I am a Trump supporter but I disagree with his decision

On Saudia Arabia and the Crown Prince having nothing to do with the Kashoggi killing..any other Trump supporters here feel the same way? We kiss Saudi Arabia's ass just as much as we kiss Israel's and its disturbing.

So what could Trump do that wouldn't result in retaliation against the US causing oil prices to go skywards?
Come on Ray! Look how much shit Trump talks about Canada and look how much oil we buy from them. Are you saying his shit talk raises oil prices?

It's not likely Canada would cut production.
And you think Saudi Arabia would if Trump condemned the Prince for dissecting a man?

No, not just condemning but taking action against the country would likely lead to ramifications. That's why I asked, what was Trump supposed to do? What good would condemning him do?

This guy wasn't even an American citizen. Brutality and torturous deaths go on in the middle-east all the time.
What was he supposed to do? Uh take the word of our CIA and publicly announce that the princes action were unacceptable and institute sanctions that send a message that that behavior won’t be tolerated. It’s what leaders do. Not take our enemies side against our intel agencies and pretend like it all didn’t happen because he wants to preserve a fucking arms deal.
When did we fight Khashoggi?
He was a proud vocal member of the Muslim brotherhood...the Muslim Brotherhood supports sharia law and the Jihad....they are against the Muslim world entering or economically engaging with the western world....Saudi Arabia is the mecca for the Muslim world...for them to side with the US and Israel enrages the Muslim Brotherhood....Khashoggi had more in common with our enemy than the 2018 Saudi Arabian leaders....
So what could Trump do that wouldn't result in retaliation against the US causing oil prices to go skywards?
Come on Ray! Look how much shit Trump talks about Canada and look how much oil we buy from them. Are you saying his shit talk raises oil prices?

It's not likely Canada would cut production.
And you think Saudi Arabia would if Trump condemned the Prince for dissecting a man?

No, not just condemning but taking action against the country would likely lead to ramifications. That's why I asked, what was Trump supposed to do? What good would condemning him do?

This guy wasn't even an American citizen. Brutality and torturous deaths go on in the middle-east all the time.
What was he supposed to do? Uh take the word of our CIA and publicly announce that the princes action were unacceptable and institute sanctions that send a message that that behavior won’t be tolerated. It’s what leaders do. Not take our enemies side against our intel agencies and pretend like it all didn’t happen because he wants to preserve a fucking arms deal.

Okay, and after the sanctions, Saudi's get Opec to reduct oil production causing an increase in fuel prices--especially in the US. Our prices increase, it has an effect on our economy, and the left will support those sanctions and higher fuel prices?

You must be kidding yourself if you think that would be the result of sanctions.

The people in the middle-east deal with their own kind in their own ways. What would be the result if we condemned and sanctioned every middle-east country that dealt with their citizens that way?
Come on Ray! Look how much shit Trump talks about Canada and look how much oil we buy from them. Are you saying his shit talk raises oil prices?

It's not likely Canada would cut production.
And you think Saudi Arabia would if Trump condemned the Prince for dissecting a man?

No, not just condemning but taking action against the country would likely lead to ramifications. That's why I asked, what was Trump supposed to do? What good would condemning him do?

This guy wasn't even an American citizen. Brutality and torturous deaths go on in the middle-east all the time.
What was he supposed to do? Uh take the word of our CIA and publicly announce that the princes action were unacceptable and institute sanctions that send a message that that behavior won’t be tolerated. It’s what leaders do. Not take our enemies side against our intel agencies and pretend like it all didn’t happen because he wants to preserve a fucking arms deal.

Okay, and after the sanctions, Saudi's get Opec to reduct oil production causing an increase in fuel prices--especially in the US. Our prices increase, it has an effect on our economy, and the left will support those sanctions and higher fuel prices?

You must be kidding yourself if you think that would be the result of sanctions.

The people in the middle-east deal with their own kind in their own ways. What would be the result if we condemned and sanctioned every middle-east country that dealt with their citizens that way?
You really don’t understand leverage do you. They need us more than we need them. You act like we should be bending over for them because of oil prices. I thought when trump gets hit he hits back harder. So where is that hard hit? He either doesn’t give a shit about dismembering a journalist or he’s got his nuts in the hands of the Saudi’s
It's not likely Canada would cut production.
And you think Saudi Arabia would if Trump condemned the Prince for dissecting a man?

No, not just condemning but taking action against the country would likely lead to ramifications. That's why I asked, what was Trump supposed to do? What good would condemning him do?

This guy wasn't even an American citizen. Brutality and torturous deaths go on in the middle-east all the time.
What was he supposed to do? Uh take the word of our CIA and publicly announce that the princes action were unacceptable and institute sanctions that send a message that that behavior won’t be tolerated. It’s what leaders do. Not take our enemies side against our intel agencies and pretend like it all didn’t happen because he wants to preserve a fucking arms deal.

Okay, and after the sanctions, Saudi's get Opec to reduct oil production causing an increase in fuel prices--especially in the US. Our prices increase, it has an effect on our economy, and the left will support those sanctions and higher fuel prices?

You must be kidding yourself if you think that would be the result of sanctions.

The people in the middle-east deal with their own kind in their own ways. What would be the result if we condemned and sanctioned every middle-east country that dealt with their citizens that way?
You really don’t understand leverage do you. They need us more than we need them. You act like we should be bending over for them because of oil prices. I thought when trump gets hit he hits back harder. So where is that hard hit? He either doesn’t give a shit about dismembering a journalist or he’s got his nuts in the hands of the Saudi’s

When did Trump get hit in this event?

Why should he give a shit about how somebody got murdered; a non-citizen to be exact? What do you expect a US President to do every time he dislikes an assassination in a foreign country?
And you think Saudi Arabia would if Trump condemned the Prince for dissecting a man?

No, not just condemning but taking action against the country would likely lead to ramifications. That's why I asked, what was Trump supposed to do? What good would condemning him do?

This guy wasn't even an American citizen. Brutality and torturous deaths go on in the middle-east all the time.
What was he supposed to do? Uh take the word of our CIA and publicly announce that the princes action were unacceptable and institute sanctions that send a message that that behavior won’t be tolerated. It’s what leaders do. Not take our enemies side against our intel agencies and pretend like it all didn’t happen because he wants to preserve a fucking arms deal.

Okay, and after the sanctions, Saudi's get Opec to reduct oil production causing an increase in fuel prices--especially in the US. Our prices increase, it has an effect on our economy, and the left will support those sanctions and higher fuel prices?

You must be kidding yourself if you think that would be the result of sanctions.

The people in the middle-east deal with their own kind in their own ways. What would be the result if we condemned and sanctioned every middle-east country that dealt with their citizens that way?
You really don’t understand leverage do you. They need us more than we need them. You act like we should be bending over for them because of oil prices. I thought when trump gets hit he hits back harder. So where is that hard hit? He either doesn’t give a shit about dismembering a journalist or he’s got his nuts in the hands of the Saudi’s

When did Trump get hit in this event?

Why should he give a shit about how somebody got murdered; a non-citizen to be exact? What do you expect a US President to do every time he dislikes an assassination in a foreign country?
This situation was quite different than that and you know it. Don't play dumb
When did we fight Khashoggi?
He was a proud vocal member of the Muslim brotherhood...the Muslim Brotherhood supports sharia law and the Jihad....they are against the Muslim world entering or economically engaging with the western world....Saudi Arabia is the mecca for the Muslim world...for them to side with the US and Israel enrages the Muslim Brotherhood....Khashoggi had more in common with our enemy than the 2018 Saudi Arabian leaders....
And you got this BULL CRAP from where? The Saudi operatives who put it in to the right wing media for fools to believe?

Obama was muslim brotherhood too, eh?

silly silly boy.
This kind of shit happens in the middle east all the time............harsh but true..........

Can't shoot ourselves in the foot over it though...........the place is already unstable enough.....and actions against them would give the shia more dominance in the region...........the balance is out of wack and the place is death trap already.

So state sponsored murder is okay with you?
Who the fuck said that. ........I didn't...........but you would have us shoot ourselves in the foot for one guy. A guy with ties to the Muslim Brotherhood.

It isn't our country..........the crime happened in Turkey...........why doesn't Turkey prosecute the crimes.........What about the EU.......are they chopped liver.........why don't they do something for a change.............Our currency is tied to oil and Saudi is a major player in the world, and they can help screw us........Well our debt is screwing us............If the world goes off the dollar we are screwed........

Grow the hell up.........
This kind of shit happens in the middle east all the time............harsh but true..........

Can't shoot ourselves in the foot over it though...........the place is already unstable enough.....and actions against them would give the shia more dominance in the region...........the balance is out of wack and the place is death trap already.

So state sponsored murder is okay with you?
Who the fuck said that. ........I didn't...........but you would have us shoot ourselves in the foot for one guy. A guy with ties to the Muslim Brotherhood.

It isn't our country..........the crime happened in Turkey...........why doesn't Turkey prosecute the crimes.........What about the EU.......are they chopped liver.........why don't they do something for a change.............Our currency is tied to oil and Saudi is a major player in the world, and they can help screw us........Well our debt is screwing us............If the world goes off the dollar we are screwed........

Grow the hell up.........
what makes you think if it were handled differently in a diplomatic sense, any of what you fear would happen?

this isn't a zero sum game, imo and the way President Trump handled it, is an embarrassment, to human kind.... a TOTAL DISGRACE to our nation.... and no one can deny that... not even you Eagle.
This kind of shit happens in the middle east all the time............harsh but true..........

Can't shoot ourselves in the foot over it though...........the place is already unstable enough.....and actions against them would give the shia more dominance in the region...........the balance is out of wack and the place is death trap already.

So state sponsored murder is okay with you?
Who the fuck said that. ........I didn't...........but you would have us shoot ourselves in the foot for one guy. A guy with ties to the Muslim Brotherhood.

It isn't our country..........the crime happened in Turkey...........why doesn't Turkey prosecute the crimes.........What about the EU.......are they chopped liver.........why don't they do something for a change.............Our currency is tied to oil and Saudi is a major player in the world, and they can help screw us........Well our debt is screwing us............If the world goes off the dollar we are screwed........

Grow the hell up.........
what makes you think if it were handled differently in a diplomatic sense, any of what you fear would happen?

this isn't a zero sum game, imo and the way President Trump handled it, is an embarrassment, to human kind.... a TOTAL DISGRACE to our nation.... and no one can deny that... not even you Eagle.
And this guy I'm supposed to get upset about was best friends with Osama ...........both joined the Muslim Brotherhood ..........and both back then talked about an Islamic State..........the only area they disagreed on was Osama attacking the United States........

Why the hell should I care about this guy........so much so that we would damage ourselves when the crime didn't happen here.

I don't give a rats behind about someone who dreamed of an Islamic State and a member of the Muslim Brotherhood who has funded every terrorist group in the region.
This kind of shit happens in the middle east all the time............harsh but true..........

Can't shoot ourselves in the foot over it though...........the place is already unstable enough.....and actions against them would give the shia more dominance in the region...........the balance is out of wack and the place is death trap already.

So state sponsored murder is okay with you?
Who the fuck said that. ........I didn't...........but you would have us shoot ourselves in the foot for one guy. A guy with ties to the Muslim Brotherhood.

It isn't our country..........the crime happened in Turkey...........why doesn't Turkey prosecute the crimes.........What about the EU.......are they chopped liver.........why don't they do something for a change.............Our currency is tied to oil and Saudi is a major player in the world, and they can help screw us........Well our debt is screwing us............If the world goes off the dollar we are screwed........

Grow the hell up.........
what makes you think if it were handled differently in a diplomatic sense, any of what you fear would happen?

this isn't a zero sum game, imo and the way President Trump handled it, is an embarrassment, to human kind.... a TOTAL DISGRACE to our nation.... and no one can deny that... not even you Eagle.

Imagine the allowances they'd make for Israeli officials if they're happily allowing Muslims to murder the spouses of American citizens?
On Saudia Arabia and the Crown Prince having nothing to do with the Kashoggi killing..any other Trump supporters here feel the same way? We kiss Saudi Arabia's ass just as much as we kiss Israel's and its disturbing.

We should be good allies with Israel. Saudi Arabia, not so very much.
On Saudia Arabia and the Crown Prince having nothing to do with the Kashoggi killing..any other Trump supporters here feel the same way? We kiss Saudi Arabia's ass just as much as we kiss Israel's and its disturbing.
Kudos for speaking out and not falling inline with everything Trump does. You can support him and still disagree with some of the things he does.

Awwwww. How sweet!
On Saudia Arabia and the Crown Prince having nothing to do with the Kashoggi killing..any other Trump supporters here feel the same way? We kiss Saudi Arabia's ass just as much as we kiss Israel's and its disturbing.
When Al Qaeda killed 4 US citizens and one of them was an ambassador, what did Obama and Hillary do about it? At this point , who gives a shit about the "muslim brotherhood Kashoggi" getting killed....

Deflect? Who? Me?
On Saudia Arabia and the Crown Prince having nothing to do with the Kashoggi killing..any other Trump supporters here feel the same way? We kiss Saudi Arabia's ass just as much as we kiss Israel's and its disturbing.

So what could Trump do that wouldn't result in retaliation against the US causing oil prices to go skywards?
Worse we have 100s of thousands of ex patriot citizens there working for US while helping Saudi Arabia. Do you think they could be put in danger if some jack ass liberal decided to piss off the crown? I lived over there for 5 1/2 years, you dont piss on the royals and they dont cut your head off....

That’s perfectly acceptable to you. Isn’t it?
On Saudia Arabia and the Crown Prince having nothing to do with the Kashoggi killing..any other Trump supporters here feel the same way? We kiss Saudi Arabia's ass just as much as we kiss Israel's and its disturbing.

No, I agree. I get that the Saudis are an ally... I get that. But we give them way too much leeway.

Yes, but we do something against them and oil prices go up causing us to start paying $3.50 per gallon of gasoline which would have a negative effect on our growing economy............. all for one guy?
Why? We have TONS of oil here why do we still depend on Saudi Arabia? I don't understand that.

Oil is international not domestic. Our oil here goes all over the world as well. But I think the bigger spike would come from the commodities investors who don't like any destabilization in the oil market, and prices are set through the commodities market.

Trombies love globalism when it comes to oil.
On Saudia Arabia and the Crown Prince having nothing to do with the Kashoggi killing..any other Trump supporters here feel the same way? We kiss Saudi Arabia's ass just as much as we kiss Israel's and its disturbing.

No, I agree. I get that the Saudis are an ally... I get that. But we give them way too much leeway.

Yes, but we do something against them and oil prices go up causing us to start paying $3.50 per gallon of gasoline which would have a negative effect on our growing economy............. all for one guy?
Why? We have TONS of oil here why do we still depend on Saudi Arabia? I don't understand that.

Oil is international not domestic. Our oil here goes all over the world as well. But I think the bigger spike would come from the commodities investors who don't like any destabilization in the oil market, and prices are set through the commodities market.

Trombies love globalism when it comes to oil.

It's not a matter of what we love or hate, it's how the oil market works and little can be done about it. Oil is a commodity like all the other commodities. It's product that is traded around the world.
This kind of shit happens in the middle east all the time............harsh but true..........

Can't shoot ourselves in the foot over it though...........the place is already unstable enough.....and actions against them would give the shia more dominance in the region...........the balance is out of wack and the place is death trap already.

So state sponsored murder is okay with you?
Who the fuck said that. ........I didn't...........but you would have us shoot ourselves in the foot for one guy. A guy with ties to the Muslim Brotherhood.

It isn't our country..........the crime happened in Turkey...........why doesn't Turkey prosecute the crimes.........What about the EU.......are they chopped liver.........why don't they do something for a change.............Our currency is tied to oil and Saudi is a major player in the world, and they can help screw us........Well our debt is screwing us............If the world goes off the dollar we are screwed........

Grow the hell up.........
what makes you think if it were handled differently in a diplomatic sense, any of what you fear would happen?

this isn't a zero sum game, imo and the way President Trump handled it, is an embarrassment, to human kind.... a TOTAL DISGRACE to our nation.... and no one can deny that... not even you Eagle.

And you can't deny no matter how he handled it, you leftists would still be criticizing him. Name me one thing he's done where the left hasn't.
On Saudia Arabia and the Crown Prince having nothing to do with the Kashoggi killing..any other Trump supporters here feel the same way? We kiss Saudi Arabia's ass just as much as we kiss Israel's and its disturbing.
Thank you odium for your honesty in spliting with the pres on this. I find it abhorant that Trump handled it the way he did. Here is the thing though, I understand why he did it. We have intangled our selves with the saudis to the point where their oil is needed for our national defense. President Trump is in a real hard spot here, limiting our access to their oil could tank our economy and show real fissures in our defense to china and russia. China and russia do not give a fuck about the bad actions of Saudi Arabia and wil be more than willing to step into our role. I am afraid we are stuck with the saudis for the moment but should be doing every thing in our power to lesson the leverage they have on us. For once this is the president taking one for the team. He knows the way it looks for him but what choice does he realy have? We need that oil presently. He put america first on this.

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