I am having a hard time coping with the reality of ISIS

Could just call a spade a spade and treat everyone who expresses religious ideas as mentally ill with medication. In time religious thinking will go away.
ISIS is like the Ebola virus. A horrible disease, but there are some people who are getting overly hysterical about it.

Those who exploit that fear are almost as evil as the leaders of ISIS. And those here at home who allow their fear to be exploited are as gullible as the dumb young fools dying over there for the financial gain and glory of old men.

We helped the people with ebola.

In this case, Obama won't even admit that ISIS is as strong as it is. And there seems to be zero empathy for the innocent people being slaughtered at an alarming rate. Do we wait until they are on our soil before we get serious?

We are involved now. Once we made the decision to get involved, we should have kicked ass instead of just making a half-hearted effort. If we aren't serious about wiping them out, then stay away and let other countries deal with it. Instead we are practically phoning it in. Obama needs to shit or get off the pot.

How many troops are you willing to put into Africa. Slaughter goes on there every day in a magnitude that makes the ME look like a playground.

How many Americans would you happily see killed in Africa trying to stop the slaughter there?

Give us a ballpark figure.

The hypocrisy of the right's selective outrage.
We Christians must do something with the ISIS..
It is high time for solving the problem.
I know they are not the only source of grave trouble in our broken world, but I feel so helpless. What can I do besides pray? I feel so small forgetting that these problems exist in our world and worrying only about my comparatively trite conflicts in my own life.
What is our response as Christians to these atrocities? I am not doubting God or exploring the problem of evil, but I do feel lost in search of a proper response.
I need help here.

You can go fight there as a US mercenary.

You know if a Christian dies fighting the infidels, he gets to go to Heaven where Jesus restores his virginity.

For eternity.
And with that Reader... You find the perspective of the feminized leftist male... and foolish covert supporter of Islam.

How much fighting do you plan to do in the Middle East?
So for fighting to need to be done in the Middle East, I need to be the one to do it!

ROFL... You're helpless.
We will soon be slaughtering the Muslim trash while shoving bacon down their throats. Both in Iraq and Syria

3-O'clock school bell

We have already spent over ten years in Iraq trying to train their military to defend themselves.

true, BUT.., we did not train them to run away from a fight, those fucking cowards deserve to have their fucking heads on a pole.
It really is tough to get your head around the fact that an organized group of savages can still exist like this.

I was actually finding it harder to believe that the US can stop groups of savages from existing. Seems a little far fetched but I guess once all the bad people are gone then we can relax...that should happen sometime between never and never ever
“We Christians must do something with the ISIS”

That something isn't going to involve sending Americans to needlessly die in a pointless conventional ground offensive.

In fact, that's just what the terrorists want – it's much easier to kill Americans when they're in the ME.

And before you 'do something,' here are some facts to consider:

This is Iraq's problem to solve, not the United State's.

In order for the Iraqi government to be legitimate, they must do the bulk of the fighting, where American conventional involvement will serve only to undermine Baghdad, causing more instability and conflict, fostering conditions that further foment terrorism.

The Iraqi government doesn't want conventional Americans ground troops in their country, and appropriately so.

THIS ^^^^ is one more reason why we cannot let a Repub anywhere near the Oval Office.

If a pub were elected prez, overnight, we'd be in several new ground wars.
Ignoring the slaughter of innocent people doesn't make it stop. Turning off the news doesn't make the killing stop. Playing golf while children are executed doesn't make it stop. Is it really true that Gay marriage and abortion and killing off the GOP comes in first on your list? Sick just fucking sick. Liberalism is a mental disorder.

I find it absurd that conservatives here in the states seem to be so concerned about tragedies going on thousands of miles from home, but when it comes to tragedies much closer to home, all they can manage to say is to recite the second amendment:

Just the facts Gun violence in America - U.S. News

  • Every day in the U.S., an average of 289 people are shot. Eighty-six of them die: 30 are murdered, 53 kill themselves, two die accidentally, and one is shot in a police intervention, the Brady Campaign reports.
  • Between 2000 and 2010, a total of 335,609 people died from guns -- more than the population of St. Louis, Mo. (318,069), Pittsburgh (307,484), Cincinnati, Ohio (296,223), Newark, N.J. (277,540), and Orlando, Fla. (243,195) (sources: CDF, U.S. Census; CDC)
  • One person is killed by a firearm every 17 minutes, 87 people are killed during an average day, and 609 are killed every week. (source: CDC)
Homicides by weapon:

  • Handguns comprised 72.5 percent of the firearms used in murder and non-negligent manslaughter incidents in 2011; 4.1 percent were with shotguns; 3.8 percent were with rifles; 18.5 percent were with unspecified firearms.
  • 13.3 percent of homicides were done with knives or other cutting instruments.
  • 5.8 percent of homicides were from the use of hands, fists, feet, etc. (source: FBI)
Guns and kids:

  • 82 children under five years old died from firearms in 2010 compared with 58 law enforcement officers killed by firearms in the line of duty (sources: CDF, CDC, FBI)
  • More kids ages 0-19 died from firearms every three days in 2010 than died in the 2012 Newtown, Conn., massacre (source:CDF, CDC)
  • Nearly three times more kids (15,576) were injured by firearms in 2010 than the number of U.S. soldiers (5,247) wounded in action that year in the war in Afghanistan (source: CDF, CDC, Department of Defense)
  • Half of all juveniles murdered in 2010 were killed with a firearm (source: Office of Juvenile Justice & Delinquency Prevention)
“We Christians must do something with the ISIS”

That something isn't going to involve sending Americans to needlessly die in a pointless conventional ground offensive.

In fact, that's just what the terrorists want – it's much easier to kill Americans when they're in the ME.

And before you 'do something,' here are some facts to consider:

This is Iraq's problem to solve, not the United State's.

In order for the Iraqi government to be legitimate, they must do the bulk of the fighting, where American conventional involvement will serve only to undermine Baghdad, causing more instability and conflict, fostering conditions that further foment terrorism.

The Iraqi government doesn't want conventional Americans ground troops in their country, and appropriately so.

THIS ^^^^ is one more reason why we cannot let a Repub anywhere near the Oval Office.

If a pub were elected prez, overnight, we'd be in several new ground wars.
Ignoring the slaughter of innocent people doesn't make it stop. Turning off the news doesn't make the killing stop. Playing golf while children are executed doesn't make it stop. Is it really true that Gay marriage and abortion and killing off the GOP comes in first on your list? Sick just fucking sick. Liberalism is a mental disorder.

Conservatives seeking to make the same mistake in Iraq is the true mental illness.

And Iraq is a sovereign nation, American ground forces can be deployed only with Baghdad's approval; not that conservatives respect the rights of sovereign nations, of course.
We Christians must do something with the ISIS..
It is high time for solving the problem.
I know they are not the only source of grave trouble in our broken world, but I feel so helpless. What can I do besides pray? I feel so small forgetting that these problems exist in our world and worrying only about my comparatively trite conflicts in my own life.
What is our response as Christians to these atrocities? I am not doubting God or exploring the problem of evil, but I do feel lost in search of a proper response.
I need help here.
Your only solution is to either GO FIGHT THEM or donate money to causes that support our ex military men who are over there fighting them.
Bullshit. Let the Muslims fight em. They are all Muslims and if the rest of the ME hasn't got the balls to stop ISIS them fuck em all.

We left Iraq after the Iraq Govt asked us to. We left them with an Army, a duly elected Govt and the ability to take their country the way the wanted it to go. They lost it all in three years.

The hell with em and the rest of the ME. No way we should commit anymore of our blood and treasure in that shithole. Let them fight ISIS.

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