I am a Trump supporter but I disagree with his decision

No, not just condemning but taking action against the country would likely lead to ramifications. That's why I asked, what was Trump supposed to do? What good would condemning him do?

This guy wasn't even an American citizen. Brutality and torturous deaths go on in the middle-east all the time.
What was he supposed to do? Uh take the word of our CIA and publicly announce that the princes action were unacceptable and institute sanctions that send a message that that behavior won’t be tolerated. It’s what leaders do. Not take our enemies side against our intel agencies and pretend like it all didn’t happen because he wants to preserve a fucking arms deal.

Okay, and after the sanctions, Saudi's get Opec to reduct oil production causing an increase in fuel prices--especially in the US. Our prices increase, it has an effect on our economy, and the left will support those sanctions and higher fuel prices?

You must be kidding yourself if you think that would be the result of sanctions.

The people in the middle-east deal with their own kind in their own ways. What would be the result if we condemned and sanctioned every middle-east country that dealt with their citizens that way?
You really don’t understand leverage do you. They need us more than we need them. You act like we should be bending over for them because of oil prices. I thought when trump gets hit he hits back harder. So where is that hard hit? He either doesn’t give a shit about dismembering a journalist or he’s got his nuts in the hands of the Saudi’s

When did Trump get hit in this event?

Why should he give a shit about how somebody got murdered; a non-citizen to be exact? What do you expect a US President to do every time he dislikes an assassination in a foreign country?
This situation was quite different than that and you know it. Don't play dumb

Why is this different? He was a middle-east guy who heavily criticized the Prince and the country repeatedly. He knew he was on their shit-list for many years now. He had to run to Europe to hide in exile.

This cat was no angel by any stretch of the imagination. He was a troublemaker and everybody knew it.

Don't worry about what happens in the middle-east between these people. For crying out loud, if anybody had anything on the Clintons, they mysteriously got killed or died and nobody on the left says a thing. That's what you should be more concerned about--what shady things go on in this country.
What was he supposed to do? Uh take the word of our CIA and publicly announce that the princes action were unacceptable and institute sanctions that send a message that that behavior won’t be tolerated. It’s what leaders do. Not take our enemies side against our intel agencies and pretend like it all didn’t happen because he wants to preserve a fucking arms deal.

Okay, and after the sanctions, Saudi's get Opec to reduct oil production causing an increase in fuel prices--especially in the US. Our prices increase, it has an effect on our economy, and the left will support those sanctions and higher fuel prices?

You must be kidding yourself if you think that would be the result of sanctions.

The people in the middle-east deal with their own kind in their own ways. What would be the result if we condemned and sanctioned every middle-east country that dealt with their citizens that way?
You really don’t understand leverage do you. They need us more than we need them. You act like we should be bending over for them because of oil prices. I thought when trump gets hit he hits back harder. So where is that hard hit? He either doesn’t give a shit about dismembering a journalist or he’s got his nuts in the hands of the Saudi’s

When did Trump get hit in this event?

Why should he give a shit about how somebody got murdered; a non-citizen to be exact? What do you expect a US President to do every time he dislikes an assassination in a foreign country?
This situation was quite different than that and you know it. Don't play dumb

Why is this different? He was a middle-east guy who heavily criticized the Prince and the country repeatedly. He knew he was on their shit-list for many years now. He had to run to Europe to hide in exile.

This cat was no angel by any stretch of the imagination. He was a troublemaker and everybody knew it.

Don't worry about what happens in the middle-east between these people. For crying out loud, if anybody had anything on the Clintons, they mysteriously got killed or died and nobody on the left says a thing. That's what you should be more concerned about--what shady things go on in this country.
Wow, listen to yourself. You’re so deep in Trumps butthole you are actually trying to make excuses and justifications for the dismembership and murder of another human. Even threw a “whatabout” distraction about Clinton in there. That’s pathetic Ray. Wake up
Okay, and after the sanctions, Saudi's get Opec to reduct oil production causing an increase in fuel prices--especially in the US. Our prices increase, it has an effect on our economy, and the left will support those sanctions and higher fuel prices?

You must be kidding yourself if you think that would be the result of sanctions.

The people in the middle-east deal with their own kind in their own ways. What would be the result if we condemned and sanctioned every middle-east country that dealt with their citizens that way?
You really don’t understand leverage do you. They need us more than we need them. You act like we should be bending over for them because of oil prices. I thought when trump gets hit he hits back harder. So where is that hard hit? He either doesn’t give a shit about dismembering a journalist or he’s got his nuts in the hands of the Saudi’s

When did Trump get hit in this event?

Why should he give a shit about how somebody got murdered; a non-citizen to be exact? What do you expect a US President to do every time he dislikes an assassination in a foreign country?
This situation was quite different than that and you know it. Don't play dumb

Why is this different? He was a middle-east guy who heavily criticized the Prince and the country repeatedly. He knew he was on their shit-list for many years now. He had to run to Europe to hide in exile.

This cat was no angel by any stretch of the imagination. He was a troublemaker and everybody knew it.

Don't worry about what happens in the middle-east between these people. For crying out loud, if anybody had anything on the Clintons, they mysteriously got killed or died and nobody on the left says a thing. That's what you should be more concerned about--what shady things go on in this country.
Wow, listen to yourself. You’re so deep in Trumps butthole you are actually trying to make excuses and justifications for the dismembership and murder of another human. Even threw a “whatabout” distraction about Clinton in there. That’s pathetic Ray. Wake up

The only thing I'm trying to justify is that it's not really our concern; at least not enough to risk losing deals we have with the country. You want to punish 315 million Americans for this one middle-east guy. And if Trump would do that, you'd be the first here to bitch about how much we are paying in gasoline or what steps Iran is taking to advance their agenda against us.

This is the middle-east for crying out loud. They've tortured babies, they've stoned women to death. They've lit people on fire and watched them burn until they died. There is nothing we can do about that.
On Saudia Arabia and the Crown Prince having nothing to do with the Kashoggi killing..any other Trump supporters here feel the same way? We kiss Saudi Arabia's ass just as much as we kiss Israel's and its disturbing.

Gas prices have looked great for two years. Who gives a shit how Trump handles it.

  • Saudis tend to be creeps, like all other Arabs tend to be, there's little difference in civilization between rich, and poor Arab states, it seems to be a symptom of their racial condition, and culture.
The U.S.A has chosen some of the worst allies in the World, like Saudis, and Israelis, while isolating actual historic closer allies like France, Poland, and Britain.

You can't make this up, the U.S.A is sitting with "Snakes" with such "Snakes" who needs enemies??????

Absolutely Saudis are "Snakes".
It is clear that the left wants Trump to destroy the relationship between the US and Saudi Arabia. That will give them a great opportunity to be horrified that Trump alienated yet another ally and made the middle east a much more dangerous place.
It is clear that the left wants Trump to destroy the relationship between the US and Saudi Arabia. That will give them a great opportunity to be horrified that Trump alienated yet another ally and made the middle east a much more dangerous place.

As I pointed out repeatedly, it doesn't matter what Trump does or doesn't do, they will negatively criticism him no matter what. Trump knows this, so he's just going to do what he thinks is right.

Trump has been President for nearly two years, and he's done a lot of things for this country. For the life of me, I can't think of one thing he's done that didn't draw negative criticism from the left.........not one.
No, I agree. I get that the Saudis are an ally... I get that. But we give them way too much leeway.

Yes, but we do something against them and oil prices go up causing us to start paying $3.50 per gallon of gasoline which would have a negative effect on our growing economy............. all for one guy?
Why? We have TONS of oil here why do we still depend on Saudi Arabia? I don't understand that.

Oil is international not domestic. Our oil here goes all over the world as well. But I think the bigger spike would come from the commodities investors who don't like any destabilization in the oil market, and prices are set through the commodities market.

Trombies love globalism when it comes to oil.

It's not a matter of what we love or hate, it's how the oil market works and little can be done about it. Oil is a commodity like all the other commodities. It's product that is traded around the world.

Sure. And that is why we need global laws.
Rand Paul said this: No debate on his opinion.
"My main objection to this whole thing is that the war in Yemen is a tragedy, like most wars, but it's a particular tragedy because they're one of the poorest countries on the planet," Paul said, noting the famine conditions and cholera epidemic the Saudi intervention has produced. These are "things that don't happen in the modern world, really, anymore," he continued, "and so I think it is something that we should not be participating in."
"My main objection to this whole thing is that the war in Yemen is a tragedy, like most wars, but it's a particular tragedy because they're one of the poorest countries on the planet," Paul said, noting the famine conditions and cholera epidemic the Saudi intervention has produced. These are "things that don't happen in the modern world, really, anymore," he continued, "and so I think it is something that we should not be participating in."“If you ask me who's the worst at spreading hatred and trying to engender terrorism around the world, it's Saudi Arabia, hands down,”
Rand Paul: Saudi Arabia is Number One at Spreading Terror
And I definitely agree with this 100%
Senator Rand Paul‏Verified account @RandPaul

The President indicates that Saudi Arabia is the lesser two evils compared to Iran and so the US won’t punish Saudi Arabia for the brutal killing and dismemberment of a dissident journalist in their consulate. I disagree.

12:26 PM - 20 Nov 2018

More Nationals from Saudi Arabia than any other country comprise of ISIS and al Qaeda.
And who can forget 9/11?
You really don’t understand leverage do you. They need us more than we need them. You act like we should be bending over for them because of oil prices. I thought when trump gets hit he hits back harder. So where is that hard hit? He either doesn’t give a shit about dismembering a journalist or he’s got his nuts in the hands of the Saudi’s

When did Trump get hit in this event?

Why should he give a shit about how somebody got murdered; a non-citizen to be exact? What do you expect a US President to do every time he dislikes an assassination in a foreign country?
This situation was quite different than that and you know it. Don't play dumb

Why is this different? He was a middle-east guy who heavily criticized the Prince and the country repeatedly. He knew he was on their shit-list for many years now. He had to run to Europe to hide in exile.

This cat was no angel by any stretch of the imagination. He was a troublemaker and everybody knew it.

Don't worry about what happens in the middle-east between these people. For crying out loud, if anybody had anything on the Clintons, they mysteriously got killed or died and nobody on the left says a thing. That's what you should be more concerned about--what shady things go on in this country.
Wow, listen to yourself. You’re so deep in Trumps butthole you are actually trying to make excuses and justifications for the dismembership and murder of another human. Even threw a “whatabout” distraction about Clinton in there. That’s pathetic Ray. Wake up

The only thing I'm trying to justify is that it's not really our concern; at least not enough to risk losing deals we have with the country. You want to punish 315 million Americans for this one middle-east guy. And if Trump would do that, you'd be the first here to bitch about how much we are paying in gasoline or what steps Iran is taking to advance their agenda against us.

This is the middle-east for crying out loud. They've tortured babies, they've stoned women to death. They've lit people on fire and watched them burn until they died. There is nothing we can do about that.
Trump ain’t controlling the gas prices as much as he tries to make you think he is. They are still higher than they were last year at this time. This was an American green card holder and member of the media so the actions taken against him were an attack on the right of a free press which we hold dear in this country, at least some of us do. Plus the fact that it was ordered by the leader of a country makes it even worse. Just do yourself a favor and get out of this rabbit hole. Neither you or Trump can make it ok no matter how hard you try and spin it.
I am a Trump supporter, and have no problem criticizing him, and have in the past like on his signing the last budget. However, I don't know enough about this issue to criticize him yet. I don't think all the facts have come out yet. I do know the Saudi's and OPEC hate Trump for our Energy Policy which promotes maximizing U.S. domestic production of fossil fuels to reduce our need for foreign oil.
I'm sure Trump knows Saudia Arabia and the Crown Prince are responsible but what's the alternative to what Trump did kick Saudia Arabia to the curb and give Iran and Russia more power and influence in the region? That doesn't strike me as being a positive for the region, America or the world it's no secret Saudia Arabia is not a great ally but they are a necessary one I have heard a lot of people say Trump should have taken a more middle ground response here but I don't know what that would be and I have not heard anyone else clarify that. Sadly part of international politics is having alliances with countries you don't really like.

This sort of appeasement is exactly what people said about Hitler in the early 30's. Well yeah, he's a little unhinged about the Jews, but at least he's not a Communist. If we don't make nice with him, he'll just go make an alliance with Stalin and then where will we be?

Here's an even worse example: the US tolerated all sorts of murders by the Shah of Iran who abused his own people at will, and even murdered members of his own family. The clerics were appalled by his lack of morality and the radical religious clerics overthrew him and have turned on the US as a result.

If the United States isn't even prepared to pay lip service to the very ideals of decency and fair play that you claim the country was founded on, why should anyone believe any that you will do the right thing.
When did Trump get hit in this event?

Why should he give a shit about how somebody got murdered; a non-citizen to be exact? What do you expect a US President to do every time he dislikes an assassination in a foreign country?
This situation was quite different than that and you know it. Don't play dumb

Why is this different? He was a middle-east guy who heavily criticized the Prince and the country repeatedly. He knew he was on their shit-list for many years now. He had to run to Europe to hide in exile.

This cat was no angel by any stretch of the imagination. He was a troublemaker and everybody knew it.

Don't worry about what happens in the middle-east between these people. For crying out loud, if anybody had anything on the Clintons, they mysteriously got killed or died and nobody on the left says a thing. That's what you should be more concerned about--what shady things go on in this country.
Wow, listen to yourself. You’re so deep in Trumps butthole you are actually trying to make excuses and justifications for the dismembership and murder of another human. Even threw a “whatabout” distraction about Clinton in there. That’s pathetic Ray. Wake up

The only thing I'm trying to justify is that it's not really our concern; at least not enough to risk losing deals we have with the country. You want to punish 315 million Americans for this one middle-east guy. And if Trump would do that, you'd be the first here to bitch about how much we are paying in gasoline or what steps Iran is taking to advance their agenda against us.

This is the middle-east for crying out loud. They've tortured babies, they've stoned women to death. They've lit people on fire and watched them burn until they died. There is nothing we can do about that.
Trump ain’t controlling the gas prices as much as he tries to make you think he is. They are still higher than they were last year at this time. This was an American green card holder and member of the media so the actions taken against him were an attack on the right of a free press which we hold dear in this country, at least some of us do. Plus the fact that it was ordered by the leader of a country makes it even worse. Just do yourself a favor and get out of this rabbit hole. Neither you or Trump can make it ok no matter how hard you try and spin it.

Because had had a green card it becomes our concern?

Gasoline is incredibly cheap in relation to the economy. Usually when you have a booming economy, gasoline prices skyrocket because the more economic activity, the more fuel consumption.

I’ve spent enough time studying and trading commodities to understand what any kind of bad news does to the prices. So I do believe the least disruption of any kind could send ours fuel prices soaring because they are pretty reasonable considering.

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No, no, no.....TRUMP likes Saudi Dick. Right up his fat ass.
Anything for money and he's getting a hell of a kick back.
Thank the lord we took the nation back from you freaks.....

Oooh, looks like I struck a nerve.
Trump prostitutes himself to every dictator in the world and you say "we took the nation back"
Trump is GIVING it away to Xi, Putin, KJU and MBS, you stupid fucking idiot.
This situation was quite different than that and you know it. Don't play dumb

Why is this different? He was a middle-east guy who heavily criticized the Prince and the country repeatedly. He knew he was on their shit-list for many years now. He had to run to Europe to hide in exile.

This cat was no angel by any stretch of the imagination. He was a troublemaker and everybody knew it.

Don't worry about what happens in the middle-east between these people. For crying out loud, if anybody had anything on the Clintons, they mysteriously got killed or died and nobody on the left says a thing. That's what you should be more concerned about--what shady things go on in this country.
Wow, listen to yourself. You’re so deep in Trumps butthole you are actually trying to make excuses and justifications for the dismembership and murder of another human. Even threw a “whatabout” distraction about Clinton in there. That’s pathetic Ray. Wake up

The only thing I'm trying to justify is that it's not really our concern; at least not enough to risk losing deals we have with the country. You want to punish 315 million Americans for this one middle-east guy. And if Trump would do that, you'd be the first here to bitch about how much we are paying in gasoline or what steps Iran is taking to advance their agenda against us.

This is the middle-east for crying out loud. They've tortured babies, they've stoned women to death. They've lit people on fire and watched them burn until they died. There is nothing we can do about that.
Trump ain’t controlling the gas prices as much as he tries to make you think he is. They are still higher than they were last year at this time. This was an American green card holder and member of the media so the actions taken against him were an attack on the right of a free press which we hold dear in this country, at least some of us do. Plus the fact that it was ordered by the leader of a country makes it even worse. Just do yourself a favor and get out of this rabbit hole. Neither you or Trump can make it ok no matter how hard you try and spin it.

Because had had a green card it becomes our concern?

Gasoline is incredibly cheap in relation to the economy. Usually when you have a booming economy, gasoline prices skyrocket because the more economic activity, the more fuel consumption.

I’ve spent enough time studying and trading commodities to understand what any kind of bad news does to the prices. So I do believe the least disruption of any kind could send ours fuel prices soaring because they are pretty reasonable considering.

Sent from my iPad using USMessageBoard.com
It’s our concern for all the reasons I listed. You obviously don’t give a shit, neither does Trump. That’s fine. I have a different opinion
Read it
NYTimes ^

Mr. Trump’s sidestepping of reports that the C.I.A. believes that Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman ordered the killing as “Maybe he did and maybe he didn’t!” was jarring. But every president since Harry Truman has aligned with unsavory Middle Eastern rulers in the service of national interests. The difference here is that Mr. Trump seemed unapologetic about this state of affairs with only a passing nod to the affront to our values that Mr. Khashoggi’s murder represents.

That’s nothing to cheer. But it is vitally important to evaluate the policy on its merits more than its mode of expression. And the truth is that on the big strategic questions, Mr. Trump is cleareyed and right.


Mr. Trump’s critics counter with the claim that he is emboldening evil. Samantha Power, former ambassador to the United Nations, cited autocrats like Rodrigo Duterte of the Philippines, Abdel Fattah el-Sisi of Egypt and Vladimir Putin of Russia, in addition to Prince Mohammed, in saying that “Trump’s siding with the meanest and nastiest out there” will “leave the world even nastier.”


Notably absent from Ms. Power’s list of evildoers, however, are Iran and its proxies. The omission is telling. As part of its pivot toward Iran and away from the Sunni states and Israel, the Obama administration turned a blind eye to the slaughter in Syria that Moscow, Tehran and its proxies unleashed, and, thanks to the nuclear deal, delivered countless billions to the Iranian war machine.

His critics would say that Mr. Trump is now similarly emboldening a reckless Saudi regime.

This is a false analogy. The Saudis are not the moral equivalents of Iranians and the Russians
On Saudia Arabia and the Crown Prince having nothing to do with the Kashoggi killing..any other Trump supporters here feel the same way? We kiss Saudi Arabia's ass just as much as we kiss Israel's and its disturbing.

So what could Trump do that wouldn't result in retaliation against the US causing oil prices to go skywards?
Worse we have 100s of thousands of ex patriot citizens there working for US while helping Saudi Arabia. Do you think they could be put in danger if some jack ass liberal decided to piss off the crown? I lived over there for 5 1/2 years, you dont piss on the royals and they dont cut your head off....

That’s perfectly acceptable to you. Isn’t it?
Was totally acceptable to Obama and Hillary, and you who voted for the crooked bitch. Kashoggi was friends with Osama Bin Laden, if I remember correctly you wanted Osama killed for attack NYC and cheered when finally Osama got it in the head , so the Saudi's did a preemptive strike before Kashoggi did it again. Now you are friends with Osama and his friends?
On Saudia Arabia and the Crown Prince having nothing to do with the Kashoggi killing..any other Trump supporters here feel the same way? We kiss Saudi Arabia's ass just as much as we kiss Israel's and its disturbing.

No, I agree. I get that the Saudis are an ally... I get that. But we give them way too much leeway.

Yes, but we do something against them and oil prices go up causing us to start paying $3.50 per gallon of gasoline which would have a negative effect on our growing economy............. all for one guy?
Why? We have TONS of oil here why do we still depend on Saudi Arabia? I don't understand that.

Oil is international not domestic. Our oil here goes all over the world as well. But I think the bigger spike would come from the commodities investors who don't like any destabilization in the oil market, and prices are set through the commodities market.

Trombies love globalism when it comes to oil.
Libtards love globalism when it comes to poverty and misery, that is Liberal Fairness...

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