I changed my mind on trump that dude is going bat shit crazy.

The Rats are jumping from the sinking ship! No longer fashionable to back and praise the same bat-shit crazy egomaniacal floating turd this week? Who would have guessed? How very "principled" the Rats truly are!

I said this before I wasn't going to vote (it didn't matter because I live in south carolina)

I still won't vote..I just thought trump was making stupid campaign promises and would calm down after the election..hire the right people..

But after today that dude has severe mental problems..

I am starting to agree..someone please give him at least a joint ..

Donald Trump’s recent ‘erratic behavior’ has medical professionals questioning his mental health

I hate and despise the old hag Hillary but the liberals are right.

Trump is nuts.
No offense, but you're just falling for well orchestrated propaganda. Trump isn't acting nuts. You're just reflecting what the media is saying about him.

Take this to the bank.

They're lying to you. Don't let them trick you into believing a word they're saying. They are pulling out all of the stops and not letting their principles get in the way of lying their asses off about everything Trump says. One of them said while Bush was president that making up shit is easy. You just have to keep your story straight. This is why Hillary hasn't had a press conference in almost a year. Because unless she's scripted the whole thing, she can't keep her lies straight. A person who lies to you doesn't respect you, and a person who doesn't respect you won't give a damn what you think of her actions.....especially when a fawning press will cover her ass at every turn.
Good God, are you truly that fucking stupid? The media is not making statement about Trump, they are re-playing videos of his speeches. That is what is damning him in more and more peoples eyes. The asshole is shy several bricks.
If you are so smart why aren't you rich?

The very BEST way to become a millionaire.........is to have your daddy leave you $40 million in his will.

I appreciate your sarcasm.

Trump is a billionaire. His daddy did not leave him a billion dollars.
So Trump says. Perhaps when we see his tax returns, we can find out if that is true, or it is another figment of his imagination like thousands dancing in the streets of New York after 9-11.
The down ticket GOP is going into full panic mode. And with good reason. Trump has completely polarized the GOP. The Republicans either hate him, or think he walks on water. So, a GOPer up for re-election gets one simple question.

Do You Support Trump? Yes or No.

Yes, and half the Republican voters want nothing to do with you.
No, and a third of the Republican voters want nothing to do with you.

And anyone with any sense should have seen this coming. One can only assume that the majority of the GOP no longer have any sense.
I said I was never going to vote this time.

I have 70 or So rednecks at my company and they are all moderates.

When I talk people listen to me, they have been talking I kept quiet..

Belive me when I talk people listen

I am the leader of the political dumb fucks..I always let my actions speak for me, my skills and talents..

I never talk. When I do people listen.

Holy shit. You work in a place that has 70 people who are dumber than you? Unbelievable.

People listen!!!


Yea I feel like Einstein working here and at my last four jobs..

Not many people can read a micrometer, a multimeter, an amp meter , a computer screen , run a mill , a lathe and smoke a cigar at the same time

Preach it!

Union shop?

You really don't get what I am saying do you?

The only time I talk is on message boards..

Its all about psychology in my real life.

You keep your mouth shut and let your talents and skills do the talking

People think "that guy has talents and skills" holy shit "how did he do that?"

While they think who is this guy he doesn't Fuck around..

They Will talk about ignorant nonsense..and play...

And then when you bother to grunt a few words of wisdom..

You have there attention.

Then they will think and remember what you said.

All about respect

1 you have it

2. You earned it.

3. When you bother to conderdict there way of thinking they will think about it.

Simple psychology ..101

If you are so smart why aren't you rich?

If you're comparing trump to that person the answer is that person wasn't born with a multi million dollar trust fund from his father.
I said this before I wasn't going to vote (it didn't matter because I live in south carolina)

I still won't vote..I just thought trump was making stupid campaign promises and would calm down after the election..hire the right people..

But after today that dude has severe mental problems..

I am starting to agree..someone please give him at least a joint ..

Donald Trump’s recent ‘erratic behavior’ has medical professionals questioning his mental health

I hate and despise the old hag Hillary but the liberals are right.

Trump is nuts.
No offense, but you're just falling for well orchestrated propaganda. Trump isn't acting nuts. You're just reflecting what the media is saying about him.

Take this to the bank.

They're lying to you. Don't let them trick you into believing a word they're saying. They are pulling out all of the stops and not letting their principles get in the way of lying their asses off about everything Trump says. One of them said while Bush was president that making up shit is easy. You just have to keep your story straight. This is why Hillary hasn't had a press conference in almost a year. Because unless she's scripted the whole thing, she can't keep her lies straight. A person who lies to you doesn't respect you, and a person who doesn't respect you won't give a damn what you think of her actions.....especially when a fawning press will cover her ass at every turn.
Good God, are you truly that fucking stupid? The media is not making statement about Trump, they are re-playing videos of his speeches. That is what is damning him in more and more peoples eyes. The asshole is shy several bricks.
Are you really this stupid????

You never heard of clever editing techniques to change context. Showing only snippets so the meaning changes? This how they pushed this lie that he wants to ban ALL MUSLIMS.....which obviously never meant. Only a temporary ban on Syrian refugees until they could be PROPERLY VETTED. He doesn't want the same thing happening here that is already happening in Europe. You must really want ISIS in America, you stupid asshole!!!
The media actually spends very little time showing his full speeches....and aggressively attacking every single thing he says or fails to say. The most angry hate speech I see is from media pundits, not Trump.
You never heard of clever editing techniques to change context. Showing only snippets so the meaning changes?

True........"liberal news outlets" giggled the camera on purpose to emphasize Trump mimicking and making fun of the disabled NYT reporter......Right moron?
You never heard of clever editing techniques to change context. Showing only snippets so the meaning changes?

True........"liberal news outlets" giggled the camera on purpose to emphasize Trump mimicking and making fun of the disabled NYT reporter......Right moron?
They did put it in a gif to make it look worse than it was.

I think if the media were to focus on everything stupid Hillary says people would think she has a screw loose. Have you seen the video of Hillary proudly bragging about raise taxes on the Middle-class? Bet you didn't but that's only due to the censorship they do to her benefit.

The media actually spends very little time showing his full speeches....and aggressively attacking every single thing he says or fails to say. The most angry hate speech I see is from media pundits, not Trump.

Funny. Democrats aren't questioned when they support a corrupt, dishonest, plastic politician like Hillary. I think it shows their true character....that of mindless zombies willing to risk national security by backing a total screw-up who just doesn't have the ability to tell the truth, and never did anything wrong with her emails...and promises never to do it again. A person who can't get enough votes needed to win elections without flooding battleground states with foreign voters and felons.
It seems that the propaganda of the left and the Establishment Republicans ....the ones that WE REPUBLICANS showed during the primaries that we wanted them to be ALL GONE...

And you seem to have achieved that. In fact, so many are gone that what was the Repub voter coalition as recently as 6 months ago has exchanged its moderate partners for somewhat more zealous ones.

...I hate and despise the old hag Hillary but the liberals are right. Trump is nuts.
You were never going to vote for Trump, so who do you think you're fooling?

Many Americans, desperately hoping for an alternative to Hillary, have been looking for a reason to vote for Trump but he has spent the past month convincing many of us that he just isn't that alternative.

Our own Boss even authored a thread in which he has expressed the frustration so many of us are feeling ... that there is no lesser of 2 evils to be had in 2016 (and I suspect The Donald isn't terribly displeased by that).

The price we will pay is 8 more years of a Dem White House and perhaps 8 more if her VP graduates in 2024.

Dat's some scary shit.
The media actually spends very little time showing his full speeches....and aggressively attacking every single thing he says or fails to say. The most angry hate speech I see is from media pundits, not Trump.

Funny. Democrats aren't questioned when they support a corrupt, dishonest, plastic politician like Hillary. I think it shows their true character....that of mindless zombies willing to risk national security by backing a total screw-up who just doesn't have the ability to tell the truth, and never did anything wrong with her emails...and promises never to do it again. A person who can't get enough votes needed to win elections without flooding battleground states with foreign voters and felons.

Not being associated with any of the corrupt factions, I have a somewhat uncorrupted OBJECTIVE perspective. The electorate is saddled with a Hobson's Choice this election cycle. There are only two REAL choices this time around; a somewhat less than desirable one, and one that is absolutely repugnant.

Those who are actively involved and panting fervently within their chosen faction with total investment in their Chosen One, seeing their idol's obvious and despicable faults torn open and exposed for all to see, yet still cling to and excuse those glaring faults of their narcissistic load of corruption are beyond hope of recognizing the truth and the danger he poses to all!

Revel in your abject ignorance, rejection of objective facts and penchant for deflecting talking points! You are entitled to your vote, but not your own fucking facts, smack!
You never heard of clever editing techniques to change context. Showing only snippets so the meaning changes?

True........"liberal news outlets" giggled the camera on purpose to emphasize Trump mimicking and making fun of the disabled NYT reporter......Right moron?
They did put it in a gif to make it look worse than it was.

I think if the media were to focus on everything stupid Hillary says people would think she has a screw loose. Have you seen the video of Hillary proudly bragging about raise taxes on the Middle-class? Bet you didn't but that's only due to the censorship they do to her benefit.

And the idiots cheer......
You never heard of clever editing techniques to change context. Showing only snippets so the meaning changes?

True........"liberal news outlets" giggled the camera on purpose to emphasize Trump mimicking and making fun of the disabled NYT reporter......Right moron?
They did put it in a gif to make it look worse than it was.

I think if the media were to focus on everything stupid Hillary says people would think she has a screw loose. Have you seen the video of Hillary proudly bragging about raise taxes on the Middle-class? Bet you didn't but that's only due to the censorship they do to her benefit.

And the idiots cheer......

If she had screamed "KILL WHITEY" would they have cheered??

You're just fucking with us, right?


I never liked trump , I always thought he was a liberal...

I just thought just maybe...a business man would be great for this country..

But it has become clear to me it's not trump...

The guy has lost it.

Trump is unstable any half way sane person can see it.
. Is it that he's unstable or is it that the Democrats have pushed all the right buttons in order to make him appear crazy, and therefore making them smarter in the political game than a man who has no clue about how dirty it can be in the game, and especially when run by those who know how to control it ? Trump is like a snake with it's skin pulled over his eyes now, and therefore it has him striking wildly at everything that moves.

Trump has the establishment against him, the dems, the media and the truly uninformed....but still remains in almost a virtual tie with the corrupt Cankles. That's telling

Sassy you can see him crashing under the pressure, heck Gore and Kerry didn't get this crazy.

Its just August....god knows what he will say next.
. He said the gloves were coming off.
Tiny tho they may be...
Not being associated with any of the corrupt factions, I have a somewhat uncorrupted OBJECTIVE perspective. The electorate is saddled with a Hobson's Choice this election cycle. There are only two REAL choices this time around; a somewhat less than desirable one, and one that is absolutely repugnant.

Well, well stated......and it is indeed a Hobson's choice in that there actually is NO choice at all.
Would I have liked a different progressive candidate than Hillary??? YOU BET !!!!!
Would I ever vote for an egotistical and unhinged clown? NO WAY!!!
The media actually spends very little time showing his full speeches....and aggressively attacking every single thing he says or fails to say. The most angry hate speech I see is from media pundits, not Trump.

Funny. Democrats aren't questioned when they support a corrupt, dishonest, plastic politician like Hillary. I think it shows their true character....that of mindless zombies willing to risk national security by backing a total screw-up who just doesn't have the ability to tell the truth, and never did anything wrong with her emails...and promises never to do it again. A person who can't get enough votes needed to win elections without flooding battleground states with foreign voters and felons.

Not being associated with any of the corrupt factions, I have a somewhat uncorrupted OBJECTIVE perspective. The electorate is saddled with a Hobson's Choice this election cycle. There are only two REAL choices this time around; a somewhat less than desirable one, and one that is absolutely repugnant.

Those who are actively involved and panting fervently within their chosen faction with total investment in their Chosen One, seeing their idol's obvious and despicable faults torn open and exposed for all to see, yet still cling to and excuse those glaring faults of their narcissistic load of corruption are beyond hope of recognizing the truth and the danger he poses to all!

Revel in your abject ignorance, rejection of objective facts and penchant for deflecting talking points! You are entitled to your vote, but not your own fucking facts, smack!


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