I changed my mind about Jeb

I disagree, he's a globalist just like the rest of his family.
So are you a rand Paul fan? I like Paul I just don't think he can win. This is about beating Hillary.

And staying home cuz Jeb isn't perfect just gives Hillary a bigger chance of winning.

I haven't decided who I will support, the field is still expanding. I just know Jeb ain't the one.
If it comes down to Jeb and Hillary will you just stay home or pick a candidate?

I vote in every election.
Good. I was speaking in general not specifically to you.

Sorry kiddo, you asked me a question, I replied with my answer.
So now that you internet and book quoted things ripping Jeb who do you want?

If it was up to me so far Bernie Sanders but just so long as no insufferable Religionist blow hard GOP moron becomes President ... I mean GOP is loathsome as can be...
Ah ok. You're a give me person. I get it now. Good luck with that.
Folks are born with knife and fork in hand....they gonna cut into something...what you think the "1 Percent" are not "give me kind of people"...really ? seriously...
After seeing him speak last night and hearing his ideas and seeing that he is very different from his brother George, he's articulate and has done well for Florida and hearing the kind of humble yet intelligent man he is, I support him.
Although you might perceive Jeb! to be 'different' from his brother, if elected president we'd see the return of many of the same incompetent, wrong-minded, failed administrators from previous Bush administrations, the same failed policies from previous Bush administrations, and the same judicial appointments of reactionary judges and justices hostile to citizens' civil liberties.

You're not getting just Jeb!, you're getting 12 years of Bush incompetence and failure – why anyone would seek to return to those failed policies is indeed a mystery.
Although you might perceive Jeb! to be 'different' from his brother, if elected president we'd see the return of many of the same incompetent, wrong-minded, failed administrators from previous Bush administrations, the same failed policies from previous Bush administrations, and the same judicial appointments of reactionary judges and justices hostile to citizens' civil liberties.

You're not getting just Jeb!, you're getting 12 years of Bush incompetence and failure – why anyone would seek to return to those failed policies is indeed a mystery.

So...it would be a repeat of the past 7 years?
After seeing him speak last night and hearing his ideas and seeing that he is very different from his brother George, he's articulate and has done well for Florida and hearing the kind of humble yet intelligent man he is, I support him.

"Jeb" signed the Statement of Principles written by the neo cons who wanted to invade Iraq and engage in national building there four year before the 911 attack on the WTC. Other signers included Cheney, Libby, Wolfowitz, and Rumsfeld. Let's not forget the influence these and other arch conservatives have had on world history.

Those with doubts need to visit one of our national cemeteries and one of our VA hospitals.

See: Project for the New American Century - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
After seeing him speak last night and hearing his ideas and seeing that he is very different from his brother George, he's articulate and has done well for Florida and hearing the kind of humble yet intelligent man he is, I support him.
He's better than his brother but still establishment.
Jeb Bush is a LOT more Conservative than people think. I live in Florida. Been here since 1977.

Jeb is a very Conservative Man.

I don't like his stance on Common Core. Not crazy about his stance on immigration, but it's actually realistic.

Other than those two minor disagreements, I like him.

I like Scott Walker better but he's not real smooth in front of the Camera or in front of crowds.

Jeb is. Jeb is smooth as fine Bourbon.

Jeb would CRUSH Hitlery.

Of course, I don't think it matters who we nominate. That crusty old scrunt is dead meat.

She is quite possibly THE most unlikable politician in Galactic History. Not even dimocraps like her. She is nasty, arrogant, demeaning, demanding, surly........ Just a nasty scrunt
The conservatives will stay home again.. we're done with Bushes.
Jeb Bush is a LOT more Conservative than people think. I live in Florida. Been here since 1977.

Jeb is a very Conservative Man.

I don't like his stance on Common Core. Not crazy about his stance on immigration, but it's actually realistic.

Other than those two minor disagreements, I like him.

I like Scott Walker better but he's not real smooth in front of the Camera or in front of crowds.

Jeb is. Jeb is smooth as fine Bourbon.

Jeb would CRUSH Hitlery.

Of course, I don't think it matters who we nominate. That crusty old scrunt is dead meat.

She is quite possibly THE most unlikable politician in Galactic History. Not even dimocraps like her. She is nasty, arrogant, demeaning, demanding, surly........ Just a nasty scrunt
The conservatives will stay home again.. we're done with Bushes.

And I am tired of seeing our science and infrastructure programs here being cut by you bastards. Just so you can turn around and invade another country!
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I just heard yet another discussion of Jeb Bush's shaming unwed mothers. It's truly disgusting.

Jeb Bush In 1995 Unwed Mothers Should Be Publicly Shamed

Public shaming would be an effective way to regulate the “irresponsible behavior” of unwed mothers, misbehaving teenagers and welfare recipients, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush (R) argued in his 1995 book Profiles in Character.

In a chapter called "The Restoration of Shame,” the likely 2016 presidential candidate made the case that restoring the art of public humiliation could help prevent pregnancies “out of wedlock.”

One of the reasons more young women are giving birth out of wedlock and more young men are walking away from their paternal obligations is that there is no longer a stigma attached to this behavior, no reason to feel shame. Many of these young women and young men look around and see their friends engaged in the same irresponsible conduct. Their parents and neighbors have become ineffective at attaching some sense of ridicule to this behavior. There was a time when neighbors and communities would frown on out of wedlock births and when public condemnation was enough of a stimulus for one to be careful.

Bush points to Nathaniel Hawthorne's 1850 novel The Scarlet Letter, in which the main character is forced to wear a large red "A" for "adulterer" on her clothes to punish her for having an extramarital affair that produced a child, as an early model for his worldview. "Infamous shotgun weddings and Nathaniel Hawthorne's Scarlet Letter are reminders that public condemnation of irresponsible sexual behavior has strong historical roots,” Bush wrote.
Jeb Bush is a LOT more Conservative than people think. I live in Florida. Been here since 1977.

Jeb is a very Conservative Man.

I don't like his stance on Common Core. Not crazy about his stance on immigration, but it's actually realistic.

Other than those two minor disagreements, I like him.

I like Scott Walker better but he's not real smooth in front of the Camera or in front of crowds.

Jeb is. Jeb is smooth as fine Bourbon.

Jeb would CRUSH Hitlery.

Of course, I don't think it matters who we nominate. That crusty old scrunt is dead meat.

She is quite possibly THE most unlikable politician in Galactic History. Not even dimocraps like her. She is nasty, arrogant, demeaning, demanding, surly........ Just a nasty scrunt
The conservatives will stay home again.. we're done with Bushes.

And I am tired of seeing our science and infrastructure programs here being cut by you bastards. Just so you can turn around and invade another country!
Science and Infrastructure? WHAT A FUCKING LAUGH Global warming is not science and shovel ready shit is not infrastructure.
I just heard yet another discussion of Jeb Bush's shaming unwed mothers. It's truly disgusting.

Jeb Bush In 1995 Unwed Mothers Should Be Publicly Shamed

Public shaming would be an effective way to regulate the “irresponsible behavior” of unwed mothers, misbehaving teenagers and welfare recipients, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush (R) argued in his 1995 book Profiles in Character.

In a chapter called "The Restoration of Shame,” the likely 2016 presidential candidate made the case that restoring the art of public humiliation could help prevent pregnancies “out of wedlock.”

One of the reasons more young women are giving birth out of wedlock and more young men are walking away from their paternal obligations is that there is no longer a stigma attached to this behavior, no reason to feel shame. Many of these young women and young men look around and see their friends engaged in the same irresponsible conduct. Their parents and neighbors have become ineffective at attaching some sense of ridicule to this behavior. There was a time when neighbors and communities would frown on out of wedlock births and when public condemnation was enough of a stimulus for one to be careful.

Bush points to Nathaniel Hawthorne's 1850 novel The Scarlet Letter, in which the main character is forced to wear a large red "A" for "adulterer" on her clothes to punish her for having an extramarital affair that produced a child, as an early model for his worldview. "Infamous shotgun weddings and Nathaniel Hawthorne's Scarlet Letter are reminders that public condemnation of irresponsible sexual behavior has strong historical roots,” Bush wrote.
Hey if Obama can evolve from hating gays Jeb can evolve from shaming unwed mothers.

That was 20 years ago. Good grief.
He's a guaranteed loser to Hillary and I'll never ever vote for him.
I used to say the same thing but if he is the prime candidate you have to vote for him or else it will be like voting for Hillary.
I just heard yet another discussion of Jeb Bush's shaming unwed mothers. It's truly disgusting.

Jeb Bush In 1995 Unwed Mothers Should Be Publicly Shamed

Public shaming would be an effective way to regulate the “irresponsible behavior” of unwed mothers, misbehaving teenagers and welfare recipients, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush (R) argued in his 1995 book Profiles in Character.

In a chapter called "The Restoration of Shame,” the likely 2016 presidential candidate made the case that restoring the art of public humiliation could help prevent pregnancies “out of wedlock.”

One of the reasons more young women are giving birth out of wedlock and more young men are walking away from their paternal obligations is that there is no longer a stigma attached to this behavior, no reason to feel shame. Many of these young women and young men look around and see their friends engaged in the same irresponsible conduct. Their parents and neighbors have become ineffective at attaching some sense of ridicule to this behavior. There was a time when neighbors and communities would frown on out of wedlock births and when public condemnation was enough of a stimulus for one to be careful.

Bush points to Nathaniel Hawthorne's 1850 novel The Scarlet Letter, in which the main character is forced to wear a large red "A" for "adulterer" on her clothes to punish her for having an extramarital affair that produced a child, as an early model for his worldview. "Infamous shotgun weddings and Nathaniel Hawthorne's Scarlet Letter are reminders that public condemnation of irresponsible sexual behavior has strong historical roots,” Bush wrote.
Hey if Obama can evolve from hating gays Jeb can evolve from shaming unwed mothers.

That was 20 years ago. Good grief.
Obama hated gays? You're nuts.

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