I can't stand Trump, but he is right about one thing....

How someone so unqualified can become president, god only knows.
He's just one annoying, embarrasing person, a person you'd rather not be around in public. Meh. The problem is that the blind, intense adoration being poured on someone like this is a symptom of MUCH larger sociological issue. It's in the same category as watching the Kardashian girls become mega-celebrities for pretty much no discernible reason. This should be motivating us to seriously and honestly examine how these kinds of people can rise to the top of our society. This is a reflection of US.
However, what he has done - and the only time he has been blunt that I agree with - is give it to the Chinese communist party. And I specifically say the CCP, not the Chinese people themselves. The rest of the world needed a wake up call, and Trump has given it. I hope other nations listen to him and not suck up to them.
Definitely. While we have to deal with his grade school-level communication and behavioral issues as he does it, it's good that he's shining a bright light on their behaviors and activities. They don't play fair, they will not play fair, and we can't trust a damn thing they say. Pretty much like Russia. The way we have divided this into the GOP shilling for Russia and the Democrats shilling for China is a damn shame, but that's one of the destructive results of our descent into stupid, petty partisan politics as a country.

People naturally gravitating towards alphas as leaders. That's because that's what big dogs were designed to do.

Just because you can't stand the chest beating etc. does not mean it is not supremely effective. Only your feels need fixing here.
Yes, history is replete with people naturally gravitating towards nationalist alphas as leaders, ignoring their weaknesses, enabling their worst impulses.

No thanks. Not a good track record. We've learned nothing.
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How someone so unqualified can become president, god only knows.
He's just one annoying, embarrasing person, a person you'd rather not be around in public. Meh. The problem is that the blind, intense adoration being poured on someone like this is a symptom of MUCH larger sociological issue. It's in the same category as watching the Kardashian girls become mega-celebrities for pretty much no discernible reason. This should be motivating us to seriously and honestly examine how these kinds of people can rise to the top of our society. This is a reflection of US.
However, what he has done - and the only time he has been blunt that I agree with - is give it to the Chinese communist party. And I specifically say the CCP, not the Chinese people themselves. The rest of the world needed a wake up call, and Trump has given it. I hope other nations listen to him and not suck up to them.
Definitely. While we have to deal with his grade school-level communication and behavioral issues as he does it, it's good that he's shining a bright light on their behaviors and activities. They don't play fair, they will not play fair, and we can't trust a damn thing they say. Pretty much like Russia. The way we have divided this into the GOP shilling for Russia and the Democrats shilling for China is a damn shame, but that's one of the destructive results of our descent into stupid, petty partisan politics as a country.

People naturally gravitate towards alphas as leaders. That's because that's what big dogs were designed to do.

Just because you can't stand the chest beating etc. does not mean it is not supremely effective. Only your feels need fixing here.
Yes, history is replete with people naturally gravitate towards alphas as leaders, ignoring their weaknesses, enabling their worst impulses.

Not a good track record. We've learned nothing.

The weakness of the alpha is that they don't deal with not being the leader well.

However, when they are leaders they are supremely effective. The leftist mentality where the weakest and dumbest get to be leaders, and have to cover for their weakness by using sophisticated language... is upside down as usual. Meanwhile president Trump tells it like it is and most are satisfied.
How the virus started is an important issue but has no bearing, at all, on how America, under Trump, has handled the pandemic.

If China built a secret army and launched a surprise attack on us I wouldn't blame China for not being prepared to defend us... This failure to protect Americans from an outside threat falls squarely on the US governments shoulders and it's leader!

Dopey Donald Trump has performed incompetently choosing division, lies, slander, and insults instead of genuine honest leadership.

Dopey Donald Trump continually blames others for Dopey Donald Trump's failures.
How the virus started is an important issue but has no bearing, at all, on how America, under Trump, has handled the pandemic.

If China built a secret army and launched a surprise attack on us I wouldn't blame China for not being prepared to defend us... This failure to protect Americans from an outside threat falls squarely on the US governments shoulders and it's leader!

Dopey Donald Trump has performed incompetently choosing division, lies, slander, and insults instead of genuine honest leadership.

Dopey Donald Trump continually blames others for Dopey Donald Trump's failures.
I hate Trump. Think he is a racist, misogynistic, dumb-as-a-post, incurious, narcissistic bully. How someone so unqualified can become president, god only knows.

However, what he has done - and the only time he has been blunt that I agree with - is give it to the Chinese communist party. And I specifically say the CCP, not the Chinese people themselves. The rest of the world needed a wake up call, and Trump has given it. I hope other nations listen to him and not suck up to them.

We're not going to war with China nor are we going to do much except use harsh words and nothing more...


China has Nuclear Weapons...
We are at war with China dude, it's a trade war/biowar that China just crippled our economy with

We are not going into a full scale war because Chins will use the Nuclear option... The ( China Communist Party ) does not care if they destroy the World and they will kill themselves just to make the point they are the ultimate evil...

Even Stalin could not imagine the depth of ruthlessness China would achieve...
Dude we are in a full scale war, more people are involved in this one than were involved in WW2

We are not going to invade China and China is not going to invade us. If for one damn moment you think we have a chance of beating China in a full scale war where we send troops in then you are either delusional or trolling!

China is a Nuclear Power with the ability to wipe all of us out and is backed by Russia, Iran and North Korea along with the backing of Terrorist Organizations and the Cartels.

Only a damn fool believe we can win...

You need to think rationally, this is germ warfare
How the virus started is an important issue but has no bearing, at all, on how America, under Trump, has handled the pandemic.

If China built a secret army and launched a surprise attack on us I wouldn't blame China for not being prepared to defend us... This failure to protect Americans from an outside threat falls squarely on the US governments shoulders and it's leader!

Dopey Donald Trump has performed incompetently choosing division, lies, slander, and insults instead of genuine honest leadership.

Dopey Donald Trump continually blames others for Dopey Donald Trump's failures.

You libs are the ones being divisive, when you slander anyone that disagrees with you politically, as a bad person.
So can you give an example of how president Trump is racist?

He thinks America is for Americans and not for the Chinese, is that it?

Why is it that only white nations are racist then, Japan and China gets a pass.

Japan and India would be two of the most racist countries in the world. China is too...
You libs are the ones being divisive, when you slander anyone that disagrees with you politically, as a bad person.

Slander? You talk about slander? Let's go down that road shall we? Where was Obama born, Dumb Fuck? How many people has Hillary killed, Tin Foil Hat Wearer?
I hate Trump. Think he is a racist, ....

I stopped reading here. You are a moron.
Anybody who voted for the Orange Buffoon has no right calling anybody a moron.

You libs hate us. So, much that you think that it is wrong of US, to not vote for you, when you obviously hate us.

You are bat shit crazy.

I'd vote for a potted plant, before I would vote for one of you. The potted plant would not be actively looking to fuck me.

Like one of you would.
You libs are the ones being divisive, when you slander anyone that disagrees with you politically, as a bad person.

Slander? You talk about slander? Let's go down that road shall we? Where was Obama born, Dumb Fuck? How many people has Hillary killed, Tin Foil Hat Wearer?

Yes, I want to talk about slander over political differences.

Mention a political issue, that you can look at a con who disagrees with you, and admit that that disagreement is based on something legit, and does not make your enemy a bad person.
I hate Trump. Think he is a racist, ....

I stopped reading here. You are a moron.
Anybody who voted for the Orange Buffoon has no right calling anybody a moron.

You libs hate us. So, much that you think that it is wrong of US, to not vote for you, when you obviously hate us.

You are bat shit crazy.

I'd vote for a potted plant, before I would vote for one of you. The potted plant would not be actively looking to fuck me.

Like one of you would.
Jesus. Stop playing the victim. You're not important enough to bother hating. You're just a sad paranoid Trumper
The weakness of the alpha is that they don't deal with not being the leader well.

However, when they are leaders they are supremely effective.
So you love you some dictators then?
I hate Trump. Think he is a racist, misogynistic, dumb-as-a-post, incurious, narcissistic bully. How someone so unqualified can become president, god only knows.

However, what he has done - and the only time he has been blunt that I agree with - is give it to the Chinese communist party. And I specifically say the CCP, not the Chinese people themselves. The rest of the world needed a wake up call, and Trump has given it. I hope other nations listen to him and not suck up to them.
Well thanks, I guess

But not many libs in America or the EU are as aware of what china is as you are
I hate Trump. Think he is a racist, ....

I stopped reading here. You are a moron.
Anybody who voted for the Orange Buffoon has no right calling anybody a moron.

You libs hate us. So, much that you think that it is wrong of US, to not vote for you, when you obviously hate us.

You are bat shit crazy.

I'd vote for a potted plant, before I would vote for one of you. The potted plant would not be actively looking to fuck me.

Like one of you would.
Jesus. Stop playing the victim. You're not important enough to bother hating. You're just a sad paranoid Trumper

Your denial is noted and dismissed.

Hillary obvious hates us, and would be actively governing to harm us and our interests.

That you can look at us not voting for THAT, and see something wrong, with US, is just your brains being mush.
Amazing how you had to destroy a compliment before ever giving it.


I voted for Trump assuming he was at least half Crazy because my other choice was Pure Depravity--Hillary Clinton, a true slave of Satan, whose only real accomplishment was to marry a Pussy-lovin Southern Boy, who happened to be a political genius, and who got her every job she ever had--all of which she fucked up.

Now, I have, with my seat belt fastened, watched Trump carefully. To call him a Racist is simply absurd. And, only a true Dumb-Ass would say he is a Dumb-Ass---he made a couple of Billion and got elected President of the greatest country in history.

Dumb-Asses don't do that.

But, it is true that doesn't keep Dumb-Asses from calling him a Dumb-ass. First Amendment rights---which will be going south if your Bolshevik-Democrats ever get complete control---as they hope to to with Illegal Invasion, Voter Fraud, and New York/Globalist Media.

But, welcome to the realization that China is not to be trusted. Trump figured that out years ago.


I hate to say this, but you're a dumb ass, and that is why I don't expect you to read this, because it would lead to you becoming educated.

A year-old article about something that happened in a different century.

Yeah, I might care...
Well not signing TPP was a gift to China...

Why are you bitching now, Got played

Trump doesn't do geopolitical very well. He only does "USA only"...

So why can't China do 'China Only'?

Trump spent 3 years dismantling any International co-operation and now is pissed that China might have lie or omitted information.
Could China have just said, well the US are asking, why do we have to do anything?

By the way how does Trump think he is going to investigate this?

Because China has a burgeoning middle class that needs feeding, and to be housed and clothed.

More importantly, what exactly is he doing to investigate?

I don't think Trump gets it... China after they got the TPP result they wanted don't really give a f**k about Trump.
His trade war was an inconvenience with a time limit. Actually probably gave them a freeier hand in other dealings...

Thing is China can alway find Trump's weak spots (because there is so many, he would to knees for Trump Shanghai, bit of a sweetheart deal and your off...

Grump, this is why I have an issue.
The whole of the intelligence community said Russia interfered in US election and Trump & Mitch do next to nothing and give them a runway and anyone else to come again.
But where is the China evidence? Have the intelligence community backed any of this up? Where is there any hard evidence... Sorry, i am not placing China as any beacon of light but they need more than this... China is pretty messed up internally, corruption is rife,....

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