a time when their efforts were supported by the Saudi government. Other Western journalists and commentators—not to mention politicians—were likewise enamored with the mujahideen, during a period when the Reagan administration and Congress worked hand-in-glove with Saudi Arabia to support these insurgents against Soviet occupation. As Ignatius makes clear in the piece cited earlier, Khashoggi “grew wary” of bin Laden and his violent intent toward the United States and the kingdom, and believed Saudis and Arabs needed to be forthright in acknowledging bin Laden’s responsibility for the 9/11 attacks.

With the emergence of reformist Islamist clerics within Saudi Arabia, the rise of Turkey’s Recip Tayyip Erdoğan, and especially after the Arab uprisings of 2011, the kingdom and other traditionalist Arab governments came to view the Brotherhood rather differently. After Brotherhood political parties won elections in Egypt and Tunisia (pluralities, not majorities, in both places), these governments came to understand the Brotherhood as an existential threat: a model of governance that challenged their own authoritarian, monarchical Islamism with populist Islamism rooted in the democratic process (not civil liberties, but the monarchies don’t care much about civil liberties either). Thus began a campaign to re-brand the Brotherhood as a terrorist organization, ideologically indistinguishable from al-Qaida, a threat that must be rooted out with brutal discipline. The kingdom backed Egyptian general Abdel Fattah el-Sisi in overthrowing the (increasingly intolerant) elected government in Egypt and implementing a crackdown that included a massacre of over 800 Egyptians and the imprisonment of tens of thousands. Notably, despite the financial and political commitment King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia made to ousting the Brotherhood in Egypt in 2013, the kingdom itself did not declare it a terrorist group until nearly a year later.

4There’s also a degree of willful blindness and hypocrisy in the kingdom’s current insistence that the Brotherhood presents an intolerable and existential threat: Brotherhood-linked politicians and parties sit in parliaments in Saudi Arabia’s close partners Bahrain and Kuwait, the Brotherhood party in Jordan has long been part of the political scene as a cranky but loyal opposition, and in Morocco the Brotherhood-linked Justice and Development Party has led the ruling coalition for the last two governments. All of these countries are close Saudi partners, close American partners, and strong allies in the fight against violent Islamist extremism. When I have inquired with Saudi and Emirati officials about how their view of the Brotherhood as an existential ideological threat relates to their friendly ties with governments that incorporate Brotherhood actors, they say that each Arab country makes its own sovereign decisions—a view they could hardly abide by if they truly saw this movement as a terrorist organization.

All of this is not to say that the Brotherhood is merely benign, that its tenets are compatible with democracy, or anything else so simplistic. It is merely to say that the story of the kingdom and the Brotherhood is not a simple morality play, and that those claiming Khashoggi’s Brotherhood sympathies as some kind of black mark reveal nothing so much as their ignorance of the kingdom, the region, and its history.

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You want another link, or two, or three to satisfy you?

And what exactly in the article, do you disagree with...? Care to refute it, instead of another Gif?

Eagle, a FRIEND of Israel's back stabs them.... according to Prophesy.... now who is Israel's only friend?

The USA.

be careful.... I fear that it isn't as it seems, is a real possibility....
You want another link, or two, or three to satisfy you?

And what exactly in the article, do you disagree with...? Care to refute it, instead of another Gif?

Eagle, a FRIEND of Israel's back stabs them.... according to Prophesy.... now who is Israel's only friend?

The USA.

be careful.... I fear that it isn't as it seems, is a real possibility....
The Meme directs you to a site that shows how the Brooking Institute is gov't funded and has a lot of ties to the establishment. In regards to Israel how is one man's death mean we are turning our back on Israel...........

I understand that Israel is the only country there that I would trust. I don't trust the leader of Turkey and I don't trust Saudi Arabia. Don't really trust any of them.

Please elaborate on how this man's death will destroy Israel......Please continue.

There are articles that say he tried to tell Osama to stop.......there are articles that state he still wanted an Islamic state. He has many friends in the Muslim Brotherhood.....he admitted as much..........and .......and......then does the back stroke away from them. Who am I to believe on what he really was before he was killed...........why was he killed..........did he uncover a plot that was a Saudi plot to destroy Israel............to topple Assad...............

What did he know to be silenced............or maybe his hiding in Turkey for voicing against the Saudi's gov't got him killed..........I don't know..........Do you.......

Again, the balance of power has shifted over there..........they are in a Civil War.........Saudi Arabia and Iran are in a proxy war............where does it end........do we go against them and give the edge to Iran...............given the history of the region........who the hell really knows.
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On Saudia Arabia and the Crown Prince having nothing to do with the Kashoggi killing..any other Trump supporters here feel the same way? We kiss Saudi Arabia's ass just as much as we kiss Israel's and its disturbing.
With friends like the Saudis, who needs enemies?
Oooh, looks like I struck a nerve.
Trump prostitutes himself to every dictator in the world and you say "we took the nation back"
Trump is GIVING it away to Xi, Putin, KJU and MBS, you stupid fucking idiot
Who touched a nerve?......:auiqs.jpg:...I will never tire of watching you snowflakes descend into insanity over an elected president....an elected president!....That has you all shortening your useless lives with uncontrolled anger?....that's worse for you than eating Cheeseburgers all day long.....:auiqs.jpg:oh well the fewer of you lib retards the better so knock yourself out shitstain.....:auiqs.jpg:
In regards to Israel how is one man's death mean we are turning our back on Israel...........
It has nothing to do with it, and we have not done so yet.... just that we could be the Nation that does....

so supporting the way the President has handled this, simply because you or I or anyone supporting Israel, thinks that killing journalists in this brutal manner can be lived with, as long as the Saudis help Israel... the enemy of my enemy is my friend kind of thing....

I don't think we will be rewarded by God for not speaking out or for the lies Trump has fumbled with regarding Khashoggi's brutal Murder...

ALSO, President Trump would back stab Israel in a heartbeat if it was to his advantage, he is truly not loyal to ANYONE, but himself.... just be careful and keep yourself aware of the way things are really like...
On Saudia Arabia and the Crown Prince having nothing to do with the Kashoggi killing..any other Trump supporters here feel the same way? We kiss Saudi Arabia's ass just as much as we kiss Israel's and its disturbing.

I don't know if TRUMP believes the Prince or just doesn't feel Kashoggi's death is worth destabilizing the middle east. Kashoggi was involved in promoting the Muslim Brotherhood and Islamic extremism, SA is in the process of trying to reform Islam. Kashoggi was a former SA intelligence officer so he knew the dangers of directly opposing the Prince.

It's not about kissing SA's ass but more about choosing sides. I would choose SA over death to America Iran any day.
On Saudia Arabia and the Crown Prince having nothing to do with the Kashoggi killing..any other Trump supporters here feel the same way? We kiss Saudi Arabia's ass just as much as we kiss Israel's and its disturbing.

I don't know if TRUMP believes the Prince or just doesn't feel Kashoggi's death is worth destabilizing the middle east. Kashoggi was involved in promoting the Muslim Brotherhood and Islamic extremism, SA is in the process of trying to reform Islam. Kashoggi was a former SA intelligence officer so he knew the dangers of directly opposing the Prince.

It's not about kissing SA's ass but more about choosing sides. I would choose SA over death to America Iran any day.

On Jamal Khashoggi, the Muslim Brotherhood, and Saudi Arabia
In regards to Israel how is one man's death mean we are turning our back on Israel...........
It has nothing to do with it, and we have not done so yet.... just that we could be the Nation that does....

so supporting the way the President has handled this, simply because you or I or anyone supporting Israel, thinks that killing journalists in this brutal manner can be lived with, as long as the Saudis help Israel... the enemy of my enemy is my friend kind of thing....

I don't think we will be rewarded by God for not speaking out or for the lies Trump has fumbled with regarding Khashoggi's brutal Murder...

ALSO, President Trump would back stab Israel in a heartbeat if it was to his advantage, he is truly not loyal to ANYONE, but himself.... just be careful and keep yourself aware of the way things are really like...
I do not believe Trump would abandon Israel..............and any ties to Israel over there with the crown prince of Saudi Arabia would be in stopping the shift of power of Iran that has happened. Neither side really likes each other so any agreement between the 2 would be on the terms of the enemy of mine enemy is my friend.

Saudi Arabia is in a war with Yemen and primarily proxy fighters from Iran. The Shia want control of the region and so does the Sunni's..........and the War between the 2 nations by proxy has spread. Should shia get dominance in the region then I think it puts Israel in a bad spot..........not Saudi Arabia.........

Opinion | The U.S. is wrong about the Muslim Brotherhood — and the Arab world is suffering for it

Article from Jamal Khashoggi

Shows he favored the Muslim Brotherhood and disagreed with Egypts move when they ousted the Muslim Brotherhood. He's entitled to his opinion but I completely disagree. Egypt outlawed the Muslim Brotherhood there. Then they set up a no man's land that supplied fighters that would use this to attack Israel...............They destroyed the tunnels and stopped supplies from leaving Egypt. That favors Israel..........and if you remember they were burning Christian Churches to the ground during this. The Obama administration was against this and DEMANDED that the Muslim Brotherhood be back in power and allowed to run for election there.............Should they have gained control the tunnels and supplies would have continued to flow for the purpose of attacking Israel.

I disagreed with Obama then...........and I disagree with Khashoggi's article.

The Muslim Brotherhood has funded pretty much every major terror group in the region...........Khashoggi was a mouth piece for the org.
In regards to Israel how is one man's death mean we are turning our back on Israel...........
It has nothing to do with it, and we have not done so yet.... just that we could be the Nation that does....

so supporting the way the President has handled this, simply because you or I or anyone supporting Israel, thinks that killing journalists in this brutal manner can be lived with, as long as the Saudis help Israel... the enemy of my enemy is my friend kind of thing....

I don't think we will be rewarded by God for not speaking out or for the lies Trump has fumbled with regarding Khashoggi's brutal Murder...

ALSO, President Trump would back stab Israel in a heartbeat if it was to his advantage, he is truly not loyal to ANYONE, but himself.... just be careful and keep yourself aware of the way things are really like...
I do not believe Trump would abandon Israel..............and any ties to Israel over there with the crown prince of Saudi Arabia would be in stopping the shift of power of Iran that has happened. Neither side really likes each other so any agreement between the 2 would be on the terms of the enemy of mine enemy is my friend.

Saudi Arabia is in a war with Yemen and primarily proxy fighters from Iran. The Shia want control of the region and so does the Sunni's..........and the War between the 2 nations by proxy has spread. Should shia get dominance in the region then I think it puts Israel in a bad spot..........not Saudi Arabia.........

Opinion | The U.S. is wrong about the Muslim Brotherhood — and the Arab world is suffering for it

Article from Jamal Khashoggi

Shows he favored the Muslim Brotherhood and disagreed with Egypts move when they ousted the Muslim Brotherhood. He's entitled to his opinion but I completely disagree. Egypt outlawed the Muslim Brotherhood there. Then they set up a no man's land that supplied fighters that would use this to attack Israel...............They destroyed the tunnels and stopped supplies from leaving Egypt. That favors Israel..........and if you remember they were burning Christian Churches to the ground during this. The Obama administration was against this and DEMANDED that the Muslim Brotherhood be back in power and allowed to run for election there.............Should they have gained control the tunnels and supplies would have continued to flow for the purpose of attacking Israel.

I disagreed with Obama then...........and I disagree with Khashoggi's article.

The Muslim Brotherhood has funded pretty much every major terror group in the region...........Khashoggi was a mouth piece for the org.
On Saudia Arabia and the Crown Prince having nothing to do with the Kashoggi killing..any other Trump supporters here feel the same way? We kiss Saudi Arabia's ass just as much as we kiss Israel's and its disturbing.

I don't know if TRUMP believes the Prince or just doesn't feel Kashoggi's death is worth destabilizing the middle east. Kashoggi was involved in promoting the Muslim Brotherhood and Islamic extremism, SA is in the process of trying to reform Islam. Kashoggi was a former SA intelligence officer so he knew the dangers of directly opposing the Prince.

It's not about kissing SA's ass but more about choosing sides. I would choose SA over death to America Iran any day.

He's been bad mouthing the country and Prince for years. From what I understand, he told his fiancee that if he wasn't back in 15 minutes, to just get the hell out of there because he would likely be dead.
Opinion | With Ali Abdullah Saleh’s death, Saudi Arabia is paying the price for betraying the Arab Spring

In this article he wanted Saudi Arabia to allow the Arab Spring to bring democracy to Yemen..........but in doing so would allow the Iranian based Houthi's to possibly take control.............Which would put the Iranians on Saudi Arabia's back porch...........

Given that Iran and Saudi Arabia were basically at War already........was a non player. He blames the Saudi's for the human tragedy there........yet doesn't place enough blame on the Iranians who armed them to overthrow the gov't.



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