I can't stand Trump, but he is right about one thing....

I hate Trump. Think he is a racist, misogynistic, dumb-as-a-post, incurious, narcissistic bully. How someone so unqualified can become president, god only knows.

However, what he has done - and the only time he has been blunt that I agree with - is give it to the Chinese communist party. And I specifically say the CCP, not the Chinese people themselves. The rest of the world needed a wake up call, and Trump has given it. I hope other nations listen to him and not suck up to them.

15 times Trump praised China as coronavirus was spreading across the globe
You libs hate us. So, much that you think that it is wrong of US, to not vote for you, when you obviously hate us.
You are bat shit crazy.
I'd vote for a potted plant, before I would vote for one of you. The potted plant would not be actively looking to fuck me.
Like one of you would.

I'm not that much of a lib. Socially liberal, fiscally conservative. I have voted both right and left in my lifetime. You Trump Deplorables are a whole new level of loon.
I'd hope you vote for a potted plant. You are not normal enough to vote...well, normal.
You libs are the ones being divisive, when you slander anyone that disagrees with you politically, as a bad person.

Slander? You talk about slander? Let's go down that road shall we? Where was Obama born, Dumb Fuck? How many people has Hillary killed, Tin Foil Hat Wearer?

Yes, I want to talk about slander over political differences.

Mention a political issue, that you can look at a con who disagrees with you, and admit that that disagreement is based on something legit, and does not make your enemy a bad person.

I just gave you two examples and you ignored them. Interesting...
Well thanks, I guess

But not many libs in America or the EU are as aware of what china is as you are

I disagree. I think they are but have tried appeasement far too long - I include conservatives in this too. Time to take the gloves off. The difference between conservatives and liberals appeasement is this: Liberals like to think there is good in everyone and keep giving the CCP the benefit of the doubt - and generally the CCP are acting nice to their face while putting the knife in behind their back. The conservatives apathy is driven by greed. You think all those money grubbing, uber capitalist CEOs who took their factories offshore to Asia are Dem voters?
Your denial is noted and dismissed.
Hillary obvious hates us, and would be actively governing to harm us and our interests.

That you can look at us not voting for THAT, and see something wrong, with US, is just your brains being mush.

Who is us? Deplorables? She wouldn't be actively harming you. She would have had a political agenda that was different. Isn't interesting that Deplorables give off this vibe that Hillary is this mean, wicked, miserable old wench, yet when it comes to foreign powers think she is some sort of pussy. She was far from that.
I hate Trump. Think he is a racist, misogynistic, dumb-as-a-post, incurious, narcissistic bully. How someone so unqualified can become president, god only knows.

However, what he has done - and the only time he has been blunt that I agree with - is give it to the Chinese communist party. And I specifically say the CCP, not the Chinese people themselves. The rest of the world needed a wake up call, and Trump has given it. I hope other nations listen to him and not suck up to them.

15 times Trump praised China as coronavirus was spreading across the globe

I know, but like the schizo whackadoodle he is, he has still given them a few shots across the bow. Hey, I think the guy is scum, but at least he has verbally articulated - on occasion - that the CCP is an issue. A big issue.
You libs hate us. So, much that you think that it is wrong of US, to not vote for you, when you obviously hate us.
You are bat shit crazy.
I'd vote for a potted plant, before I would vote for one of you. The potted plant would not be actively looking to fuck me.
Like one of you would.

I'm not that much of a lib. Socially liberal, fiscally conservative. I have voted both right and left in my lifetime. You Trump Deplorables are a whole new level of loon.
I'd hope you vote for a potted plant. You are not normal enough to vote...well, normal.

Your words are not credible. Your hate is. My point stands. I voted against the woman that obviously hated me and mine.

And you think that shows something wrong with me?

You are bat shit crazy.
I hate Trump. Think he is a racist, misogynistic, dumb-as-a-post, incurious, narcissistic bully. How someone so unqualified can become president, god only knows.

However, what he has done - and the only time he has been blunt that I agree with - is give it to the Chinese communist party. And I specifically say the CCP, not the Chinese people themselves. The rest of the world needed a wake up call, and Trump has given it. I hope other nations listen to him and not suck up to them.
Exactly when has Trump 'given it' to the Chinese Communist Party?
I hate Trump. Think he is a racist, misogynistic, dumb-as-a-post, incurious, narcissistic bully. How someone so unqualified can become president, god only knows.

However, what he has done - and the only time he has been blunt that I agree with - is give it to the Chinese communist party. And I specifically say the CCP, not the Chinese people themselves. The rest of the world needed a wake up call, and Trump has given it. I hope other nations listen to him and not suck up to them.

Amazing how you had to destroy a compliment before ever giving it.


I voted for Trump assuming he was at least half Crazy because my other choice was Pure Depravity--Hillary Clinton, a true slave of Satan, whose only real accomplishment was to marry a Pussy-lovin Southern Boy, who happened to be a political genius, and who got her every job she ever had--all of which she fucked up.

Now, I have, with my seat belt fastened, watched Trump carefully. To call him a Racist is simply absurd. And, only a true Dumb-Ass would say he is a Dumb-Ass---he made a couple of Billion and got elected President of the greatest country in history.

Dumb-Asses don't do that.

But, it is true that doesn't keep Dumb-Asses from calling him a Dumb-ass. First Amendment rights---which will be going south if your Bolshevik-Democrats ever get complete control---as they hope to to with Illegal Invasion, Voter Fraud, and New York/Globalist Media.

But, welcome to the realization that China is not to be trusted. Trump figured that out years ago.

Not sure who ever claimed that China could be trusted. I can't remember anyone in my lifetime saying that.

But we have seen Trump repeatedly praise China and its leaders. Even regarding their handling of the coronavirus.
You libs are the ones being divisive, when you slander anyone that disagrees with you politically, as a bad person.

Slander? You talk about slander? Let's go down that road shall we? Where was Obama born, Dumb Fuck? How many people has Hillary killed, Tin Foil Hat Wearer?

Yes, I want to talk about slander over political differences.

Mention a political issue, that you can look at a con who disagrees with you, and admit that that disagreement is based on something legit, and does not make your enemy a bad person.

I just gave you two examples and you ignored them. Interesting...

Well, I don't consider conspiracy theories to be the same as real political issues, but sure fine.

Obama, being not born in the US.

Are you saying that people who believe that, have a legitimate pov and are not bad people for believing it?

Or do you believe that everyone on the other side of the issue, has to be a bad person?
Your denial is noted and dismissed.
Hillary obvious hates us, and would be actively governing to harm us and our interests.

That you can look at us not voting for THAT, and see something wrong, with US, is just your brains being mush.

Who is us? Deplorables? She wouldn't be actively harming you. She would have had a political agenda that was different. Isn't interesting that Deplorables give off this vibe that Hillary is this mean, wicked, miserable old wench, yet when it comes to foreign powers think she is some sort of pussy. She was far from that.

Your pretense of confusion is noticed and dismissed.

YOu know who you consider the enemy.

Well thanks, I guess

But not many libs in America or the EU are as aware of what china is as you are

I disagree. I think they are but have tried appeasement far too long - I include conservatives in this too. Time to take the gloves off. The difference between conservatives and liberals appeasement is this: Liberals like to think there is good in everyone and keep giving the CCP the benefit of the doubt - and generally the CCP are acting nice to their face while putting the knife in behind their back. The conservatives apathy is driven by greed. You think all those money grubbing, uber capitalist CEOs who took their factories offshore to Asia are Dem voters?
I agree

Free trade was a republican belief for many decades

it led to many bad decisions and made dirty politicians out of repubs and dems

what we need is a wholesale house clraning in congress, the state dept and other agencies
Not sure who ever claimed that China could be trusted. I can't remember anyone in my lifetime saying that.

Of course, China can be trusted. Trusted, that is, to pursue their national interest as they perceive it.

Just as you would expect from the U.S., no? You wouldn't believe that anyone would for one single second expect the U.S. to follow some sort of holier-than-thou, altruistic morality exercise on this globe, or would you?
I hate Trump. Think he is a racist, misogynistic, dumb-as-a-post, incurious, narcissistic bully. How someone so unqualified can become president, god only knows.

However, what he has done - and the only time he has been blunt that I agree with - is give it to the Chinese communist party. And I specifically say the CCP, not the Chinese people themselves. The rest of the world needed a wake up call, and Trump has given it.

What a nonsense. Trump never gave any "wake up call" to anyone in the "rest of the world". He destroys even the western world. Trump declared just simple war against everyone and everything in the world - except against Corona.

I hope other nations listen to him and not suck up to them.

The problem is indeed to listen what Trumps says ... what's a torture for the head shaking muscles.

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You need to think rationally, this is germ warfare

Did they also arrange for Trump's incompetence to get the better of us?
Trump is the most competent President the USA has ever seen, at least since Lincoln anyway

You need to think rationally, this is germ warfare

Did they also arrange for Trump's incompetence to get the better of us?
Trump is the most competent President the USA has ever seen, at least since Lincoln anyway

There, fixed it for ya:

Trump is the most incompetent President the USA has ever seen...

You need to think rationally, this is germ warfare

Did they also arrange for Trump's incompetence to get the better of us?
Trump is the most competent President the USA has ever seen, at least since Lincoln anyway

There, fixed it for ya:

Trump is the most incompetent President the USA has ever seen...
As if the average billionaire cares about your petty internet masterpieces
Trump is the most competent President the USA has ever seen, at least since Lincoln anyway

Whoow - that's really a good one. Is this the reason why Trump used the British imperial slogan "Britannia first" from the year 1740 in the version "USA first" in the year 1 AT (Anno Trumpie)?


Translation: "I think we should give him a chance first."
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