I bet Republicans really miss President Obama now!

Wait until Trump's medical change takes effect. People I know with black lung aren't worried.
So stupid people aren't worried...lol.
That doesn't change or refute the facts I posted....[/QUOTE]

You do know that "black" lung isn't racist. Nah, you wouldn't. You're to much of an ignorant race pimp.
Wait until Trump's medical change takes effect. People I know with black lung aren't worried.
So stupid people aren't worried...lol.
That doesn't change or refute the facts I posted....

You do know that "black" lung isn't racist. Nah, you wouldn't. You're to much of an ignorant race pimp.[/QUOTE]
Seems you are the only dumb ass that found something "racist" in black lung disease...lol.
What a fucking moron...
Contaminants from coal ash disposal sites threaten drinking water for Charlotte, researchers found
No they really won't miss him until they start giving their kids drinking water polluted with coal run-off and their black lung "welfare" checks stop coming...
I was born and raised in coal country and no one drinks from streams or rivers and black lung claims are handled by the Dept. Of Labor.

WASHINGTON — The chemical spill that contaminated water for hundreds of thousands in West Virginia was only the latest and most high-profile case of coal sullying the nation's waters.

For decades, chemicals and waste from the coal industry have tainted hundreds of waterways and groundwater supplies, spoiling private wells, shutting down fishing and rendering streams virtually lifeless

“I've made a career of body counts of dead fish and wildlife made that way from coal,” said Dennis Lemly, a U.S. Forest Service research biologist who has spent decades chronicling the deformities that pollution from coal mining has caused in fish.

“How many years and how many cases does it take before somebody will step up to the plate and say, ‘Wait a minute, we need to change this’?”

The spill of a coal-cleaning chemical into a river in Charleston, W.Va., left 300,000 people without water. It exposed a potentially new and under-regulated risk to water from the coal industry when the federal government is still trying to close regulatory gaps that have contributed to coal's legacy of water pollution.

Contaminants from coal ash disposal sites threaten drinking water for Charlotte, researchers found
Accidental chemical spills are going to happen. The WV chemical spill was cleaned up. And the water in Charlotte from those spills never reached the water treatment plant. I live in Charlotte and we never had a problem.
Not even a competent dodge...
Dodge hell. Those spills happened a few years ago and things were corrected and companies payed fines. Get with the program.
I understand that you can't refute the posts or facts, hence your absence of rebutting cites or stats....
Contaminants from coal ash disposal sites threaten drinking water for Charlotte, researchers found
No they really won't miss him until they start giving their kids drinking water polluted with coal run-off and their black lung "welfare" checks stop coming...
I was born and raised in coal country and no one drinks from streams or rivers and black lung claims are handled by the Dept. Of Labor.

WASHINGTON — The chemical spill that contaminated water for hundreds of thousands in West Virginia was only the latest and most high-profile case of coal sullying the nation's waters.

For decades, chemicals and waste from the coal industry have tainted hundreds of waterways and groundwater supplies, spoiling private wells, shutting down fishing and rendering streams virtually lifeless

“I've made a career of body counts of dead fish and wildlife made that way from coal,” said Dennis Lemly, a U.S. Forest Service research biologist who has spent decades chronicling the deformities that pollution from coal mining has caused in fish.

“How many years and how many cases does it take before somebody will step up to the plate and say, ‘Wait a minute, we need to change this’?”

The spill of a coal-cleaning chemical into a river in Charleston, W.Va., left 300,000 people without water. It exposed a potentially new and under-regulated risk to water from the coal industry when the federal government is still trying to close regulatory gaps that have contributed to coal's legacy of water pollution.

Contaminants from coal ash disposal sites threaten drinking water for Charlotte, researchers found
Accidental chemical spills are going to happen. The WV chemical spill was cleaned up. And the water in Charlotte from those spills never reached the water treatment plant. I live in Charlotte and we never had a problem.
Not even a competent dodge...

In other words, you don't know how to respond intelligently
In other words, like that dumb ass, you have no rebutting facts....
Contaminants from coal ash disposal sites threaten drinking water for Charlotte, researchers found
I was born and raised in coal country and no one drinks from streams or rivers and black lung claims are handled by the Dept. Of Labor.

WASHINGTON — The chemical spill that contaminated water for hundreds of thousands in West Virginia was only the latest and most high-profile case of coal sullying the nation's waters.

For decades, chemicals and waste from the coal industry have tainted hundreds of waterways and groundwater supplies, spoiling private wells, shutting down fishing and rendering streams virtually lifeless

“I've made a career of body counts of dead fish and wildlife made that way from coal,” said Dennis Lemly, a U.S. Forest Service research biologist who has spent decades chronicling the deformities that pollution from coal mining has caused in fish.

“How many years and how many cases does it take before somebody will step up to the plate and say, ‘Wait a minute, we need to change this’?”

The spill of a coal-cleaning chemical into a river in Charleston, W.Va., left 300,000 people without water. It exposed a potentially new and under-regulated risk to water from the coal industry when the federal government is still trying to close regulatory gaps that have contributed to coal's legacy of water pollution.

Contaminants from coal ash disposal sites threaten drinking water for Charlotte, researchers found
Accidental chemical spills are going to happen. The WV chemical spill was cleaned up. And the water in Charlotte from those spills never reached the water treatment plant. I live in Charlotte and we never had a problem.
Not even a competent dodge...
Dodge hell. Those spills happened a few years ago and things were corrected and companies payed fines. Get with the program.
I understand that you can't refute the posts or facts, hence your absence of rebutting cites or stats....
You can get Charlotte Observer articles online. Incident happened in 2013 or 2014.
Contaminants from coal ash disposal sites threaten drinking water for Charlotte, researchers found
WASHINGTON — The chemical spill that contaminated water for hundreds of thousands in West Virginia was only the latest and most high-profile case of coal sullying the nation's waters.

For decades, chemicals and waste from the coal industry have tainted hundreds of waterways and groundwater supplies, spoiling private wells, shutting down fishing and rendering streams virtually lifeless

“I've made a career of body counts of dead fish and wildlife made that way from coal,” said Dennis Lemly, a U.S. Forest Service research biologist who has spent decades chronicling the deformities that pollution from coal mining has caused in fish.

“How many years and how many cases does it take before somebody will step up to the plate and say, ‘Wait a minute, we need to change this’?”

The spill of a coal-cleaning chemical into a river in Charleston, W.Va., left 300,000 people without water. It exposed a potentially new and under-regulated risk to water from the coal industry when the federal government is still trying to close regulatory gaps that have contributed to coal's legacy of water pollution.

Contaminants from coal ash disposal sites threaten drinking water for Charlotte, researchers found
Accidental chemical spills are going to happen. The WV chemical spill was cleaned up. And the water in Charlotte from those spills never reached the water treatment plant. I live in Charlotte and we never had a problem.
Not even a competent dodge...
Dodge hell. Those spills happened a few years ago and things were corrected and companies payed fines. Get with the program.
I understand that you can't refute the posts or facts, hence your absence of rebutting cites or stats....
You can get Charlotte Observer articles online. Incident happened in 2013 or 2014.
Like I said, you have yet to post an article or cite to refute the facts I posted...your down home ad hominems and unsubstantiated opinions really amount to nothing...
It's important that we remember the damage done by Obama, lest we become complacent and allow a communist to occupy the White House again. That hardly translates into "missing him". He is without a doubt the worst thing to ever happen to this country and we can't afford to let that fade from our memories.

What damage?
Not missing him at all. As a matter of fact I'm looking forward to not hearing his name again..
That's odd...I'm seeing more RWrs referring to President Obama and H. Clinton than any LWr is.
I'm seeing far more people claiming they didn't vote for hillary than admit to voting for her, in fact to this point, I have been like pulling the proverbial teeth trying to get left wingers to admit they voted for...this election may really need to be investigated

I voted for HRC, and if she had won the EC vote, we would not be faced with wondering if the POTUS is sane.

Some of us have stopped wondering! The more he tweets, the less grounded in reality he appears.
Finally, a tooth...and it's the tweets that seem to be driving the left crazy...and if you really did vote for hillary I have no sympathy for your concerns about trump or much faith in the validity of them

So you're convinced trump is not grounded in reality? Or did you mean to have the reader believe there are those - you included - who support trumps tweets and statements as presidential and rational?
It's important that we remember the damage done by Obama, lest we become complacent and allow a communist to occupy the White House again. That hardly translates into "missing him". He is without a doubt the worst thing to ever happen to this country and we can't afford to let that fade from our memories.

What damage?

Good question, clear, concise and spot on.

Of course anyone who uses the claim that President Obama is a Communist is reality challenged, brainwashed and ridiculous
Simple minded libwits still don't get that Trump campaigned against both the Republican party establishment AND the Democratic party establishment.

The GOP hated Reagan's guts. You run against the DC establishment that's what happens, they hate on you and take pot shots at you.
That's why I think Republicans really miss President Obama. Think of it this way. If America ever had/has a president who was arguably mentally/psychologically/emotionally unstable, what politician could possibly want that president to be a member of his or her political party?
No sale. Libtards are STILL soiling their baby diapers. We watch with pleasure. Long overdue pleasure.
Not missing him at all. As a matter of fact I'm looking forward to not hearing his name again..
That's odd...I'm seeing more RWrs referring to President Obama and H. Clinton than any LWr is.
I'm seeing far more people claiming they didn't vote for hillary than admit to voting for her, in fact to this point, I have been like pulling the proverbial teeth trying to get left wingers to admit they voted for...this election may really need to be investigated

I voted for HRC, and if she had won the EC vote, we would not be faced with wondering if the POTUS is sane.

Some of us have stopped wondering! The more he tweets, the less grounded in reality he appears.

Debatable. Kaine has said some questionable stuff. So who knows if he would be sane

Would you like to post some of Kaine's questionable stuff, like, for example trump's claim about Sweden just this week? His many promises walked-back, statements revised by staffers and claims that he knows more about ISIS than the Generals? Calling out the Free Press as an enemy is Nixonian and Despotic, as is sending ICE out to detain undocumented persons sans Due Process.

Wake up, fascism is afoot.
So you're convinced trump is not grounded in reality? Or did you mean to have the reader believe there are those - you included - who support trumps tweets and statements as presidential and rational?

Not possible you drew those conclusions from my post in any rational way...as for your projecting of why I support trumps tweets, To the degree that I do support them is that they are necessary and far more accurate than anything that comes through a media filter first, and that is why it drives the left insane and is why they so desperately need to put an end to them by pretending they are anything else but effective.
Not missing him at all. As a matter of fact I'm looking forward to not hearing his name again..
That's odd...I'm seeing more RWrs referring to President Obama and H. Clinton than any LWr is.
I'm seeing far more people claiming they didn't vote for hillary than admit to voting for her, in fact to this point, I have been like pulling the proverbial teeth trying to get left wingers to admit they voted for...this election may really need to be investigated

I voted for HRC, and if she had won the EC vote, we would not be faced with wondering if the POTUS is sane.

Some of us have stopped wondering! The more he tweets, the less grounded in reality he appears.

Debatable. Kaine has said some questionable stuff. So who knows if he would be sane

Would you like to post some of Kaine's questionable stuff, like, for example trump's claim about Sweden just this week? His many promises walked-back, statements revised by staffers and claims that he knows more about ISIS than the Generals? Calling out the Free Press as an enemy is Nixonian and Despotic, as is sending ICE out to detain undocumented persons sans Due Process.

Wake up, fascism is afoot.
Yeah it's true that politics is a dirty game but there is no need to miss Obama. You can bet that he is still up to his ass in the dirt.
Not at all.

And this is the first time anyone has called Obama no drama Obama.

Is this from the same vein of people claiming Obama had no scandals?

Ummm, no, it's from people who watched Obama come into the role of the President and make nice with governments Bush alienated, & without a game plan immediately cobbled a way to alleviate the panic and slowly rebuild confidence in our economy.

A good man able to take the high road, even when fools and idiots and liars attacked him and his family. You know the kind, you see one in the mirror.

I agree it takes a good man to take the high road.

It's a shame Obama never tried to take it
Actually it's a shame that you are too ignorant to have recognized the caliber of President you had...don't worry, trump's got your back...lol.

Yes. Of course. Every one who doesn't worship Obama is ignorant of how great he truly was. Probably because he was too busy screwing us over.

Obama could have been a magnificent president. He could have healed us. United us. Instead he grabbed power for himself. Instead he spied on the press. He destabilized the entire world. Turned nasa into a Muslim outreach program instead of a space exploration program. Used the irs to shut down political enemies. And that's just the tip of the iceberg.

No I'm very much aware of the caliber of man hr was. And its far below what he could have been.

And I'm also aware of the caliber of man trump is. And he is already exceeding expectations. Which I admit is easy to do when you expect him to be just as bad as the others

Do you use hallucinogenic drugs? Reality is way different than what you've described. I suggest you try spending a month or more straight, and actually watch, listen and consider reality. Of course doing so may drive you to drink.
I almost feel sorry for Republicans. You might ask why, and I can understand that. It's simple. It's because every night when Republican House and Senate members roll off one of one of their escorts or female aides and they turn on the news to see what's happening in the world before going home to their wives, there's that brief gut-wrenching and fist-clenching moment as the news comes on and they see Trump holding court before several news cameras and microphones. Before the sound comes up, that's the moment when they start to pray in earnest, unlike when they show up in church on Sunday mornings. Know what they pray for? It goes something like this: Please God, tell me that orange orangutan with the squirrel hat draped over his head hasn't done something ELSE monumentally stupid like praising another dictator, or offending another close ally, or otherwise alienating another powerful institution or constituency because I can't take much more of this. That's when they whimsically harken back to the good ol' days when Obama was their foil, and they could just roll off their escorts and go back to their wives without checking the news first.
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I almost feel sorry for Republicans. You might ask why, and I can understand that. It's simple. It's because every night when Republican House and Senate members roll off one of one of their escorts or female aides and they turn on the news to see what's happening in the world before going home to their wives, there's that brief gut-wrenching and fist-clenching moment as the news comes on and they see Trump holding court before several news cameras and microphones. Before the sound comes up, that's the moment when they start to pray in earnest, unlike when they show up in church on Sunday mornings. Know what they pray for? It goes something like this: Please God, tell me that orange orangutan with the squirrel hat draped over his head hasn't done something ELSE monumentally stupid like praising another dictator, or offending another lose ally or otherwise alienating another powerful institution or constituency because I can't take much more of this? That's when they whimsically harken back to the good ol' days when Obama was their foil, and they could just roll off their escorts and go back to their wives without checking the news first.
They are waiting for melania to get caught in an escort sting....
It's important that we remember the damage done by Obama, lest we become complacent and allow a communist to occupy the White House again. That hardly translates into "missing him". He is without a doubt the worst thing to ever happen to this country and we can't afford to let that fade from our memories.

What damage?

Good question, clear, concise and spot on.

Of course anyone who uses the claim that President Obama is a Communist is reality challenged, brainwashed and ridiculous
You know, I really don't give a fuck if you agree with anything I say or not. I happen to think we have a great country and I think capitalism is a great system that provides opportunity for everyone who is willing to work for what they want, and when some self serving narcissist like Obama who thinks he's entitled to dictate what everyone is allowed to do or have gets in a position of power and abuses our Constitution in order to force his ideology on the rest of us, it is damaging to the country. If you don't like what I say or think, that's tough fucking shit. I'll voice my opinion whether you like it or not, and I don't have to justify a damn thing to you. Don't like it? Too bad.

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