I dislike homosexuals and their agenda, but I absolutely despise non-gender people

Where do you want this stupidity to go? People have specific genders and those are limited to one of two options. How far are you willing to twist those two options in order to feed your insanity?
I still fail to see where a non-gender person has hurt the OP so much?
WTF is a non-gender? Is that someone born without a dick or a vagina? How do you get to be non-gender when one is pretty obviously assigned to you at birth?

Yep it's important to determine everyone's gender immediately. Here we see Trump grabbing Bill's boner just to make sure.
Photo shop? I guess you'll need that to to tell people they aren't really the gender they are.

I didn't Photoshop anything.
You posted it.
Be what you want...just stay out of restrooms our daughters are in and don't force it on people

I sense some good in you. You seems like the type of person that would probably quickly sing a different tune, if someone close to you turns out to be transgender.
How the hell does someone close to you become transgender? How does anyone not near you become transgender?

I guess my question is how the hell does a person born one way become another?
Be what you want...just stay out of restrooms our daughters are in and don't force it on people

I sense some good in you. You seems like the type of person that would probably quickly sing a different tune, if someone close to you turns out to be transgender.
How the hell does someone close to you become transgender? How does anyone not near you become transgender?

I guess my question is how the hell does a person born one way become another?

It's a mental issue. Something came unwired
My roommate has a girlfriend who claims to be a boy, but she has a boyfriend, so I guess that makes her a heterosexual non-gender person, no wait, that makes her a homosexual non-gender person....my head hurts this is so confusing.
So, I first learned about this when I was watching a very stupid show called "Two Broke Girls"

A man showed up, and clearly he was a man, and announced to the two broke girls (it should be called "Two Broke Bimbos" because that's how dumb the show is), he announced that he was not a man or a woman, but indeed, lacked any specific gender.

And these two bimbos just look at this guy and said something like, "OK."

And this was the network's portrayal of the whole situation, that we should just accept it when a strange man walks up to us and makes an obviously false statement that he is not a man, though he is obviously a man.

The point of this is this is what happens when people reject God, they reject the notion there is such a thing as true and false, so they can decide for themselves that they are not a man when they clearly are.

why do you care?
If you don't believe in God, who is the source of all truth, then you can believe in any lie, including the lie that a man can be a woman just because he wants to be.

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