I Challenge You to Prove Trump is a Racist.

BS, he is no more of a racist than you are.
Don't mods need to know how to read? Dont they, like, make that part of the interview?

They vote for him because they THINK he is a racist. Read that top to bottom, left to right.
Stupidity runs deep with you, skid row Indiana. Once again, democrat truth is all you asses have...no facts,
just what your masters tell you. It truly is sad.
Stupidity runs deep with you, skid row Indiana.
Said the whiny baby that couldnt read and comprehend a simple, english sentence.

Instead of having your embarrassing little hissy first, you should just admit you made a silly error, retract your therefore idiotic response, and then craft a new response to what i actually said. Thanks in advance.
I'm playing the devils advocate here: Ummm. Lets see here, Clintons loved him, he used to be Democrat and a liberal. No...That doesn't work... Hum, he's wealthy white Male. Republican. We all agree, all rich white males republicans are racist . There you go! Ticks all the boxes for racial profiling. I mean, opps, that's bad...er is it, I cant tell without a scorecard.
Somehow Trump was NOT a racist when he was writing checks to Hillary and other Democrats and bashing George W.Bush. Liberals had no problem with Trump’s so-called racism. Yet when he basically ran as an Independent within a milquetoast Republican Party, all of the sudden, Trump was the second coming of George Wallace.

Liberals have short memories and are full of shit.
The white supremacists love him. Stop playing stupid.

Prove it or pound sand.
No, look it up yourself, whiner.

LOL, black man say Trump bad.
white racist loves trump because he thinks trump is also racist...

Prove Trump is a racist.
I didn't say he was a racist. You're the one that likes him because you think he is a racist.

Dont worry, he thinks your white ass is a piece of shit, too.
Trump has been called a "racist" countless times, so one must assume there is clear evidence of this alleged "fact".

I request that anyone having clear and concise evidence of Trump's racism post it here.
they can't..they just babble
Have you ever been to North Africa, Rural Mexico, outside the hotel zones in the Carribean? No, you haven't, they are ALL shitholes dumbass.
43% of immigrants from those ‘shithole’ African countries have a bachelor’s degree or higher, compared to 33% of the overall American population. “Nigerian-Americans, for instance, have a median household income well above the American average.” I say we need more immigrants from shithole countries.

You are purposely ignoring the truth. they countries are shitholes.
We don't immigrate countries we immigrate people. There are good people from every country.

Honey the point is that Trump is CORRECT, those Countries are shit hole. Why is that so hard for folks to accept? IF you've BEEN to any of them you know this is a FACT. Nowhere did I single out any individuals.

"Countries are shit hole" huh. When exactly did you start learning to write? Yesterday?
Perhaps plurals work differently on your keyboard. Perhaps the letter S simply ceases to exist in your kitchen.
Grammar Nazi---we can find all kinds of grammar mistakes from you ----hypocrite
43% of immigrants from those ‘shithole’ African countries have a bachelor’s degree or higher, compared to 33% of the overall American population. “Nigerian-Americans, for instance, have a median household income well above the American average.” I say we need more immigrants from shithole countries.

You are purposely ignoring the truth. they countries are shitholes.
We don't immigrate countries we immigrate people. There are good people from every country.

Honey the point is that Trump is CORRECT, those Countries are shit hole. Why is that so hard for folks to accept? IF you've BEEN to any of them you know this is a FACT. Nowhere did I single out any individuals.

"Countries are shit hole" huh. When exactly did you start learning to write? Yesterday?
Perhaps plurals work differently on your keyboard. Perhaps the letter S simply ceases to exist in your kitchen.
Grammar Nazi---we can find all kinds of grammar mistakes from you ----hypocrite

Go ahead, find one. Be my jest.
You are purposely ignoring the truth. they countries are shitholes.
We don't immigrate countries we immigrate people. There are good people from every country.

Honey the point is that Trump is CORRECT, those Countries are shit hole. Why is that so hard for folks to accept? IF you've BEEN to any of them you know this is a FACT. Nowhere did I single out any individuals.

"Countries are shit hole" huh. When exactly did you start learning to write? Yesterday?
Perhaps plurals work differently on your keyboard. Perhaps the letter S simply ceases to exist in your kitchen.
Grammar Nazi---we can find all kinds of grammar mistakes from you ----hypocrite

Go ahead, find one. Be my jest.
here--I didn't have to look too long:
This may veer somewhat off topic, but in pursuit of the whole "commie" mythology ... a 2004 film called "Heir to an Execution" supplied me with a lightbulb epiphany of perspective all of this. It's by Ivy Meeropol, who is the granddaughter of Juilius and Ethel Rosenberg. The revealing comment was not in the film itself but in the director's commentary track, something she I guess thought was a throwaway anecdote but I found it profound. The filmmaker was not setting out to examine the political dynamics behind the execution of her grandparents; rather she was exploring who they were as people.
...at least 2 grammar mistakes along with run on sentences and bad use of the conjunctions
The Nuking of Nagasaki: Even More Immoral and Unnecessary than Hiroshima
We don't immigrate countries we immigrate people. There are good people from every country.

Honey the point is that Trump is CORRECT, those Countries are shit hole. Why is that so hard for folks to accept? IF you've BEEN to any of them you know this is a FACT. Nowhere did I single out any individuals.

"Countries are shit hole" huh. When exactly did you start learning to write? Yesterday?
Perhaps plurals work differently on your keyboard. Perhaps the letter S simply ceases to exist in your kitchen.
Grammar Nazi---we can find all kinds of grammar mistakes from you ----hypocrite

Go ahead, find one. Be my jest.
here--I didn't have to look too long:
This may veer somewhat off topic, but in pursuit of the whole "commie" mythology ... a 2004 film called "Heir to an Execution" supplied me with a lightbulb epiphany of perspective all of this. It's by Ivy Meeropol, who is the granddaughter of Juilius and Ethel Rosenberg. The revealing comment was not in the film itself but in the director's commentary track, something she I guess thought was a throwaway anecdote but I found it profound. The filmmaker was not setting out to examine the political dynamics behind the execution of her grandparents; rather she was exploring who they were as people.
...at least 2 grammar mistakes along with run on sentences and bad use of the conjunctions
The Nuking of Nagasaki: Even More Immoral and Unnecessary than Hiroshima

"Run-on sentences" are not a grammatical issue but a matter of subjective taste. And there's no inappropriate conjunction in the passage quoted. You lose.

Both the noun countries and the verb are however, are clearly plural, and as such cannot stand with the singular "shit hole [sic] which also for that matter is a single compound word anyway.
Honey the point is that Trump is CORRECT, those Countries are shit hole. Why is that so hard for folks to accept? IF you've BEEN to any of them you know this is a FACT. Nowhere did I single out any individuals.

"Countries are shit hole" huh. When exactly did you start learning to write? Yesterday?
Perhaps plurals work differently on your keyboard. Perhaps the letter S simply ceases to exist in your kitchen.
Grammar Nazi---we can find all kinds of grammar mistakes from you ----hypocrite

Go ahead, find one. Be my jest.
here--I didn't have to look too long:
This may veer somewhat off topic, but in pursuit of the whole "commie" mythology ... a 2004 film called "Heir to an Execution" supplied me with a lightbulb epiphany of perspective all of this. It's by Ivy Meeropol, who is the granddaughter of Juilius and Ethel Rosenberg. The revealing comment was not in the film itself but in the director's commentary track, something she I guess thought was a throwaway anecdote but I found it profound. The filmmaker was not setting out to examine the political dynamics behind the execution of her grandparents; rather she was exploring who they were as people.
...at least 2 grammar mistakes along with run on sentences and bad use of the conjunctions
The Nuking of Nagasaki: Even More Immoral and Unnecessary than Hiroshima

"Run-on sentences" are not a grammatical issue but a matter of subjective taste. And there's no inappropriate conjunction in the passage quoted. You lose.

Both the noun countries and the verb are however, are clearly plural, and as such cannot stand with the singular "shit hole [sic] which also for that matter is a single compound word anyway.
you don't even see it when I point it out!!! hahahha = you are a DUMBASS
Execution" supplied me with a lightbulb epiphany of perspective all of this
there--see it NOW??!!
Honey the point is that Trump is CORRECT, those Countries are shit hole. Why is that so hard for folks to accept? IF you've BEEN to any of them you know this is a FACT. Nowhere did I single out any individuals.

"Countries are shit hole" huh. When exactly did you start learning to write? Yesterday?
Perhaps plurals work differently on your keyboard. Perhaps the letter S simply ceases to exist in your kitchen.
Grammar Nazi---we can find all kinds of grammar mistakes from you ----hypocrite

Go ahead, find one. Be my jest.
here--I didn't have to look too long:
This may veer somewhat off topic, but in pursuit of the whole "commie" mythology ... a 2004 film called "Heir to an Execution" supplied me with a lightbulb epiphany of perspective all of this. It's by Ivy Meeropol, who is the granddaughter of Juilius and Ethel Rosenberg. The revealing comment was not in the film itself but in the director's commentary track, something she I guess thought was a throwaway anecdote but I found it profound. The filmmaker was not setting out to examine the political dynamics behind the execution of her grandparents; rather she was exploring who they were as people.
...at least 2 grammar mistakes along with run on sentences and bad use of the conjunctions
The Nuking of Nagasaki: Even More Immoral and Unnecessary than Hiroshima

"Run-on sentences" are not a grammatical issue but a matter of subjective taste. And there's no inappropriate conjunction in the passage quoted. You lose.

Both the noun countries and the verb are however, are clearly plural, and as such cannot stand with the singular "shit hole [sic] which also for that matter is a single compound word anyway.
[ sic ] = hahahahhahahahahahh
don't try to look like an English Master

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