I changed my mind about Jeb

The nation's governors and education commissioners, through their representative organizations, the National Governors Association Center for Best Practices (NGA) and the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO), led the development of the Common Core State Standards and continue to lead the initiative. Teachers, parents, school administrators, and experts from across the country, together with state leaders, provided input into the development of the standards. The actual implementation of the Common Core, including how the standards are taught, the curriculum developed, and the materials used to support teachers as they help students reach the standards, is led entirely at the state and local levels.

Frequently Asked Questions Common Core State Standards Initiative
States across the country collaborated with teachers, researchers, and leading experts to design and develop the Common Core State Standards. Each state independently made the decision to adopt the Common Core. Local teachers, principals, and superintendents lead the implementation of the Common Core in their states. The federal government was not involved in the development of the standards.

Frequently Asked Questions Common Core State Standards Initiative
46 states adopted Common Core.

I'm preeeeety sure those aren't all blue states.
Common Core opposition is just another one of those things rubes don't like "because Obama" without knowing a thing about it.

They manufacture bullshit in their feeble minds, as we just saw, that the feds had something to do with its development.
Probably the most sensible post I've seen all morning. Thanks for the links!
if he says education should be run by the states then why does he think we need Common Core...?

Common Core was developed by the states with no federal input, dipshit.
no it wasn't doofus...
I'm afraid so, coma boi.

if he says education should be run by the states then why does he think we need Common Core...?

Common Core was developed by the states with no federal input, dipshit.
no it wasn't doofus...
I'm afraid so, coma boi.

A nonprofit organization called Achieve, Inc., in Washington, D.C. is the main driving force behind creating the Common Core State Standards Initiative (CCSSI). The Common Core (CC) standards were initiated by private interests in Washington, D.C., without any representation from the states.

Arizonans Against Common Core
After seeing him speak last night and hearing his ideas and seeing that he is very different from his brother George, he's articulate and has done well for Florida and hearing the kind of humble yet intelligent man he is, I support him.
GWB was a great friend of the Dimwits....other than the war he never really opposed any of their agenda......humble brother Jeb! will be a whole lot worse...
You obviously didn't want the interview. His ideas were very conservative.
i listened to his speech...and he comes across all nice and reasonable....but you need to read between the lines....

he 'did well' for Florida during the boom times ten years ago.....who wouldn't...?

he might as well be a Dem for his 'heart' position on immigration....

he's for Common Core, i.e., national control of education.....

the Dems love him....need i say more...?
The dems only pretend to like him cuz they think Hillary can beat him. But I think he can win.
if he says education should be run by the states then why does he think we need Common Core...?

Common Core was developed by the states with no federal input, dipshit.
no it wasn't doofus...
I'm afraid so, coma boi.

if he says education should be run by the states then why does he think we need Common Core...?

Common Core was developed by the states with no federal input, dipshit.
no it wasn't doofus...
I'm afraid so, coma boi.

A nonprofit organization called Achieve, Inc., in Washington, D.C. is the main driving force behind creating the Common Core State Standards Initiative (CCSSI). The Common Core (CC) standards were initiated by private interests in Washington, D.C., without any representation from the states.

Arizonans Against Common Core
See my previous posts.

And I'm sorry, but Achieve, Inc. is not the federal government, coma boi.

By the way, Jan Brewer, big conservative hero, supported Common Core. It was implemented in Arizona.

Opposition to Common Core did not start until Obama said he liked it.

"Because Obama".

Common Core opposition is just another one of those things rubes don't like "because Obama" without knowing a thing about it.

They manufacture bullshit in their feeble minds, as we just saw, that the feds had something to do with its development.

Actually that is incorrect, but you would not know that since you voted for Obama..
Common Core opposition is just another one of those things rubes don't like "because Obama" without knowing a thing about it.

They manufacture bullshit in their feeble minds, as we just saw, that the feds had something to do with its development.

To get Grants from the Lying Cocksucker's goobermont, Race to the Top The White House States had to prove they had standards that prepared students for College and work.

Common Core is approved by the Lying Cocksucker's Ed Dept and not a whole lot else is.

So yeah, the Lying Cocksucker has his fingerprints all over it.

Bottom line is this....... If you don't adopt Common Core, the Lying Cocksucker's Ed Dept just might leave your State out when it comes time to pass the cookie jar.

Problem with you is -- You're a dimocrap. Which means you're stupid
A nonprofit organization called Achieve, Inc., in Washington, D.C. is the main driving force behind creating the Common Core State Standards Initiative (CCSSI).
The Common Core (CC) standards were initiated by private interests in Washington, D.C., without any representation from the states.

Arizonans Against Common Core

You didn't follow the links, did you.

In 2009, 48 states, 2 territories and the District of Columbia signed a memorandum of agreement with the National Governors Association (NGA) and Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO), committing to a state-led process - the Common Core State Standards Initiative (CCSSI).

Try again!
Common Core opposition is just another one of those things rubes don't like "because Obama" without knowing a thing about it.

They manufacture bullshit in their feeble minds, as we just saw, that the feds had something to do with its development.

Actually that is incorrect, but you would not know that since you voted for Obama..
I did not vote for Obama, retard. But we already know you manufacture bullshit whenever you stray beyond your "far left drone" comfort zone.
Common Core opposition is just another one of those things rubes don't like "because Obama" without knowing a thing about it.

They manufacture bullshit in their feeble minds, as we just saw, that the feds had something to do with its development.

Actually that is incorrect, but you would not know that since you voted for Obama..
I did not vote for Obama, retard. But we already know you manufacture bullshit whenever you stray beyond your "far left drone" comfort zone.

Yes you did since you supported Obamacare, a VAT tax and other things that the Obama supports.

Yes you are a far left drone!
if he says education should be run by the states then why does he think we need Common Core...?

Common Core was developed by the states with no federal input, dipshit.
no it wasn't doofus...
I'm afraid so, coma boi.

if he says education should be run by the states then why does he think we need Common Core...?

Common Core was developed by the states with no federal input, dipshit.
no it wasn't doofus...
I'm afraid so, coma boi.

A nonprofit organization called Achieve, Inc., in Washington, D.C. is the main driving force behind creating the Common Core State Standards Initiative (CCSSI). The Common Core (CC) standards were initiated by private interests in Washington, D.C., without any representation from the states.

Arizonans Against Common Core
46 states adopted Common Core.

I'm preeeeety sure those aren't all blue states.

they were suckered into it before they knew what it was really all about.....who's going to turn down free money from the Feds...?

but as people learn more states have been dropping like flies from the program....

More States Push Back Against Common Core
After seeing him speak last night and hearing his ideas and seeing that he is very different from his brother George, he's articulate and has done well for Florida and hearing the kind of humble yet intelligent man he is, I support him.
And...the sheep start to gather....again.
I dunno. If Jeb could somehow disavow his brother's embrace of the neocons .... but Jeb seems to be even further down that path than W. Now would Jeb have intentionally misled us into a war about nationbuilding that was a longshot at best? My guess is no, and that he has better sense, and didn't have W's baggage of being the elder son who disappointed his A-type father by being a drunk an spendthrift for most of his adult life.
You can keep lying about W lying us into war cuz you're obviously very dense.

But he did not lie. It's been proven.

And Hillary voted for the war so if you believe W lied them you must believe Hillary lied.

Jen has governed successfully.

There is nothing you can say to ever change the minds of Dimbocrats.

What is going to make the biggest difference in the GOP field is how they deal with the filth, dirt, lies, and general crap thrown at them by the media - tv and print.
Common Core opposition is just another one of those things rubes don't like "because Obama" without knowing a thing about it.

They manufacture bullshit in their feeble minds, as we just saw, that the feds had something to do with its development.

To get Grants from the Lying Cocksucker's goobermont, Race to the Top The White House States had to prove they had standards that prepared students for College and work.

Common Core is approved by the Lying Cocksucker's Ed Dept and not a whole lot else is.

So yeah, the Lying Cocksucker has his fingerprints all over it.

Bottom line is this....... If you don't adopt Common Core, the Lying Cocksucker's Ed Dept just might leave your State out when it comes time to pass the cookie jar.

Problem with you is -- You're a dimocrap. Which means you're stupid
I knew you tards had no idea how government works.

Now you made a really stupid mistake. You said "not a whole lot else" meets the Department of Education's requirements. Wrong. Dead wrong.

The states have been receiving federal funds for education for decades. Long, long, long before Common Core. And that means the states do not have to switch to Common Core to get federal money.

As I said, the 50 states have been receiving that money long before Common Core.

Not only that, there are four states which have not enacted Common Core. Are they not receiving federal funds?

Jesus, you people are stupid. Too bad you did not get a Common Core education!

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