I changed my mind on trump that dude is going bat shit crazy.

Having not listened to the news, what was it he supposedly did this time?
I said this before I wasn't going to vote (it didn't matter because I live in south carolina)

I still won't vote..I just thought trump was making stupid campaign promises and would calm down after the election..hire the right people..

But after today that dude has severe mental problems..

I am starting to agree..someone please give him at least a joint ..

Donald Trump’s recent ‘erratic behavior’ has medical professionals questioning his mental health

I hate and despise the old hag Hillary but the liberals are right.

Trump is nuts.

Its not what he says but his actions to me..the guy is living in a fantasy
I said this before I wasn't going to vote (it didn't matter because I live in south carolina)

I still won't vote..I just thought trump was making stupid campaign promises and would calm down after the election..hire the right people..

But after today that dude has severe mental problems..

I am starting to agree..someone please give him at least a joint ..

Donald Trump’s recent ‘erratic behavior’ has medical professionals questioning his mental health

I hate and despise the old hag Hillary but the liberals are right.

Trump is nuts.
You were never going to vote for Trump, so who do you think you're fooling?

No because now I am going to be an asshole on here.

My instincts are right, trump is going bat shit crazy and I am against him now.

I won't protect him I will create threads to make sure he won't win.

LOL Threads on this forum are not going to take Trump down, there isn't anyone on here that doesn't know who they are voting for...well maybe a couple but not many

I said I was never going to vote this time.

I have 70 or So rednecks at my company and they are all moderates.

When I talk people listen to me, they have been talking I kept quiet..

Belive me when I talk people listen

I am the leader of the political dumb fucks..I always let my actions speak for me, my skills and talents..

I never talk. When I do people listen.
So the mighty bear us running away. He wants to ensure 30 years of leftist Supreme Court rulings. Good stuff.
Now there's a good reason to vote for the mentally disturbed one. If that is your last, best defense for nominating an un-electable candidate then the republicans are so dead in the water.
Gonna be a lot more jumping off that crazy train.

I see you have received the talking points from DNC. You serve your masters well..
Save the canned responses, the guy is a flake who cannot quit pissing off people he needs to win. He's either deranged or he wants to lose, which one do you think it is?

Quite obviously Trump WANTS to lose. That's been obvious since the day he started running.
I used to think South Carolina voters were independent thinkers but alas the federal education system seems to work and graduates in every state learn how to put a banana on a cucumber but not much else but subscribe to left wing blogs that substitute for thinking and reasoning just like the it was in the good old days in high school. According to the left wing propaganda a successful republican businessman who met a payroll for most of his adult life might have a mental health issue but the abused wife of a world class pervert and accused rapist who spent her entire adult life covering for his sexual abuse of women is freaking normal. .
Having not listened to the news, what was it he supposedly did this time?

Its not what he says but his actions to me..the guy is living in a fantasy
You were never going to vote for Trump, so who do you think you're fooling?

No because now I am going to be an asshole on here.

My instincts are right, trump is going bat shit crazy and I am against him now.

I won't protect him I will create threads to make sure he won't win.

LOL Threads on this forum are not going to take Trump down, there isn't anyone on here that doesn't know who they are voting for...well maybe a couple but not many

I said I was never going to vote this time.

I have 70 or So rednecks at my company and they are all moderates.

When I talk people listen to me, they have been talking I kept quiet..

Belive me when I talk people listen

I am the leader of the political dumb fucks..I always let my actions speak for me, my skills and talents..

I never talk. When I do people listen.
So the mighty bear us running away. He wants to ensure 30 years of leftist Supreme Court rulings. Good stuff.
Now there's a good reason to vote for the mentally disturbed one. If that is your last, best defense for nominating an un-electable candidate then the republicans are so dead in the water.
Nice branding attempt. But you do as you are told.
I said this before I wasn't going to vote (it didn't matter because I live in south carolina)

I still won't vote..I just thought trump was making stupid campaign promises and would calm down after the election..hire the right people..

But after today that dude has severe mental problems..

I am starting to agree..someone please give him at least a joint ..

Donald Trump’s recent ‘erratic behavior’ has medical professionals questioning his mental health

I hate and despise the old hag Hillary but the liberals are right.

Trump is nuts.

You're just fucking with us, right?


I never liked trump , I always thought he was a liberal...

I just thought just maybe...a business man would be great for this country..

But it has become clear to me it's not trump...

The guy has lost it.

Trump is unstable any half way sane person can see it.
. Is it that he's unstable or is it that the Democrats have pushed all the right buttons in order to make him appear crazy, and therefore making them smarter in the political game than a man who has no clue about how dirty it can be in the game, and especially when run by those who know how to control it ? Trump is like a snake with it's skin pulled over his eyes now, and therefore it has him striking wildly at everything that moves.
If his buttons are that easy to push, he has no business being President of the United States of America. Do you think that is the kind of man we need to have his finger on the button?
. Obama wasn't the kind of man to have his finger on this nations button, but we wildly done that didn't we ? Trump isn't that bad or at least he isn't as bad as Hillary or Obama is, and hey we survived those two so far. Just a political fight is all it is, and the nation will be just fine afterwards.
I said this before I wasn't going to vote (it didn't matter because I live in south carolina)

I still won't vote..I just thought trump was making stupid campaign promises and would calm down after the election..hire the right people..

But after today that dude has severe mental problems..

I am starting to agree..someone please give him at least a joint ..

Donald Trump’s recent ‘erratic behavior’ has medical professionals questioning his mental health

I hate and despise the old hag Hillary but the liberals are right.

Trump is nuts.

You're just fucking with us, right?


I never liked trump , I always thought he was a liberal...

I just thought just maybe...a business man would be great for this country..

But it has become clear to me it's not trump...

The guy has lost it.

Trump is unstable any half way sane person can see it.
. Is it that he's unstable or is it that the Democrats have pushed all the right buttons in order to make him appear crazy, and therefore making them smarter in the political game than a man who has no clue about how dirty it can be in the game, and especially when run by those who know how to control it ? Trump is like a snake with it's skin pulled over his eyes now, and therefore it has him striking wildly at everything that moves.
If his buttons are that easy to push, he has no business being President of the United States of America. Do you think that is the kind of man we need to have his finger on the button?
. Clinton on Benghazi with her button pushed... "What's it matter now", so otherwise who cares right ? That kind of weakness is what entices our enemies, and emboldens them against us.
I said this before I wasn't going to vote (it didn't matter because I live in south carolina)

I still won't vote..I just thought trump was making stupid campaign promises and would calm down after the election..hire the right people..

But after today that dude has severe mental problems..

I am starting to agree..someone please give him at least a joint ..

Donald Trump’s recent ‘erratic behavior’ has medical professionals questioning his mental health

I hate and despise the old hag Hillary but the liberals are right.

Trump is nuts.

You're just fucking with us, right?


I never liked trump , I always thought he was a liberal...

I just thought just maybe...a business man would be great for this country..

But it has become clear to me it's not trump...

The guy has lost it.

Trump is unstable any half way sane person can see it.
. Is it that he's unstable or is it that the Democrats have pushed all the right buttons in order to make him appear crazy, and therefore making them smarter in the political game than a man who has no clue about how dirty it can be in the game, and especially when run by those who know how to control it ? Trump is like a snake with it's skin pulled over his eyes now, and therefore it has him striking wildly at everything that moves.

Trump has the establishment against him, the dems, the media and the truly uninformed....but still remains in almost a virtual tie with the corrupt Cankles. That's telling

Trump IS the establishment, period. His entire history screams ESTABLISHMENT! It is so apparent that it's unbelievable that anyone that knows just a tad about his life and his lifetime approaches to business wouldn't instantly see that.
My God, some people are so easily delusioned.
. And Hillary is what ? ESTABLISMENT!
You're just fucking with us, right?


I never liked trump , I always thought he was a liberal...

I just thought just maybe...a business man would be great for this country..

But it has become clear to me it's not trump...

The guy has lost it.

Trump is unstable any half way sane person can see it.
. Is it that he's unstable or is it that the Democrats have pushed all the right buttons in order to make him appear crazy, and therefore making them smarter in the political game than a man who has no clue about how dirty it can be in the game, and especially when run by those who know how to control it ? Trump is like a snake with it's skin pulled over his eyes now, and therefore it has him striking wildly at everything that moves.

Trump has the establishment against him, the dems, the media and the truly uninformed....but still remains in almost a virtual tie with the corrupt Cankles. That's telling

Trump IS the establishment, period. His entire history screams ESTABLISHMENT! It is so apparent that it's unbelievable that anyone that knows just a tad about his life and his lifetime approaches to business wouldn't instantly see that.
My God, some people are so easily delusioned.
. And Hillary is what ? ESTABLISMENT!

Kiwi the Pee Wee isn't awfully astute
Like the article says, it's not a clinical diagnosis...but something is definitely far off with a person you cannot even IMAGINE make a self-depreciating joke, even just for pretend-show of humility.
Like the article says, it's not a clinical diagnosis...but something is definitely far off with a person you cannot even IMAGINE make a self-depreciating joke, even just for pretend-show of humility.
What do y'all want, strength or a weakling again ? Make up your minds already. Look what weakness has caused, do you all want more of the same ? Could be one of your family members killed next. Does that even register ?
I said this before I wasn't going to vote (it didn't matter because I live in south carolina)

I still won't vote..I just thought trump was making stupid campaign promises and would calm down after the election..hire the right people..

But after today that dude has severe mental problems..

I am starting to agree..someone please give him at least a joint ..

Donald Trump’s recent ‘erratic behavior’ has medical professionals questioning his mental health

I hate and despise the old hag Hillary but the liberals are right.

Trump is nuts.
No offense, but you're just falling for well orchestrated propaganda. Trump isn't acting nuts. You're just reflecting what the media is saying about him.

Take this to the bank.

They're lying to you. Don't let them trick you into believing a word they're saying. They are pulling out all of the stops and not letting their principles get in the way of lying their asses off about everything Trump says. One of them said while Bush was president that making up shit is easy. You just have to keep your story straight. This is why Hillary hasn't had a press conference in almost a year. Because unless she's scripted the whole thing, she can't keep her lies straight. A person who lies to you doesn't respect you, and a person who doesn't respect you won't give a damn what you think of her actions.....especially when a fawning press will cover her ass at every turn.
What do y'all want, strength or a weakling again ? Make up your minds already. Look what weakness has caused, do you all want more of the same ? Could be one of your family members killed next. Does that even register ?

LOL..was Reagan a weakling? He used to make jokes like that all the time, not because he was weakling but because he was SECURE and knew how to affect people.

Trump's I'm da best! Amazing how much people love me! I make da best dealz! Doesn't sound like strength, it sounds like needy idiocy.
Last edited:
I said this before I wasn't going to vote (it didn't matter because I live in south carolina)

I still won't vote..I just thought trump was making stupid campaign promises and would calm down after the election..hire the right people..

But after today that dude has severe mental problems..

I am starting to agree..someone please give him at least a joint ..

Donald Trump’s recent ‘erratic behavior’ has medical professionals questioning his mental health

I hate and despise the old hag Hillary but the liberals are right.

Trump is nuts.
No offense, but you're just falling for well orchestrated propaganda. Trump isn't acting nuts. You're just reflecting what the media is saying about him.

Take this to the bank.

They're lying to you. Don't let them trick you into believing a word they're saying. They are pulling out all of the stops and not letting their principles get in the way of lying their asses off about everything Trump says. One of them said while Bush was president that making up shit is easy. You just have to keep your story straight. This is why Hillary hasn't had a press conference in almost a year. Because unless she's scripted the whole thing, she can't keep her lies straight. A person who lies to you doesn't respect you, and a person who doesn't respect you won't give a damn what you think of her actions.....especially when a fawning press will cover her ass at every turn.
You forgot to call him a liberal. That is the goto slur when all else fails for Trumpbots!
LOL Threads on this forum are not going to take Trump down, there isn't anyone on here that doesn't know who they are voting for...well maybe a couple but not many

I said I was never going to vote this time.

I have 70 or So rednecks at my company and they are all moderates.

When I talk people listen to me, they have been talking I kept quiet..

Belive me when I talk people listen

I am the leader of the political dumb fucks..I always let my actions speak for me, my skills and talents..

I never talk. When I do people listen.

Holy shit. You work in a place that has 70 people who are dumber than you? Unbelievable.

People listen!!!


Yea I feel like Einstein working here and at my last four jobs..

Not many people can read a micrometer, a multimeter, an amp meter , a computer screen , run a mill , a lathe and smoke a cigar at the same time

Preach it!

Union shop?

You really don't get what I am saying do you?

The only time I talk is on message boards..

Its all about psychology in my real life.

You keep your mouth shut and let your talents and skills do the talking

People think "that guy has talents and skills" holy shit "how did he do that?"

While they think who is this guy he doesn't Fuck around..

They Will talk about ignorant nonsense..and play...

And then when you bother to grunt a few words of wisdom..

You have there attention.

Then they will think and remember what you said.

All about respect

1 you have it

2. You earned it.

3. When you bother to conderdict there way of thinking they will think about it.

Simple psychology ..101

If you are so smart why aren't you rich?
Trump is a billionaire. His daddy did not leave him a billion dollars.

Billionaire??? Well, according to Trump he is that rich.......and we should all take his word for it because......well, because he told us. LOL
The Rats are jumping from the sinking ship! No longer fashionable to back and praise the same bat-shit crazy egomaniacal floating turd this week? Who would have guessed? How very "principled" the Rats truly are!

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