I changed my mind on trump that dude is going bat shit crazy.

The polls today have made a decided and heavy shift towards Mrs. Clinton. This is no surprise. I'm wondering if Mr. Trump just won't drop out of the race altogether. After all, his plan from the beginning was to destroy the Republican Party and he has just about succeeded
i would rather have a dumb person that liked this country rather than a smart corrupt woman that hated it.

Mr. Harley if Mr. Trump loves his country why is everything he manufactures made in China? Why is his daughter's fashion line manufactured in China?
Why does elizabethbwarren bash the FED then vote not to audit it? Why do people want the tax code reformed but take their credits?
Such a weak argument
I said this before I wasn't going to vote (it didn't matter because I live in south carolina)

I still won't vote..I just thought trump was making stupid campaign promises and would calm down after the election..hire the right people..

But after today that dude has severe mental problems..

I am starting to agree..someone please give him at least a joint ..

Donald Trump’s recent ‘erratic behavior’ has medical professionals questioning his mental health

I hate and despise the old hag Hillary but the liberals are right.

Trump is nuts.

Hillary is an outright evil sociopath; as is Obama. Dude f'ing funds terrorists.
I said this before I wasn't going to vote (it didn't matter because I live in south carolina)

I still won't vote..I just thought trump was making stupid campaign promises and would calm down after the election..hire the right people..

But after today that dude has severe mental problems..

I am starting to agree..someone please give him at least a joint ..

Donald Trump’s recent ‘erratic behavior’ has medical professionals questioning his mental health

I hate and despise the old hag Hillary but the liberals are right.

Trump is nuts.

Yes.....this is why the democrats win.........they repeat the same crap over and over and even conservatives go with the propaganda.........

let's just ignore the open criminality of hilary, the complete incompetence of hilary, and the destruction she will cause to this country....

Trump doesn't speak well in public....so I am going to vote hilary....

Please........take the democrat pod out from under your bed......fight the Borg queen.......and save the country......
. They talk about Trump as if he's crazy, yet they can't bring up anything from Trump's long created (by hard work and perseverance found in the creation of his empire), the things he has failed miserably on or in which he had set out to do but failed to do, otherwise in order to prove that he's plum crazy like they claim. He's crazy alright, crazy like a fox.

No I have to use my 51 years of wisdom on this ..

He has been non stop campaigning , city to city coast to coast..

He is getting delirious like Kerry and gore was..

And it's only August....

Its a train wreck like Charlie sheens battle was against management..

Trust me on this one Trump soon will wear out and say he can't do it anymore..

Real soon

I am sorry Mr. Bear that you were too naïve to see how crazy he was when he made the comment about Mexicans being rapists and murderers. That was your first clue and you failed. You must not have any Hispanics in that great big company of yours in which you are considered such a wise man

I don't even know what this means?

How about a nice game of chess?

If you don't know what this means Mr. Bear then you are probably very racist and bigoted and don't even realize it
. They talk about Trump as if he's crazy, yet they can't bring up anything from Trump's long created (by hard work and perseverance found in the creation of his empire), the things he has failed miserably on or in which he had set out to do but failed to do, otherwise in order to prove that he's plum crazy like they claim. He's crazy alright, crazy like a fox.

Well Beagle.......I fully understand your plight....

There you are sitting down enjoying your Trump steak and savoring the excellent Trump wine, while contemplating your recent framed diploma from Trump University.
i would rather have a dumb person that liked this country rather than a smart corrupt woman that hated it.

Mr. Harley if Mr. Trump loves his country why is everything he manufactures made in China? Why is his daughter's fashion line manufactured in China?
Why does elizabethbwarren bash the FED then vote not to audit it? Why do people want the tax code reformed but take their credits?
Such a weak argument

Yours is the weak argument because you will not even answer my questions. Trying to divert to Mrs. Warren is not an answer.
Hillary is an outright evil sociopath; as is Obama. Dude f'ing funds terrorists.

WOW....what a "brilliant" remark from some right wing nut job who has already gone ballistic......and its just August. (hope that this moron does not work in a post office.)
. They talk about Trump as if he's crazy, yet they can't bring up anything from Trump's long created (by hard work and perseverance found in the creation of his empire), the things he has failed miserably on or in which he had set out to do but failed to do, otherwise in order to prove that he's plum crazy like they claim. He's crazy alright, crazy like a fox.

Well Beagle.......I fully understand your plight....

There you are sitting down enjoying your Trump steak and savoring the excellent Trump wine, while contemplating your recent framed diploma from Trump University.

And hopefully not awaiting a check in the mail if he's done any contracti work on Mr. Trump's buildings.
i would rather have a dumb person that liked this country rather than a smart corrupt woman that hated it.

Mr. Harley if Mr. Trump loves his country why is everything he manufactures made in China? Why is his daughter's fashion line manufactured in China?
Mr. Trump has addressed this ad nauseum...he needs an even playing field.

Sorry but that is not an answer. His answer is what is good for the goose is not so good for the gander. And his playing field is anything but even and he wants to keep it that way
i would rather have a dumb person that liked this country rather than a smart corrupt woman that hated it.

Why would you say something so stupid? Is it beyond your control?
You think dumb and caring is worse than smart corrupt and hateful? Makes sense coming from the fringe..

1) Trump isn't stupid. He's nuts.
2) Trump cares ONLY about things named Trump.
3) Smart is a job requirement for POTUS
4) Hillary isn't corrupt. She's a politician.
5) Hillary loves this country. That is not in question.

Result: What you said is fucking stupid.
i would rather have a dumb person that liked this country rather than a smart corrupt woman that hated it.

Mr. Harley if Mr. Trump loves his country why is everything he manufactures made in China? Why is his daughter's fashion line manufactured in China?
Mr. Trump has addressed this ad nauseum...he needs an even playing field.

Sorry but that is not an answer. His answer is what is good for the goose is not so good for the gander. And his playing field is anything but even and he wants to keep it that way
He's been talking about this for over a decade.
I don't care who you vote for; I just don't like bullshit sound bites.
Hillary may be good for you, but it doesn't mean you have to use your intellect to warp where Trump stands on an issue.
I said this before I wasn't going to vote (it didn't matter because I live in south carolina)

I still won't vote..I just thought trump was making stupid campaign promises and would calm down after the election..hire the right people..

But after today that dude has severe mental problems..

I am starting to agree..someone please give him at least a joint ..

Donald Trump’s recent ‘erratic behavior’ has medical professionals questioning his mental health

I hate and despise the old hag Hillary but the liberals are right.

Trump is nuts.

Yes.....this is why the democrats win.........they repeat the same crap over and over and even conservatives go with the propaganda.........

let's just ignore the open criminality of hilary, the complete incompetence of hilary, and the destruction she will cause to this country....

Trump doesn't speak well in public....so I am going to vote hilary....

Please........take the democrat pod out from under your bed......fight the Borg queen.......and save the country......
. They talk about Trump as if he's crazy, yet they can't bring up anything from Trump's long created (by hard work and perseverance found in the creation of his empire), the things he has failed miserably on or in which he had set out to do but failed to do, otherwise in order to prove that he's plum crazy like they claim. He's crazy alright, crazy like a fox.
exactly right. They have shit to use as any evidence. Pure bullshit on an internet website on personal opinions of how they feel. 33,000 emails missing on four americans dead and for them, no problem. Explains away with a so what. hypocrites every single one of them
Trump running wasn't a con you stupid fucks. He isn't going to kill your kids either.. Ge'ez us people!!!
the people against fear mongering presenting fear mongering. Who'd of thunk it. hypocrites each and everyone of em.
i would rather have a dumb person that liked this country rather than a smart corrupt woman that hated it.

Why would you say something so stupid? Is it beyond your control?
You think dumb and caring is worse than smart corrupt and hateful? Makes sense coming from the fringe..

1) Trump isn't stupid. He's nuts.
2) Trump cares ONLY about things named Trump.
3) Smart is a job requirement for POTUS
4) Hillary isn't corrupt. She's a politician.
5) Hillary loves this country. That is not in question.

Result: What you said is fucking stupid.

Trump is not nuts or Stupid.....he is a tough competitor who is now realizing how bad the democrat media really is....

If Trump only cared about himself he wouldn't have run for President...his business is suffering for his run, and he is losing a lot in terms of reputation and wealth because of it.....

Trump has run businesses all over the world, dealing with asshole bureaurcrats and corrupt politicians at every level, he is not only smart, he is tough....and loves this country.

hilary takes corruption to an international level.......her clinton foundation is taking in money from around the world........even when she was secretary of state.......hilary hates this country, that is not in question......

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