I can't stand Trump, but he is right about one thing....

However, what he has done - and the only time he has been blunt that I agree with - is give it to the Chinese communist party. And I specifically say the CCP, not the Chinese people themselves. The rest of the world needed a wake up call, and Trump has given it. I hope other nations listen to him and not suck up to them.

Yeah, but he's talking out of both sides of his mouth. He's blaming them for Covid-19, but then he's trying to get a trade deal done with them.
When the crazy left is out of ideas they resort to cliches. After what the democrats did to Sarah Palin the TDS idiots have the nerve to call the President "misogynistic"? Isn't it about the abortion industry? After what democrats did to Justice Clarence Thomas they have the nerve to call Trump a racist? Trump probably offered a living wage to more Black Americans and Hispanics during his career than LBJ's "Great Society" ever did with taxpayer dollars. Trump can't win as long as lefties are afflicted with TDS.

You've mentioned Trump and Palin. Why not you just go for the troika of Dumbest Repubs to hold/try to hold office and include Dumbya.

Thomas must have some smarts to be on the Supreme Court. Was he the best choice at the time? pfffttt...
However, what he has done - and the only time he has been blunt that I agree with - is give it to the Chinese communist party. And I specifically say the CCP, not the Chinese people themselves. The rest of the world needed a wake up call, and Trump has given it. I hope other nations listen to him and not suck up to them.

Yeah, but he's talking out of both sides of his mouth. He's blaming them for Covid-19, but then he's trying to get a trade deal done with them.

Oh, I know. But my point was I guess, is that although 99.99 per cent of the the stuff he spews is utter garbage, he was right on that point.
How the virus started is an important issue but has no bearing, at all, on how America, under Trump, has handled the pandemic.

If China built a secret army and launched a surprise attack on us I wouldn't blame China for not being prepared to defend us... This failure to protect Americans from an outside threat falls squarely on the US governments shoulders and it's leader!

How much is Beijing paying you to leave these comments?
I hate Trump. Think he is a racist, misogynistic, dumb-as-a-post, incurious, narcissistic bully. How someone so unqualified can become president, god only knows.

However, what he has done - and the only time he has been blunt that I agree with - is give it to the Chinese communist party. And I specifically say the CCP, not the Chinese people themselves. The rest of the world needed a wake up call, and Trump has given it. I hope other nations listen to him and not suck up to them.

Here he is thanking the Chinese Govt for its transparency:

I hate Trump. Think he is a racist, misogynistic, dumb-as-a-post, incurious, narcissistic bully. How someone so unqualified can become president, god only knows.

However, what he has done - and the only time he has been blunt that I agree with - is give it to the Chinese communist party. And I specifically say the CCP, not the Chinese people themselves. The rest of the world needed a wake up call, and Trump has given it. I hope other nations listen to him and not suck up to them.

Here he is thanking the Chinese Govt for its transparency:

View attachment 325607

I know he said that. He's a doche. Doesn't make him any less right when he dissing them though. Inconsistant for sure. But right nonetheless
Trump doesn't mean what he says about anything - so how can he be right about anything?
However, what he has done - and the only time he has been blunt that I agree with - is give it to the Chinese communist party. And I specifically say the CCP, not the Chinese people themselves. The rest of the world needed a wake up call, and Trump has given it. I hope other nations listen to him and not suck up to them.
he has been bitching about how we get taken advantage of by China (and other countries) for many decades

I saw an interview with David Letterman from 1987 (or 86?)

he has not deviated on his opinion on trade one iota
I hate Trump. Think he is a racist, misogynistic, dumb-as-a-post, incurious, narcissistic bully. How someone so unqualified can become president, god only knows.

However, what he has done - and the only time he has been blunt that I agree with - is give it to the Chinese communist party. And I specifically say the CCP, not the Chinese people themselves. The rest of the world needed a wake up call, and Trump has given it. I hope other nations listen to him and not suck up to them.

President Trump thanks you, I think, well sort of, while mocking you and rolling his eyes.

I'd be surprised if he could read past the first sentence. And if he did, whether he would comprehend what was being said.

President Trump doesn't even know you are alive, your Trump hate is a swing and a miss.
I hate Trump. Think he is a racist, misogynistic, dumb-as-a-post, incurious, narcissistic bully. How someone so unqualified can become president, god only knows.

However, what he has done - and the only time he has been blunt that I agree with - is give it to the Chinese communist party. And I specifically say the CCP, not the Chinese people themselves. The rest of the world needed a wake up call, and Trump has given it. I hope other nations listen to him and not suck up to them.
Well, if your post regarding calling out China is sincere and not a troll, I completely agree. High time to bring back key manufacturing back home, especially crucial medical products. I have been bitching for years about the leaders of China and the stealing of technology, building of false islands to increase territory, their participation in the trade of illegal wildlife and poaching in other nations. Burying us in cheap products sometimes laced with toxic substances. The disgusting practice of wet markets which only ask for trouble regarding lack of sanitation.
This is a communist regime that will gladly crush it's own people with tanks.
They have a long term plan to dominate world finance and become the dominant military and have unending patience to make it happen, unlike the short attention span western nations.

Well not signing TPP was a gift to China...

Why are you bitching now, Got played
President Trump doesn't even know you are alive

You say that likes it's a bad thing...

Dr Grump partisan debate aside your post got me laughing out loud. You were about to give Trump credit for something but you had make it clear to your fellow Trump haters that you still really really...really hate Trump he's Satan's spawn so please don't take my key to the Trump haters washroom away...then you gave him credit. LMAO!
Well not signing TPP was a gift to China...

Why are you bitching now, Got played

Trump doesn't do geopolitical very well. He only does "USA only"...

So why can't China do 'China Only'?

Trump spent 3 years dismantling any International co-operation and now is pissed that China might have lie or omitted information.
Could China have just said, well the US are asking, why do we have to do anything?

By the way how does Trump think he is going to investigate this?
Well not signing TPP was a gift to China...

Why are you bitching now, Got played

Trump doesn't do geopolitical very well. He only does "USA only"...

So why can't China do 'China Only'?

Trump spent 3 years dismantling any International co-operation and now is pissed that China might have lie or omitted information.
Could China have just said, well the US are asking, why do we have to do anything?

By the way how does Trump think he is going to investigate this?

Because China has a burgeoning middle class that needs feeding, and to be housed and clothed.

More importantly, what exactly is he doing to investigate?
Dr Grump partisan debate aside your post got me laughing out loud. You were about to give Trump credit for something but you had make it clear to your fellow Trump haters that you still really really...really hate Trump he's Satan's spawn so please don't take my key to the Trump haters washroom away...then you gave him credit. LMAO!

Mine is probably a more anti-Chinese communist party rant than a pro-Trump one.
However, it is also a point that even the most worthless individual occasionally says something that makes sense.
True. But he did it because he doesn't think before the speaks (thus him being dumb as a sack of shit). However, he has given plenty of warnings about them too. Anyway, it is the only thing he has done in his whole miserable life that I agree with.

What weight, in your assessment, do these "warnings" have, given that the rest of the world knows he is "dumb as a sack of shit"? What value do they have, given the rest of the world knows way better what the Chinese are actually doing than the Orange dunce?

These questions pretty much answer themselves.

Now, if you are fine with the Orange dunce ignorantly and impotently mouthing off before cameras, seemingly because you believe the target needs some bashing... well, enjoy. There sure are plenty of Chinese policies deserving criticism.

I am pretty sure in case you look for any improvements for mistreated Chinese, or the rest of the world, you will come up as empty-handed as I am. That would require the hard work of consistent, data-driven diplomacy, the gathering of an international coalition and the strengthening of international institutions that might - might - be capable of extracting concessions from China, and actually change Xi's decision-making and behavior. As far as I can see, nothing of that kind is even envisioned, much less happening.

So, yeah, the Orange dunce threw his mouth-breathing, xenophobic "base" some red meat in the form of some China-bashing and a leaky, ineffectual "travel ban". Never, not once did I see him target the CCP, which would primarily mean to target the party's head, Xi. Never, ever.
How someone so unqualified can become president, god only knows.
He's just one annoying, embarrasing person, a person you'd rather not be around in public. Meh. The problem is that the blind, intense adoration being poured on someone like this is a symptom of MUCH larger sociological issue. It's in the same category as watching the Kardashian girls become mega-celebrities for pretty much no discernible reason. This should be motivating us to seriously and honestly examine how these kinds of people can rise to the top of our society. This is a reflection of US.
However, what he has done - and the only time he has been blunt that I agree with - is give it to the Chinese communist party. And I specifically say the CCP, not the Chinese people themselves. The rest of the world needed a wake up call, and Trump has given it. I hope other nations listen to him and not suck up to them.
Definitely. While we have to deal with his grade school-level communication and behavioral issues as he does it, it's good that he's shining a bright light on their behaviors and activities. They don't play fair, they will not play fair, and we can't trust a damn thing they say. Pretty much like Russia. The way we have divided this into the GOP shilling for Russia and the Democrats shilling for China is a damn shame, but that's one of the destructive results of our descent into stupid, petty partisan politics as a country.
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So can you give an example of how president Trump is racist?

He thinks America is for Americans and not for the Chinese, is that it?

Why is it that only white nations are racist then, Japan and China gets a pass.
How someone so unqualified can become president, god only knows.
He's just one annoying, embarrasing person, a person you'd rather not be around in public. Meh. The problem is that the blind, intense adoration being poured on someone like this is a symptom of MUCH larger sociological issue. It's in the same category as watching the Kardashian girls become mega-celebrities for pretty much no discernible reason. This should be motivating us to seriously and honestly examine how these kinds of people can rise to the top of our society. This is a reflection of US.
However, what he has done - and the only time he has been blunt that I agree with - is give it to the Chinese communist party. And I specifically say the CCP, not the Chinese people themselves. The rest of the world needed a wake up call, and Trump has given it. I hope other nations listen to him and not suck up to them.
Definitely. While we have to deal with his grade school-level communication and behavioral issues as he does it, it's good that he's shining a bright light on their behaviors and activities. They don't play fair, they will not play fair, and we can't trust a damn thing they say. Pretty much like Russia. The way we have divided this into the GOP shilling for Russia and the Democrats shilling for China is a damn shame, but that's one of the destructive results of our descent into stupid, petty partisan politics as a country.

People naturally gravitate towards alphas as leaders. That's because that's what big dogs were designed to do.

Just because you can't stand the chest beating etc. does not mean it is not supremely effective. Only your feels need fixing here.

The GOP is not shilling for Russia, rather they stand for Trump. Democrats are shilling for China, with their China town walks amidst a pandemic, even if it is fueled by Trump derangement. President Trump has not been a pro-Russia president by any stretch.

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