I Do Believe That Joe Biden Has Actually Done More Than Donald Trump

It's had zero effect so far. That's why your side is already giving up and moving on to new propaganda points.

LIberals have been criticizing Disney for many years over their labor practices. Zero effect. Disney is immune to anyone's outrage. The kids want to go to Disney, so people go, end of story.

For once I actually agree with you. :)
It's had zero effect so far. That's why your side is already giving up and moving on to new propaganda points.

LIberals have been criticizing Disney for many years over their labor practices. Zero effect. Disney is immune to anyone's outrage. The kids want to go to Disney, so people go, end of story.
If the adults don't pay for the kids to go...then the kids don't go! We'll see what kind of effect Disney's "wokeness" provokes! People are sick of this shit. Real sick!
If the adults don't pay for the kids to go...then the kids don't go! We'll see what kind of effect Disney's "wokeness" provokes! People are sick of this shit. Real sick!
No, there sick if white man Q anger and lying.
While I may not always agreed with all of his agenda and yeah getting old will make you say things that may not be correct but he seems to care about people. He is a guy you can trust.
So, are you a Russian shill, or just another boring butthurt sore-loser Trump cultist, weeping out his sore-loser bitch tears?
ya biden put short range missles in ukraine and told putin they were long range pointed at iran
now we're at war over another biden whopper
Does the Topic question include public farting , wetting of pants and fondling kids ?

About the only way that dementia ridden idiot , Sleepy , could amass a few points .
While I may not always agreed with all of his agenda and yeah getting old will make you say things that may not be correct but he seems to care about people. He is a guy you can trust.
You can trust Joe Biden to sell his influence to China.

If the adults don't pay for the kids to go...then the kids don't go! We'll see what kind of effect Disney's "wokeness" provokes! People are sick of this shit. Real sick!

You can trust Joe Biden to sell his influence to China.

Oil was sold on the open market to the highest bidder as required by law.

Section 161 of the Energy Policy and Conservation Act (EPCA)

it may be a little complicated for you but just read it slowly and multiple times
This is the first the SPR has been mentioned. That's government property. I thought we were talking about privately owned oil here.

Section 161 of the Energy Policy and Conservation Act (EPCA)

it may be a little complicated for you but just read it slowly and multiple times

(d)(1) Drawdown and sale of petroleum products from the Stra-
tegic Petroleum Reserve may not be made unless the President has
found drawdown and sale are required by a severe energy supply
interruption or by obligations of the United States under the inter-
national energy program.

Like asking the Saudi's to hold off cutting supply "until after the election" to help my ratings.

(A) an emergency situation exists and there is a significant
reduction in supply which is of significant scope and duration;

'My presidential approval ratings are in the 30% range heading into the midterms'
What did he mess up?

Lowering the orange douche's unemployment number?

Increasing real wages and GDP?
Food and bullet prices, DoucheLord 9000.

Electric bill prices, too; Assface.

Also the US withdrawal from Afghanistan, or have you convienently forgotten about that, hmm?

Gifted the Taliban 1000s of automatic weapons and robots and..fuck, our entire land army is compromised due to that POS!

Talk some moar shit, you fuckin' leftist turd!
This is the first the SPR has been mentioned. That's government property. I thought we were talking about privately owned oil here.
You are the one who question my response to why Biden released oil stockpiles to be sold on the market. I was responding to another poster comments about Biden selling oil to China and replying that it is sold on the market to the highest bidder.

(d)(1) Drawdown and sale of petroleum products from the Stra-
tegic Petroleum Reserve may not be made unless the President has
found drawdown and sale are required by a severe energy supply
interruption or by obligations of the United States under the inter-
national energy program.

Like asking the Saudi's to hold off cutting supply "until after the election" to help my ratings.

(A) an emergency situation exists and there is a significant
reduction in supply which is of significant scope and duration;

'My presidential approval ratings are in the 30% range heading into the midterms'

Oil prices last year collapsed last year due to COVID 19 and travel restrictions when people were not traveling as much. This affect oil and gas market as there was to much product on the market that was not being sold. Production was cut back as there was too much oil available on the market that was not selling and US stockpiles were idle on the market.

What goes up must come down and the reverse is true. What is down goes back up. Oil demand went back up as people began traveling again. Unfortunately demand can exceed supply which cause prices to go up. Supply was not able to keep up with demand. This caused prices to rise earlier in the year.

Biden sold the oil to boost supply to meet the increase demand which stabilized the price and that why we know have gas prices that are lower. Thank you Mr Biden.

The Department may initiate a sale to respond to a severe energy supply interruption, to prevent or address lesser supply shortages

Good question by the previous poster

Biden did the right thing as I like the price of gas that we are currently enjoying. Who knows how long it will last.

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