I changed my mind about Jeb

if he says education should be run by the states then why does he think we need Common Core...?

Common Core was developed by the states with no federal input, dipshit.
no it wasn't doofus...
I'm afraid so, coma boi.

if he says education should be run by the states then why does he think we need Common Core...?

Common Core was developed by the states with no federal input, dipshit.
no it wasn't doofus...
I'm afraid so, coma boi.

A nonprofit organization called Achieve, Inc., in Washington, D.C. is the main driving force behind creating the Common Core State Standards Initiative (CCSSI). The Common Core (CC) standards were initiated by private interests in Washington, D.C., without any representation from the states.

Arizonans Against Common Core
See my previous posts.

And I'm sorry, but Achieve, Inc. is not the federal government, coma boi.

By the way, Jan Brewer, big conservative hero, supported Common Core. It was implemented in Arizona.

Opposition to Common Core did not start until Obama said he liked it.

"Because Obama".


who the hell said Achieve was the Fed Govt...?

"Because Obama" = EXCELLENT REASON
if he says education should be run by the states then why does he think we need Common Core...?

Common Core was developed by the states with no federal input, dipshit.
no it wasn't doofus...
I'm afraid so, coma boi.

if he says education should be run by the states then why does he think we need Common Core...?

Common Core was developed by the states with no federal input, dipshit.
no it wasn't doofus...
I'm afraid so, coma boi.

A nonprofit organization called Achieve, Inc., in Washington, D.C. is the main driving force behind creating the Common Core State Standards Initiative (CCSSI). The Common Core (CC) standards were initiated by private interests in Washington, D.C., without any representation from the states.

Arizonans Against Common Core
46 states adopted Common Core.

I'm preeeeety sure those aren't all blue states.

they were suckered into it before they knew what it was really all about.....who's going to turn down free money from the Feds...?

but as people learn more states have been dropping like flies from the program....

More States Push Back Against Common Core

Common Core was nothing but a plan to allow control of education at all levels by the Feds. As more people see that, they are waking up and fighting it.
if he says education should be run by the states then why does he think we need Common Core...?

Common Core was developed by the states with no federal input, dipshit.
no it wasn't doofus...
I'm afraid so, coma boi.

if he says education should be run by the states then why does he think we need Common Core...?

Common Core was developed by the states with no federal input, dipshit.
no it wasn't doofus...
I'm afraid so, coma boi.

A nonprofit organization called Achieve, Inc., in Washington, D.C. is the main driving force behind creating the Common Core State Standards Initiative (CCSSI). The Common Core (CC) standards were initiated by private interests in Washington, D.C., without any representation from the states.

Arizonans Against Common Core
46 states adopted Common Core.

I'm preeeeety sure those aren't all blue states.

they were suckered into it before they knew what it was really all about.....who's going to turn down free money from the Feds...?

but as people learn more states have been dropping like flies from the program....

More States Push Back Against Common Core

Map from the link:

After seeing him speak last night and hearing his ideas and seeing that he is very different from his brother George, he's articulate and has done well for Florida and hearing the kind of humble yet intelligent man he is, I support him.
And...the sheep start to gather....again.

Says the far left drone!
if he says education should be run by the states then why does he think we need Common Core...?

Common Core was developed by the states with no federal input, dipshit.
no it wasn't doofus...
I'm afraid so, coma boi.

if he says education should be run by the states then why does he think we need Common Core...?

Common Core was developed by the states with no federal input, dipshit.
no it wasn't doofus...
I'm afraid so, coma boi.

A nonprofit organization called Achieve, Inc., in Washington, D.C. is the main driving force behind creating the Common Core State Standards Initiative (CCSSI). The Common Core (CC) standards were initiated by private interests in Washington, D.C., without any representation from the states.

Arizonans Against Common Core
Keep digging. I can find just as many articles claiming it is a state led program. States can use it or opt out of it.
Common Core was developed by the states with no federal input, dipshit.
no it wasn't doofus...
I'm afraid so, coma boi.

Common Core was developed by the states with no federal input, dipshit.
no it wasn't doofus...
I'm afraid so, coma boi.

A nonprofit organization called Achieve, Inc., in Washington, D.C. is the main driving force behind creating the Common Core State Standards Initiative (CCSSI). The Common Core (CC) standards were initiated by private interests in Washington, D.C., without any representation from the states.

Arizonans Against Common Core
46 states adopted Common Core.

I'm preeeeety sure those aren't all blue states.

they were suckered into it before they knew what it was really all about.....who's going to turn down free money from the Feds...?

but as people learn more states have been dropping like flies from the program....

More States Push Back Against Common Core

Map from the link:

And they can reject it. All it does is set standards for math and English.
After seeing him speak last night and hearing his ideas and seeing that he is very different from his brother George, he's articulate and has done well for Florida and hearing the kind of humble yet intelligent man he is, I support him.
And...the sheep start to gather....again.

Says the far left drone!
if he says education should be run by the states then why does he think we need Common Core...?

Common Core was developed by the states with no federal input, dipshit.
no it wasn't doofus...
I'm afraid so, coma boi.

if he says education should be run by the states then why does he think we need Common Core...?

Common Core was developed by the states with no federal input, dipshit.
no it wasn't doofus...
I'm afraid so, coma boi.

A nonprofit organization called Achieve, Inc., in Washington, D.C. is the main driving force behind creating the Common Core State Standards Initiative (CCSSI). The Common Core (CC) standards were initiated by private interests in Washington, D.C., without any representation from the states.

Arizonans Against Common Core
Keep digging. I can find just as many articles claiming it is a state led program. States can use it or opt out of it.

Thousands of students opt out of Common Core tests in protest
After seeing him speak last night and hearing his ideas and seeing that he is very different from his brother George, he's articulate and has done well for Florida and hearing the kind of humble yet intelligent man he is, I support him.
GWB was a great friend of the Dimwits....other than the war he never really opposed any of their agenda......humble brother Jeb! will be a whole lot worse...
You obviously didn't want the interview. His ideas were very conservative.

Right, like his open borders, top down education mandates, real conservative. He's the typical establishment republican, wouldn't vote for him on a bet, he's the kind of guy real conservatives will stay home for.
Common Core was developed by the states with no federal input, dipshit.
no it wasn't doofus...
I'm afraid so, coma boi.

Common Core was developed by the states with no federal input, dipshit.
no it wasn't doofus...
I'm afraid so, coma boi.

A nonprofit organization called Achieve, Inc., in Washington, D.C. is the main driving force behind creating the Common Core State Standards Initiative (CCSSI). The Common Core (CC) standards were initiated by private interests in Washington, D.C., without any representation from the states.

Arizonans Against Common Core
46 states adopted Common Core.

I'm preeeeety sure those aren't all blue states.

they were suckered into it before they knew what it was really all about.....who's going to turn down free money from the Feds...?

but as people learn more states have been dropping like flies from the program....

More States Push Back Against Common Core

Common Core was nothing but a plan to allow control of education at all levels by the Feds. As more people see that, they are waking up and fighting it.
Common core set standards for math and English. If a state doesn't like it they don't have to do it.
no it wasn't doofus...
I'm afraid so, coma boi.

no it wasn't doofus...
I'm afraid so, coma boi.

A nonprofit organization called Achieve, Inc., in Washington, D.C. is the main driving force behind creating the Common Core State Standards Initiative (CCSSI). The Common Core (CC) standards were initiated by private interests in Washington, D.C., without any representation from the states.

Arizonans Against Common Core
46 states adopted Common Core.

I'm preeeeety sure those aren't all blue states.

they were suckered into it before they knew what it was really all about.....who's going to turn down free money from the Feds...?

but as people learn more states have been dropping like flies from the program....

More States Push Back Against Common Core

Map from the link:

And they can reject it. All it does is set standards for math and English.

According to one poster here it is only because of their hatred for Obama..
After seeing him speak last night and hearing his ideas and seeing that he is very different from his brother George, he's articulate and has done well for Florida and hearing the kind of humble yet intelligent man he is, I support him.
GWB was a great friend of the Dimwits....other than the war he never really opposed any of their agenda......humble brother Jeb! will be a whole lot worse...
You obviously didn't want the interview. His ideas were very conservative.

Right, like his open borders, top down education mandates, real conservative. He's the typical establishment republican, wouldn't vote for him on a bet, he's the kind of guy real conservatives will stay home for.
Is he better than Hilary? He sure is.

Jeb does not favor amnesty nor open borders. If you read his stance on immigration you will see that his plan is better than most.
After seeing him speak last night and hearing his ideas and seeing that he is very different from his brother George, he's articulate and has done well for Florida and hearing the kind of humble yet intelligent man he is, I support him.
GWB was a great friend of the Dimwits....other than the war he never really opposed any of their agenda......humble brother Jeb! will be a whole lot worse...
You obviously didn't want the interview. His ideas were very conservative.

Right, like his open borders, top down education mandates, real conservative. He's the typical establishment republican, wouldn't vote for him on a bet, he's the kind of guy real conservatives will stay home for.
Is he better than Hilary? He sure is.

Jeb does not favor amnesty nor open borders. If you read his stance on immigration you will see that his plan is better than most.

Jeb is also the choice of the far left for the (R)'s to nominate, which is another good reason not to vote for him..
Jeb Bush is a LOT more Conservative than people think. I live in Florida. Been here since 1977.

Jeb is a very Conservative Man.

I don't like his stance on Common Core. Not crazy about his stance on immigration, but it's actually realistic.

Other than those two minor disagreements, I like him.

I like Scott Walker better but he's not real smooth in front of the Camera or in front of crowds.

Jeb is. Jeb is smooth as fine Bourbon.

Jeb would CRUSH Hitlery.

Of course, I don't think it matters who we nominate. That crusty old scrunt is dead meat.

She is quite possibly THE most unlikable politician in Galactic History. Not even dimocraps like her. She is nasty, arrogant, demeaning, demanding, surly........ Just a nasty scrunt
If Jeb's last name were anything but Bush he'd be a shoo-in. He is a very accomplished candidate and more conservative than his brother or fatehr.
That said, he lacks that "new car smell" and the GOP will probably go with Walker.

I disagree, he's a globalist just like the rest of his family.
Jeb Bush is a LOT more Conservative than people think. I live in Florida. Been here since 1977.

Jeb is a very Conservative Man.

I don't like his stance on Common Core. Not crazy about his stance on immigration, but it's actually realistic.

Other than those two minor disagreements, I like him.

I like Scott Walker better but he's not real smooth in front of the Camera or in front of crowds.

Jeb is. Jeb is smooth as fine Bourbon.

Jeb would CRUSH Hitlery.

Of course, I don't think it matters who we nominate. That crusty old scrunt is dead meat.

She is quite possibly THE most unlikable politician in Galactic History. Not even dimocraps like her. She is nasty, arrogant, demeaning, demanding, surly........ Just a nasty scrunt
If Jeb's last name were anything but Bush he'd be a shoo-in. He is a very accomplished candidate and more conservative than his brother or fatehr.
That said, he lacks that "new car smell" and the GOP will probably go with Walker.

I disagree, he's a globalist just like the rest of his family.
What about his choice in neckties? Do you think that disqualifies him totally?
If anyone votes for the shrew criminal Hillary after listening to this interview with Jeb, they are a just as guilty as Hillary is for crimes against this country.
Jeb! facilitated Medicare fraud

Jeb Bush's tie to fugitive goes against business-savvy image
Jeb Bush was a young man building a real estate business in Miami in 1985 when health-care entrepreneur Miguel Recarey Jr. hired him to help locate office space in South Florida.

Bush, then the son of the vice president, later provided another service: opening doors in Washington, where Recarey had mounted an aggressive lobbying effort for a waiver from Medicare rules that would allow his fast-growing company to continue to expand.

Recarey got what he wanted. But two years later, the firm, International Medical Centers, was shut down as regulators searched for millions in missing federal funds. Facing charges of bribery and bilking Medicare, Recarey fled the country to avoid prosecution. He remains a fugitive in Spain, where a court denied U.S. requests for extradition.
After seeing him speak last night and hearing his ideas and seeing that he is very different from his brother George, he's articulate and has done well for Florida and hearing the kind of humble yet intelligent man he is, I support him.
GWB was a great friend of the Dimwits....other than the war he never really opposed any of their agenda......humble brother Jeb! will be a whole lot worse...
You obviously didn't want the interview. His ideas were very conservative.

Right, like his open borders, top down education mandates, real conservative. He's the typical establishment republican, wouldn't vote for him on a bet, he's the kind of guy real conservatives will stay home for.
Is he better than Hilary? He sure is.

Jeb does not favor amnesty nor open borders. If you read his stance on immigration you will see that his plan is better than most.

I've heard him and read about his proposals, I also know he has a love affair with Mexico, he met his wife there. As a typical establishment politician he is currently trying to position himself for the primaries, saying thing he thinks people want to hear. I don't believe him.
If anyone votes for the shrew criminal Hillary after listening to this interview with Jeb, they are a just as guilty as Hillary is for crimes against this country.
Jeb! facilitated Medicare fraud

Jeb Bush's tie to fugitive goes against business-savvy image
Jeb Bush was a young man building a real estate business in Miami in 1985 when health-care entrepreneur Miguel Recarey Jr. hired him to help locate office space in South Florida.

Bush, then the son of the vice president, later provided another service: opening doors in Washington, where Recarey had mounted an aggressive lobbying effort for a waiver from Medicare rules that would allow his fast-growing company to continue to expand.

Recarey got what he wanted. But two years later, the firm, International Medical Centers, was shut down as regulators searched for millions in missing federal funds. Facing charges of bribery and bilking Medicare, Recarey fled the country to avoid prosecution. He remains a fugitive in Spain, where a court denied U.S. requests for extradition.
Oh yeah? Well...BENGHAZI!
no it wasn't doofus...
I'm afraid so, coma boi.

no it wasn't doofus...
I'm afraid so, coma boi.

A nonprofit organization called Achieve, Inc., in Washington, D.C. is the main driving force behind creating the Common Core State Standards Initiative (CCSSI). The Common Core (CC) standards were initiated by private interests in Washington, D.C., without any representation from the states.

Arizonans Against Common Core
46 states adopted Common Core.

I'm preeeeety sure those aren't all blue states.

they were suckered into it before they knew what it was really all about.....who's going to turn down free money from the Feds...?

but as people learn more states have been dropping like flies from the program....

More States Push Back Against Common Core

Common Core was nothing but a plan to allow control of education at all levels by the Feds. As more people see that, they are waking up and fighting it.
Common core set standards for math and English. If a state doesn't like it they don't have to do it.

people are learning that the Common Core standards are SUB PAR.....a step backwards for English standards according to Sandra Stotsky..... Professor of Education Reform at the University of Arkansas, was formerly Senior Associate Commissioner at the Massachusetts Department of Education and in charge of the development of the state’s widely praised English Language Arts standards.

Questionable Quality of the Common Core English Language Arts Standards
Last edited:
Jeb Bush is a LOT more Conservative than people think. I live in Florida. Been here since 1977.

Jeb is a very Conservative Man.

I don't like his stance on Common Core. Not crazy about his stance on immigration, but it's actually realistic.

Other than those two minor disagreements, I like him.

I like Scott Walker better but he's not real smooth in front of the Camera or in front of crowds.

Jeb is. Jeb is smooth as fine Bourbon.

Jeb would CRUSH Hitlery.

Of course, I don't think it matters who we nominate. That crusty old scrunt is dead meat.

She is quite possibly THE most unlikable politician in Galactic History. Not even dimocraps like her. She is nasty, arrogant, demeaning, demanding, surly........ Just a nasty scrunt
If Jeb's last name were anything but Bush he'd be a shoo-in. He is a very accomplished candidate and more conservative than his brother or fatehr.
That said, he lacks that "new car smell" and the GOP will probably go with Walker.

I disagree, he's a globalist just like the rest of his family.
What about his choice in neckties? Do you think that disqualifies him totally?

Neckties, really, who the hell notices that kind of crap. His support for the senate shamnisty was enough for me.
After seeing him speak last night and hearing his ideas and seeing that he is very different from his brother George, he's articulate and has done well for Florida and hearing the kind of humble yet intelligent man he is, I support him.

Jeb ! facilitated Mortgage defaults costing we the People Millions
A Savings and Loan Bailout, and Bush's Son Jeb - NYTimes ...

After Jeb Bush, a son of the President, and a partner bought a Miami office building using money an associate had borrowed from a local savings and loan, the Federal Government wound up repaying most of the loan.

The savings institution became insolvent, and the Government paid more than $4 million to make good the loan as part of the bailout of the savings industry. Mr. Bush and his partner negotiated a settlement with regulators in which they repaid $505,000 and retained control of the building. While they still have a $7 million mortgage to pay on that property, the settlement with the Government lifted from their backs a $4.565 million second mortgage.
After seeing him speak last night and hearing his ideas and seeing that he is very different from his brother George, he's articulate and has done well for Florida and hearing the kind of humble yet intelligent man he is, I support him.
GWB was a great friend of the Dimwits....other than the war he never really opposed any of their agenda......humble brother Jeb! will be a whole lot worse...
You obviously didn't want the interview. His ideas were very conservative.

Right, like his open borders, top down education mandates, real conservative. He's the typical establishment republican, wouldn't vote for him on a bet, he's the kind of guy real conservatives will stay home for.
Is he better than Hilary? He sure is.

Jeb does not favor amnesty nor open borders. If you read his stance on immigration you will see that his plan is better than most.

I've heard him and read about his proposals, I also know he has a love affair with Mexico, he met his wife there. As a typical establishment politician he is currently trying to position himself for the primaries, saying thing he thinks people want to hear. I don't believe him.

His brother also had the same love affair.

Although Bush did get a passage to secure the border, but all that money was used to fight the ACLLU and other legal firms on the passage of the fence bill..

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