Zone1 I believe God is punishing the US

You have much to learn about your own beliefs as reincarnation says otherwise. And then there is what lies beyond reincarnation...

"...A very common and major goal of most Taoists is to achieve immortality rather than enter the regular afterlife. Reaching this goal is not easy; there are various tasks that must be met during your entire lifetime to be qualified to be immortal..."

See your problem is you didn't look in the Tao Te Ching itself you let other people tell you what it means.

The word "reincarnation" is not in the Tao

These chapters mention dying or death so you tell me how you got the idea that the Tao speaks of reincarnation

Oooh Wikipedia. And you didn't even read the very first line on the page did you?

There is significant scholarly debate about the Taoist understanding of death

You don't seem to understand that Taoism is a philosophy first and a religion second. I don't do religion

reincarnation is nothing but the substance and energy of your body being recycled and used again not unlike a raindrop returning eventually to the ocean to be made into another raindrop or to become part of a plant or animal or another person.

The Taoist belief is everyone is eternal in the now.

And unlike you I don't feel the need to pick a philosophy and blindly follow it. I actually read the source material for myself instead of letting other people tell me what it means then I use what I like and don't bother with the rest.

If there is no self then there is no self defining "spirit", no ego ( you would have a hard time with that). If there is no difference between you and the universe there is no need to be reincarnated

And why are you chasing me from thread to thread? Are you going to try to say you got a notification from me
Doesn't change anything I said.
See your problem is you didn't look in the Tao Te Ching itself you let other people tell you what it means.

The word "reincarnation" is not in the Tao

These chapters mention dying or death so you tell me how you got the idea that the Tao speaks of reincarnation

"...In Taoism perspective, life after death refers to the belief that one will die and be reborn in another being based on their previous lives. This interpretation, he said, should encourage human beings to do good and benefit others because their virtues will spread positive energy..."

And what don't I know about your religion? I've read the bible cover to cover more than a couple times which is more times than most Christians have. I've been to Catholic, Baptist masses, and services from other Christian sects. I've also read the Koran several times

But I've also been to Buddhist temples, meditated with Taoists, and Shaolin monks.

The latter three are far more relevant than the Abrahamic religions for many reasons.
that's your opinion.

We all know what opinions are like.....
You have it wrong

God is not punishing us

We are punishing ourselves
well, that is implied by my thread title, if one knows anything about the God of the Bible and Christian history.

God always did turn us over to a reprobate mind when we refused to listen to Him and go the right way...
"...In Taoism perspective, life after death refers to the belief that one will die and be reborn in another being based on their previous lives. This interpretation, he said, should encourage human beings to do good and benefit others because their virtues will spread positive energy..."

Quote the Tao Te Ching not what someone tells you what it says. So quote the chapter of the actual Tao Te Ching where it says anything about gods and reincarnation or weird religious rites.

I won't hold my breath but maybe you should until you find those things.

The wacko religious side of Taoism isn't the work of Lao Tze. All that idiocy was added later.
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Doesn't change anything I said.
YEah it does because the wacko religious bullshit is not in the Tao Te Ching maybe you should actually read it instead of looking for other people to tell you what it says.

There is a difference between the philosophical and the religious Taoism but then again you don't actually research things you just go to Wiki so you can have some other idiot spoon-feed you

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YEah it does because the wacko religious bullshit is not in the Tao Te Ching maybe you should actually read it instead of looking for other people to tell you what it says.
Why does it bother you that others are Catholic?

I tend to think that means there's something going on in the old psyche that.. you have not examined.

It is, in the end, none of your business what people believe. Why do you act like it harms you somehow for someone to be Catholic?

weird stuff
Quote the Tao Te Ching not what someone tells you what it says. So quote the chapter of the actual Tao Te Ching where it says anything about gods and reincarnation or weird religious rites.

I won't hold my breath but maybe you should until you find those things.

The wacko religious side of Taoism isn't the work of Lao Tze. All that idiocy was added later.
YEah it does because the wacko religious bullshit is not in the Tao Te Ching maybe you should actually read it instead of looking for other people to tell you what it says.

There is a difference between the philosophical and the religious Taoism but then again you don't actually research things you just go to Wiki so you can have some other idiot spoon-feed you

Hua Hu Ching
Why does it bother you that others are Catholic?

I tend to think that means there's something going on in the old psyche that.. you have not examined.

It is, in the end, none of your business what people believe. Why do you act like it harms you somehow for someone to be Catholic?

weird stuff

IDGAF if you are Catholic. Why is criticizing the Catholic Church as an institution off limits?

Religious institutions are not people.

I don't expect you to actually do any research other than Wikipedia or you tube.

Get back to me when you have actually read the Tao The Ching and you might want to read these

pay attention to the timelines and you'll notice the wacko religious stuff was added hundreds of years after the Tao was written in particular by the Yellow Emperor and by a crazy hermit who said Lao Tzu's ghost visited him in a cave with tidings on the end of the world.

then read this

There are 195 nations on the planet. Is god taking action for and against all of them? Has he always done that? If so, why has he been so ineffective? And what happened to free will? Nazi Germany, Stalinist Russia, Mao's China, Pol Pot's Cambodia all had the free will to murder millions. If god is actively attempting to correct nations, why weren't these stopped? And if they were simply exercising free will as god sadly shook his head, what the F could the US be doing that would drive him to finally act? Letting black ladies sit in the front of the bus? Giving women the vote? Requiring guns be registered? Give us an F-ing break and find some other overused literary tripe to push your politics - and on a politics board.
good qwuedtions!
I don't expect you to actually do any research other than Wikipedia or you tube.

Get back to me when you have actually read the Tao The Ching and you might want to read these

pay attention to the timelines and you'll notice the wacko religious stuff was added hundreds of years after the Tao was written in particular by the Yellow Emperor and by a crazy hermit who said Lao Tzu's ghost visited him in a cave with tidings on the end of the world.

then read this

What? You don't have any links to back up your beliefs?

Because I do. Lots of them too.

What? You don't have any links to back up your beliefs?

Because I do. Lots of them too.

I gave you links.

You just don't want to actually read anything because yo need other people to tell you what words mean.
Which discussed immortality. No where in it did it say there is no reincarnation.

Have you read the Tao te Ching?

Get back to me when you can quote anything about reincarnation from it.

And everyone is eternal in the now but you don't get that either. It doesn't mean life after death or never dying.

All things return to the source (universe) like a raindrop returns to the ocean.

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