Zone1 I believe God is punishing the US

There is no 'god' as perceived by theists, thus the thread premise is ridiculous.
Yet here you are, to tell everyone how enlightened you are. Newsflash, you are actually what I call a seeker. You believe deep down, based on the innate knowledge of God that is in all of us. You want so badly to have something to touch, or see, that will confirm your belief. You like so many others on here have simply suppressed it so deeply that you will be the hardest to be saved.
You really need to learn to troll better! Meggido was the place of several battles and will be where the final battle is fought!

The final battle was fought in Jerusalem between the Romans with the help of foreign troops and the Jews. Christians left Jerusalem for Pella to avoid the tribulation.
God works in mysterious ways to work out His good purpose, but there is one thing He wants us to understand clearly. The struggle with evil and suffering in this fallen world is only temporary. For God has already won the decisive battle in this war, and His ultimate and complete victory is absolutely certain. And if the cross of Jesus Christ shows us that our God shares in our suffering, then the resurrection of Jesus Christ demonstrates that God’s triumph over evil is assured.

Though we can never give a full explanation of evil in this world, we do have God’s response to it. At the end of this age, when Jesus comes again in glory, our God will show Himself to be fully and completely just when “He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away” (Rev. 21:4). The Bible reveals a God Who is worthy of our trust even in the midst of our pain.
Do you believe god is punishing our nation? Do you believe god is punishing any nation? Rewarding any nation? Does god have political preferences?
Do you believe god is punishing our nation? Do you believe god is punishing any nation? Rewarding any nation? Does god have political preferences?
No. It rains on the just and the unjust just the same. But successful behaviors naturally lead to success just as failed behaviors naturally lead to failure. Which is why there is a long lived cycle of nations. Read the 4th Turning to understand why. Or alternatively study the normalization of deviance to understand why predictable surprises occur when a people normalize their deviance from the standard.
Do you believe god is punishing our nation? Do you believe god is punishing any nation? Rewarding any nation? Does god have political preferences?
I believe you reap what you sew, as secularism, and deviancy progress, as a nation we will reap what we sew.
Yet here you are, to tell everyone how enlightened you are. Newsflash, you are actually what I call a seeker. You believe deep down, based on the innate knowledge of God that is in all of us. You want so badly to have something to touch, or see, that will confirm your belief. You like so many others on here have simply suppressed it so deeply that you will be the hardest to be saved.
Why do you have this pathological need to tell other people what they believe?
You need my help! Why do you argue so vehemently with believers when you don't believe? Because of course you do!
Don't need your help don't want your help I just want you to stop telling me what I have to think.

You ain't an authority on anything
You need my help! Why do you argue so vehemently with believers when you don't believe? Because of course you do!
I don't believe it is that as much as it is this is how he confirms his beliefs. Which of course is entirely unnecessary so it could be as you say. Sort of like the gay guy in the closet railing against gays.

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