I can't stand Trump, but he is right about one thing....

I hate Trump. Think he is a racist, misogynistic, dumb-as-a-post, incurious, narcissistic bully. How someone so unqualified can become president, god only knows.

However, what he has done - and the only time he has been blunt that I agree with - is give it to the Chinese communist party. And I specifically say the CCP, not the Chinese people themselves. The rest of the world needed a wake up call, and Trump has given it. I hope other nations listen to him and not suck up to them.

We're not going to war with China nor are we going to do much except use harsh words and nothing more...


China has Nuclear Weapons...
We are at war with China dude, it's a trade war/biowar that China just crippled our economy with
Who do you think will come out on top?
Economically I do not know at this point, however Chinas position has advanced measurably since the virus
I hate Trump. Think he is a racist, misogynistic, dumb-as-a-post, incurious, narcissistic bully. How someone so unqualified can become president, god only knows.

However, what he has done - and the only time he has been blunt that I agree with - is give it to the Chinese communist party. And I specifically say the CCP, not the Chinese people themselves. The rest of the world needed a wake up call, and Trump has given it. I hope other nations listen to him and not suck up to them.

We're not going to war with China nor are we going to do much except use harsh words and nothing more...


China has Nuclear Weapons...
We are at war with China dude, it's a trade war/biowar that China just crippled our economy with
Who do you think will come out on top?
Economically I do not know at this point, however Chinas position has advanced measurably since the virus
That means what? Advancement of all their counterfeit garbage?

That they copied from US?

Seriously. Half their rifles would blow up in their face because that's how cheap they make things. They do not compare to US or Germany or Switzerland or Japan.

Have you ever put a Chinese socket to a 1971 American Ford transmission bolt?
That transmission bolt will break that cheap Chinese crap every time.
I hate Trump. Think he is a racist, misogynistic, dumb-as-a-post, incurious, narcissistic bully. How someone so unqualified can become president, god only knows.

However, what he has done - and the only time he has been blunt that I agree with - is give it to the Chinese communist party. And I specifically say the CCP, not the Chinese people themselves. The rest of the world needed a wake up call, and Trump has given it. I hope other nations listen to him and not suck up to them.

We're not going to war with China nor are we going to do much except use harsh words and nothing more...


China has Nuclear Weapons...
We are at war with China dude, it's a trade war/biowar that China just crippled our economy with
Who do you think will come out on top?
Economically I do not know at this point, however Chinas position has advanced measurably since the virus
That means what? Advancement of all their counterfeit garbage?

That they copied from US?
No it means our standard of living has massively decreased and theirs is not effected as they never had a standard
I hate Trump. Think he is a racist, misogynistic, dumb-as-a-post, incurious, narcissistic bully. How someone so unqualified can become president, god only knows.

However, what he has done - and the only time he has been blunt that I agree with - is give it to the Chinese communist party. And I specifically say the CCP, not the Chinese people themselves. The rest of the world needed a wake up call, and Trump has given it. I hope other nations listen to him and not suck up to them.

We're not going to war with China nor are we going to do much except use harsh words and nothing more...


China has Nuclear Weapons...
We are at war with China dude, it's a trade war/biowar that China just crippled our economy with

We are not going into a full scale war because Chins will use the Nuclear option... The ( China Communist Party ) does not care if they destroy the World and they will kill themselves just to make the point they are the ultimate evil...

Even Stalin could not imagine the depth of ruthlessness China would achieve...
Dude we are in a full scale war, more people are involved in this one than were involved in WW2

We are not going to invade China and China is not going to invade us. If for one damn moment you think we have a chance of beating China in a full scale war where we send troops in then you are either delusional or trolling!

China is a Nuclear Power with the ability to wipe all of us out and is backed by Russia, Iran and North Korea along with the backing of Terrorist Organizations and the Cartels.

Only a damn fool believe we can win...
Amazing how you had to destroy a compliment before ever giving it.


I voted for Trump assuming he was at least half Crazy because my other choice was Pure Depravity--Hillary Clinton, a true slave of Satan, whose only real accomplishment was to marry a Pussy-lovin Southern Boy, who happened to be a political genius, and who got her every job she ever had--all of which she fucked up.

Now, I have, with my seat belt fastened, watched Trump carefully. To call him a Racist is simply absurd. And, only a true Dumb-Ass would say he is a Dumb-Ass---he made a couple of Billion and got elected President of the greatest country in history.

Dumb-Asses don't do that.

But, it is true that doesn't keep Dumb-Asses from calling him a Dumb-ass. First Amendment rights---which will be going south if your Bolshevik-Democrats ever get complete control---as they hope to to with Illegal Invasion, Voter Fraud, and New York/Globalist Media.

But, welcome to the realization that China is not to be trusted. Trump figured that out years ago.


I hate to say this, but you're a dumb ass, and that is why I don't expect you to read this, because it would lead to you becoming educated.

You read then quote Rolling Stone. Too funny.
I hate Trump. Think he is a racist, misogynistic, dumb-as-a-post, incurious, narcissistic bully. How someone so unqualified can become president, god only knows.

However, what he has done - and the only time he has been blunt that I agree with - is give it to the Chinese communist party. And I specifically say the CCP, not the Chinese people themselves. The rest of the world needed a wake up call, and Trump has given it. I hope other nations listen to him and not suck up to them.

You always say you don't like Trump, but you support everything he does. Quit lying you old fart. Nobody takes your rants seriously.
I hate Trump. Think he is a racist, misogynistic, dumb-as-a-post, incurious, narcissistic bully. How someone so unqualified can become president, god only knows.

However, what he has done - and the only time he has been blunt that I agree with - is give it to the Chinese communist party. And I specifically say the CCP, not the Chinese people themselves. The rest of the world needed a wake up call, and Trump has given it. I hope other nations listen to him and not suck up to them.
Well, if your post regarding calling out China is sincere and not a troll, I completely agree. High time to bring back key manufacturing back home, especially crucial medical products. I have been bitching for years about the leaders of China and the stealing of technology, building of false islands to increase territory, their participation in the trade of illegal wildlife and poaching in other nations. Burying us in cheap products sometimes laced with toxic substances. The disgusting practice of wet markets which only ask for trouble regarding lack of sanitation.
This is a communist regime that will gladly crush it's own people with tanks.
They have a long term plan to dominate world finance and become the dominant military and have unending patience to make it happen, unlike the short attention span western nations.

Interesting. Most of the nimrods here are talking about war etc. You are more in line what I was thinking (with the exception of the wet markets). Yes, bring back manufacturing (in fact some countries are, more from places like Indonesia and Philippines where quality has become too much of an issue). But its incursion into the South China Sea and stealing technology. Need to become more hardarse about it IMO. And yes, we have to think more Asian than Western. They will never play nice.
Watch American Factory. Won the Oscar for best doco. Bout sums it up what will happen to the rest of the world if we don't do something about it. Again, specifically the CCP. Xi better watch himself. Having 1.3 billion people pissed at you is not a good thing. And before anybody says "oh, the red army will crush dissenters", you must remember Chaing Kai Chek thought the same and he ended up in Taiwan licking his wounds.
I hate Trump. Think he is a racist, misogynistic, dumb-as-a-post, incurious, narcissistic bully. How someone so unqualified can become president, god only knows.

However, what he has done - and the only time he has been blunt that I agree with - is give it to the Chinese communist party. And I specifically say the CCP, not the Chinese people themselves. The rest of the world needed a wake up call, and Trump has given it. I hope other nations listen to him and not suck up to them.

Amazing how you had to destroy a compliment before ever giving it.


I voted for Trump assuming he was at least half Crazy because my other choice was Pure Depravity--Hillary Clinton, a true slave of Satan, whose only real accomplishment was to marry a Pussy-lovin Southern Boy, who happened to be a political genius, and who got her every job she ever had--all of which she fucked up.

Now, I have, with my seat belt fastened, watched Trump carefully. To call him a Racist is simply absurd. And, only a true Dumb-Ass would say he is a Dumb-Ass---he made a couple of Billion and got elected President of the greatest country in history.

Dumb-Asses don't do that.

But, it is true that doesn't keep Dumb-Asses from calling him a Dumb-ass. First Amendment rights---which will be going south if your Bolshevik-Democrats ever get complete control---as they hope to to with Illegal Invasion, Voter Fraud, and New York/Globalist Media.

But, welcome to the realization that China is not to be trusted. Trump figured that out years ago.


He absolutely is a racist. Just ask any black person who tried to rent a place off him the '70s.

He made a couple of billion? Did he? Really? Filed for chapter 11 no less than 6 times. Yeah, a real genius. Any decision of any note he has made in his businesses has been due to those around him. As he himself proves every day with his press 'briefings' and tweets - he's as dumb as a sack of shit. Many more people have done much better than him

And no, I've been saying for at least two decades the CCP is a problem. Just because I'm articulating it on messageboard today, doesn't mean I've just thought of it.

As an FYI, I don't think Trump is a fuckwit because he is president. I thought that long before he was president. Heck, long before he did The Apprentice. He has always been a bloviated windbag.

Hillary will be the best president you never had. She has a list of accomplishments almost longer than her husband's and was more than qualified to be pres. She was an effective SoS and senator.

Anybody who refers to Dems as Bolsheviks, the media as globalists, raves on about clearly disproven allegations about voter fraud, AND was stupid enough to vote for the Orange Buffoon has no right calling anybody dumb. They are the epitome of somebody who has the IQ of a lobotomised amoeba.
I hate Trump. Think he is a racist, misogynistic, dumb-as-a-post, incurious, narcissistic bully. How someone so unqualified can become president, god only knows.

However, what he has done - and the only time he has been blunt that I agree with - is give it to the Chinese communist party. And I specifically say the CCP, not the Chinese people themselves. The rest of the world needed a wake up call, and Trump has given it. I hope other nations listen to him and not suck up to them.

You always say you don't like Trump, but you support everything he does. Quit lying you old fart. Nobody takes your rants seriously.

Outside of his take on China, name ONE other thing of his I support. Take your time...
He's a fucking disaster...
Yeah, Trump sure "gave" it to them Chinese:

Just finished a very good conversation with President Xi of China. Discussed in great detail the CoronaVirus that is ravaging large parts of our Planet. China has been through much & has developed a strong understanding of the Virus. We are working closely together. Much respect!​
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 27, 2020​

And he wasn't completely done yet:

"China has been working very hard to contain the Coronavirus," Trump tweeted on January 24, "The United States greatly appreciates their efforts and transparency. It will all work out well. In particular, on behalf of the American People, I want to thank President Xi!"​

And there's still more:

"Well, you never know. I think they want to put the best face on it. So you know, I mean, if somebody -- if you were running it, you'd probably -- you wouldn't want to run out to the world and go crazy and start saying whatever it is because you don't want to create a panic," he said. "But, no, I think they've handled it professionally and I think they're extremely capable and I think President Xi is extremely capable and I hope that it's going to be resolved."​

It's just when he realized he needs a scapegoat publicly to clobber for his own botched and incompetent pandemic response, his eye fell on China. So, suddenly his steamy love affair with the formerly much respected President Xi is on ice, diplomacy is for suckers, and thumbs are to be stuck in their eyes - nothing helps international cooperation to solve international problems along quite like that.

The Orange dunce still claims China is paying the tariffs for the Chinese imports, many billions, and he'll be back licking Xi's whatevers pretty soon.

True. But he did it because he doesn't think before the speaks (thus him being dumb as a sack of shit). However, he has given plenty of warnings about them too. Anyway, it is the only thing he has done in his whole miserable life that I agree with.
I hate Trump. Think he is a racist, misogynistic, dumb-as-a-post, incurious, narcissistic bully. How someone so unqualified can become president, god only knows.

However, what he has done - and the only time he has been blunt that I agree with - is give it to the Chinese communist party. And I specifically say the CCP, not the Chinese people themselves. The rest of the world needed a wake up call, and Trump has given it. I hope other nations listen to him and not suck up to them.

Amazing how you had to destroy a compliment before ever giving it.


I voted for Trump assuming he was at least half Crazy because my other choice was Pure Depravity--Hillary Clinton, a true slave of Satan, whose only real accomplishment was to marry a Pussy-lovin Southern Boy, who happened to be a political genius, and who got her every job she ever had--all of which she fucked up.

Now, I have, with my seat belt fastened, watched Trump carefully. To call him a Racist is simply absurd. And, only a true Dumb-Ass would say he is a Dumb-Ass---he made a couple of Billion and got elected President of the greatest country in history.

Dumb-Asses don't do that.

But, it is true that doesn't keep Dumb-Asses from calling him a Dumb-ass. First Amendment rights---which will be going south if your Bolshevik-Democrats ever get complete control---as they hope to to with Illegal Invasion, Voter Fraud, and New York/Globalist Media.

But, welcome to the realization that China is not to be trusted. Trump figured that out years ago.


He absolutely is a racist. Just ask any black person who tried to rent a place off him the '70s.

He made a couple of billion? Did he? Really? Filed for chapter 11 no less than 6 times. Yeah, a real genius. Any decision of any note he has made in his businesses has been due to those around him. As he himself proves every day with his press 'briefings' and tweets - he's as dumb as a sack of shit. Many more people have done much better than him

And no, I've been saying for at least two decades the CCP is a problem. Just because I'm articulating it on messageboard today, doesn't mean I've just thought of it.

As an FYI, I don't think Trump is a fuckwit because he is president. I thought that long before he was president. Heck, long before he did The Apprentice. He has always been a bloviated windbag.

Hillary will be the best president you never had. She has a list of accomplishments almost longer than her husband's and was more than qualified to be pres. She was an effective SoS and senator.

Anybody who refers to Dems as Bolsheviks, the media as globalists, raves on about clearly disproven allegations about voter fraud, AND was stupid enough to vote for the Orange Buffoon has no right calling anybody dumb. They are the epitome of somebody who has the IQ of a lobotomised amoeba.

Thank you for your response.

I usually don't comment but once. I know there is no changing the mind of a person like you. Not only is Stupidity involved, but so is Human Nature. Plutarch, writing in the first century after Christ said that History is so hard to write because human nature (and intelligence) makes people see the same phenomena from different points of reference.

Take Trump's bankruptcies. Your ignorant limited knowledge, and/or ability to comprehend, make you think Trump declared bankruptcy six times.


He formed companies, or limited liability partnerships, FOR PARTICULAR VENTURES, and got loans to finance it from big ole boy banks who were willing to give these corporations or LLC's non-recourse loans (meaning he did not have to personally guarantee them)---they did that because they wanted his personal business---and they KNEW that if the venture went sour, the company or LLC would file likey file bankruptcy. Trump would lose the seed money he put in---the equity, and the bank would lose what it loaned. It's the way big boy banks do business with big boy players. Like Trump.

If you did not know that, it is because you are ignorant, and if you do know it, you lied like a dog when you insinuate that Trump himself went bankrupt 6 times. I suspect ignorance.

The reason I suspect you are a Dumb-Ass is that you called him a Racist---the common Bolshevik-in-Training Cop-Out---and when I called you on that, your PROOF is a factual re-assertion which you ask me to prove for myself by checking with minorities back in the 1970's---40 or 50 years ago.

Can you not see how foolish you look with that numb-skull nonsense? Guess not.

Hillary Clinton had told Bill to get lost because he was going back to Arkansas to build a political career and she was far too haughty to live in a backwater like that. Then she flunked the D. C. Bar Exam---she's a Dumb-Ass, not much less so than you---and she realized that she would in fact need a man's coat tails to ride through life. A Margaret Thatcher she is not. Bill first gave her Health Care to get done, but she pissed off everybody on Capitol Hill---even Democrats, and it went down in flames. He then elbowed out every decent person in the Demo Party and got her elected to the Senate in New York....maybe she did a passable job there, because all you have to do to be a Senator from New York is be a Crook---at which she does excel. Bill then helped Obama get elected, in exchange for making her Secretary of State and all she did was fly around drinking and building her money flow---the cash cow Clinton Foundation---while China and Russia ate America's lunch.

Fuck you.
I hate Trump. Think he is a racist, misogynistic, dumb-as-a-post, incurious, narcissistic bully. How someone so unqualified can become president, god only knows.

However, what he has done - and the only time he has been blunt that I agree with - is give it to the Chinese communist party. And I specifically say the CCP, not the Chinese people themselves. The rest of the world needed a wake up call, and Trump has given it. I hope other nations listen to him and not suck up to them.

You always say you don't like Trump, but you support everything he does. Quit lying you old fart. Nobody takes your rants seriously.

Outside of his take on China, name ONE other thing of his I support. Take your time...
He's a fucking disaster...

I'm not going to look up your posts dumb ass. You're the one who is embarrassed to admit what you want.
I hate Trump. Think he is a racist, misogynistic, dumb-as-a-post, incurious, narcissistic bully. How someone so unqualified can become president, god only knows.

However, what he has done - and the only time he has been blunt that I agree with - is give it to the Chinese communist party. And I specifically say the CCP, not the Chinese people themselves. The rest of the world needed a wake up call, and Trump has given it. I hope other nations listen to him and not suck up to them.

President Trump thanks you, I think, well sort of, while mocking you and rolling his eyes.
I hate Trump. Think he is a racist, misogynistic, dumb-as-a-post, incurious, narcissistic bully. How someone so unqualified can become president, god only knows.

However, what he has done - and the only time he has been blunt that I agree with - is give it to the Chinese communist party. And I specifically say the CCP, not the Chinese people themselves. The rest of the world needed a wake up call, and Trump has given it. I hope other nations listen to him and not suck up to them.

You always say you don't like Trump, but you support everything he does. Quit lying you old fart. Nobody takes your rants seriously.

Outside of his take on China, name ONE other thing of his I support. Take your time...
He's a fucking disaster...

I'm not going to look up your posts dumb ass. You're the one who is embarrassed to admit what you want.
You are doing something better, I take it? What could that be?
Thank you for your response.

I usually don't comment but once. I know there is no changing the mind of a person like you. Not only is Stupidity involved, but so is Human Nature. Plutarch, writing in the first century after Christ said that History is so hard to write because human nature (and intelligence) makes people see the same phenomena from different points of reference.

Take Trump's bankruptcies. Your ignorant limited knowledge, and/or ability to comprehend, make you think Trump declared bankruptcy six times.


He formed companies, or limited liability partnerships, FOR PARTICULAR VENTURES, and got loans to finance it from big ole boy banks who were willing to give these corporations or LLC's non-recourse loans (meaning he did not have to personally guarantee them)---they did that because they wanted his personal business---and they KNEW that if the venture went sour, the company or LLC would file likey file bankruptcy. Trump would lose the seed money he put in---the equity, and the bank would lose what it loaned. It's the way big boy banks do business with big boy players. Like Trump.

If you did not know that, it is because you are ignorant, and if you do know it, you lied like a dog when you insinuate that Trump himself went bankrupt 6 times. I suspect ignorance.

The reason I suspect you are a Dumb-Ass is that you called him a Racist---the common Bolshevik-in-Training Cop-Out---and when I called you on that, your PROOF is a factual re-assertion which you ask me to prove for myself by checking with minorities back in the 1970's---40 or 50 years ago.

Can you not see how foolish you look with that numb-skull nonsense? Guess not.

Hillary Clinton had told Bill to get lost because he was going back to Arkansas to build a political career and she was far too haughty to live in a backwater like that. Then she flunked the D. C. Bar Exam---she's a Dumb-Ass, not much less so than you---and she realized that she would in fact need a man's coat tails to ride through life. A Margaret Thatcher she is not. Bill first gave her Health Care to get done, but she pissed off everybody on Capitol Hill---even Democrats, and it went down in flames. He then elbowed out every decent person in the Demo Party and got her elected to the Senate in New York....maybe she did a passable job there, because all you have to do to be a Senator from New York is be a Crook---at which she does excel. Bill then helped Obama get elected, in exchange for making her Secretary of State and all she did was fly around drinking and building her money flow---the cash cow Clinton Foundation---while China and Russia ate America's lunch.

Fuck you.

What? You want me to change my mind that he is a shit businessman? Really? That he is not a bloviated windbay with the IQ of a jellyfish with Tourettes? That he is a racist or misogynist when there is example after example of it?

Yet thousands of business people never file for chapter 11 once (btw you do know the difference between chapter 11 and bankruptcy, right - I never said he filed for bankruptcy). He did six times. Either the bankers are dumb or he is or both. So, you're telling me he set out to fail six times? Or he was okay with losing his seed money? My point isn't about the chapter 11's themselves, it's about his starting six businesses that failed. You know, unlike Bill Gates. Unlike Warren Buffet. You know, businessmen that have never filed Chapter 11...

People fail exams all the time. Yet she has a law degree from Harvard and passed the Arkansas bar. What, no other politician got a hand up from anybody? Bush jnr got in on his charm alone? She was a good senator and very competent SoS. Of course China and the USSR ate your lunch. At the behest of who? You think those relationships have gotten better over the past four years?

When did I ask you to prove anything? As well as being a dumb arse, you have reading comprehension issues. Go figure.

Dumb Kunt
I hate Trump. Think he is a racist, misogynistic, dumb-as-a-post, incurious, narcissistic bully. How someone so unqualified can become president, god only knows.

However, what he has done - and the only time he has been blunt that I agree with - is give it to the Chinese communist party. And I specifically say the CCP, not the Chinese people themselves. The rest of the world needed a wake up call, and Trump has given it. I hope other nations listen to him and not suck up to them.

President Trump thanks you, I think, well sort of, while mocking you and rolling his eyes.

I'd be surprised if he could read past the first sentence. And if he did, whether he would comprehend what was being said.
I hate Trump. Think he is a racist, misogynistic, dumb-as-a-post, incurious, narcissistic bully. How someone so unqualified can become president, god only knows.

However, what he has done - and the only time he has been blunt that I agree with - is give it to the Chinese communist party. And I specifically say the CCP, not the Chinese people themselves. The rest of the world needed a wake up call, and Trump has given it. I hope other nations listen to him and not suck up to them.

You always say you don't like Trump, but you support everything he does. Quit lying you old fart. Nobody takes your rants seriously.

Outside of his take on China, name ONE other thing of his I support. Take your time...
He's a fucking disaster...

I'm not going to look up your posts dumb ass. You're the one who is embarrassed to admit what you want.

Because I never said that.
What's as bad as a dumb arse neocon whackadoodle Trump lover?
You - the lib equivalent.
I hate Trump. Think he is a racist, misogynistic, dumb-as-a-post, incurious, narcissistic bully. How someone so unqualified can become president, god only knows.

However, what he has done - and the only time he has been blunt that I agree with - is give it to the Chinese communist party. And I specifically say the CCP, not the Chinese people themselves. The rest of the world needed a wake up call, and Trump has given it. I hope other nations listen to him and not suck up to them.

You always say you don't like Trump, but you support everything he does. Quit lying you old fart. Nobody takes your rants seriously.

Outside of his take on China, name ONE other thing of his I support. Take your time...
He's a fucking disaster...

I'm not going to look up your posts dumb ass. You're the one who is embarrassed to admit what you want.
You are doing something better, I take it? What could that be?

Anything I might do would be better than your goofy shit.
When the crazy left is out of ideas they resort to cliches. After what the democrats did to Sarah Palin the TDS idiots have the nerve to call the President "misogynistic"? Isn't it about the abortion industry? After what democrats did to Justice Clarence Thomas they have the nerve to call Trump a racist? Trump probably offered a living wage to more Black Americans and Hispanics during his career than LBJ's "Great Society" ever did with taxpayer dollars. Trump can't win as long as lefties are afflicted with TDS.

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