I changed my mind on trump that dude is going bat shit crazy.

If Trump only cared about himself he wouldn't have run for President...his business is suffering for his run, and he is losing a lot in terms of reputation and wealth because of it.....

By all means, please send him your money...Heck sell your home, your car,your guns,whatever you have and help, poor, poor Trump who is sacrificing so much all for you right wingers and, of course, the US.......and maybe China and Russia too.
a column from Peggy Noonan
The Week They Decided He Was Crazy

Mark Cuban now thinks Donald Trump is ‘crazy’

There is something going on here....
The Trumpster might have finally cracked or does he realize he's in a place
he really doesn't want to be.....

He had a shot at beating Hillary and it might have freaked him out to the
point where he needs to really say shit that will turn off anyone that
was on the fence....

His followers love him all the more for the off the wall shit he says.
The ones like myself who hates Hillary and think she's so wrong for the country
overlooked all the nonsense from Trump because

We need Trump for
The economy
The military
The Supreme Court....

But Trump just might be nuts.
He can't move forward from slights is disturbing....

He just is way too thin skinned....

I just can't vote for the guy.
The months out and I doubt he can focus and get his shit together.
a column from Peggy Noonan
The Week They Decided He Was Crazy

Mark Cuban now thinks Donald Trump is ‘crazy’

There is something going on here....
The Trumpster might have finally cracked or does he realize he's in a place
he really doesn't want to be.....

He had a shot at beating Hillary and it might have freaked him out to the
point where he needs to really say shit that will turn off anyone that
was on the fence....

His followers love him all the more for the off the wall shit he says.
The ones like myself who hates Hillary and think she's so wrong for the country
overlooked all the nonsense from Trump because

We need Trump for
The economy
The military
The Supreme Court....

But Trump just might be nuts.
He can't move forward from slights is disturbing....

He just is way too thin skinned....

I just can't vote for the guy.
The months out and I doubt he can focus and get his shit together.

There is a thread for that:

Post Here When You Come To Your Senses

Kudos for your honesty.
i would rather have a dumb person that liked this country rather than a smart corrupt woman that hated it.

Mr. Harley if Mr. Trump loves his country why is everything he manufactures made in China? Why is his daughter's fashion line manufactured in China?
Why does elizabethbwarren bash the FED then vote not to audit it? Why do people want the tax code reformed but take their credits?
Such a weak argument

Yours is the weak argument because you will not even answer my questions. Trying to divert to Mrs. Warren is not an answer.
How am I supposed to know? Do you think I work for him?
Just because someone does something, doesn't mean they don't want it changed..
i would rather have a dumb person that liked this country rather than a smart corrupt woman that hated it.

Why would you say something so stupid? Is it beyond your control?
You think dumb and caring is worse than smart corrupt and hateful? Makes sense coming from the fringe..

1) Trump isn't stupid. He's nuts.
2) Trump cares ONLY about things named Trump.
3) Smart is a job requirement for POTUS
4) Hillary isn't corrupt. She's a politician.
5) Hillary loves this country. That is not in question.

Result: What you said is fucking stupid.
I think he is stupid. He obviously has talents, but the man is dumb as shit.
Really? That's the standard? Idiot
LMFAO that's why she is a globalist and supports arming terrorists? That's why she hates the middle class?
GTF on Lone. You only like the stupid bitch because you both have cankles and nobody wants to fuck either of you
i would rather have a dumb person that liked this country rather than a smart corrupt woman that hated it.

Why would you say something so stupid? Is it beyond your control?
You think dumb and caring is worse than smart corrupt and hateful? Makes sense coming from the fringe..

1) Trump isn't stupid. He's nuts.
2) Trump cares ONLY about things named Trump.
3) Smart is a job requirement for POTUS
4) Hillary isn't corrupt. She's a politician.
5) Hillary loves this country. That is not in question.

Result: What you said is fucking stupid.
I think he is stupid. He obviously has talents, but the man is dumb as shit.
Really? That's the standard? Idiot
LMFAO that's why she is a globalist and supports arming terrorists? That's why she hates the middle class?
GTF on Lone. You only like the stupid bitch because you both have cankles and nobody wants to fuck either of you

Excellent fail. Cankles. LOL.
i would rather have a dumb person that liked this country rather than a smart corrupt woman that hated it.

Why would you say something so stupid? Is it beyond your control?
You think dumb and caring is worse than smart corrupt and hateful? Makes sense coming from the fringe..

1) Trump isn't stupid. He's nuts.
2) Trump cares ONLY about things named Trump.
3) Smart is a job requirement for POTUS
4) Hillary isn't corrupt. She's a politician.
5) Hillary loves this country. That is not in question.

Result: What you said is fucking stupid.
I think he is stupid. He obviously has talents, but the man is dumb as shit.
Really? That's the standard? Idiot
LMFAO that's why she is a globalist and supports arming terrorists? That's why she hates the middle class?
GTF on Lone. You only like the stupid bitch because you both have cankles and nobody wants to fuck either of you

Excellent fail. Cankles. LOL.
Dear dumbfuck,
Projection, lying and hackery is winning :thup:
I said this before I wasn't going to vote (it didn't matter because I live in south carolina)

I still won't vote..I just thought trump was making stupid campaign promises and would calm down after the election..hire the right people..

But after today that dude has severe mental problems..

I am starting to agree..someone please give him at least a joint ..

Donald Trump’s recent ‘erratic behavior’ has medical professionals questioning his mental health

I hate and despise the old hag Hillary but the liberals are right.

Trump is nuts.

Yes.....this is why the democrats win.........they repeat the same crap over and over and even conservatives go with the propaganda.........

let's just ignore the open criminality of hilary, the complete incompetence of hilary, and the destruction she will cause to this country....

Trump doesn't speak well in public....so I am going to vote hilary....

Please........take the democrat pod out from under your bed......fight the Borg queen.......and save the country......
. They talk about Trump as if he's crazy, yet they can't bring up anything from Trump's long created (by hard work and perseverance found in the creation of his empire), the things he has failed miserably on or in which he had set out to do but failed to do, otherwise in order to prove that he's plum crazy like they claim. He's crazy alright, crazy like a fox.
He is crazy like in batshit crazy .....and dangerous!

Former CIA Chief Smacks Down Donald Trump In Clinton Endorsement

Trump, on the other hand, exudes traits that “suggest he would be a poor, even dangerous, commander in chief,” Morell wrote.

These traits include his obvious need for self-aggrandizement, his overreaction to perceived slights, his tendency to make decisions based on intuition, his refusal to change his views based on new information, his routine carelessness with the facts, his unwillingness to listen to others and his lack of respect for the rule of law.

The dangers that flow from Mr. Trump’s character are not just risks that would emerge if he became president. It is already damaging our national security.

Putin preyed on Trump’s “vulnerabilities,” currying the businessman’s favor simply by complimenting him, Morell said. Trump’s adoration of Putin, a leader with a reckless and dangerous track record, makes him “an unwitting agent of the Russian Federation,” Morell added. He also hit Trump for his proposed ban on Muslims, saying it directly contradicts American values and undermines security.

“My training as an intelligence officer taught me to call it as I see it. This is what I did for the C.I.A. This is what I am doing now,” Morell said in the op-ed. “Our nation will be much safer with Hillary Clinton as president.”
Insiders to Trump: Drop out

'I’d rather take our chances with nearly anyone else than continue with this certain loser who will likely cost the Senate and much more,' said a New Hampshire Republican.

By Steven Shepard

08/05/16 05:18 AM EDT

Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2016/08/insiders-to-trump-drop-out-226689#ixzz4GTD31KCM
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I said this before I wasn't going to vote (it didn't matter because I live in south carolina)

I still won't vote..I just thought trump was making stupid campaign promises and would calm down after the election..hire the right people..

But after today that dude has severe mental problems..

I am starting to agree..someone please give him at least a joint ..

Donald Trump’s recent ‘erratic behavior’ has medical professionals questioning his mental health

I hate and despise the old hag Hillary but the liberals are right.

Trump is nuts.

Yes.....this is why the democrats win.........they repeat the same crap over and over and even conservatives go with the propaganda.........

let's just ignore the open criminality of hilary, the complete incompetence of hilary, and the destruction she will cause to this country....

Trump doesn't speak well in public....so I am going to vote hilary....

Please........take the democrat pod out from under your bed......fight the Borg queen.......and save the country......
. They talk about Trump as if he's crazy, yet they can't bring up anything from Trump's long created (by hard work and perseverance found in the creation of his empire), the things he has failed miserably on or in which he had set out to do but failed to do, otherwise in order to prove that he's plum crazy like they claim. He's crazy alright, crazy like a fox.

No I have to use my 51 years of wisdom on this ..

He has been non stop campaigning , city to city coast to coast..

He is getting delirious like Kerry and gore was..

And it's only August....

Its a train wreck like Charlie sheens battle was against management..

Trust me on this one Trump soon will wear out and say he can't do it anymore..

Real soon
. Hmmm, that's interesting, because that's what they are saying in the liberal media.. huh!
I said this before I wasn't going to vote (it didn't matter because I live in south carolina)

I still won't vote..I just thought trump was making stupid campaign promises and would calm down after the election..hire the right people..

But after today that dude has severe mental problems..

I am starting to agree..someone please give him at least a joint ..

Donald Trump’s recent ‘erratic behavior’ has medical professionals questioning his mental health

I hate and despise the old hag Hillary but the liberals are right.

Trump is nuts.

Yes.....this is why the democrats win.........they repeat the same crap over and over and even conservatives go with the propaganda.........

let's just ignore the open criminality of hilary, the complete incompetence of hilary, and the destruction she will cause to this country....

Trump doesn't speak well in public....so I am going to vote hilary....

Please........take the democrat pod out from under your bed......fight the Borg queen.......and save the country......
. They talk about Trump as if he's crazy, yet they can't bring up anything from Trump's long created (by hard work and perseverance found in the creation of his empire), the things he has failed miserably on or in which he had set out to do but failed to do, otherwise in order to prove that he's plum crazy like they claim. He's crazy alright, crazy like a fox.
He is crazy like in batshit crazy .....and dangerous!

Former CIA Chief Smacks Down Donald Trump In Clinton Endorsement

Trump, on the other hand, exudes traits that “suggest he would be a poor, even dangerous, commander in chief,” Morell wrote.

These traits include his obvious need for self-aggrandizement, his overreaction to perceived slights, his tendency to make decisions based on intuition, his refusal to change his views based on new information, his routine carelessness with the facts, his unwillingness to listen to others and his lack of respect for the rule of law.

The dangers that flow from Mr. Trump’s character are not just risks that would emerge if he became president. It is already damaging our national security.

Putin preyed on Trump’s “vulnerabilities,” currying the businessman’s favor simply by complimenting him, Morell said. Trump’s adoration of Putin, a leader with a reckless and dangerous track record, makes him “an unwitting agent of the Russian Federation,” Morell added. He also hit Trump for his proposed ban on Muslims, saying it directly contradicts American values and undermines security.

“My training as an intelligence officer taught me to call it as I see it. This is what I did for the C.I.A. This is what I am doing now,” Morell said in the op-ed. “Our nation will be much safer with Hillary Clinton as president.”
I like it when folks in these jobs can't see the irony of these comments. Let's just all ignore the comments from the FBI director concerning the negligence of one Hillary Clinton. yep. Logic at leftist best. Blame the guy that didn't breach any laws as crazy and the lady that actually did do that, ignore. yep leftist logic 101.
Trump never held an elected or appointed office. If he ever does, I'm sure that he would breach plenty of laws. The difference is that we as a species might not be around to have an investigation. Those who ignore this warning do so at the peril of all of us.

And of course, you can't really counter it, so you have to try to make it about Clinton. Not working bubba.
Trump never held an elected or appointed office. If he ever does, I'm sure that he would breach plenty of laws. The difference is that we as a species might not be around to have an investigation. Those who ignore this warning do so at the peril of all of us.

And of course, you can't really counter it, so you have to try to make it about Clinton. Not working bubba.
. Wasn't a very good response, otherwise making assumptions that Trump will break laws even though you don't know it.
It seems that the propaganda of the left and the Establishment Republicans ....the ones that WE REPUBLICANS showed during the primaries that we wanted them to be ALL GONE, has worked on voters of the under 3 digit IQ variety....Can these people actually think that a man worth Billions and employing over 22,000 people, and having presented his list of excellent conservative judges for SCOTUS is CRAZY..... Don't you people understand that Trump DOESN'T play by established rules, and breaks with tradition every opportunity he has? I expect this from the scum of the left and Establishment right who realize that their FREE RIDE and BILLIONS of dollars in graft and corruption MIGHT be over if Trump wins, but come on people TRY to use your brains.... even if it gives you a headache!

We all know that you will never abandon your savior, no matter how much of a lunatic he turns out to be. We just thank God that the majority of Americans are seeing the light and cannot be bamboozled the way you can.
Trump better not fall for what Obama is trying to do.. Obama is running that big mouth trying to get Trump to go after him, and this so Trump will forget about Hillary for a minute or two.
It seems that the propaganda of the left and the Establishment Republicans ....the ones that WE REPUBLICANS showed during the primaries that we wanted them to be ALL GONE, has worked on voters of the under 3 digit IQ variety....Can these people actually think that a man worth Billions and employing over 22,000 people, and having presented his list of excellent conservative judges for SCOTUS is CRAZY..... Don't you people understand that Trump DOESN'T play by established rules, and breaks with tradition every opportunity he has? I expect this from the scum of the left and Establishment right who realize that their FREE RIDE and BILLIONS of dollars in graft and corruption MIGHT be over if Trump wins, but come on people TRY to use your brains.... even if it gives you a headache!

We all know that you will never abandon your savior, no matter how much of a lunatic he turns out to be. We just thank God that the majority of Americans are seeing the light and cannot be bamboozled the way you can.
22,000 employee's but he's a crazy man ??????? Crazy he's not, but tough he is. People might not like his mistakes made, but they don't disqualify him yet.
Trump never held an elected or appointed office. If he ever does, I'm sure that he would breach plenty of laws. The difference is that we as a species might not be around to have an investigation. Those who ignore this warning do so at the peril of all of us.

And of course, you can't really counter it, so you have to try to make it about Clinton. Not working bubba.
but he didn't. And?

I can't really counter what?
It seems that the propaganda of the left and the Establishment Republicans ....the ones that WE REPUBLICANS showed during the primaries that we wanted them to be ALL GONE, has worked on voters of the under 3 digit IQ variety....Can these people actually think that a man worth Billions and employing over 22,000 people, and having presented his list of excellent conservative judges for SCOTUS is CRAZY..... Don't you people understand that Trump DOESN'T play by established rules, and breaks with tradition every opportunity he has? I expect this from the scum of the left and Establishment right who realize that their FREE RIDE and BILLIONS of dollars in graft and corruption MIGHT be over if Trump wins, but come on people TRY to use your brains.... even if it gives you a headache!

We all know that you will never abandon your savior, no matter how much of a lunatic he turns out to be. We just thank God that the majority of Americans are seeing the light and cannot be bamboozled the way you can.
four dead americans Benghazi. And you're following that. funny shit my man.
Trump never held an elected or appointed office. If he ever does, I'm sure that he would breach plenty of laws. The difference is that we as a species might not be around to have an investigation. Those who ignore this warning do so at the peril of all of us.

And of course, you can't really counter it, so you have to try to make it about Clinton. Not working bubba.
. Wasn't a very good response, otherwise making assumptions that Trump will break laws even though you don't know it.
He has stated that he will break the law with respect to torcher! And if he will do that what else would he do. He has no respect for the law or the constitution. He is a petulant, emotionally disturbed juvenile delinquent.
Trump never held an elected or appointed office. If he ever does, I'm sure that he would breach plenty of laws. The difference is that we as a species might not be around to have an investigation. Those who ignore this warning do so at the peril of all of us.

And of course, you can't really counter it, so you have to try to make it about Clinton. Not working bubba.
. Wasn't a very good response, otherwise making assumptions that Trump will break laws even though you don't know it.
He has stated that he will break the law with respect to torcher! And if he will do that what else would he do. He has no respect for the law or the constitution. He is a petulant, emotionally disturbed juvenile delinquent.
what torcher law?

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