I changed my mind about Jeb

He's a guaranteed loser to Hillary and I'll never ever vote for him.
I used to say the same thing but if he is the prime candidate you have to vote for him or else it will be like voting for Hillary.
Or you could vote for a third party... or demand a change in your state for how voting is done. For example, we should have the ability to vote for a third party and if that third party does not win your vote would go to your second favorite choice. Or even demand a run off election if a candidate does not receive 51% in your state.
He's a guaranteed loser to Hillary and I'll never ever vote for him.
I used to say the same thing but if he is the prime candidate you have to vote for him or else it will be like voting for Hillary.

There is no difference between Jeb and Hillary. So no, I won't vote for Jeb and we will not be worse off.
There's a difference. Hillary would appoint Justices to replace Ginsburg and probably Kennedy and/or Scalia who would vote to overturn Citizens United, which is not entitle to any stare decis, as of yet anyway. And taxes would be more progressive. Beyond that, I agree there's probably not much difference.
He's a guaranteed loser to Hillary and I'll never ever vote for him.
I used to say the same thing but if he is the prime candidate you have to vote for him or else it will be like voting for Hillary.

There is no difference between Jeb and Hillary. So no, I won't vote for Jeb and we will not be worse off.
There's a difference. Hillary would appoint Justices to replace Ginsburg and probably Kennedy and/or Scalia who would vote to overturn Citizens United, which is not entitle to any stare decis, as of yet anyway. And taxes would be more progressive. Beyond that, I agree there's probably not much difference.

You think Bush would appoint a more conservative Justice? You think that the congress would sign off on a justice that was appointed by Hillary?

I don't think either scenario is likely.

Again, nothing will change in the GOP if we allow this in every election. If Bush is the nominee this time that will be 3 non-conservative progressive republican losers in a row. It has to stop.
He's a guaranteed loser to Hillary and I'll never ever vote for him.
I used to say the same thing but if he is the prime candidate you have to vote for him or else it will be like voting for Hillary.

There is no difference between Jeb and Hillary. So no, I won't vote for Jeb and we will not be worse off.
There's a difference. Hillary would appoint Justices to replace Ginsburg and probably Kennedy and/or Scalia who would vote to overturn Citizens United, which is not entitle to any stare decis, as of yet anyway. And taxes would be more progressive. Beyond that, I agree there's probably not much difference.

You think Bush would appoint a more conservative Justice? You think that the congress would sign off on a justice that was appointed by Hillary?

I don't think either scenario is likely.

Again, nothing will change in the GOP if we allow this in every election. If Bush is the nominee this time that will be 3 non-conservative progressive republican losers in a row. It has to stop.
Oh yeah. Jeb would appoint more corporations have individual rights justices. That's the biggest difference. Yeah, I think the Senate would have to confirm two Justices in a first Hillary term. They might reject the first choice of so each time, but ultimately the gop would have to cave. If it didn't, the Senate as an institution would be destroyed. And losing Citizens United would have no effect on corporate earnings. Guys like McCain, Snowe, Graham aren't big fans.
After seeing him speak last night and hearing his ideas and seeing that he is very different from his brother George, he's articulate and has done well for Florida and hearing the kind of humble yet intelligent man he is, I support him.

Misty, my opinion of Jeb improved too after watching him in that interview with Hannity, in case that is the one you are referencing. He did so well as a governor of the state of FL and I think him a very honest and decent man. But I don't perceive him as the kind of leader we need these days, as the dangers are going to need someone tough to combat them. Someone who has dealt in one way or another with foreign leaders on the world stage and who has their respect.

Go Trump! :) I would like to see, AS OF THIS POST, in time, a Trump/Fiorina ticket. :) Their successes have far exceeded their losses.

Or perhaps a Trump/Jindal ticket. It might help Trump to have someone with gubernatorial experience and who could work with Trump's style of management, as well as personality style. Trump will have our economy strengthened in no time, if he could garner the support of Congress. :eusa_think:

"Peace through strength." Buh-bye ISIS!

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