I denounce the DC violence, but much of the blame goes to the people of the "woke" culture


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
Trump stirred them up, and what they did was wrong.

However, much of what happened is the culmination brought on by the wokesters and the MSM who reside in their back pockets.

Many of us have come close to the breaking point, and unfortunately an extreme minority went over the edge and what you saw happen yesterday were the ones who couldn't take it any more.

We've been called every name in the wokester playbook. If you're conservative and or a Republican you've been called the entire list of "'phobes"
We're expected to sit back and watch as the left destroys the very essence of who we all are. We are told to stop using gendered language, and that if someone calls themselves something that they biologically are not, we are supposed to deny the truth, and go along with their fantasy.

We've been told that we are supposed to sit back and allow illegal aliens break our immigration laws, and that trying to secure our borders is xenophobic.

I could go on and on.........................................
Trump did NOTHING about the businesses hiring illegals but his supporters decided to ignore that and call the illegals every name under the sun.

So everything coming your way is deserved.
I don't denounce what happened. When the government no longer fears us, we have a serious problem.
Trump stirred them up, and what they did was wrong.

However, much of what happened is the culmination brought on by the wokesters and the MSM who reside in their back pockets.

Many of us have come close to the breaking point, and unfortunately an extreme minority went over the edge and what you saw happen yesterday were the ones who couldn't take it any more.

We've been called every name in the wokester playbook. If you're conservative and or a Republican you've been called the entire list of "'phobes"
We're expected to sit back and watch as the left destroys the very essence of who we all are. We are told to stop using gendered language, and that if someone calls themselves something that they biologically are not, we are supposed to deny the truth, and go along with their fantasy.

We've been told that we are supposed to sit back and allow illegal aliens break our immigration laws, and that trying to secure our borders is xenophobic.

I could go on and on.........................................
My heart bleeds red Kool aide for yous..
Trump did NOTHING about the businesses hiring illegals but his supporters decided to ignore that and call the illegals every name under the sun.

So everything coming your way is deserved.

The left spent three years spreading lies and trying to get rid of the President half the country elected... then changed election rules to make sure they won key states. Democrats expect people who see this just to sit back and take it, but the problem is some will become frustrated and snap.
This mess is greatly a creation of Democrats and Republicans who are more concerned about their personal business ventures than this country.
Trump did NOTHING about the businesses hiring illegals but his supporters decided to ignore that and call the illegals every name under the sun.

So everything coming your way is deserved.

The left spent three years spreading lies and trying to get rid of the President half the country elected... then changed election rules to make sure they won key states. Democrats expect people who see this just to sit back and take it, but the problem is some will become frustrated and snap.
This mess is greatly a creation of Democrats and Republicans who are more concerned about their personal business ventures than this country.

If you want to address what I said, great. If not, I'm not interested.
Trump stirred them up, and what they did was wrong.

However, much of what happened is the culmination brought on by the wokesters and the MSM who reside in their back pockets.

Many of us have come close to the breaking point, and unfortunately an extreme minority went over the edge and what you saw happen yesterday were the ones who couldn't take it any more.

We've been called every name in the wokester playbook. If you're conservative and or a Republican you've been called the entire list of "'phobes"
We're expected to sit back and watch as the left destroys the very essence of who we all are. We are told to stop using gendered language, and that if someone calls themselves something that they biologically are not, we are supposed to deny the truth, and go along with their fantasy.

We've been told that we are supposed to sit back and allow illegal aliens break our immigration laws, and that trying to secure our borders is xenophobic.

I could go on and on.........................................

The Far Left lists a whole bunch of grievances to rationalize the violence of the summer.

So what's the difference?
Trump stirred them up, and what they did was wrong.

However, much of what happened is the culmination brought on by the wokesters and the MSM who reside in their back pockets.

Many of us have come close to the breaking point, and unfortunately an extreme minority went over the edge and what you saw happen yesterday were the ones who couldn't take it any more.

We've been called every name in the wokester playbook. If you're conservative and or a Republican you've been called the entire list of "'phobes"
We're expected to sit back and watch as the left destroys the very essence of who we all are. We are told to stop using gendered language, and that if someone calls themselves something that they biologically are not, we are supposed to deny the truth, and go along with their fantasy.

We've been told that we are supposed to sit back and allow illegal aliens break our immigration laws, and that trying to secure our borders is xenophobic.

I could go on and on.........................................

You know what?

There is a boatload of irony in this. I’ve been listening to it over and over, and it is time to quit playing the victim while simultaneously accusing others of doing so.

“We've been called every name in the wokester playbook”

We have been called or referenced with human scum, anti Semite, Anti American, Marxists, Commies, baby killers, feminazi’s, traitors, elitists, hacks, shrills, cucks, libtards, Demoncrats, globalists, snowflakes, participation trophiers, regressive left, SJW, triggered, ragheads, Mooslimes, invaders, etc., shitholes, feral negros, Chimp-out, sluts, ho’s...I am sure there is more.

We were told to sit back and watch Trump destroy everything we stood for. If we complained about abusive policies towards children at the border we were accused of being for open borders. We were told to shut up because leftist policies were the cause of everything wrong.

I could go on and on.

You aren’t the only ones with anger. Not by a long shot.

Where do we go from here? Continue to be self proclaimed victims?
Trump stirred them up, and what they did was wrong.

However, much of what happened is the culmination brought on by the wokesters and the MSM who reside in their back pockets.

Many of us have come close to the breaking point, and unfortunately an extreme minority went over the edge and what you saw happen yesterday were the ones who couldn't take it any more.

We've been called every name in the wokester playbook. If you're conservative and or a Republican you've been called the entire list of "'phobes"
We're expected to sit back and watch as the left destroys the very essence of who we all are. We are told to stop using gendered language, and that if someone calls themselves something that they biologically are not, we are supposed to deny the truth, and go along with their fantasy.

We've been told that we are supposed to sit back and allow illegal aliens break our immigration laws, and that trying to secure our borders is xenophobic.

I could go on and on.........................................

The Far Left lists a whole bunch of grievances to rationalize the violence of the summer.

So what's the difference?
I have been wondering that too.
Trump stirred them up, and what they did was wrong.
However, much of what happened is the culmination brought on by the wokesters and the MSM who reside in their back pockets.
Many of us have come close to the breaking point, and unfortunately an extreme minority went over the edge and what you saw happen yesterday were the ones who couldn't take it any more.

I agree ... WE did this ... each and every one of us Americans ...

Extreme minorities on BOTH sides have pushed us to this point ... BOTH extremes have turned to violence ...

Long past time the rest of us put our foot down and silence these rabble-rousers and ruffians ... liberals, control your anarchists; conservatives, control your reactionaries ...

I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all,

It shouldn't be the person advocating getting rid of the Federal government to have to point out why we're the UNITED States ...
Trump stirred them up, and what they did was wrong.

However, much of what happened is the culmination brought on by the wokesters and the MSM who reside in their back pockets.

Many of us have come close to the breaking point, and unfortunately an extreme minority went over the edge and what you saw happen yesterday were the ones who couldn't take it any more.

We've been called every name in the wokester playbook. If you're conservative and or a Republican you've been called the entire list of "'phobes"
We're expected to sit back and watch as the left destroys the very essence of who we all are. We are told to stop using gendered language, and that if someone calls themselves something that they biologically are not, we are supposed to deny the truth, and go along with their fantasy.

We've been told that we are supposed to sit back and allow illegal aliens break our immigration laws, and that trying to secure our borders is xenophobic.

I could go on and on.........................................

The Far Left lists a whole bunch of grievances to rationalize the violence of the summer.

So what's the difference?

The difference is the MSM never called out their violence, but suddenly now they call the violence out when it's coming from the right.
Trump did NOTHING about the businesses hiring illegals but his supporters decided to ignore that and call the illegals every name under the sun.

So everything coming your way is deserved.

Say what ?

We have been calling them every name before Archie Bunker
The only people responsible for what happened are those involved in it.
Personal responsibility is still a thing no matter what people say
What pisses me off the most about the woketards is they're making it impossible for little kids to grow with a healthy mindset. Poisoning them with their victim mindset and infinite gender BS...making it cool to hate your country and hate yourself because you happened to be born white and/or male. They're literally driving people insane so it's no wonder things are the way they are.

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