I can't support Trump

I have lived with illegal aliens from Mexico. I have seen the violence and angst they bring. But when they are called out that's slighted, when Mexicans get slighted , that's rock hard racism. Why is criticizing legal aliens from Mexico Racism?

Is Mexican a race or nationality?

Racism is the word that a liberal believes is like a nuclear bomb. They believe it wipes all opposition on any topic. Ignore it.
I like Mexican culture. I like Mexicans. I just don't like liars and frauds hiding under cultural pretenses.
I have lived with illegal aliens from Mexico. I have seen the violence and angst they bring. But when they are called out that's slighted, when Mexicans get slighted , that's rock hard racism. Why is criticizing legal aliens from Mexico Racism?

Is Mexican a race or nationality?

Racism is the word that a liberal believes is like a nuclear bomb. They believe it wipes all opposition on any topic. Ignore it.
Mexican is just another nationality. Does it matter? Do they have a special right to ignore American immigration law? Mexicans think so.
I have lived with illegal aliens from Mexico. I have seen the violence and angst they bring. But when they are called out that's slighted, when Mexicans get slighted , that's rock hard racism. Why is criticizing legal aliens from Mexico Racism?
It's not, but the puppets and America haters and regressive scum want to kill the messenger. Unfortunately for them they have only reached "the boy who cried wolf" level of success.
I used to love Mexican culture, the Mayans up to the Diego Rivera . Now they come off as sexual predators and vile excuse of human nature. Not seeing unicorns or rainbows.

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