I Challenge You to Prove Trump is a Racist.

Trump has been called a "racist" countless times, so one must assume there is clear evidence of this alleged "fact".

I request that anyone having clear and concise evidence of Trump's racism post it here.

What difference does it make what Trump thinks in his mind? There are no mind reading devices that can prove racism. That is just stupid ridiculous talk for fucking morons. Screaming racist doesnt mean you won an argument. It just means you are incapable of making an argument.
Uranium 145 million has a false rating, and was fully investigated by FBI and no evidence of wrong doing found.

Since Trump is best buddies with dictators around the world, you cant defend Trump, so you have to b-b-but Obama, b-b-but Hillary.

You're such a fucking liar, but so very stupid...

Of course the president is less flexible while he is campaigning for re-election. Obama is just stating fact.

Does this have anything to do with Uranium One?


You're just a hack demagogue. This years version of Heinreich Himmler.

So, does not being as flexible during re-election have anything to do with Uranium One?

It has to do with Obama supporting the invasion of the Ukraine by his buddy Vlad. Obama was and is Putin's bitch.

In 2013, Obama and Putin agreed never to talk to each other ever again.
Trump wants to recognize Russia's sovereignty over Crimea.
Apparently you've misplaced who's Putin's bitch?
Russia had celebrated "Trump is ours".
You probably are one of those who thinks that there is no difference
between legal immigrants and illegal immigrants. You've been hanging with deanrd too much, Lesh.

But then Trump doesn't either. He wants to stop all immigration...of brown folks
No he doesn't....show where he wants to stop ALL immigration of brown people, Lesh. I'll wait while you get the facts......not democrat truths.

Biden doesn’t go with facts either?

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Trump has been called a "racist" countless times, so one must assume there is clear evidence of this alleged "fact".

I request that anyone having clear and concise evidence of Trump's racism post it here.

What is your criteria for proof? My late mother used to tell me a man is known by the company he keeps.

There is that little thing regarding the talking points of his main issue and where they generated from.

So, what would you call clear and concise? Does he have to been as stupid as to have done or said something overtly racist? Is that the only way to prove it?


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Another uneducated troll?
Trump has been called a "racist" countless times, so one must assume there is clear evidence of this alleged "fact".

I request that anyone having clear and concise evidence of Trump's racism post it here.

What is your criteria for proof? My late mother used to tell me a man is known by the company he keeps.

There is that little thing regarding the talking points of his main issue and where they generated from.

So, what would you call clear and concise? Does he have to been as stupid as to have done or said something overtly racist? Is that the only way to prove it?


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Another uneducated troll?


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Then point one out, Herr Himmler.
It is obvious you will deny examples of Trump racism no matter how many are provided.
In the early '70s, Trump was hauled into federal court for discriminating against blacks by refusing to rent or sell his apartments or condominiums to African Americans.
Multiple employees have reported him using the N-word for describing African Americans.
The list goes on and on, but as already stated, you will simply stay in denial no matter how many examples are or have been shown.
You were there and saw the whole thing right? I can't tell you how many times some black pos cries he was called the nword when he wasn't. Prove something liar.
What did I lie about asshole? And you know, the guy in your avatar played one of the most famous assholes and traitors in Hollywood history. How did you get so dumb?
I'm smart, I'm not like you say, dumb. You still haven't shown one thing racist he did. He said she said isn't proof liar. Look how low the parrot libs have sunk, attacking fictional avatars now. lol
You kind of plagiarized Fredo's line from Godfather II:

"I'm smart Michael. I'm not dumb like everyone says"
Fredo Corleone to Michael Corleone
Godfather II

Did you figure that out all by yourself?

Dayum, we may let your vote for your first Republican - IF you can wear big boy undies for 4 hours and not pee yourself....
I gave you a provable certified example wherein a federal court on two occasions found him guilty of discriminating in his business practices of refusing to rent or sell apartments and condominiums to African Americans.
That's just a common sense business decision.

Which had NOTHING to do with race. Court documents showed that they were denying WELFARE recipients of ALL COLORS.

Now the Bolsheviks keep telling us that most welfare rats are white, so the policy was anti-white.
He's a racist because of his words and actions.

It's not even a question at this point
I notice not one of you walking sacks can ever show any of those actions or words!
"Countries are shit hole"

Being honest about the deficiencies in a country does not make one a racist.
"Countries are shit hole"
Being honest about the deficiencies in a country does not make one a racist.
Pogo is trying to redefine the word to make their spin legitimate.

Nothing in my post had jack squat to do with "defining" anything, or with racism, or with "them", whoever "they" might be. If you weren't swimming in that soup of sniffing around to find old posts of mine to flag you might have noticed that the poster who quoted me cut most of the post out (which is btw against site rules) and that I was originally quoting somebody else, verbatim. Which is already obvious on its face from the juxtaposition of a singular noun with a plural verb.
BS, he is no more of a racist than you are.
Don't mods need to know how to read? Dont they, like, make that part of the interview?

They vote for him because they THINK he is a racist. Read that top to bottom, left to right.

Oh, did you go interview all who voted for Trump? :dunno:

Nah, you're just a fucking bigot spewing the party stereotype.

Tell me Comrade, is it possible for whites to overcome their inferiority that causes them to be racists? I know that white skin genetically makes whites inferior and thus racists, but is it possible for those you see as lesser to overcome these flaws?

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