I Challenge Right Wingers to Watch Daily Show and Colbert Report.


Tea is the new Kool-Aid
Mar 12, 2014
As stated, "I Challenge Right Wingers to Watch Daily Show and Colbert Report."

If you are smart enough to debate politics, you can surely take a joke or two over politics.

I would also challenge the Left to take in the Mike Huckabee show, but clearly today, "THE LEFT KNOWS MUCH MORE ABOUT THE RIGHT WING THAN THE RIGHT KNOWS ABOUT THE LEFT"<-----fact
What about those of us who can't stand the sight of smarmy and smug liberals? At least with a debate I can put them in their place. When I tried watching Stewart all I can do is yell at the TV about what an idiot he is for getting his analysis wrong. When I see these guys, this is what I think:

If people are smart enough, they don't resource those as news or legitimate commentary. Self-righteous teenyboppers do.
So do you want us whites to stop working, raising our children to succeed and just say fuck it?

Blacks may want to look at themselves before they scream PRIVELEGED.

Colbert is an idiot spreading idiotic "crap" that don't tell the reality of the world.
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I watch the Daily Show at times only for the comedy. But the problem with both those shows is that it is where a lot of left wingers apparently get their news. Listening to some left wingers it is not surprising they get their news from a comedy show.
I challenge left-wingers to quit vegetating in front of idiot TV programs, and to crack open a good book now and then. I was asked by a German on the web the other day why 40 million adult Americans are nonfunctional or quasi-functional illiterates. I told him the truth. I told him because democratic party controlled teacher's unions have been in charge of educating them for half a century. It's really embarrassing discussing the subject of American illiteracy with foreigners online. But the left doesn't give a shit, do they? They have no sense of duty, responsibility, or accountability. All they care about is keeping this great unwashed illiterate mob available for voting duty now and then...that is when they're not busy perpetrating countless acts of racist terrorism, or trying to burn down LA or St. Louis.
As stated, "I Challenge Right Wingers to Watch Daily Show and Colbert Report."

If you are smart enough to debate politics, you can surely take a joke or two over politics.

I would also challenge the Left to take in the Mike Huckabee show, but clearly today, "THE LEFT KNOWS MUCH MORE ABOUT THE RIGHT WING THAN THE RIGHT KNOWS ABOUT THE LEFT"<-----fact

Stewart and Colbert are left wing propagandists comedians. They are funny though...I guess having a huge staff of writers to write funny jokes, works.

I dispute your claim that the Left knows much more about the Right. Most leftists have NEVER heard a right wing position or debated it. Most only know Leftism. For example, in another thread a Leftist asks what other economic system is there other than Keynesian. Conversely, we on the Right have had to endure a constant barrage of Leftism, from birth to death.

I believe that polling proves me correct. I can't find it now, but there was a poll done of Right and Left..asking each what the other thought about issues. The Right got it right about the Left. The Left almost never got it right about the right.
Jon Stuart is going to find his unquestioned support of Michael Brown as his Twana Brawley moment. Word is The Gentle Giant turns out to be a murderer and a member of the Crips gang.
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The biggest problem nowadays is people who still get their news from the television. Left or right. With the plethora of information online, why are people still getting their news from these worthless cable stations?
Why is there no conservative equivalent to Colbert or Stewart? Both have been known to parody Democrats, so I wonder if their partisan appearance has more to do with the sillyness on the right than anything else.

Sarah Palin, the "I'm not witch" candidate and Michelle Bachmann give any good comedy writer reams of material - is there a collection of characters on the left as ridiculous as that trio?
The biggest problem nowadays is people who still get their news from the television. Left or right. With the plethora of information online, why are people still getting their news from these worthless cable stations?

I agree, but you fail partially.

You claim cable stations are worthless, but what about the network stations? I believe they are just as bad and maybe worse. Then add in most of the old print media. Nearly all are left wing and spout statist propaganda daily.
Now that is utterly laughable. Your claim that the left knows more about the right? LOL.

All the left here seem to be able to articulate is that they think the right hates everyone who isn't white and they want to eat the poor. Sure, they are sooooo knowledgeable about the other side.

Then, after making that blanket unsupported asinine claim, you challenge the right to watch COMEDIC COMETARY for information. Wow, just wow. That, right there, is a clear example of why politics is so fucked up in this nation.
Why is there no conservative equivalent to Colbert or Stewart? Both have been known to parody Democrats, so I wonder if their partisan appearance has more to do with the sillyness on the right than anything else.

Sarah Palin, the "I'm not witch" candidate and Michelle Bachmann give any good comedy writer reams of material - is there a collection of characters on the left as ridiculous as that trio?
And Hannity regularly blasts the right. Does that mean he is not a right wing nut? No, not at all. Being that you are a left wing partisan hack, I am not surprised that you don't see the painfully obvious hard left take in Colbert and Stewart.
As stated, "I Challenge Right Wingers to Watch Daily Show and Colbert Report."

If you are smart enough to debate politics, you can surely take a joke or two over politics.

Some of us do not engage in debate or believe it to be am appropriate form of communication. No more than comedy or satire are. Therefore we have no reason to watch any program whose basis is debate, comedy or satire.
I agree, but you fail partially.

You claim cable stations are worthless, but what about the network stations? I believe they are just as bad and maybe worse. Then add in most of the old print media. Nearly all are left wing and spout statist propaganda daily.

Left or right wing. A majority of news is sensationalist garbage.

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