I Am American, and I Respect Islam

History is full of stories of religion using violence as a means to an end. Islam is not unique it is just the current one being used to perpetrate violence.

Screw religion
Let's not. Religion holds a lot of otherwise wild people to certain sets of rules, most of which I see to be beneficial to peaceful existence.

It is seldom that one comes upon a religious doctrine that calls for the death of all those that do not believe such-and-such.

To my knowledge, Islam is the only one that holds this asinine, imbecilic belief...and carries out the plan.

FUCK ISLAM! (until they denounce what the bastard Muhammed taught them and adopt a non-violent attitude toward ALL peoples....good luck with that!)

ALL of Islam (not most, or even a respectable plurality!) does not believe their religion calls for that. ALL of Christianity does not include radical, fundamentalist and dominionists, either.

Just the ones who make the most noise and gain the most press.

If it wasn't for Sky you wouldn't know about dominionism at all.
Oh, and I would likely qualify to some as a member of the hyper religious. I dont want to control anyone.

Really. You don't want to keep gay marriage illegal or outlaw abortions?

I'd prefer if we had to do neither.

And no i dont want to keep gay marriage illegal, I just dont think it should recognized or that we should redefine marriage. Id like to keep the government out of homosexual relationships, it's a shame they have to be involved in any of the rest of our relationships.

And making abortion illegal doesnt control anyone any more than making murder illegal does. People sitll break the law. but we sure as heck shouldnt be blessing it

Abortion isn't blessed anywhere, although if your priests or pastors could get pregnant, making it a sacrament WOULD be number one on their list.

Meanwhile, there are PLENTY of Christian and Jewish churches that would perform the wedding ceremony for same gendered couples, and are prevented from having their blessings recognized by our supposedly secular laws because of a PREFERENCE for and state of PRIVILEGE granted to SOME churches over others, which is are direct violations of establishment and equal access.
Let's not. Religion holds a lot of otherwise wild people to certain sets of rules, most of which I see to be beneficial to peaceful existence.

It is seldom that one comes upon a religious doctrine that calls for the death of all those that do not believe such-and-such.

To my knowledge, Islam is the only one that holds this asinine, imbecilic belief...and carries out the plan.

FUCK ISLAM! (until they denounce what the bastard Muhammed taught them and adopt a non-violent attitude toward ALL peoples....good luck with that!)

ALL of Islam (not most, or even a respectable plurality!) does not believe their religion calls for that. ALL of Christianity does not include radical, fundamentalist and dominionists, either.

Just the ones who make the most noise and gain the most press.

If it wasn't for Sky you wouldn't know about dominionism at all.

WTF would you know about what I've learned, when I learned about it, or where? I learned about dominionist Christians long before I joined this forum, but how would that even be a point of order if your baseless supposition were true?
You could be blessed and those scribes will be jelouse of your girl. It's about African tribe larry hoover inheritance, I want to be recognized as the true expression inspired because of my success and love life loyalty I want sex with you in real life this is larry hoover.
by Abigail Disney
I love my country. I love it a lot. I love the world too. I love them both for the same reasons. They are exciting and interesting and full of all kinds of people and ideas. I know that when I open myself up to new people and experiences there is really no end to things I can learn and discover—no limit to the ways in which I can be made to feel humble in the face of people's greatness, or proud of people's accomplishments

Over the past few weeks, it has become clear that some people in my country have created an insulting vision of Islam, a degrading video on YouTube. I deplore their actions. Their values are foreign to me and I do not understand their hearts.

Those people do not represent their country, they do not represent my America. They inhabit the edges of society. The Americans I know do not insult the faith of others. The Americans I know have built a strong, vibrant, multi-faith society of Muslims, Christians, Jews, Buddhists, Hindus, Atheists and many others by embracing an ethic of respect and understanding. The Americans I know look into their own hearts, seeking to become more kind, more good, more decent. They know we must replace loathsome expressions of darkness with our own sincere gestures of loving kindness.

To build a culture of peace, we must repudiate hatred. This sign is a demonstration of our love. We stand for peace and we choose to drown out darkness with light.

Good people will always disagree with each other. But disagreement is much different from hatred. Even those who disagree with you about politics or religion are, on the whole, good and decent people who simply see the world in a different way.

We respect Islam. We love Islam. We love you. We know there is beauty in your faith and traditions. We hope to know it better, through peace and dialogue, bridging our cultures with calm and understanding


I Am American, and I Respect Islam | BlogHer

What does Islam respect.....besides JIhad?
Rereading the Disney article today puts a whole new meaning to its words.

She should be tied in a chair and watch a continuous loop of Foley ' s beheading for a couple of days.
I hate the gateway to rulers hip right now, every airport never had terrorist that means the door to kingdom honor by the word and reprove for the world technology and throne itself midway or Ohare the presidents in those foreign countries are worth money to the man on the streets of Chicago a holy city wih the public square and notable honorary rule for the future and then atonement
Rereading the Disney article today puts a whole new meaning to its words.

She should be tied in a chair and watch a continuous loop of Foley ' s beheading for a couple of days.

ISIS killed many Muslims before they began to kill Christians; not too many cared months ago. Murked did, I did, but many posted: "Muslims killing other Muslims, good".
I respect the peaceful muslims and the faith they practice.

I dont respect people who think they need to murder and oppress people because of religion.

Agreed Avatar. And I do not view ISIS as Islam, ISIS is evil(.)
I hate the gateway to rulers hip right now, every airport never had terrorist that means the door to kingdom honor by the word and reprove for the world technology and throne itself midway or Ohare the presidents in those foreign countries are worth money to the man on the streets of Chicago a holy city wih the public square and notable honorary rule for the future and then atonement

r u really in japan? i used to live there myself @billdad19912114 .
I can't respect a religion where it's acceptable to behead,bury alive,cut children in half,stone people to death...
And for what.A belief that was the rule thousands of years ago.
And why don't Muslims condemm this.
I can't respect a religion where it's acceptable to behead,bury alive,cut children in half,

Agreed, fellow lybyryl! Now hammer home your accurate description of this desert cult by posting the verses of the Qur'an that endorse these things so the Koranimals and their allies will have nowhere to hide and no excuses to make. You can't give up the struggle to rid ourselves of their "religion" halfway through, you have to go all the way and make sure those bigots never have the guts to come back to our board to face us again.
I can't respect a religion where it's acceptable to behead,bury alive,cut children in half,stone people to death...
And for what.A belief that was the rule thousands of years ago.
And why don't Muslims condemm this.
My question is why don't Americans condemn US bombing campaigns of other nations?

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