I am going to debate Donald Trump - Biden

Making excuses for Trump's incompetence and stupidity, yet again. Nothing is ever Donald Trump's Fault.

Having seen Trump's "Is it Dishonesty or Dementia" ad, I can't help but wonder if the guy who claimed Jimmy Connors was the Worst President in History before Biden, and Nicki Haley is responsible for January 6th, isn't projecting as he sits in Court during his first criminal trial.

No excuses. Court is boring for everyone.
I would simply post the indictment itself, and that I look forward to the deliberation of the Jury, approved by both sides.
I've read the indictment... it was just like the indictment of a ham sandwich... now... shouldn't everyone in America be able to say what the crime was that landed a popular former president in a courtroom?.... just how vague of a charge are you willing to put up with?.... this entire mess is sleezy and un American If you ask me... and since you are willing to join in the sleeze it says a lot about you....
I'm wondering if Trump is going access and recite various visitors from the WH visitor's logbook before the debate....

That's basically all he needs...

Then mention the Border disaster

Then the disaster at the SEC and Fed Reserve

and banking crisis (although Trump created the banking crisis with Obama administration holdovers).

The disaster with Afghanistan

The disaster in Ukraine (never needed to be fought if Joe had been halfway decent)

The sexualizing of children in public schools by repeatedly exposing them to perversion.

Double digit annual inflation. 2% this month alone. (Even Carter wasn't this bad)
Even with the absurd conditions Biden insisted on (no audience, only leftist media allowed, etc.) this will be a disaster for the frail, senile Joe Biden.

Joe Biden's approval rating stands at 35% (the lowest in American history at this point in his presidency).
Trump's approval rating is currently 55%.

These are odd requests no?

Trump should demand that no ear pieces are used and each debater can search the other for such devices. They can be difficult to find. They can also be drowned out by a loud crowd.

This is also risky for Biden as what if Trump suspects the fix is in with these unique requests, he can just say "no, it has been done this way for 60 years or whatever, why should it be different now?" He can then have a separate debate with the Green Party and RFK for instance.
It isn’t clear why Trump would accept the “terms” offered by Potato.

However, even so, the Potato is fucked. That demented old pervert is going to make an even bigger fool of himself than usual.

I suppose that’s why Trump accepted the crappy limitations proposed by the pussy President.
They have since Kennedy v Nixon, but we've never had a candidate in Biden's mental decline.

Biden isn't as sharp as the democrats make him out to be. But he's not a demented as the republicans make him out to be either.

Trump was a coward to not debate DeSantis. Someone who's 100% mentally sound and can back up his claims. Trump debating Biden, is going to be like a 20 years beating up a 90yr old in a fist fight.
I've read the indictment... it was just like the indictment of a ham sandwich... now... shouldn't everyone in America be able to say what the crime was that landed a popular former president in a courtroom?.... just how vague of a charge are you willing to put up with?.... this entire mess is sleezy and un American If you ask me... and since you are willing to join in the sleeze it says a lot about you....
What, exactly does this have to do with the debate, planned for the 27th? Or are you simply trying to change the subject? BTW, don't you already have an actual thread on that topic? Why don't you use that one. I think there is already a copy of the indictment there, as that is the answer.
About the Debate, it will be interesting what both sides get written into the rules.
I hear that CNN and ABC have already settled on a Special Moderator.

I really want to see these two old fucks stumble bumming around on stage

Comedy gold

And that’s coming from an old fuck

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