I changed my mind on trump that dude is going bat shit crazy.

I said this before I wasn't going to vote (it didn't matter because I live in south carolina)

I still won't vote..I just thought trump was making stupid campaign promises and would calm down after the election..hire the right people..

But after today that dude has severe mental problems..

I am starting to agree..someone please give him at least a joint ..

Donald Trump’s recent ‘erratic behavior’ has medical professionals questioning his mental health

I hate and despise the old hag Hillary but the liberals are right.

Trump is nuts.

Oh geez a bunch of liberals calling Trump narcissistic, surprise surprise. THEY ARE ALL Narcissistic or they would not be running for office.

Where is the same concern for lying Hillary? Her Bosnia lie is bad enough to warrant professional help.

Just another hit piece. If I were you I would print it out for use in the outhouse.
Having not listened to the news, what was it he supposedly did this time?
I said this before I wasn't going to vote (it didn't matter because I live in south carolina)

I still won't vote..I just thought trump was making stupid campaign promises and would calm down after the election..hire the right people..

But after today that dude has severe mental problems..

I am starting to agree..someone please give him at least a joint ..

Donald Trump’s recent ‘erratic behavior’ has medical professionals questioning his mental health

I hate and despise the old hag Hillary but the liberals are right.

Trump is nuts.

Its not what he says but his actions to me..the guy is living in a fantasy
I said this before I wasn't going to vote (it didn't matter because I live in south carolina)

I still won't vote..I just thought trump was making stupid campaign promises and would calm down after the election..hire the right people..

But after today that dude has severe mental problems..

I am starting to agree..someone please give him at least a joint ..

Donald Trump’s recent ‘erratic behavior’ has medical professionals questioning his mental health

I hate and despise the old hag Hillary but the liberals are right.

Trump is nuts.
You were never going to vote for Trump, so who do you think you're fooling?

No because now I am going to be an asshole on here.

My instincts are right, trump is going bat shit crazy and I am against him now.

I won't protect him I will create threads to make sure he won't win.

LOL Threads on this forum are not going to take Trump down, there isn't anyone on here that doesn't know who they are voting for...well maybe a couple but not many

I said I was never going to vote this time.

I have 70 or So rednecks at my company and they are all moderates.

When I talk people listen to me, they have been talking I kept quiet..

Belive me when I talk people listen

I am the leader of the political dumb fucks..I always let my actions speak for me, my skills and talents..

I never talk. When I do people listen.

Well good luck with that, I like your comments so I'll refrain on anything further
Be honest, I don't trust Trump all that much. I do happen to think we are in trouble either way.

If this was a sane world, the democrats would have run Jim Webb and the republicans would have run Kasich or Cruz.

I believe Trump's heart is in the right place. Unlike Hillary and her pathetic voting base, he loves this country. I think he is in way over his head and I do think he is learning how controlled this country is. How possessed it is with brainwashed losers. Mesmerized by fairy tales. Nothing but bandwagon politically correct cowards.

I have said it before. We are fucked. Hate to sound so gloom and doom. The writing is on the wall. Can't you read it?
Things are not all bad, some things are pretty awesome. We are all political junkies here but you don't have to let it get you down. Look on the bright side, turn that frown upside down etc.etc. The country is not actually teetering on the brink of total ruin as some like to say. Most of us are healthy, well fed, have a good income, there will soon be football, you could order a pizza brought right to your door, life is good. Politics may be the most useless thing to stress over, it's like complaining about the heat.
Hillary is an open book of 30 years in the public eye.

We know exactly what we get with her.

More cow bells.

With Trump God knows what could happen.

I can't protect him no more.
I said this before I wasn't going to vote (it didn't matter because I live in south carolina)

I still won't vote..I just thought trump was making stupid campaign promises and would calm down after the election..hire the right people..

But after today that dude has severe mental problems..

I am starting to agree..someone please give him at least a joint ..

Donald Trump’s recent ‘erratic behavior’ has medical professionals questioning his mental health

I hate and despise the old hag Hillary but the liberals are right.

Trump is nuts.

You're just fucking with us, right?


I never liked trump , I always thought he was a liberal...

I just thought just maybe...a business man would be great for this country..

But it has become clear to me it's not trump...

The guy has lost it.

Trump is unstable any half way sane person can see it.
. Is it that he's unstable or is it that the Democrats have pushed all the right buttons in order to make him appear crazy, and therefore making them smarter in the political game than a man who has no clue about how dirty it can be in the game, and especially when run by those who know how to control it ? Trump is like a snake with it's skin pulled over his eyes now, and therefore it has him striking wildly at everything that moves.
I said this before I wasn't going to vote (it didn't matter because I live in south carolina)

I still won't vote..I just thought trump was making stupid campaign promises and would calm down after the election..hire the right people..

But after today that dude has severe mental problems..

I am starting to agree..someone please give him at least a joint ..

Donald Trump’s recent ‘erratic behavior’ has medical professionals questioning his mental health

I hate and despise the old hag Hillary but the liberals are right.

Trump is nuts.

You're just fucking with us, right?


I never liked trump , I always thought he was a liberal...

I just thought just maybe...a business man would be great for this country..

But it has become clear to me it's not trump...

The guy has lost it.

Trump is unstable any half way sane person can see it.
. Is it that he's unstable or is it that the Democrats have pushed all the right buttons in order to make him appear crazy, and therefore making them smarter in the political game than a man who has no clue about how dirty it can be in the game, and especially when run by those who know how to control it ? Trump is like a snake with it's skin pulled over his eyes now, and therefore it has him striking wildly at everything that moves.

Trump has the establishment against him, the dems, the media and the truly uninformed....but still remains in almost a virtual tie with the corrupt Cankles. That's telling
I know if Hillary wins we have at least 50 years of a liberal supreme court.

But we already had 40 years of a rightwing supreme court and they surprised us with roe vs.wade, obama care ..

The Supremes get old and opinions change so not worried much about that.

Sorry cons I know what I get with Hillary. Trump really does have a mental problem
Hillary is an open book of 30 years in the public eye.

We know exactly what we get with her.

More cow bells.

With Trump God knows what could happen.

I can't protect him no more.
I'd be willing to take a chance on Trump way before Hillary.
I said this before I wasn't going to vote (it didn't matter because I live in south carolina)

I still won't vote..I just thought trump was making stupid campaign promises and would calm down after the election..hire the right people..

But after today that dude has severe mental problems..

I am starting to agree..someone please give him at least a joint ..

Donald Trump’s recent ‘erratic behavior’ has medical professionals questioning his mental health

I hate and despise the old hag Hillary but the liberals are right.

Trump is nuts.

There is a thread for that:

Post Here When You Come To Your Senses
Having not listened to the news, what was it he supposedly did this time?
I said this before I wasn't going to vote (it didn't matter because I live in south carolina)

I still won't vote..I just thought trump was making stupid campaign promises and would calm down after the election..hire the right people..

But after today that dude has severe mental problems..

I am starting to agree..someone please give him at least a joint ..

Donald Trump’s recent ‘erratic behavior’ has medical professionals questioning his mental health

I hate and despise the old hag Hillary but the liberals are right.

Trump is nuts.

Its not what he says but his actions to me..the guy is living in a fantasy
I said this before I wasn't going to vote (it didn't matter because I live in south carolina)

I still won't vote..I just thought trump was making stupid campaign promises and would calm down after the election..hire the right people..

But after today that dude has severe mental problems..

I am starting to agree..someone please give him at least a joint ..

Donald Trump’s recent ‘erratic behavior’ has medical professionals questioning his mental health

I hate and despise the old hag Hillary but the liberals are right.

Trump is nuts.
You were never going to vote for Trump, so who do you think you're fooling?

No because now I am going to be an asshole on here.

My instincts are right, trump is going bat shit crazy and I am against him now.

I won't protect him I will create threads to make sure he won't win.

LOL Threads on this forum are not going to take Trump down, there isn't anyone on here that doesn't know who they are voting for...well maybe a couple but not many

I said I was never going to vote this time.

I have 70 or So rednecks at my company and they are all moderates.

When I talk people listen to me, they have been talking I kept quiet..

Belive me when I talk people listen

I am the leader of the political dumb fucks..I always let my actions speak for me, my skills and talents..

I never talk. When I do people listen.

Holy shit. You work in a place that has 70 people who are dumber than you? Unbelievable.

People listen!!!

Having not listened to the news, what was it he supposedly did this time?
I said this before I wasn't going to vote (it didn't matter because I live in south carolina)

I still won't vote..I just thought trump was making stupid campaign promises and would calm down after the election..hire the right people..

But after today that dude has severe mental problems..

I am starting to agree..someone please give him at least a joint ..

Donald Trump’s recent ‘erratic behavior’ has medical professionals questioning his mental health

I hate and despise the old hag Hillary but the liberals are right.

Trump is nuts.

Its not what he says but his actions to me..the guy is living in a fantasy
I said this before I wasn't going to vote (it didn't matter because I live in south carolina)

I still won't vote..I just thought trump was making stupid campaign promises and would calm down after the election..hire the right people..

But after today that dude has severe mental problems..

I am starting to agree..someone please give him at least a joint ..

Donald Trump’s recent ‘erratic behavior’ has medical professionals questioning his mental health

I hate and despise the old hag Hillary but the liberals are right.

Trump is nuts.
You were never going to vote for Trump, so who do you think you're fooling?

No because now I am going to be an asshole on here.

My instincts are right, trump is going bat shit crazy and I am against him now.

I won't protect him I will create threads to make sure he won't win.

LOL Threads on this forum are not going to take Trump down, there isn't anyone on here that doesn't know who they are voting for...well maybe a couple but not many

I said I was never going to vote this time.

I have 70 or So rednecks at my company and they are all moderates.

When I talk people listen to me, they have been talking I kept quiet..

Belive me when I talk people listen

I am the leader of the political dumb fucks..I always let my actions speak for me, my skills and talents..

I never talk. When I do people listen.

Well good luck with that, I like your comments so I'll refrain on anything further

Awwwww. How sweet.
I said this before I wasn't going to vote (it didn't matter because I live in south carolina)

I still won't vote..I just thought trump was making stupid campaign promises and would calm down after the election..hire the right people..

But after today that dude has severe mental problems..

I am starting to agree..someone please give him at least a joint ..

Donald Trump’s recent ‘erratic behavior’ has medical professionals questioning his mental health

I hate and despise the old hag Hillary but the liberals are right.

Trump is nuts.

You're just fucking with us, right?


I never liked trump , I always thought he was a liberal...

I just thought just maybe...a business man would be great for this country..

But it has become clear to me it's not trump...

The guy has lost it.

Trump is unstable any half way sane person can see it.
. Is it that he's unstable or is it that the Democrats have pushed all the right buttons in order to make him appear crazy, and therefore making them smarter in the political game than a man who has no clue about how dirty it can be in the game, and especially when run by those who know how to control it ? Trump is like a snake with it's skin pulled over his eyes now, and therefore it has him striking wildly at everything that moves.

Trump has the establishment against him, the dems, the media and the truly uninformed....but still remains in almost a virtual tie with the corrupt Cankles. That's telling

Sassy you can see him crashing under the pressure, heck Gore and Kerry didn't get this crazy.

Its just August....god knows what he will say next.
I said this before I wasn't going to vote (it didn't matter because I live in south carolina)

I still won't vote..I just thought trump was making stupid campaign promises and would calm down after the election..hire the right people..

But after today that dude has severe mental problems..

I am starting to agree..someone please give him at least a joint ..

Donald Trump’s recent ‘erratic behavior’ has medical professionals questioning his mental health

I hate and despise the old hag Hillary but the liberals are right.

Trump is nuts.

You're just fucking with us, right?


I never liked trump , I always thought he was a liberal...

I just thought just maybe...a business man would be great for this country..

But it has become clear to me it's not trump...

The guy has lost it.

Trump is unstable any half way sane person can see it.
. Is it that he's unstable or is it that the Democrats have pushed all the right buttons in order to make him appear crazy, and therefore making them smarter in the political game than a man who has no clue about how dirty it can be in the game, and especially when run by those who know how to control it ? Trump is like a snake with it's skin pulled over his eyes now, and therefore it has him striking wildly at everything that moves.

Yes. The Dems are making him look crazy by pushing his buttons!!

The party of personal responsibility strikes again!
It seems that the propaganda of the left and the Establishment Republicans ....the ones that WE REPUBLICANS showed during the primaries that we wanted them to be ALL GONE, has worked on voters of the under 3 digit IQ variety....Can these people actually think that a man worth Billions and employing over 22,000 people, and having presented his list of excellent conservative judges for SCOTUS is CRAZY..... Don't you people understand that Trump DOESN'T play by established rules, and breaks with tradition every opportunity he has? I expect this from the scum of the left and Establishment right who realize that their FREE RIDE and BILLIONS of dollars in graft and corruption MIGHT be over if Trump wins, but come on people TRY to use your brains.... even if it gives you a headache!

Trump gave a phony list of people? Wow, that's convincing. And it was on paper? Mind blown.
Having not listened to the news, what was it he supposedly did this time?
I said this before I wasn't going to vote (it didn't matter because I live in south carolina)

I still won't vote..I just thought trump was making stupid campaign promises and would calm down after the election..hire the right people..

But after today that dude has severe mental problems..

I am starting to agree..someone please give him at least a joint ..

Donald Trump’s recent ‘erratic behavior’ has medical professionals questioning his mental health

I hate and despise the old hag Hillary but the liberals are right.

Trump is nuts.

Its not what he says but his actions to me..the guy is living in a fantasy
I said this before I wasn't going to vote (it didn't matter because I live in south carolina)

I still won't vote..I just thought trump was making stupid campaign promises and would calm down after the election..hire the right people..

But after today that dude has severe mental problems..

I am starting to agree..someone please give him at least a joint ..

Donald Trump’s recent ‘erratic behavior’ has medical professionals questioning his mental health

I hate and despise the old hag Hillary but the liberals are right.

Trump is nuts.
You were never going to vote for Trump, so who do you think you're fooling?

No because now I am going to be an asshole on here.

My instincts are right, trump is going bat shit crazy and I am against him now.

I won't protect him I will create threads to make sure he won't win.

LOL Threads on this forum are not going to take Trump down, there isn't anyone on here that doesn't know who they are voting for...well maybe a couple but not many

I said I was never going to vote this time.

I have 70 or So rednecks at my company and they are all moderates.

When I talk people listen to me, they have been talking I kept quiet..

Belive me when I talk people listen

I am the leader of the political dumb fucks..I always let my actions speak for me, my skills and talents..

I never talk. When I do people listen.

Holy shit. You work in a place that has 70 people who are dumber than you? Unbelievable.

People listen!!!


Yea I feel like Einstein working here and at my last four jobs..

Not many people can read a micrometer, a multimeter, an amp meter , a computer screen , run a mill , a lathe and smoke a cigar at the same time
I said this before I wasn't going to vote (it didn't matter because I live in south carolina)

I still won't vote..I just thought trump was making stupid campaign promises and would calm down after the election..hire the right people..

But after today that dude has severe mental problems..

I am starting to agree..someone please give him at least a joint ..

Donald Trump’s recent ‘erratic behavior’ has medical professionals questioning his mental health

I hate and despise the old hag Hillary but the liberals are right.

Trump is nuts.

You're just fucking with us, right?


I never liked trump , I always thought he was a liberal...

I just thought just maybe...a business man would be great for this country..

But it has become clear to me it's not trump...

The guy has lost it.

Trump is unstable any half way sane person can see it.
. Is it that he's unstable or is it that the Democrats have pushed all the right buttons in order to make him appear crazy, and therefore making them smarter in the political game than a man who has no clue about how dirty it can be in the game, and especially when run by those who know how to control it ? Trump is like a snake with it's skin pulled over his eyes now, and therefore it has him striking wildly at everything that moves.

Trump has the establishment against him, the dems, the media and the truly uninformed....but still remains in almost a virtual tie with the corrupt Cankles. That's telling

Sassy you can see him crashing under the pressure, heck Gore and Kerry didn't get this crazy.

Its just August....god knows what he will say next.
. He said the gloves were coming off.
Having not listened to the news, what was it he supposedly did this time?

Its not what he says but his actions to me..the guy is living in a fantasy
You were never going to vote for Trump, so who do you think you're fooling?

No because now I am going to be an asshole on here.

My instincts are right, trump is going bat shit crazy and I am against him now.

I won't protect him I will create threads to make sure he won't win.

LOL Threads on this forum are not going to take Trump down, there isn't anyone on here that doesn't know who they are voting for...well maybe a couple but not many

I said I was never going to vote this time.

I have 70 or So rednecks at my company and they are all moderates.

When I talk people listen to me, they have been talking I kept quiet..

Belive me when I talk people listen

I am the leader of the political dumb fucks..I always let my actions speak for me, my skills and talents..

I never talk. When I do people listen.

Holy shit. You work in a place that has 70 people who are dumber than you? Unbelievable.

People listen!!!


Yea I feel like Einstein working here and at my last four jobs..

Not many people can read a micrometer, a multimeter, an amp meter , a computer screen , run a mill , a lathe and smoke a cigar at the same time

Preach it!

Union shop?
It seems that the propaganda of the left and the Establishment Republicans ....the ones that WE REPUBLICANS showed during the primaries that we wanted them to be ALL GONE, has worked on voters of the under 3 digit IQ variety....Can these people actually think that a man worth Billions and employing over 22,000 people, and having presented his list of excellent conservative judges for SCOTUS is CRAZY..... Don't you people understand that Trump DOESN'T play by established rules, and breaks with tradition every opportunity he has? I expect this from the scum of the left and Establishment right who realize that their FREE RIDE and BILLIONS of dollars in graft and corruption MIGHT be over if Trump wins, but come on people TRY to use your brains.... even if it gives you a headache!

Trump gave a phony list of people? Wow, that's convincing. And it was on paper? Mind blown.

Please post up the Hildebeasty's list...if you can....LOLOLOL!
Having not listened to the news, what was it he supposedly did this time?

Its not what he says but his actions to me..the guy is living in a fantasy
You were never going to vote for Trump, so who do you think you're fooling?

No because now I am going to be an asshole on here.

My instincts are right, trump is going bat shit crazy and I am against him now.

I won't protect him I will create threads to make sure he won't win.

LOL Threads on this forum are not going to take Trump down, there isn't anyone on here that doesn't know who they are voting for...well maybe a couple but not many

I said I was never going to vote this time.

I have 70 or So rednecks at my company and they are all moderates.

When I talk people listen to me, they have been talking I kept quiet..

Belive me when I talk people listen

I am the leader of the political dumb fucks..I always let my actions speak for me, my skills and talents..

I never talk. When I do people listen.

Holy shit. You work in a place that has 70 people who are dumber than you? Unbelievable.

People listen!!!


Yea I feel like Einstein working here and at my last four jobs..

Not many people can read a micrometer, a multimeter, an amp meter , a computer screen , run a mill , a lathe and smoke a cigar at the same time

Oh yea I forgot to mention drive the fire truck....woo woo.

The dump truck, the 18 wheeler log trucks. And blah blah blah blah.

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